Chapter 11, chapter 11, History Chapters 11,12, Apush period 4 pt 2, History Final, History: Chapter 11, Chapter 11 HIST, Hist 17A Chapter 11

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In 1850, a majority of southern slaveholders owned how many slaves?

1 to 5.

Militant abolitionism

1830s became much more aggressive promoted slavery is the same promoted secular conviction slavery contradicted values of independence rejected it gradual emancipation concluded perfect in American society routing out slavery and racism David walker free black in north who called for abolition

Conditions of slave life

18th century some southern states in acted laws to prevent miss treatment of slaves represent a growing sense of planters paternalistic outlook, improvement in slaves living conditions meant to strengthen slavery better living condition but less access to freedom

On the eve of the Civil War, approximately how much of the world's cotton supply came from the southern United States?

75 percent.

What was the biggest fear of a slave of any age?

A family member being sold.

Which of the following would be an example of "silent sabotage"?

A slave on a large plantation slowed down the work pace.

Religion and reform

American Saul ownership of property key to the independence few like that require surrendering impose and liberating men and women from the strain drew inspiration from Liz a second grade awakening popularize outlook known as perfectionism

Gent element property and standing

Aroused violet hostility from Northerners led by a gentleman a property in standing disrupted meetings destroyed printing presses murdered Lovejoy burned abolitionist meeting places burned literature instituted House of Representatives gag rule


Before night 1830s white Americans wanted to end slavery call for colonization American colonization Society promote a gradual abolish abolition of slavery sent to Liberia struck mini impractical

Spreading abolition message

Begin with handful of activist expand rapidly to the north American anti-slavery society devoted to abolition Theodore weld created contingency for abolition movement beautiful Oradere use tomorrow suasion believed violence was not a way to end slavery

Second bank

Biddles allies persuaded Congress to extend bank charter 1832, Jackson vetoed bill, first president to use veto power and to appeal directly to political public support wigs denounced him, ensure death of second bank

Which of the following statements is accurate about the work done by southern slaves?

By the time of the Civil War, about 200,000 worked in industrial-type occupations.

Slave family

Center of slave community stood family even male to female ratio, slave master had to consent before man and woman could jump over the greatest most slaves lived in two-parent families higher number than a female headed households more families in which grandparents and relatives assumed responsibility for children

In the nineteenth century, which product was the world's major crop produced by slave labor?


Desire for liberty

Culture room is rested on conviction of unjustness of bondage slaves understood cannot directly confront system most rule sleaze found by local communities new local landscape have a little knowledge of outside world

Blacks and colonization

Decades before civil war thousands immigrate to Liberia most adamantly opposed to idea motivated relax to claim rights as Americans Philadelphia assembly first national black convention

Reform and freedom

Desire to create more order in question he wanted to liberate Americans from days forms of slavery consisted of self-discipline religious group and is worried about settlers in the west and immigrants lack self control

Slave religion

Distinctive version of Christianity offered solace to slaves great awakening impact free and slave black preachers very respected in slave communities Christianity offered means of social control reinforce that theft was a moral Bible required servants to obey masters

Although New Orleans was the only city of significant size in the South, it did not have a rich immigrant culture.


Denmark Vesey's 1822 slave rebellion resulted in the deaths of more than thirty white Charlestonians.


Denmark Vesey's 1822 slave rebellion resulted in the deaths of more than thirty whites in Charleston.


Free blacks in the South could testify in court and serve on juries.


John C. Calhoun's key contribution to the proslavery argument was the claim that slavery was a necessary evil.


Most white southern families owned at least one slave.


Most white southerner families owned at least one slave.


Nat Turner was not a particularly religious man.


New Orleans showed that slavery and economic growth were not possible.


Overall, slaves did not think much about freedom. They were content with their situation as long as their master was kind.


Slave traders tried hard to keep slave families together.


Slavery did not affect northern merchants and manufacturers.


The Underground Railroad used a system of railways to transport slaves.


True or False? Medical knowledge had made great strides in the first half of the nineteenth century; thus, few soldiers died from wounds, infections, or diseases during the Civil War.


True or False? Nativism emerged as a major political movement in 1854 with the sudden appearance of the Liberty Party.


When not in the field, slaves observed more traditional gender roles.


Slaves and the law

For slaves it was insistent toil, laws enforced unevenly all aspects of life controlled by the slaveowner EX case of Celia

Gospel of freedom

He developed into blend of African traditions in Christian believes biblical story of exodus played central mall and black Christianity related to idea of being chosen people delivered from bondage

After escaping slavery in the South, what was the primary reason why Henry "Box" Brown moved to England?

He feared being recaptured.

