Chapter 10: Campaigns and Elections (Short Answer Questions), Chapter 8, We the People Chapter 8, Government Vocabulary Chapter 8, We The People Chapter 8, Chapter 8, Federal Govt Ch. 6 Pre-test, We the People - CH6, POL 101 We The People Ch 6

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Under current federal rules, individuals may donate a maximum of _____ to any single candidate and up to _____ to a political action committee.

$2,300; $5,000.

Under federal law, individuals may donate as much as _____ per candidate per election and up to _____ per national party committee per calendar year.

$2,600; $32,400.

According to this text, what is the limit a PAC can contribute to a candidate in a primary or general election campaign?

$5,000, provided it contributes to at least 5 different federal candidates each year.

If you want to run for a seat in the House of Representatives, you will probably need to raise more than _____.


"the two-party system remains not because both are rigid but because both are flexible"

-john kennedy ; profiles and courage

To overcome the free-rider problem, groups


Why is Public Opinion Important?

1) Citizens' political actions are driven by their opinions. 2) Public opinion helps explain behavior of candidates, political parties, and other political actors, politicians look to public opinions to determine what citizens what them to do. 3) Public opinion can also shed light on the reasons or specific policy outcomes.

What are 4 key features of a good public opinion poll/ survey?

1) Large N (population)- usually 1500 + 2) Random Sample 3) Unbiased questions 4) Low margin of error (Sample size and margin of error are inversely related) (As one goes up, the other goes down)

What 2 purposes does Frames serve?

1) Provide and indication of how people think politically. 2) Are a basis for common cause.

how many lobbyist formed because of john kennedy? ronald regan?

1,000=J.K 5,000-11,000= R.R

what has caused the enormous amount of interest groups?

1. expansion of the role of gov 2. new dynamic of political forces in the u.s that rely on interest groups

what is needed to be a successful group

1. leadership 2. financial structure 3.must establish agency 4.attract and keep members ; includes membership association and staff organization

what are some strategies that lobbyist use to gain influence?

1. lobbying 2. gaining access to key decision makers 3. using the courts 4. using electoral politics

what were some things that the government but in place to stop lobbying abuse?

1. required lobbyist to stop buying things for members of congress 2. lobbyist had to disclose money that is "bundled" 3. interest groups were required to disclose the funds they used to rally votes to support or oppose legislative proposals.

Except on rare occasions, boundaries for congressional and state legislative districts in the U.S. are redrawn by the states every _____ years.


The boundaries of legislative districts in the U.S. are to be redrawn every _____ years.


Approximately what percentage of senators and representatives in the U.S. Congress are women?

16 percent

what did the 16th and 17th amendment do?

16th amendment created the income tax 17th amendment gave citizens the right to directly vote for senators

how many laws have been struck down by the supreme court from congress


American women got the right to vote in


The Constitution was amended to allow women the right to vote in all public elections in


The Constitution was amended to allow women the right to vote in all public elections in...


Women won the right to vote in ____ with the adoption of the _____ Amendment.

1920; Nineteenth

What Election had a problem with polls?

1936 Presidential Election.

The principle of "one person, one vote" was established by the Supreme Court in the _____.


how many acts has the supreme court reversed of its own? of congress?

233 of its own earlier decisions 2 rulings of congress ; they upheld the ruling of civil rights act of 1964 but later reversed this decision. - brown vs the board of education -plessy vs furguson

how long was the first women elected in to congress televised?

3 days

how many states have age limits on justices

30 states

how many states can elect their supreme court justices?

39 states

In the 2012 presidential election, about how many states were considered to be "toss-ups", thus garnering most of the money and effort of the candidates?


A nonprofit group that also engages in issue advocacy and is allowed to spend up to half of its revenue for political purposes is called?

A 501c(4) committee.

Which of the following is most likely to vote?

A 70-year-old middle-class retired person

Grassroots Mobilization

A lobbying campaign in which a group mobilizes its membership to contact government officials in support of the group's position.

New Politics Movement

A political movement that began in the 1960s and '70s, made up of professionals and intellectuals for whom the civil rights and antiwar movements were formative experiences. The New Politics movement strengthened public interest groups.

Primary elections are held to select what?

