Chapter 10 - Honors World History Short Answers

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Changes to political systems can impact economic activities because they can make the economy rise significantly or drop dramatically. Society is influenced by the changes because if the economy changes, so does everyone's life.

How can changes to political systems impact economic activities? How is society influenced by changes in political and economic systems?

This practice of rotating crops kept the soil fertile while allowing people to grow more crops, and it created jobs for serfs to work on manors.

How did new farming methods benefit Europe in the Middle Ages?

It developed more fully the system of taxation and royal courts, it expanded the power of the royal courts, and Henry expanded the kings overall power.

How did society and the legal system in England evolve after 1066?

It associated with the growth of cities and towns, as trade increased so did the need for silver and gold coins, and because of this, a new economy system based on money instead of barter emerged.

How did the revival of trade result in a commercial revolution during the Middle Ages?

Men were in power, women helped their husbands in their power, serfs worked for lords, and peasants were the lowest ranked and led a simple life.

How was European feudal society structured?

Muhammed got revelations from God and taught the people what he had learned, which greatly influenced the development of the religion of Islam.

Who was Muhammad and what impacts did he make?

Royal governments were no longer able to defend their subjects and nobles offered protection and land in return for service. Also, to survive, it was important to find a powerful lord who could offer protection in return for service

Why did the collapse of governments lead to the new political and social order known as feudalism?

Why did the lands of Germany and Italy not become united during the Middle Ages?

The German kings attempted to rule both Germany and Italy however the holy roman emperor didn't have real power over the German or Italian states

Charlemagne expanded the Frankish kingdom and promoted learning in the kingdom.

What impact did Charlemagne have on the Frankish kingdom?

The Byzantines believed that God had commanded their state to preserve the true Christian faith

What role did the Christian Church play in the Byzantine Empire?

he expanded income and power, fought wars against the English to gain French territories, and his successors continues to add more land

Why was the reign of Phillip II Augustus important to the growth of the French monarchy? (1180-1223)

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