Utopian society

Hundred reform communities attempt at forming perfect societies most rose from a lit religious can diction inspired by romanticism nearly all community set out to re-organize society I should and socialism and communism to the political language nearly all insisted of abolition of private property

Which of the following was NOT true of the South and slavery in nineteenth-century America?

In the South as a whole, slaves made up only 10 percent of the population.

Where did the task labor system originate from?

It was a holdover from the colonial period.

Black abolitionists

Leading role in movement northern blacks organized opposition to colonization Society James Fortin finance liberator Frederick Douglass knit one of many former slaves of slavery abolition product of time and place white abolitionist cannot for themselves from prejudice whites demanded to be in charge

Free blacks in the old south

Many laws restricting lives of slaves also applied to free blacks, society equated black and slate blacks increasingly considered undesirable free blacks consider danger to slave system itself

Which statement about Nat Turner's Rebellion is true?

Many southern whites were in a panic after the rebellion.


Members of north emerging middle-class reform became a team and occasional Americans offended by movements persistence a.k.a. immigrants


Migration brought thousands of Mormons to Utah founded by Joseph Smith who translated absolute authority exercise over alarms neighbors so did polygamy Brigham Young seceded one Smith was murdered in jail

Which state had the fewest free blacks?


Slavery and civil liberties

Mob attacks and attempts to live in limit abolitionist freedom convince Northerners slavery was incompatible with democratic liberties of America abolitionist movement brought an appeal gag rule and has of representatives inspired many American public sphere a excluded discussions of slavery for many years abolition fought for right to debate slavery


Most widespread expression of hostility silent sabotage fugitive slaves are more threatening to stability of slave system had to hire controllers and hounds, L runaways head north Marcel cities blend into free black communities only 25% most to manage to get to north reached on iPhone

A slave that worked primarily in cotton fields most likely lived in:

Natchez, Mississippi.

Why could someone argue that the North was complicit in the expansion of slavery?

Northern factory demand for cotton steadily increased.


Oh successful religious community believe God had dual personality mail and teen virgin purity porch pillar of shaker for abandoned traditional family life lived in dormitories congregation through convert an adoption frenzy dancing a religious service


Owner of a large farm in the South that was worked by 20 or more slaves and supervised by overseers

Slave labor

Plantations diversified communities performed all kinds of work flight slaves hired to do work for private firms that's majority worked in fields the Cottonbelt in the lower south overseers are heartless brutal and cream, rice plantations of South Carolina and Georgia similar to colonial times slaves set the pace

Gender role slaves

Powerlessness for slaves male and female cult of domestic city not apply to slave women men cannot be economic providers or protect wives and children with slaves working on own time conventional rolls appeared

In an 1840 letter written from Canada, fugitive slave Joseph Taper asked for divine blessings upon:

Queen Victoria.

Slavery and American freedom

Rejected nations pretensions as the land of liberty created calendar freedom celebration celebrating dates key to progress of freedom of slaves to cleared Britain liberty and justice black abolitionist identified widespread poverty as a consequence of slavery


Secular communitarian Robert created factory modeling in Scotland comfortable having free education promoted to Unitarianism as the needs of ensuring workers receive new harmony children educated parents trying to be subordinate only survive a few years

What did paternalism reinforce?

Slaves need to be watched carefully.

New vision of america

Sought to reinvigorate idea of freedom as universal entitlement abolitionist first to promote idea of slaves as members of community Lydia Maria child bless our that'll countryman not inferior pioneered modern ideas that writes take precedence over national soccer team debated constitutions relationship to slavery

What economic effect did southern slavery have on the North?

Southern slavery helped finance industrialization and internal improvements in the North.

Worldly community

Tended to be beset by internal division last last time transcendentalist hope to demonstrate manual and intellectual this miniature university but had to do manual labor attracted mostly intellectuals who disliked farming


Tension between liberation in control in the ears before movement vividly evident saw a program of institution was an attempt to create environments were human character could be transformed prison and it sounds become overcrowded and ineffective

In Joseph Taper's letter to Joseph Long, how does Taper analyze his experience of living in Canada?

The British system allowed for more "pursuit of happiness."


The army started seized off coast of Long Island Court ruled with the abolitionists, not Turner's rebellion best out of all slave rebellions I was a slave preacher and religious mystic march from farm to farm assaulting white and haven't 60 killed last large hero slave rebellion in southern history sent shockwaves across the south panic titan to chains of bondage prohibited preacher strength in militia

Which event is credited with helping to ingrain the paternalist ethos more deeply into the lives of southern slaveholders?

The closing of the African slave trade.


