Chapter 10 Review

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Is it possible to change the temperature of a glass of water by stirring the water, even though the glass is insulated from its surroundings? Explain. Yes. The stirring involves work done on the water, by whomever is doing the stirring, which according to the second law of thermodynamics increases the internal energy by the same amount as an equivalent amount of energy transferred as heat. Being that the glass is insulated, it does not lose any heat to the surrounding, thus retaining the heat gained which raises the temperature of the water. Yes. The stirring involves work done on the water, by whomever is doing the stirring, which according to the second law of thermodynamics increases the internal energy by the same amount as an equivalent amount of energy transferred as kinetic energy. Being that the glass is insulated, it does not lose any heat to the surrounding, thus retaining the heat gained which raises the temperature of the water. Yes. The stirring involves work done on the water, by whomever is doing the stirring, which according to the zeroth law of thermodynamics increases the internal energy by the same amount as an equivalent amount of energy transferred as heat. Being that the glass is insulated, it does not lose any heat to the surrounding, thus retaining the heat gained which raises the temperature of the water. No. The stirring involves work done on the water, by whomever is doing the stirring, which according to the first law of thermodynamics increases the internal energy by the same amount as an equivalent amount of energy transferred as kinetic energy. Being that the glass is insulated, it does not lose any heat to the surrounding, thus retaining the heat gained which keeps the temperature of the water constant. Yes. The stirring involves work done on the water, by whomever is doing the stirring, which according to the first law of thermodynamics increases the internal energy by the same amount as an equivalent amount of energy transferred as heat. Being that the glass is insulated, it does not lose any heat to the surrounding, thus retaining the heat gained which raises the temperature of the water.

Yes. The stirring involves work done on the water, by whomever is doing the stirring, which according to the first law of thermodynamics increases the internal energy by the same amount as an equivalent amount of energy transferred as heat. Being that the glass is insulated, it does not lose any heat to the surrounding, thus retaining the heat gained which raises the temperature of the water.

What type of process occurs in a gas in a hot-air balloon as the gas is heated in order for the balloon to rise? isobaric isomorphic isothermal adiabatic isochoric


How do we get heat from the sun through the freezing empty space between the sun and Earth? convection melting specification radiation conduction


The zeroth law of thermodynamics states that when two or more objects are in potential equilibrium, then the objects have the same temperature. when two or more objects are in thermal equilibrium, then the objects have the same temperature. when two or more objects are in kinetic equilibrium, then the objects have the same temperature. when two or more objects are in thermal equilibrium, then the objects have the different temperature. when two or more objects are in thermal equilibrium, then the objects have the same specific heat capacity

when two or more objects are in thermal equilibrium, then the objects have the same temperature.

Two objects of the same mass, but made of different materials, are initially at the same temperature. Equal amounts of heat are added to each object. Will the final temperature of the two objects necessarily be the same? Explain. Yes, the two objects will be in thermal equilibrium and thus have the same temperature as dictated by the zeroth law of thermodynamics. No, different materials have different specific heat capacities so the body with the higher specific heat will have the higher final temperature. Yes, the final temperatures must be the same since equal amounts of heat were added to each object resulting in equal changes in temperature. No, different materials have different specific heat capacities so the body with the lower specific heat will have the higher final temperature.

No, different materials have different specific heat capacities so the body with the lower specific heat will have the higher final temperature.

Heat is added to a hot-air balloon causing the air to expand. Will this increased volume of air cause the balloon to fall? Explain. No, the heat added to the gas will decrease the density of the air within the constant volume of the balloon causing the balloon to rise. No, the addition of heat to the air in the balloon will replace the heat lost as the air cools so the balloon will neither rise or fall. Yes, there will be a greater volume of air in the balloon resulting in a lesser mass so the balloon will rise. Yes, there will be a greater volume of air in the balloon resulting in a greater mass so the balloon will fall. No, the heat added to the gas will increase the density of the air within the constant volume of the balloon causing the balloon to fall.

No, the heat added to the gas will decrease the density of the air within the constant volume of the balloon causing the balloon to rise.

