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social media

"forms of electronic communication (as web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos)."


allows you to send users in specific directions. The basic idea behind branching is to eliminate the need for viewers to scroll down a long linear document."

corporate or organizational blogs, employee blogs, and third-party blogs

three kinds of blogs:

third-party blogs

-organizations must monitor and (potentially) respond to postings on other blog sites Common practice for organizations to establish relationships with the most relevant and influential bloggers who are talking about the company

Podcasts also have three additional advantages over radio.

1. A podcast can be longer and more-depth than a radio news release or even a short interview on a talk show. 2. They have longevity in that a podcast or a series of them can remain readily available for weeks or even months because the topics are more general and less time-sensitive. 3. Podcasts are in the category of "owned" media, so organizations have total control over the production and distribution.


1. COST-EFFECTIVE. An audio format requires minimum equipment and production. 2. EASY TO ACCESS. Podcasts are available 24/7 as a download or already stored on your device. 3. PORTABLE. As already mentioned, you can listen to a podcast while driving to work or hiking down a mountain trail.

a link to personnel in media relations who can answer questions from reporters. The Tips for Success box includes additional pointers for making an online newsroom helpful and user-friendly. An organization's online newsroom needs well-organized and searchable content that is readily accessible to journalists, bloggers, editors, and producers. Various experts have suggested the following guidelines

A good online newsroom, according to surveys, should provide


BLOGS WERE ORIGINALLY CALLED----because they were created by individuals who wanted to post their musings and opinions on various subjects.

Two basic concepts are important when writing for the Web.

First, there is a fundamental difference between how people read online and how they read printed documents. According to a study by Sun Microsystems, it takes 50 percent longer for an individual to read material on a computer screen. As a consequence, 80 percent of online readers scan text instead of reading word-by-word. NONLINEAR WRITING The second main concept in writing for the Web is that the writer needs to know the basic difference between linear and nonlinear styles of writing. Printed material usually follows a linear progression: a person is meant to read straight through an article, from the beginning to the end. With nonlinear material, items can be selected and read out of order, just as with notecards out of a stack. Online reading, say the experts, is nonlinear: people seek out particular "notecards" about an organization, a product, or a service. One person clicks the tab for price and availability of a product, whereas another clicks for more information about how to use the product in a specific situation.


Fortunately, the digital revolution allows quick and tangible ways to monitor traffic on any website. A number of different measurement terms are used, and it is easy to confuse the exact meaning of each.


Online newsrooms are particularly important when there's a one complaint about online newsrooms is that the information is not frequently updated.

The two major "directional" signs are

HYPERLINKS & SEARCH ENGINES 85 percent of people begin their online research by using a browser. "One of the Web's most powerful promotional tools is also one of its most basic: the hyperlink." In other words, sites that have a lot of links with other sites tend to get more visitors.

The tidal wave of social media networking that has become an integral part of daily life has also changed the landscape of public relations practice in three ways:

INTERACTIVE ENGAGEMENT. Listening and twoway dialogue are the basis of today's practice. According to the Institute for Public Relations (IPR), "Social media has provided an opportunity to truly put the public back into public relations by providing amechanism for organizations to engage in real-time, one-on-one conversations with stakeholders." GREATER TRANSPARENCY. Organizations must perform and behave in a more responsible manner because society expects greater transparency and accountability. Communication must be more authentic and credible in a world where information and rumor can go viral in a matter of minutes. TOTAL INTEGRATION. Social media is now fully integrated as a major tactic in almost every public relations program or campaign. Individuals who are specialists in social media and digital media management are now members of any public relations team planning a campaign. "We use tools based on their strengths, and each of the entries in the social media space offers its own strengths and weaknesses, possibilities and limitations."

Editorial Calendar

It is also a good idea to prepare an annual editorial plan, sometimes called an editorial calendar. An editorial plan is essentially a schedule of topics or articles you plan to cover over the course of a year.' "A long-term editorial plan establishes and maintains a stable, interactive relationship with users, and allows advertisers to place ads against relevant content Editorial plans are relevant for public relations writers in two ways. First, they enable the editor of an employee focused medium to plan which important upcoming events will be covered in specific issues or during specific time frames, and thus ensure that all aspects of the organization get coverage during the year. Second, an editorial plan for a consumer or trade publication enables you to pitch story ideas that are relevant to the content or theme of a particular issue.