A political party's presidential candidate for the general election.

Political Action Committee

A private group that raises and distributes funds for use in election campaigns.

What type of race is most likely to be decided exclusively by partisan loyalty among the voters?

A state legislative election.


A strategy by which organized interests seek to influence the passage of legislation or other public policy by exerting direct pressure on members of legislature.

What are some examples of Crosscutting Groups?

A young, white Protestant Woman, a Republican, and an African American male.

a very successful group founded in 1958 by an elementary school principal ( ethnel percy andrew) ; she wanted to find insurance for herself and NRTA 39 million members and an annual budget of 1 billion and $90 million in federal grants "modern maturity" magazine


Institutional Advertising

Advertising designed to create a positive image of an organization.

Which of the following is true of the differences in political socialization or political views based on race?

African Americans are more likely to exhibit the phenomenon of "linked fate."

What is the Age of Onset?

Age 4 or 5 is when it starts.

What is a closed primary?

An election in which voters can participate in the nomination of candidates, but only of the party in which they are enrolled for a period of time prior to the Election Day.

A loose network of elected officials, activists, and interest groups drawn together by a public policy issue is referred to as

An issue network.

What are Generation and Age Frames?

Baby Boomers VS Generation Y and Millennial. Political views reflect generational experiences. EX) WWII, Vietnam War, 9/11.

Why do some argue that the secession of the rich from public institutions is weakening democracy?

Because by not participating in public institutions, the rich don't have a stake in what happens to them

Why do some argue that the secession of the rich from public institutions is weakening democracy?

Because by not participating in public institutions, the rich don't have a stake in what happens to them.

Collective Goods

Benefits, sought by groups, that are broadly available and cannot be denied to nonmembers.

What are the national views on the Confederate Flag?

Black: Racism, White- Patriotism

What are the Race and Ethnicity Frames?

Blacks and Hispanics are more supportive of civil rights and civil liberties.

What are Economic Frames?

Blue Collar VS White Collar distinctions. (Education plays a distinct role)

In _____, the Supreme Court ruled that there could be no limits placed on candidates' expenditure of their own funds, since such spending is considered free speech.

Buckley v. Valeo.

Political Action Committees (PACs) are organizations established _____.

By corporations, labor unions, or interest groups to channel the contributions of their members into political campaigns.

Which politician was recalled from office?

California governor Gary Davis (2003).

What is true of public funding available to candidates as established by the Federal Election Campaign Act?

Candidates who accept matching funds may spend no more than $42 million in their presidential primary campaigns.

Who initiated the process that ultimately gets a ballot initiative onto the ballot for a popular vote?


When a voter must be registered with a party prior to voting that party's election, it is called a _____.

Closed primary.

In 2010 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission that the government couldn't restrict independent expenditures by _____ to political campaigns.

Corporations and unions.

Party activists who are elected to vote at a party's national convention are called _____.


The 2012 presidential election was decided more by _____ than by any other factors.

Demographic realities.

What are some examples of Political Ideology?

Economic Liberals VS Conservatives Social (Cultural) liberals VS Conservatives Populists Libertarians

Civic education takes place during...

Elementary School, High School and election campaigns

The federal courts have established _____ as a critical factor in establishing the boundaries of legislative districts.

Equal populations.

True / False National Level justices have age limits


true or false interest groups cannot turn to litigation when they lack access / when they feel they have insufficient influence to change laws or policy


What are some examples of Political Socialization?

Family, friends, school, religious institutions, media, political leaders, and events.

What are some examples of Primary Agents?

Family, school, and church.

Which of the following best describes the federal government's laws regarding lobbying?

Federal law requires all lobbyists to disclose the amounts and sources of small campaign contributions they collect from clients and "bundle" into large contributions, as well as the funds they use to rally voters.

Which of the following is a way that interest groups use the courts to influence public policy?

Filing a companion brief as an amicus curiae (literally "friend of the court") to an existing court case.

When candidates for office sponsor hearings, undertake inspection tours of disaster areas, or meet with foreign dignitaries, the form of publicity they receive is called _____.

Free media.

When states vie for influence by holding their nominating processes earlier, it is called _____.


What happened in the 1948 Presidential Election, regarding problems with polls?

