chapter 11

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Select examples of cloning vectors used in creating transgenic organisms.

✓ plasmids, and viruses

Select all the reasons why Taq polymerase is required for the polymerase chain reaction.

The high temperatures produced by the thermal cycler denature most DNA polymerase enzymes. Taq polymerase is produced by a hot springs bacterium and is therefore heat-tolerant.

The fact that different species use the same genetic code means that a(n)b_ from one organism can be transferred to and expressed by a different organism.


therapy is the process of adding a healthy gene that supplements the function of a faulty gene in a person's cells.


Select ways that a recombinant plasmid can be inserted into a bacterial cell.

gene guns using electricity

Select all of the following that compose the 98.5% of the human genome that does not encode proteins.

repetitive sequences enhancers DNA that codes for rRNA and tRNA pseudogenes transposons

Select all of the following that are ethical concerns associated with the use of transgenic organisms.

replacement of wild species by transgenics new protein combinations could trigger allergies

enzyme is a type of protein that can cut double-stranded DNA at specific base sequences.


What are proteins that cut both source and vector DNA used to create recombinant DNA?

restriction enzymes

The use of tissue culture or cuttings from stems to produce new plants is an example of


RNA interference can silence a disease-causing gene because

complementary mRNA binds to the gene's mRNA, preventing translation.

Select applications of DNA profiling using mitochondrial DNA.

revealing patterns of human evolution verifying relationships between woman and child

Modern scientists can splice DNA from different species together to produce what is referred to as ______ DNA.


DNA profiling often focuses on STRs, which are

repeated sequences of a few nucleotides.

Some restriction enzymes produce ______ ends in both the source DNA and plasmid DNA, and these ends can stick to each other by ______.

single-stranded; complementary base pairing

"Golden rice" is a transgenic plant that is genetically engineered to

be more nutritious.

The cloning technique that was used to create the first cloned mammal (a sheep named Dolly) was called cell nuclear transfer.


In DNA profiling, what indicates the probability that two DNA samples are from the same person?

statistical analysis

An undifferentiated cell that can give rise to specialized cell types is called a(n) ______ cell.


What type of technology could be used to produce new cells of a specific type to help treat diseases?

stem cell technology

Source and vector DNA that is cut with the same restriction enzyme can have complementary ______ that can base pair with each other and be sealed by ligase.

sticky ends

In DNA profiling, the number of repeats of a(n) ______ are compared between a reference profile and a DNA sample.


The first step in creating a transgenic organism is to

synthesize or extract source DNA.

ATTCGATTCG repeated many times, the number varying from person to person, is a type of noncoding DNA called a ______ and is often used in DNA profiling.

tandem repeat

Repetitive DNA sequences that can "jump" within the genome and make up about 45% of human DNA are called


Stem cells are said to be ______, which means that they can give rise to specialized cell types but do not have a specialized role yet.


DNA technology is especially useful in detecting and treating human diseases that are

caused by mutations of a single gene.

A ______ is a self-replicating genetic structure that will carry source DNA into a recipient cell.

cloning vector

Select all the ways that genetic testing can be used in adults.

indicate if individuals are heterozygous carriers of disease alleles test for presence of a disease allele common in family test for alleles that code for targets of disease therapy

What recent technique holds promise for reducing the drawbacks to using stem cell therapy?

inducing differentiated cells to behave like stem cells

The Ti plasmid carried by a type of bacteria called Agrobacterium tumefaciens can be used to

introduce new genes into plant cells.

One way that a cell can produce many proteins from few genes is by removing different combinations of ______ from an mRNA molecule.


In biotechnology, the process of analyzing variable parts of a genome to detect genetic differences between individuals is called

DNA profiling.

The Human Genome Project was accomplished using what technology?

DNA sequencing

The image shows the results of

DNA sequencing.

Select ways that a baby can be born with a disease despite preimplantation genetic diagnosis.