Know youR objective Knowing your objective is the most important requirement of all. There is no point in making a speech unless it accomplishes something. In preparing a speech, the first step is to determine what you want the audience to know or do. What attitude or opinion do you want the audience to have after listening to the speech? Events such as grand openings, anniversaries, and retirements usually have friendly, receptive audiences. In such cases, you can be more emotional and get away with some platitudes, which will probably be warmly received. When you prepare such a speech, however, keep it brief. Five minutes should be ample because you are probably one of many speakers A speech can have only one key message, or it may have two or three. The major point is that people hear a speech and can remember only two or three points. The tone of a speech, or the speaker's viewpoint and attitude toward the topic, depends on the audience being addressed. A friendly audience may appreciate a one-sided talk, with no attempt to present another side of an issue. For example, a politician at a fundraising dinner of supporters does not bother to give the opposition's views. Many speaking engagements, however, take place before neutral audiences (Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis, and any number of other civic or professional organizations) where the audience may have mixed views or even a lack of knowledge about the topic. In this case, it's wise to take a more objective approach and give an overview of the various viewpoints Hostile or unfriendly audiences present the greatest challenge.They are already predisposed against what you say, and they tend to reject anything that does not reinforce their opinions. There's an old saying, "Don't confuse me with the facts—my mind is already made up." The best approach is to find some common ground with the audience. This technique lets the audience know that the speaker shares or at least understands some of their concerns.

Online Newsletters

Many organizations supplement their print publications with online newsletters. These are also known as e-zines, and their primary advantage is the instant dissemination of information. The main distribution method for newsletters is through e-mail to those that have "subscribed" to receive it. The e-mail list for charitable groups is usually everyone who has made a donation and provided an email address to the organization. e-zine do everything on the computer. With one mouse click, the newsletter is instantly sent via email or an organization's intranet to everyone on the "subscriber" list. The second advantage is cost. An average printed newsletter might cost $1 or more per individual copy plus postage, whereas an e-zine typically costs less than 10 cents per "copy." An online newsletter, however, should not just be a replica of the printed newsletter in digital form. The home page, or cover, of an online newsletter should be formatted to provide some photos and give a brief description of stories that a reader can access with a click. In general, the stories are much shorter than found in a print publication, so readers can read them within one screen, with no scrolling. Online publications also have a more informal writing style than regular print publications. You can be more conversational and use less formal English than is expected in print.


Printed publications will continue to be produced for several reasons. Many organizations, for example, still find them to be the most efficient method of reaching their entire workforce. This is particularly true of many companies that have field staff and plant workers who have limited access to electronic communications via computer or smartphone. One advantage of a print publication is its portability. Employees can easily pass the publication or brochure around to their family and friends in almost any situation, and a magazine often has a shelf life for long periods of time as it sits on the family coffee table or in the doctor's waiting room. The look and feel of print publications, coupled with the content, also make a powerful, positive impression on clients, prospective customers, and opinion leaders. In other words, a well-designed and well-written publication conveys the image that the organization is highly successful, well managed, and a market leader. Although it is clear that print publications are not "obsolete," or doomed to extinction anytime soon, they are changing to accommodate digital technologies. Email, mobile apps, text messages, and the aforementioned company intranet are excellent channels for giving late- breaking news and daily updates, but newsletters and magazines are better vehicles for in-depth analysis and feature articles that can point to supplemental online resources


Quick response codes, known as QR, are two-dimensional matrix bar codes that serve as URLs to connect mobile users with an organization's website and any number of apps. The idea is that the consumer or a journalist can easily use their smartphone or tablet camera to access additional information in the form of articles, videos, and photos about an organization, a product, or an event. The ability to readily access and download information is particularly attractive to journalists who are often out of the office. Consequently, media relations specialists often embed QR codes in flyers, media kits, annual reports, brochures, news releases, and even pitches to journalists via a tweet or an email. By scanning a QR code on a mobileenabled device, both journalists and consumers can access a variety of content.


Remote Requesting System information is then automatically forwarded to them for their review. It saves them the trouble of taking the time to do their own searches and access multiple websites.


The advantage, according to Text Marketer, is that practically 100 percent of text messages get read as opposed to only 22 percent of emails. Texting Everyone: EMPLOYEES Texting Subscribers Single Texts: LIKE CHACHA • Text messaging is an immediate, cost-effective way for public relations professionals to communicate with a variety of publics. • Texting should involve timely and actionable information. • Text recipients should have the ability to opt in or out; otherwise, messages are little more than spam.


The content includes micro news releases, updates on an evolving situation or crisis, story pitches to a journalist, and offers of discounts on goods and services Organizations use Twitter primarily to boost awareness and enhance visibility on social networks. TWEETS SHOULD BE IN PRESENT TENSE AND HAVE LINKS Public relations writers have to keep their company's 140-character tweets meaningful to consumers in order to maintain Twitter loyalty. Public Relations Tactics reported that people quit following brands on Twitter for the following reasons: 53 percent said content became repetitive or boring, 41 percent said tweets became too marketing oriented, 39 percent felt the posts were too frequent, and 27 percent quit because they didn't think the company offered enough deals through its Twitter feed.

search engine

The essential key to the vast, sprawling universe called the Web is a Of the multiple search engines available, the major one is Google, with Yahoo! and Bing in a distant second and third place. search engines create more awareness about websites than all advertising combined, including banner, newspaper, television, and radio placements." Search engines play a large role in our daily lives for two reasons. First, most of us begin online research by typing in a few words and seeing the list of sites Google or another engine generates. Second, more than one study has shown that the average Internet user limits his or her search to the first 10 citations


The most visible aspect of the World Wide Web

Rise of mobile-enabled content

The pervasive use of smartphones, iPads, and other tablets has practically revolutionized how we access information and conduct our social life. Social media networks, in particular, are now primarily accessed through mobile phones instead of desktops This means that public relations specialists need to master the art of crafting mobile-friendly content in order to effectively reach consumers and other audiences. As previously discussed, organizations have already discovered the value of using various social media networks to reach smartphone users. They are now recognizing that websites, news releases, and other materials must also be optimized for viewing on mobile devices. These smaller devices call for content that is much shorter and includes only the information that a person on the go would like to see.