Gallup incorrectly predicted that Thomas Dewey would defeat Harry S. Truman.

State legislators routinely seek to influence electoral outcomes by manipulating the organization of electoral districts. This strategy is called _____.


What are Secondary Agents?

Have less intimate connection with the individual and are usually more important later in life.

In 2003, Californians voted out Governor Gray Davis. This election was unusual because _____.

He lost in a recall effort.

what is Frozen Confirmation

Holding the Seat

The _____ is a candidate running for re-electino to a position that he or she already holds.

Incumbent. The 2012

What is true about campaign spending in Senate elections?

Incumbents generally spend more money than challengers in Senate campaigns.

What is a Crosscutting Group?

Individuals belong to more than one group. Membership in each poses different opinions on key issues.

Interest Group

Individuals who organize to influence the government's programs and policies.

Which of the following are examples of the "going public" strategy?

Institutional Advertising, Grassroots Mobilization, and Protests and Demonstrations.

What are Primary Agents?

Interact closely and regularly with the individual, usually early in life.

How did the media affect the Bush administration's decision to go to war in Iraq in 2003?

It helped to increase the public popularity of the preparations for war.

What conclusion does political scientist John Zaller make about a person's public opinion?

It is merely a reflection of whatever recent elite message an individual best remembers.

For many years, analysts have referred to the _______ vote as the "sleeping giant," because this is such a large group with relatively low levels of participation.


What are Religious Freedom Laws?

Laws for private institution can refuse service to certain individuals, or groups.

During the 2012 Republican presidential nominating process, candidate Ron Paul spoke for what faction of the party?


What happened in the 1936 Presidential Election?

Literary Digest Poll incorrectly predicted that Alfred Landon would defeat FDR.

________ is the strategy by which organized interests seek to influence the passage of legislation by exerting direct pressure on members of the legislature.


Which country has higher voter turnout than the United States?

Mexico Germany Italy All of the above

Which country has higher voter turnout than the United States?

Mexico, Germany and Italy

When a congressional election is held that does not coincide with a presidential election, it is called a _____.

Midterm election.

What factor have studies indicated likely matters the least in generating long-term support for a presidential candidate?

National debate performance.

Voter turnout is highest for which level of government?

National elections

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the rates of political participation among different age groups?

Older people have much higher rates of participation than young people.

What are the Gender Frames?

On MOST issues, there is no gender difference. On issues like affirmative action, war, and social welfare there are notable differences with greater support among women.

What was the problem with the Literary Digest Poll?

Only polled people with automobiles, country-club registrations, and telephones.

What are some examples of Frames of References? (What you respect in life)

Partisanship, ideology, and group attachments.

What are some examples of Secondary Agents?

Peers, media, leaders, events (realignments).

The theory that competition among organized interests will produce balance, with all the interests regulating one another is....


_____ are organizations established by corporations, labor unions, or interest groups to channel the contributions of their members into political campaigns.

Politcal Action Committees (PACs)

How are opinions acquired?

Political Socialization.

Which of the following does not reduce voter turnout in the U.S. today?

Poll taxes

How do we measure Public Opinion?

Polls and Surveys.

"Free media" during an electoral campaign refers to what?

Positive news and feature coverage initiated by the media themselves.

What is the Electoral College?

Presidential electors from each state who cast ballots for president and vice-president.

Political parties in most states hold _____ to choose a presidential nominee who will face the nominees from other parties during the general election.


What are the two agents of Socialization?

Primary and Secondary.

What widely used system was introduced in hopes of diminishing the power of American party leaders?

Primary elections.

What are Religion Frames?

Protestants, Catholics, Jews.

Which types of interest groups are most often associated with the New Politics Movement?

Public Interest Groups

Oftentimes __________ and ___________ coincide...

Public Opinion and Policy.

___ are scientific instruments for measuring public opinion.

Public-opinion polls

What is party identification based off of?

Race, ethnicity, education.

A _____ election allows voters an opportunity to remove state officials from office before their terms expire.


What are Region Frames?

Red VS Blue States, The Bible Belt.

_____ is the process of redrawing election districts and redistricting legislative representatives.


What is the best example of direct democracy in practice in the U.S. today?