A block of wood and a block of metal have been sitting on a table for a long time. The block of metal feels colder to the touch than the block of wood. Does this mean that the metal is actually at a lower temperature than the wood? Explain. Yes, the metal will be cooler than the wood due to its lower specific heat. The wood is a better thermal conductor than the metal. No, the metal is a better conductor of heat than the wood so it conducts heat away from the hand and feels cooler. The metal is a better thermal conductor than the wood. Yes, the metal will be cooler than the wood due to its lower internal heat. The metal is a better thermal conductor than the wood. Yes, the wood will be cooler than the metal due to its lower temperature. The wood is a better thermal conductor than the metal. No, the wood is at a lower temperature than the metal due to its higher specific heat but feels warmer because its rough surface absorbs heat from your hand. The wood is a better thermal conductor than the metal.

No, the metal is a better conductor of heat than the wood so it conducts heat away from the hand and feels cooler. The metal is a better thermal conductor than the wood.

Is it possible for a temperature to be lower than 0 K on the Kelvin temperature scale? Explain. Yes, the zero on the Kelvin scale is an arbitrary choice so it is possible for a temperature to be lower. No, the zero point on the Kelvin scale represents the lowest possible temperature. Yes, but only if pressure is reduced. Yes, the average temperature of the universe is 0 K.

No, the zero point on the Kelvin scale represents the lowest possible temperature.

Two objects at different temperatures are placed in contact with each other but are insulated from the surroundings. Is it possible for the final temperature of the objects to be greater than the initial temperatures of both objects? Explain. Yes. The hotter body cools and the colder body warms so that the final temperature will be higher than the two initial temperatures. They are isolated from any other external influences. We need the actual temperatures of the objects in order to determine. Yes. The hotter body cools and the colder body warms so that the final temperature will be lower than the two initial temperatures. They are isolated from any other external influences. No. The hotter body cools and the colder body warms so that the final temperature will be intermediate between the two initial temperatures. They are isolated from any other external influences.

No. The hotter body cools and the colder body warms so that the final temperature will be intermediate between the two initial temperatures. They are isolated from any other external influences.

Two cities, one near a large lake and the other in the desert, both reach the same high temperature during the day. Which city, if either, would you expect to cool down more rapidly once the sun has set? Explain. The city near the lake should cool down more rapidly after sunset because water has a higher specific heat capacity than sand. Therefore water will loose its heat energy more readily than sand and consequently the city near it will drop its temperature more at night. The city near the desert should cool down more rapidly after sunset because sand has a lower specific heat capacity than water. Therefore sand will loose its heat energy more readily than water and consequently the city near it will drop its temperature more at night. Both cities will cool equally once the sun has set.

The city near the desert should cool down more rapidly after sunset because sand has a lower specific heat capacity than water. Therefore sand will loose its heat energy more readily than water and consequently the city near it will drop its temperature more at night.

Based upon his experiments, Joule proposed that the water in a pool at the bottom of a waterfall should have a higher temperature than that at the top. Why might this be so? Explain. The kinetic energy of the falling water subtracts thermal energy to the pool of water below. This is due to the conservation of energy law which states that energy is conserved. Some of the energy of the failing water is converted to heat in the water pool at the bottom of the waterfall. The kinetic energy of the falling water adds thermal energy to the pool of water below. This is due to the conservation of energy law which states that energy is conserved. Some of the energy of the failing water is converted to heat in the water pool at the bottom of the waterfall. The kinetic energy of the falling water subtracts thermal energy to the pool of water below. This is due to the conservation of energy law which states that energy is conserved. Some of the energy of the failing water is converted to heat in the water pool at the bottom of the waterfall. The kinetic energy of the falling water adds kinetic energy to the pool of water below. This is due to the conservation of energy law which states that energy is conserved. Some of the energy of the failing water is converted to heat in the water pool at the bottom of the waterfall. Joule did not account for the wind-chill effect of the moving water. When water moves, it cools down due to the wind-chill effect. Therefore the failing water actually decreases in temperature while moving from top to the bottom of the waterfall. Thus, the pool of water decreases in temperature after mixing.

The kinetic energy of the falling water adds thermal energy to the pool of water below. This is due to the conservation of energy law which states that energy is conserved. Some of the energy of the failing water is converted to heat in the water pool at the bottom of the waterfall.