- Only the most common mutations causing a disease are detected- Technicians can make an error- PCR is extremely sensitive such that stray DNA can indicate a false result

Select all the applications of comparing DNA sequence similarities.

- reveal evolutionary relationships among species- trace inheritance

Select all of the following that are required for the first-generation DNA sequencing method.

- terminator nucleotides- primers- normal nucleotides- DNA polymerase

Order the following steps of DNA sequencing, beginning with the first step at the top.

1. Place primers, replication enzymes, unknown sequence, normal nucleotides, and terminator nucleotides into reaction mixture2. DNA polymerase adds nucleotides to primers3. DNA replication stops each time a terminator nucleotide is added4. Samples containing fragments of complementary copies of the unknown sequences transferred to an electrophoresis gel5. Electrophoreses separates the fragments by size6. The original sequence can be deduced by "reading" the fragments

DNA sequencing of the human genome revealed that about ______ of the human genome encodes protein.


The process of determining the order of DNA nucleotides in a stretch of DNA is called

DNA sequencing.

In this diagram of creating a transgenic plant using the Ti plasmid, match the letters to their correct labels. Instructions

A- Ti plasmid B-Agrobacterium cell C-gene for herbicide resistance D-unaltered plant cell E- transgenic plant cell

Match each letter in the diagram of somatic cell nuclear transfer with its correct label.

A-donor of somatic nucleus B-egg donor C-donor nucleus D-denucleated egg E-fusion of nucleus and egg Fmitosis to produce embryo G- implant embryo for growth and development inside surrogate mother H-clone of nucleus donor

Select all of the following that are steps in preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD).

Amplified DNA is exposed to a DNA probe for a disease-causing allele. DNA is extracted from an embryonic cell and amplified by PCR. An embryo with DNA that does not contain disease-causing alleles can be implanted into the mother's uterus. Eggs are fertilized in vitro

Transgenic ______ can be produced to study the development of human diseases or to yield abundant supplies of human proteins that can be secreted in their milk.


The bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis produces ______ that is toxic to insects and can be inserted into plants using recombinant DNA.

Bt protein

What technology allows researchers to edit, remove, or turn off specific genes in the genome of an organism?


What technology could be used to snip out genes from the mosquito genome so they could no longer cause malaria?


Select all of the DNA technology methods that have extremely limited medical use due to the many risks for the patient.

CRISPR-Cas9 gene therapy

Select all of the following that correctly describe the structure and function of DNA.

DNA is copied before a cell divides- DNA is a double helix of nucleotides- DNA encodes a cells proteins

What type of technology can be used to detect the presence of a disease allele in a strand of DNA?

DNA probe

What describes a use of DNA technology that can help solve crimes, match parents with offspring, or otherwise identify particular individuals?

DNA profiling

Enforcing the law, relieving human suffering, and modifying the human food supply are all applications of

DNA technology.

The manipulation of genes for practical purposes, such as medicine, agriculture, or criminal justice, is called

DNA technology.

Select current uses of transgenic bacteria and yeasts.

Degradation of pollutants, production of milk curding enzymes for the cheese industry, and production of phenylalanine.

What is the advantage of producing transgenic organisms called Bt crops?

Farmers can reduce the use of insecticides.

How does mRNA transcribed from bacterial DNA differ from mRNA transcribed from eukaryotic DNA?

Only eukaryotic mRNA contains introns.

Select aspects of gene transfer therapy that differ from the process of creating a transgenic organism.

In gene therapy, inserted genes are from the same type of organism. Gene therapy patients do not pass the gene on to their offspring.

Select applications of somatic cell nuclear transfer in humans.

Infertile couples could be able to have children. A patient's cloned embryo could provide a source of stem cells that would not be rejected by the patient.

Select disadvantages of cloning humans.

Obtaining eggs from a woman's ovaries is costly and risky. Most clones do not develop normally or die in early development. Embryos would have to be destroyed.