What is a Party's Identification?

Refers to a person's loyalty to a political party. (Democrat VS Republican).

What is political Ideology?

Refers to an individual's belief about the role and purpose of government.

Primary elections were introduced by who?

Reformers who hoped to weaken the power of party leaders.

Which of the following statements is true of education as an agent of socialization?

Research finds education to be a strong predictor of tolerance for racial minorities

_____ voting occurs when voting is based on the past performance of a candidate.


Purposive Benefits

Selective benefits of group membership that emphasize the purpose and accomplishments of the group.

Money contributed directly to a political party to be used for voter registration or party building is called _____.

Soft money.

Friendship and networking are examples of _________, while discount purchasing and health insurance are examples of _________.

Solidary Benefits; Material Benefits

Material Benefits

Special goods, service, or money provided to members of groups to entice others to join.

Informational Benefits

Special newsletters, periodicals, training programs, conferences, and other information provided to members of groups to entice others to join.

Which of the following is not an activity in which interest groups frequently engage?

Starting their own political party.

What was the issue with Gallup's inaccuracy?

Stopped polling weeks before the election. Failed to account for swing voters.

In the case of Buckley v. Valeo, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled what?

That no limits can be placed on candidates' expenditure of their own funds, since such spending is considered free speech.

What is a difference between Democratic and Republican primaries?

The Democratic Party requires that state presidential primaries allocate delegates on the basis of proportional representation while the Republican Party does not.

When there is a presidential election and the Consumer Confidence Index has a score of over 100, _____.

The candidate of the party in power is likely to win.

Who is the incumbent?

The current officeholder, running for re-election.

What has been most important in establishing standards such as "one person, one vote" in the process of drawing the boundaries of House districts?

The federal courts.

What about congressional redistricting is accurate?

The federal government has generally supported the creation of majority-minority districts.

illusion of saliency

The illusion that an issue is more strongly cared about by the population than it actually is.

Prospective voting occurs when voting is based on what?

The imagined future performance of a candidate.

Which of the following is an important reason for the enormous increase in the number of groups of seeking to influence the American political system?

The increase of the size and activity of the government during the last few decades.

The number of a state's electoral votes is determined by what?

The number of members it has in both houses of Congress.

What is Public Opinion?

The political opinion of some subset of the population on issues of politics and government action.

What is Political Socialization?

The process by which individuals acquire political cognition, attitudes, and behaviors.

Smaller and weaker parties are most likely to have electoral success under which system of elections?

The proportional-representation system.

In the present day, what determines how a party convention's delegates will vote?

The results of the state party primary or caucus.

Iron Triangle

The stable, cooperative relationships that often develop among a congressional committee, an administrative agency, and one or more supportive interest groups. Not all of these relationships are triangular, but the iron triangle is the most typical.

What tendency of Americans did the nineteenth-century writer Alexis de Tocqueville identify as distinctive of our democratic culture?

The tendency to form associations


The theory that all interests are and should be free to compete for influence in the government. The outcome of this competition is compromise and moderation.

Why is there disagreement regarding the true impact of public opinion?

There are many inconsistencies in citizens' policy preferences and many citizens lack an understanding of issues, even vitally important ones.

Free Riders

Those who enjoy the benefits of collective goods but did not participate in acquiring them.

What is Frames of Reference?

Through the socialization process, citizens acquire frames of reference (or schemas) that serve as reference points by which they evaluate issues and developments.

When does public-opinion polling take place during a campaign?

Throughout the entire campaign.

"new politics movement" is made up of the upper-middle-class professionals for whom the ciivl rights and anti-vietnam war movements of the 60's were formative experiences . True/False


True or False : According to the pluralist doctrine outcomes on the competition include compromise and moderation.


True or False : Framers feared power would weild by organized interest , however they believed interest groups thrived on liberty


True or false : Potential interest groups are groups that are not organized or represented however they can gather through voluntary association and become a successful group

True .

The Federal Election Campaign Act states that each campaign committee/ candidate should itemize each name , address, occupation, and principal business of each person who contributes more than $250

True ; it also allows presidents to veto a law with 5 days to make a decision.

Staff Organization

Type of membership group in which a professional staff conducts most of the group's activities.

