Chapter 11: Attitudes and Persuasion

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Which type of advertisement or sales presentation presents both good and bad points? a. one-sided message b. two-sided message c. balanced message d. unbiased message e. positive/negative message


_____ refers to presenting one of two equivalent value outcomes either in positive or gain terms or in negative or loss terms a. message sidedness b. message framing c. benefit segmentation d. positive/negative message e. priming


1. A learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given object is known as a(n) _____. a. belief b. emotion c. attitude d. cognition e. attribute


1. Marketers must promote _____ rather than _____, especially for less knowledgeable consumers and for complex products. a. features; benefits b. benefits; avoidance c. benefits; features d. features, contents e. consistency, inconsistency


Carissa is highly involved is a purchase decision for a new car. She has searched the Internet, visited car dealerships, talked to friends and family, and paid attention to advertisements. According to the elaboration likelihood model, by which route is Carissa likely to be persuaded? a. primary route b. secondary route c. central route d. peripheral route e. direct route


Generally speaking, compared to attitudes formed under the peripheral route, attitudes formed under the central route tend to be _____. a. stronger b. more resistant to counter persuasion attempts c. more accessible from memory d. more predictive of behavior e. all of the above


Which of the following is a common technique for inducing trial behavior? a. Coupons b. Free samples c. Price reductions d. Point-of-purchase displays e. All of the above


A long-running television commercial for Dial soap would show an individual in various situations with other people (e.g., car pool or elevator). This individual would join the others and look around, appearing to be in discomfort. Then a voice-over would say, "Aren't you glad you used Dial . . . don't you wish everyone did?" Which type of appeal does this illustrate? a. fear appeal b. one-sided message c. two-sided message d. third-party endorsement e. comparative ad


Source credibility is a function of a. trustworthiness and expertise. b. operant conditioning. c. actual and ideal self-concept. d. cognitive and affective components. e. none of the above.


Kimberly-Clark is interested in mothers' emotional reactions to its Huggies brand of disposable diapers, which usually have popular characters or cute designs printed on them. Which component of attitude is Kimberly-Clark interested in? a. knowledge b. cognitive c. affective d. behavioral e. orientation


Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding humorous appeals? a. Ads built around humor appear to increase attention to the ad. b. The overall effectiveness of humor is generally increased when the humor relates to the product or brand in a meaningful way. c. Humorous ads are low risk because they tend to translate well across situations and cultures. d. Companies have been successful using humor that is only loosely tied to the product. e. Ads built around humor appear to increase liking of the ad.


Anne appears in a television commercial for a local chiropractor. She tells the audience how she suffered from migraine headaches several times a month. However, once she started treatment at this particular chiropractor, her headaches disappeared. She claimed, "I kept expecting them to come back, but they didn't. I have a whole new lease on life, thanks to Peavy Chiropractic!" Which type of ad is this? a. single message b. two-sided message c. comparative ad d. testimonial ad e. demonstration


Instead of featuring any functional benefits of the product or brand in ads for the iPod, this product was introduced by showing a silhouette of a person dancing with the white earbuds and holding a white iPod MP3 player. Which type of advertising appeal does this illustrate? a. one-sided message b. two-sided message c. testimony d. value-expressive appeal e. utilitarian appeal


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