Order the steps of somatic cell nuclear transfer to create a clone of an adult mammal, beginning with the first step at the top.

Order the steps of somatic cell nuclear transfer to create a clone of an adult mammal, beginning with the first step at the top:Embryo develops by mitosis and is bornInsert the somatic nucleus into a denucleated egg cellCell divides by mitosis to form an embryoImplant the embryo into a surrogate motherObtain nucleus from somatic cell of a donor individual

Select ways that a baby can be born with disease despite preimplantation genetic diagnosis.

PCR is extremely sensitive such that stray DNA can indicate a false result. Technicians can make an error. Only the most common mutations causing a disease are detected.

Select all of the following that can be sources of DNA used to create a transgenic organism.

Plant, bacterium, and animal

What technology can be used to block the translation of mRNA and therefore silence a cancer-related gene?

RNA interference

Review the Investigating Life essay in this chapter. How did the seed germination rate and the number of seeds per plant compare between normal weeds and transgenic weeds that received a "booster gene" from some types of transgenic crops?

Seed germination rate and number of seeds were both higher for transgenic weeds.

Select all the problems associated with cloning mammals.

Success rate for cloning is low. Details of reproduction and gene regulation mechanisms are hard to replicate. Lifespan of clones is sometimes abnormally brief.

Methods that involve the manipulation of genes or specific sequences of DNA are part of a broad category of research and practical applications called DNA


High-throughput DNA sequencing machines have had what effect on DNA sequencing technology?

The cost of sequencing projects has decreased.

Why are short tandem repeats (STRs) useful in DNA profiling?

They are genetically variable.

The bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens infects plants with the ______, which can carry new genes into plant cells.

Ti plasmid

What is the cloning vector used to transfer an herbicide-resistance gene from Agrobacterium to a plant cell?

Ti plasmid

Select reasons why adult stem cells might be better for use in stem cell therapy than embryonic stem cells.

Using adult stem cells would not involve human embryos. Adult stem cells can be derived from the patient's own tissues. A patient's immune system would not reject its own tissues.

To create a transgenic organism, researchers must use a cloning ______, such as a plasmid, to carry source DNA into a recipient cell.


Select potential problems that must be overcome in gene therapy.

Virus vectors can trigger an immune reaction. Genes must be delivered only to cells that express the faulty alleles. The new DNA can induce mutations that cause cancer.

In somatic cell nuclear transfer, the nucleus that is injected into the egg is from

a body cell.

Below are a list of steps used to create a transgenic organism. Place them in order from first at the top to last at the bottom.

acquire source DNA cut source and vector DNA mix donor and vector DNA insert recombinant DNA

Order the following steps of the polymerase chain reaction, beginning with the first step at the top. Instructions

add target dna heat seperate cool to allow dna polymerase heat and cool again to produce 4 copies heat and cool again to produce 8 copies

______ stem cells are more differentiated and produce a limited number of cell types.


Select ways that PCR is used as a research tool.

amplify nucleic acids of pathogenic microorganisms examine evolutionary relationships using DNA from fossils identify disease-causing genes

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is performed on

an embryo cell in vitro.

Cloning, such as exhibited naturally by many species, is simply the production of an organism by

asexual reproduction.

Select all of the following that are applications of using the CRISPR-Cas9 tool to edit DNA.

destroy cancer cells edit faulty genes responsible for illnesses improve disease resistance in plants and livestock

DNA sequencing is a technology that allows scientists to

determine the nucleotide sequence of genes, chromosomes, or genomes.

What technique is being demonstrated in this diagram?

development of a transgenic organism

Select all the diseases that are caused by mutated alleles of genes and that can be detected and possibly treated using DNA technology.

hemophilia Tay-Sachs disease sickle cell disease cystic fibrosis

In cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer, the DNA from a(n) ______ cell directs the development of an egg into a clone of the organism that provided the DNA.