During the 19th century, national political campaigns relied heavily on what?


While Abraham Lincoln's 1860 presidential campaign spent $100,000, it also relied heavily on what?


Which is not an obstacle to voting in the United States?

Vote by mail

What was the effect of the Motor Voter Registration Act in the first presidential election after it was passed?

Voter registration rose, but voter turnout did not

What was the effect of the Motor Voter Registration Act in the first presidential election after it was passed?

Voter registration rose, but voter turnout did not.

Americans who do vote are more likely to be ____ than the population as a whole.

Wealthy, white, and better educated

What is most accurate regarding voting habits and economic prospects?

When voters are satisfied with their economic prospects, they tend to vote for the party in power.

Which religious group has become a significant part of the Republican party base starting in the 1980s?

White evangelical Protestants

Which group is most likely to vote for Republican candidates?


Which group is the least likely to vote?

Young adults

political ideology

a cohesive set of beliefs that forms a general philosophy about the role of government

gender gap

a distinctive pattern of voting behavior reflecting the differences in views between women and men

interest group

a group of individuals who organize to influence the government.


a lawsuit or legal proceeding

In order to win the presidency, a candidate must receive _____ of Electoral College votes.

a plurality -- a system in which a candidate need only receive the most votes in the election, not necessarily a majority of votes cast.

push polling

a polling technique in which the questions are designed to shape the respondent's opinion

civic engagement

a sense of concern among members of the political community about public, social, and political life, expressed through participation in social and political organizations

bandwagon effect

a shift in electoral support to the candidate whom public opinion polls report as the front-runner


a small group selected by researchers to represent the most important characteristics of an entire population


a specific preference on a particular issue

poll tax

a state-imposed tax on voters as a prerequisite for registration


a strategy by which organized interests seek to influence the passage of legislation by exerting direct pressure on members of the legislature


a system of rule that permits citizens to play a significant part in the governmental process, usually through the election of key public officials

equal opportunity

a widely shared American ideal that all people should have the freedom to use whatever talents and wealth they have to reach their fullest potential

Political scientist Martin Gilens found that when Americans with different income levels differ in their policy preferences,

actual policies reflect the preferences of the most affluent.

what is institutional advertising

advertising designed to create a positive image of an organization

African American voting rates increased substantially

after the 1965 Voting Rights Act was passed

African American voting rates increased substantially

after the 1965 Voting Rights Act was passed.

public relations

an attempt, usually through the use of paid consultants, to establish a favorable relationship with the public and influence its political opinions

As Americans are becoming more educated, we are seeing

an overall tendency for political participation to decline

As Americans are becoming more educated, we are seeing...

an overall tendency for political participation to decline.

material benefits

anything that can be measure monitarily. EX: discounts

In terms of mobilizing their constituents, political parties

are beginning to reemphasize direct voter mobilization

In terms of mobilizing their constituents, political parties...

are beginning to reemphasize direct voter mobilization.

economic groups

are made up of businesses and corporations & trade associations businesses make up 41% of lobbyist in Washington,DC trade associations make up 22% labor unions make up only 2%

salient interests

attitudes or views that are especially important to the individual holding it.

Since 1892, voter turnout in presidential election years has...

been consistently higher than in years when only congressional and local electors are held.

solidary benefits

benefits that include friendship and networking

The majority of political action committees represent _____.

business and professional groups.

Before the 1890s, voters on election day almost always had to _____.

cast a straight-ticket vote.

public opinion

citizens' attitudes about political issues, leaders, institutions, and events

A sense of concern among member of a political community about public, social, and political life, expressed through participation in social and political organizations, is referred to as...

civic engagement

ideological groups

closely related to and over lapping public sector groups in support of a particular political and philosophical perspective basically 2 or more groups who have the same interest

what was one of the weakest points of the articles of confederation?

collection of tariffs on imports

Over the years, the power of labor leaders and machine politicians has


After passage of the Motor Voter Act in 1993, participation in the 1996 elections...

declined somewhat

In general, voting turnout over the last 50 years has

declined, then risen recently

In general, voting turnout over the last 50 years has...

declined, then risen recently.

Over the years, the power of labor leaders and machine politicians has...


