Chapter 11

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The Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 authorized the EEOC to issue __ for acceptable employer conduct in administering equal employment opportunity laws.


__ job transfers allow employees to develop and display new skills and learn more about the company overall instead of moving to a new firm.


The controversial policy enforced by the EEOC that seeks to remedy past discrimination is:

affirmative action

The roles and responsibilities of HRM professionals have evolved primarily because:

changes in the law have rewritten traditional practices organizations recognize that employees are their ultimate resource

The training that is provided to new employees that initiates them into the organization's policies, practices, and objectives is called:


What is a performance appraisal?

the evaluation of employees' job performance and contributions to the organization

The change from traditional manufacturing to service and high-tech manufacturing requires highly ___ job skills.


The effects of legislation on human resource professionals is important because

legislation affects all areas of human resource management

The Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 authorized the EEOC to

set guidelines for employers' administration of EEO

Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it is illegal for employers to discriminate based on:

sex religion race

A major provision of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII was that it prohibited discrimination in employment based on:

race religion sex

Reluctance to hire people in uncertain economic times is partially because there are high costs to terminating employees caused by:

risk of lawsuits for wrongful termination the loss of investment in training an employee

The law that prohibits employers from discriminating in hiring, pay, or promotion and requires reasonable accommodation for workers with disabilities is the

Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990

Sick-leave and vacation pay, pensions, and health plans that provide additional compensation are called __ benefits.


Management development programs include:

On-the-job coaching Job rotation Understudy positions

The Hay pay method is based on job __, each of which has a strict pay range.


The __ method of compensation relies on job tiers and grade ranges.


The set of activities for obtaining the right number of qualified people at the right time to fill the needs of the organization is:


In what ways did the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 strengthened the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

It mandated specific record keeping procedures for employers. It permitted the EEOC to issue guidelines for employer compliance. Enforcement powers were given to the EEOC.

An effect of changing legislation on human resources professionals is that

they must update company HR policies and procedures to stay current with legal changes they must stay current with changes in the law

Since 2009, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act:

requires that age must be the determining reason for discrimination to prove any employment action against older workers

The process of gathering information and deciding who should be hired is called


A challenge for human resource managers because of the change from traditional manufacturing to service and high-tech manufacturing industries is ______.

the need to retrain workers

The federal law that establishes the right to collective bargaining and limits the interference of management in the right of employees to have a collective bargaining agent is the:

National Labor Relations Act of 1935

__ is the process of establishing and maintaining contacts with key managers in your own organization or outside of it to serve as informal development systems.


Identify some of the job titles that are considered contingent workers.

Temporary workers Independent contractors

When an employee leaves the organization, whether by firing, retiring, or resigning, the process is known as


Challenges for human resource managers today include:

a shortage of workers in areas such as computer technology

For firms with ______ or more employees, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed discrimination in employment based on sex, race, color, religion, or national origin.


The information gathered from comparing an employee's work to an established standard is

a performance appraisal

What were two outcomes of The Age Discrimination in Employment Act?

bans mandatory retirement in most organizations allows age restrictions for airline pilots

Individuals who are part-time, temporary, or seasonal workers are classified as

contingent workers

Human resource managers perform several important functions so the organization has the people it needs to achieve its goals. They include:

developing compensation systems training and development recruitment and selection

The goal of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was to stamp out __, but specific language made enforcement quite difficult.


A __ plan gives employees some freedom to choose which hours to work, as long as they work the required number of hours.


A(n) ___ plan allows employees to adjust to work-life demands.


The Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 strengthened the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, an agency created by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, by:

giving it broad powers to enforce Title VII issuing guidelines for employer conduct in complying with EEO mandating specific record keeping procedures

Some workers who are - may be able choose their own hours, interrupt work for child care, or take time out for personal reasons.


The tool that lists ages, names, education, capabilities, training, specialized skills, and other relevant information about an organization's employees is called a

human resource inventory

A human resource __ of an organization reveals the demographics of the firm's labor force and whether it is technically up-to-date and thoroughly trained, which is an important part of human resource management.


The decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1988 giving access to certain clubs to women was important because:

it allowed them to enter established networking systems

Service organizations, such as hospitals and schools, have high employee costs categorizing them as

labor intensive

When an organization's operational costs are primarily for their workforce, they are considered to be:


On-the-job coaching and job rotation are examples of

management development programs

Whether employees are fired, resigning, or retiring, some of the things that must be done include:

managing payments conducting exit interviews returning company property

When a new employee is trained at the work site by observing an experienced worker and then doing the task, it is

on-the-job training

Costs associated with terminating employees include:

potential for costly wrongful discharge lawsuits lost investment in training and pay

The shift from traditional manufacturing industries to high-tech and service industries challenges human resource managers to:

recognize that a company's people are its ultimate resource re-train workers for more challenging jobs

The affirmative action law led employers to actively:

recruit and give preference to women and minorities

The process for obtaining qualified people is:


A problem in developing effective compensation for teams is that:

rewarding individuals erodes cohesiveness

True or false: The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 limited management interference in the right of employees to have a collective bargaining agent.


Which of the compensation systems listed are likely to be effective in building cohesive teams?

Gain-sharing Skill-based pay

The changes in the U.S. workforce that create challenges for human resource managers include:

more single-parent homes new workers who are undereducated employees who want leisure time

Clubs that denied membership to women became illegal in 1988 because they prevented women from having access to Blank______ open to men.

networking systems

A challenge for human resource managers because of the change from traditional manufacturing to service and high-tech manufacturing industries is

the need to retrain workers

Companies may want to retain older, more experienced workers because:

they are able to train new workers to do their jobs there are few qualified workers able to do those jobs they could transfer their knowledge to younger workers

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