PCR is a technique used to amplify trace amounts of ______ to be used in scientific and forensic analyses.


Step 3 of the image depicts a stage of DNA sequencing called ______, in which DNA fragments are separated by size.


What technique separates DNA fragments by size?


A type of animal stem cell called a(n) ______ stem cell can give rise to any type of cell in the body.


The same gene is able to code for different proteins depending on the combinations of introns removed from a(n) ______ molecule.


Reverse transcriptase is an enzyme used to

make a DNA copy of mRNA.

Reverse transcriptase is an enzyme used tomake a DNA copy of mRNA.

make a DNA copy of mRNA.

What type of DNA is exclusively passed from mother to offspring and can sometimes be used in DNA profiling when nuclear DNA is degraded?

mitochondrial DNA

Select all the nonhuman mammals that have been cloned by somatic cell nuclear transfer.

monkeys mice cattle and sheep dogs and cats

When trying to detect genetic differences between two individuals, one advantage of DNA profiling over whole genome sequencing is that DNA profiling uses just the ______ regions of DNA for comparison.

most variable

The sequences of nucleotides in DNA encode the ______ of a cell, such that scientists can add new sequences, find existing sequences, or identify changes in sequences that affect the functioning of a cell or organism.


What eukaryotic organism is especially easy to clone?


A common type of cloning vector is a(n) , _which is a small circle of double-stranded DNA separate from the cell's chromosome.


Adult stem cells are ______, able to give rise to a limited set of cell types, whereas embryonic stem cells are ______, able to give rise to ALL cell types.

pluripotent; totipotent

Select all of the following that are required for the polymerase chain reaction.

primers DNA polymerase regular nucleotides DNA sequence to be replicated

Embryonic stem cells are totipotent and able to ______. However, adult stem cells are pluripotent and able to ________.

produce all cell types of the body; produce a limited subset of cell types

A bacterium that has received recombinant DNA containing the gene for human insulin will

produce human insulin along with the other proteins it normally produces.

Select all the applications of transgenic animals.

provide a model for disease development production of human proteins in the milk of farm animals increase yield for human consumption

DNA sequences that are very similar to protein-encoding genes but are not translated are called ______, which may be remnants of old genes that once functioned in ancestors.


Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) only screens for

the most common disease-causing alleles.

What type of organism is one that receives and expresses recombinant DNA?


What technology can be used to produce human pharmaceuticals, such as insulin, blood-clotting factors, and the amino acid phenylalanine?

transgenic bacteria

A ______ organism is an organism that has been engineered to contain ______ DNA.

transgenic; recombinant

If source DNA is extracted from a eukaryotic organism and used to create transgenic bacteria, why will the mRNA transcribed from the recombinant DNA encode a defective protein in the bacteria?

✓ Eukaryotic DNA contains introns, which bacteria cannot remove.

How do researchers prepare an intron-free copy of a eukaryotic gene for use in creating transgenic bacteria?

✓ Use reverse transcriptase to make cDNA from mature mRNA

List the steps that the researchers used to make transgenic rice that express high amounts of a "booster gene" that allows them to survive herbicide treatment. Refer to the Investigating Life feature. Instructions

1. isolate rice DNA 2. use a restriction enzyme to cut out the gene of interest 3.attach the gene to a promotter that makes the gene "always on" 4. insert the gene and promoter into a plasmid 5. use agrobacterium to transfer the plasmid to rice cel

Order the steps for using a DNA probe to indicate the presence of a disease allele, beginning with the first step at the top.

1.) Synthesize a probe, a single-stranded piece of DNA that is complementary to part of a disease allele.2.) Label the probe with a radioactive isotope or fluorescent tag.3.) Immobilize the single-stranded source DNA and expose it to the probe.4.) The probe will bind to any complementary strands in the immobilized source DNA.5.) Areas that exhibit radioactivity or fluorescence indicate the presence of the disease allele in the source DNA.

Select all of the following that describe cloning as a method of reproduction.