These major characteristics of the Web enable public relations people to do a better job of distributing content in a variety of formats.

page view or page impression.

These terms are interchangeable and they refer to the number of times a page is pulled up. Unlike a "hit," one completed visit equals one page view. For example, the Canadian Tourism site's 14,000 hits translated to about 20,000 page views.


This social networking website primarily connects individuals in professional occupations. allows individuals to connect with other professionals in their occupational field or area of interest. There are also more than 1 million interest groups, LinkedIn is considered by many public relations professionals as the best social network platform for posting "thought leadership" essays on current issues and trends in a field or profession. LinkedIn has become a major resource for finding a job and advancing career opportunities. It's a site where users post their profiles, their updated resumes, and even recommendations from work colleagues and former employers.


Use no more than four bullets, and no more than four or five words for each bullet. DONT OVER USE CLIP ART OR BORDERS DONT USE TRANSITIONS In other words, keep it simple. You should use clear, bold fonts for colors that contrast with the background. As for background, dark blues convey a corporate feel, greens work well when feedback is desired, and reds motivate the audience to action. Prezi differs radically from PowerPoint in that it requires an alternative mental model: Information is displayed in a nonlinear fashion."


a network designed for the exclusive use of computer users within an organization that cannot be accessed by users outside the organization private network within an organization for the exclusive use of employees and perhaps some other audiences, such as suppliers. Because they are closed systems and the technical standards are set by the organization, intranets are able to provide more sophisticated electronic content, such as work collaboration features that are unique to the needs of the organization. Intranets are primarily a daily newsletter or bulletin board that provides information about policies, news events, and general announcements. Consequently, most news items are brief and somewhat conversational. Longer news stories are highlighted on the home page, but an employee usually clicks a link to read the entire story. Organizations are also mobile-enabling their intranets, so employees can access them anywhere from smartphones, tablets, or other mobile devices.


a video-sharing website in which users can upload, view, and comment on videos Various studies have also found that the majority of consumers will spend at least 2 minutes watching a video about a product, and they are more likely to buy a product after seeing a video than those who haven't. Humor and parody are often used to attract viewers.

employee blogs

concerns of liability or the potential for proprietary info to be released used primarily to promote engagement and show expertise in niche areas


develop a concise, simple mission statement of approximately 25 words that helps both editors and management understand the purpose of the publication. The ideal statement should cover the publication's general content, its audience, and its strategic role.


free photo-sharing, videosharing, and social networking tool that is designed to be used with a mobile device. The primary selling point is that it enables users to take pictures on their smartphones, apply digital filters to them, and then share them on a variety of social networks such as Facebook or Twitter. SHOWS A SHIFT TO VISUAL CONTENT

brand journalism

journalism-style storytelling on behalf of a company/client (to earn and keep an audience's attention), report what happens to a brand in the world to the target audience to garner credibility toward the brand EX: young adults would be attracted to the site because it offers a variety of interesting stories about everything from how to select an office chair to an employee whose passion is skydiving.

World Wide Web (WWW)

makes it possible for public relations writers to communicate with the public through websites, online newsrooms, blogs, and podcasts.

unique visitors

means first-time visitors to a site. Paul Baudisch of Circle. com says it is a good metric for tracking the number of viewers, whereas the number of page views is better for tracking brand awareness

To achieve real-time communication with key stakeholders • To enable passionate, knowledgeable people (employees, executives, customers) to talk about the organization, its products, and services • To foster conversation among audiences with an affinity for or connection with the organization • To facilitate more interactive communication and encourage audience feedback

organizations start blogs for four reasons:


publication's design should reinforce the content and also reflect the organization's personality. The idea is that content and design should work together to achieve a complete message. Consequently, periodicals have distinct "personalities" that reflect their organizations.

blog is not just another form of online advertising where the message is controlled; it's an open forum where both positive and negative comments may be posted.

what separates blogging from the rest of the Web

"pull" concept.

you are constantly interacting with a site and "pulling" the information most relevant to you. You have total control over what information you call up and how deeply you want to delve into a subject. In contrast, traditional mass media—radio, TV, newspapers, magazines—"push" information by delivering it to you without your active participation. The "push" concept is also illustrated by news releases that are automatically sent to media and "spam" email messages sent to you.

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