Midterm elections are congressional elections that _____.

don't coincide with a presidential election.

what are the types of interest groups?

economic labor professional associations citizen groups/ public interest groups ideological groups public sector groups

purposive benefits

emphasizing the purpose and accomplishments of the group

Which of the following values or outcomes would likely be opposed by most Americans?

equality of income

When using a simple random sample,

every individual in a population has an equal probability of being selected as a respondent.

what is another word for interest


Between 1960 and 2013, Americans trust in their government has

fallen sharply for both Democrats and Republicans.

Which of the following agents of socialization provides most people with their initial orientation to politics?


what is a PAC?

groups that raise and distribute funds for the use of election campaigns. They influence elections not those elected.

Registering to vote in the United States is

harder than in Europe

what solution did james madison propose in federalist paper number 10

he proposed that if there was more than one interest , then no one interest would have the opportunity to dominate

define free rider

inactive people that benefit from collective goods

The textbook authors believe that the Supreme Court's 2010 ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission will

increase the role of money in elections

The textbook authors believe that the Supreme Court's 2010 ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission will...

increase the role of money in elections.

In most congressional elections, _____ outspend _____.

incumbents; challengers.

what are the 4 type of selective benefits

informational material solidary purposive

Which of the following best describes the electorate in the United States before the 1820's?

landowning white males over the age of twenty-one

A libertarian would likely argue for

less involvement in global affairs

Which of the following factors is not currently an obstacle to voting in the United States?

literacy tests

what is another name for interest groups


what is grass root lobbying?

lobby groups mobilized throughout the country to contact gov officials in support of the groups position.

labor groups

lobby on the behalf or organized labor take on the interest of public employees includes the AFSCME & AFT they only represent 2% but they have the highest pac spending

what was the 26th amendment

lowering the voting age to 18 ; it was stuck down by the supreme court ; Ohio was the 38th state to ratify it. congress Bi-partisian voted for this with 94 senators and 401 house of reps 2 states ratified: Minnesota and Delaware of the 19 opposing 7 were democrate

professional associations

make up 9% of the lobbyist groups in Washington american bar association & american medical association

If given the choices below, most Americans would probably classify themselves as


Define Netroots

online advocacy groups

What prompted the South's general move from the Democratic to the Republican camp during the 1960s?

opposition to the Democratic Party's racial integration policies


participation that involves assembling crowds to confront a government or other official organization

political participation

political activities, such as voting, contacting political officials, volunteering for a campaign, or participating in a protest, whose purpose is to influence government

What is the so-called gender gap?

political and voting differences between men and women

how is leadership distributed ?

political entrepenuers usually organize . however staff usually follows up and replaces them

The processes through which underlying political beliefs and values are formed are collectively called

political socialization

Which of the following are examples of obstacles to political participation for African Americans?

poll taxes and white primaries

sampling error

polling error that arises based on the small size of the sample

who is jake harry

president obama's 2nd secretary

Participation that involves assembling crowds to confront a government or other official organization is considered


Participation that involves assembling crowds to confront a government or other official organization is considered


The term used to denote the beliefs that people have about political issues, events, institutions, and personalities is

public opinion

What is wrong with the following poll question: "Do you think it was appropriate for President Bush to lie so that he could start a war with Iraq?"

push polling

citizen groups / public interest

represent the general good rather than economic interest. focus on consumer protection and environment policy. 14% of lobbyist in Washington it is not uncommon to find private interest hidden behind these groups ( scams)

Which kind of polling error arises when a sample of public opinion overrepresents or underrepresents some opinions?

selection bias

Voter turnout in the United States is

significantly less than most other Western democracies

Voter turnout in the United States is...

significantly less than most other Western democracies.

Conservatives typically favor

smaller government

agencies of socialization

social institutions, including families and schools, that help to shape individuals' basic political beliefs and values

Which of the following would be most likely to argue that more government is necessary to promote justice and to reduce economic and social inequality, even to the point of collective government ownership?