At least some organisms in each kingdom reproduce by cloning. Cloning is essentially asexual reproduction.

Select all the potential ethical issues in using genetic testing.

Tests that reveal a high risk of cancer may cause anxiety or depression. Parents may use genetic testing to select for desirable traits in embryos. PGD is expensive and may only be possible for the wealthy.

Select all of the following that describe the high-throughput DNA sequencing process.

The DNA from a cell is shattered into many pieces. DNA polymerase adds nucleotides to immobilized clusters of fragments. Copies of 500 base-pair fragments are made.

Select potential disadvantages of creating genetically modified organisms.

The costs of producing and testing transgenic seeds are high. Genes are combined in ways that don't occur in nature.

What problem occurred in early trials of gene therapy in humans?

The immune system of the patient reacted to the virus vector.

Select disadvantages of using stem cells to treat disease.

The patient's immune system can reject tissues derived from another individual's stem cells. Some people consider it unethical to use human embryos for medical research. Adult stem cells can be less abundant than embryonic stem cells.

Researchers may be able to induce adult cells to behave like ______, an important advance in stem cell therapy.

embryonic stem cells

Select applications of the amplification of DNA using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

establish family relationships identify human remains amplify DNA samples for criminal investigations

Transgenic organisms are designed to

express the protein product of the recombinant DNA.

Order the steps in DNA profiling, beginning with the first step at the top.

extract source amplify str use electrophorsis use statistics

Comparing DNA sequences among different organisms allows researchers to

find conserved sequences.

The images shows how researchers compare _____ to learn what makes species unique and different.

gene sequences

In what technology is a healthy gene added to a person's cells to supplement the function of a faulty disease-causing gene?

gene therapy

Transferring genes to enhance appearance or performance and transferring genes to germ-line cells are two moral and ethical issues associated with what DNA technology?

gene therapy

As determined by the Human Genome Project, the human genome includes approximately 25,000 protein-encoding .


Unlike creating a transgenic organism, in gene therapy

genes are only inserted into the cell type that needs correction.

How can parents determine if their growing fetus or newborn carries a disease-causing allele?

genetic testing

How might an adult find out if they are a carrier of a disease allele?

genetic testing

What is routinely done to screen for phenylketonuria (PKU) in newborns?

genetic testing

The possible termination of embryos or fetuses with mild conditions or certain traits is a moral and ethical dilemma associated with

genetic testing.

Select all of the following that are components of CRISPR-Cas9 technology.

guide RNA that binds to specific complementary DNA editing of genes to change the nucleotide sequence enzyme that cuts DNA

One major problem with gene therapy is finding ways to deliver the ______ gene into the cells with faulty alleles.


First-generation DNA sequencing technology has been replaced with much faster ______ sequencing machines.


Using gene guns or electricity are two ways to conduct what step in creating a transgenic organism?

inserting recombinant DNA into the recipient cell

What DNA technology is illustrated in this picture?

polymerase chain reaction

The technology that is used to produce millions of copies of a DNA sequence in a test tube is called

polymerase chain reaction.

Within the noncoding portion of the human genome, _______ are DNA sequences that resemble protein-encoding genes, but their mRNA is not translated.


Select the portions of the noncoding human genome that have functions for the cell.

sequences that encode tRNA, rRNA, and microRNA enhancers

What aspect of DNA allows scientists to trace inheritance and even evolutionary history between species?

similarities and differences in nucleotide sequences

Select all the potential applications of stem cell technology.

treat currently incurable diseases replace injured or damaged tissue provide specific cells for drug testing

Select ways that scientists create transgenic animals.

using viruses to carry recombinant DNA into a gamete or egg cell injecting DNA into a fertilized egg using a tiny needle

Select applications of creating transgenic plants.

viral resistance enhanced nutrients herbicide resistance insecticide production

In creating transgenic animals, what cloning vector is often used to transfer recombinant DNA?


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