An ideal gas is compressed without allowing any heat to flow into or out of the gas (insulated from the environment). Will the temperature of the gas increase, decrease, or remain the same in this process? Explain.

There is only work done on the system, so there will be an increase in the internal energy of the gas that will appear as an increase in temperature. That is, ΔU = Q − W and Q = 0 since the system is insulated. Work W < 0 since it is done on the system, thus ΔU = −(− W) = W . Since ΔU > 0 , the gas gains heat and thus its temperature increases.

Two objects at different temperatures are placed in contact with one another but are insulated from the surroundings. Will the temperature of either object change? Explain. Yes, heat will be transferred from the colder to the hotter body such that the temperature of the colder body will decrease and that of the hotter body will increase until they are at the same temperature. Yes, heat will be transferred from the hotter to the colder body such that the temperature of the hotter body will decrease and that of the colder body will increase until they are at the same temperature. Yes, heat will be transferred from the hotter to the colder body such that the temperature of the colder body will stay the same and that of the hotter body will decrease until they are at the same temperature. No, the temperature of each object will not change since they are insulated from their surroundings.

Yes, heat will be transferred from the hotter to the colder body such that the temperature of the hotter body will decrease and that of the colder body will increase until they are at the same temperature.

Is it possible to decrease the temperature of a gas without removing any heat from the gas? Explain. Yes, if the gas is compressed in an isobaric process the pressure will decreases and its volume also decrease. Yes, if the gas is compressed in an adiabatic process the pressure increase and volume decrease provide the work of the system. Yes, if the gas is compressed in an isothermal process the pressure will decreases and its volume also decrease. Yes, if the gas is allowed to expand in an adiabatic process the pressure decrease and volume increase provide the work of the system. No, there is no way to decrease the temperature of a gas without removing heat from it.

Yes, if the gas is allowed to expand in an adiabatic process the pressure decrease and volume increase provide the work of the system.

Is it possible to add heat to a substance without changing its temperature? Explain. Yes, if the substance is undergoing a change in phase. For example, when liquid water changes to steam at 100 °C, its heat energy content decreases, but not its temperature. Yes, if the substance is undergoing a change in phase. For example, when liquid water changes to steam at 100 °C, its heat energy content increases, but not its temperature. No, since adding heat energy means that the temperature of the object must decrease in accordance to the zeroth law of thermodynamics. No, since adding heat energy means that the temperature of the object must increase in accordance to the zeroth law of thermodynamics.

Yes, if the substance is undergoing a change in phase. For example, when liquid water changes to steam at 100 °C, its heat energy content increases, but not its temperature.

Is it possible for the internal energy of a system to be greater than the kinetic energy of the molecules and atoms making up the system? Explain. Yes. The internal energy of a system is composed of both kinetic and spring energies of the molecules and atoms (or more generally, the particles) that make up the system. Yes. The internal energy of a system is composed of both heat and potential energies of the molecules and atoms (or more generally, the particles) that make up the system. No. The internal energy of a system is simply the addition of the individually kinetic energies of each particle. Yes. The internal energy of a system is composed of both kinetic and heat energies of the molecules and atoms (or more generally, the particles) that make up the system. Yes. The internal energy of a system is composed of both kinetic and potential energies of the molecules and atoms (or more generally, the particles) that make up the system.

Yes. The internal energy of a system is composed of both kinetic and potential energies of the molecules and atoms (or more generally, the particles) that make up the system.

When we compress a gas by pushing a piston in an insulated container, the process is which of the following types? isochoric isomorphic adiabatic isobaric isothermal


What heat transfer mechanism is involved when heat flows through a glass windowpane? solidification radiation convection sublimation conduction


Heat is sometimes lost from a house through cracks around windows and doors. What mechanism of heat transfer is involved? vaporization conduction melting convection radiation


When two or more objects are in thermal equilibrium, then no more specific heat capacity flows from one object to the other. no more kinetic energy flows from one object to the other. no more heat energy flows from one object to the other. no more absolute temperature flows from one object to the other. no more potential energy flows from one object to the other.

no more heat energy flows from one object to the other.

The zeroth law of thermodynamics underlies the definition of latent heat of vaporization. heat energy. specific heat capacity. temperature. latent heat of fusion.


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