Voting qualifications are determined by the

states, subject to certain federal rules and limits

Voting qualifications are determined by the...

states, subject to certain federal rules and limits.

socioeconomic status

status in society based on level of education, income, and occupational prestige

what are trade , professional business associations , and membership organizations often called in washington DC

the 4th branch of government ; k street in washington

The 2008 Obama campaign used ___________ to mobilize existing voters and expand the electorate.

the Internet

Recent studies by political scientists show that

the average American exhibits little knowledge of political institutions, processes, or leaders.

what is pluralism?

the basic assumption that competing interest will regulate one another , producing a balance.

what acts were deemed unconstitutional by the supreme court?

the civil rights act of 1875 the income tax civil rights cases in 1883

Which of the following is not an indicator of the ongoing significance of gender issues in American politics?

the decrease in the number of women holding public office

measurement error

the difference between a measured value of quantity and its true value.


the freedom to organize and express views

The "secession of the rich" refers to...

the growing tendency of many wealthy Americans not to participate in broad public institutions such as public education

political socialization

the induction of individuals into the political culture; learning the underlying beliefs and values on which the political system is based

James Madison and other framers of the Constitution thought that ____ would always be the most prevalent source of conflict in political life.

the inherent gulf between the rich and the poor

Citizens who engage in letter writing, signing petitions, and other forms of political activity usually focus their efforts on...

the local level and the state level

Citizens who engage in letter writing, signing petitions, and other forms of political activity usually focus their efforts on

the local level. the state level. the national level. a and b

Of all the factors explaining political participation, which is the most important?

the mobilization of people by political institutions

Which of the following has been a result of partisan realignment in the South and congressional redistricting?

the near-elimination of liberal Republicans in Congress

The 2010 Citizens United decision declared that advocacy groups can form Super-PACs and run unlimited campaign ads for or against candidates, as long as _____.

the organizations are independent of the candidates campaign.


the percentage of eligible individuals who actually vote

The bandwagon effect has been particularly problematic in

the presidential nomination process.


the process by which large numbers of people are organized for a political activity

marketplace of ideas

the public forum in which beliefs and ideas are exchanged and compete


the right to vote; also called franchise

When income and education are taken into account, Latinos and African Americans vote at

the same rate or slightly higher than white ethnics

When income and education are taken into account, Latinos and African Americans vote at...

the same rate or slightly higher than white ethnics.

public-sector groups

think tanks and universities that have interest in obtaining gov funds for research and support 12% of lobbyist in Washington, DC.

Registration requirements were instituted in the early twentieth century

to make voting more difficult, to reduce multiple voting and other corruption, as well as to reduce lower-class voting

Registration requirements were instituted in the early twentieth century...

to make voting more difficult, to reduce multiple voting and other corruption, as well as to reduce lower-class voting.


today this term refers to those who generally support the social and economic status quo and are suspicious of efforts to introduce new political formulae and economic arrangements. Believe that a large and powerful government poses a threat to citizen' freedom.


today this term refers to those who vernally support social and political reform; extensive governmental intervention in the economy; the expansion of federal social services; more vigorous efforts on behalf of the poor, minorities, and women; and greater concern for consumers and the environment

A _____ is a media format in which candidates meet with ordinary citizens, without the input of journalists or commentators.

town hall meeting.

True or False there are over 23,000 interest groups in washington dc


In the United States, voter participation by the unemployed is

very low

In the United States, voter participation by the unemployed is...

very low.

Americans are taught to equate citizenship with


Americans are taught to equate citizenship with...


What is the most common form of political participation?


The most recent expansion of the suffrage in the United States took place in 1971, when the

voting age was reduced from twenty-one to eighteen

The most recent expansion of the suffrage in the United States took place in 1971, when the...

voting age was reduced from twenty-one to eighteen.

After Hurricane Katrina, President Bush's approval rating among blacks

was only at 2 percent

After Hurricane Katrina, President Bush's approval rating among blacks...

was only at 2 percent.

Which of the following is not a form of political participation?

watching the news on television

what is the free rider problem?

when benefits are given by an organization but non-members receive the collective goods as well.

Which of the following groups tends to hold the most conservative moral views?

white Catholics

The phenomenon called the "gender gap" refers to the fact that

women are more likely to vote for Democrats than men are

The phenomenon called the "gender gap" refers to the fact that...

women are more likely to vote for Democrats than men are.

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