The liberator new breed of abolition found permanent voice and Garrison very aggressive and assertive called for a media abolition congruence whites blacks be recognized southerners felt threatened garrison games notoriety encourage anti-slavery publication

Although the importation of slaves from Africa was prohibited beginning in 1808, the sale and trade of slaves within the United States flourished in later years.


Black Christianity is best described as a blend between African traditions and Christian beliefs.


By 1860, the South's most populous city was New Orleans.


By 1860, the economic investment represented by the slave population exceeded the value of the nation's factories, railroads, and banks combined.


Despite being forbidden by law to marry, many slaves were able to create a family life on the plantation.


Despite the law not recognizing the legality of slave marriages, many slaves were able to create a family life on the plantation.


George Fitzhugh, a Virginia writer, believed universal liberty was the exception, an experiment carried on for a little while in a corner of Europe and the northern United States.


It was illegal to teach a slave to read or write by the 1830s.


Slaves frequently named children after other family members to retain family continuity.


Slaves had a few legal rights, but they were not well enforced.


Slaves working in the fields generally viewed the overseer as a cruel and heartless man.


Some slaves actually used trains to escape to freedom in the North.


The Underground Railroad used a system of railways to transport slaves.


True or False? By the time Lincoln actually took the oath of office, seven states had already seceded from the Union.


True or False? In California after the Mexican-American War, landowners of Spanish heritage had to adjust to a new identity as if they were immigrants.


True or False? Lincoln's primary purpose in raising troops in 1861 to put down the southern rebellion was to restore the Union.


True or False? Mob attacks and attempts to limit abolitionists' freedom of speech convinced many northerners that slavery was incompatible with the democratic liberties of white Americans.


True or False? The Emancipation Proclamation represented a turning point in Lincoln's own thinking.


True or False? The New York City draft riots, begun as an attempt to resist the draft, turned into an assault on the city's black population.


True or False? The Sea Islands experiment demonstrated how ex-slaves could be gainfully employed, educated, and well provided for.


True or False? The demand that women should enjoy the rights to regulate their own sexual activity and procreation and to be protected by the state against violence at the hands of their husbands challenged the notion that claims for justice, freedom, and individual rights should stop at the household's door.


True or False? The free labor ideology was based on the assumption that free labor could not compete with slave labor and so slavery's expansion had to be halted to ensure freedom for the white laborer.


True or False? The issue of Texas annexation was hotly linked to slavery and affected the nominations of presidential candidates in the 1840s.


When not in the field, slaves observed more traditional gender roles.



Upstate New York John Humphrey Neu yes conversion at religious revival decided to become a minister took message make achieve moral perfection to an end atypical extreme heat and followers became so perfect became sinless no private property carriage single holy family of equals any man can approach in the morning extremely dictoral

Which of the following statements about religious life among African-Americans in southern cities is true?

Urban free blacks sometimes formed their own churches.

Upper and lower south

Very few free blacks in the lower slow sell mostly in New Orleans and Charlston, elite free blacks did everything they could to maintain separation from slaves, large majority of southern free blacks lived in upper South jelly worked as wages for farm labor, 1860 half African-American population Maryland free, free blacks in Virginia and Maryland tied to slave community

While the North emphasized egalitarianism, the South stressed:

a code of honor.

Members of which of the following groups were generally opposed to the temperance movement? (CH 12)

a. Catholics

Who was the North-Carolina-born free black? (CH 12)

a. David Walker

The Seneca Falls Convention's Declaration of Sentiments was modeled after the:

a. Declaration of Independence

Which statement about Shakers is FALSE? (CH 12)

a. they practiced "complex marriage" and publicly recorded sexual relations

John C. Calhoun and George Fitzhugh:

agreed that slavery was not a necessary evil but something actually positive and good.

Denmark Vesey

allegedly plotted slave rebellion in South Carolina

Harriet Beecher Stow

author of Uncle Tom's Cabin

Although it only lasted a few years, the New Harmony community: (CH 12)

b. influenced education reformers and women's rights advocates

The Slave rebellion aboard the Amistad: (CH 11)

b. led to a Supreme Court decision freeing the slaves.

The gag rule: (CH 12)

b. prevented Congress from hearing antislavery petitions

William Lloyd Garrison published an abolitionist newspaper called: (CH 12)

b. the Liberator

The relationship between rich southern planters and poor southern farmers:

benefited in part from a sense of unity bred by criticism from outsiders.

Which of the following statements about the work of southern slaves is FALSE? (CH 11) a. by 1860, nearly half worked in factories b. slaves never supervised other slaves c. 90% of men worked in the fields d. it was rare for owner to work e. slaves worked exclusively as house servants

c. 90% of the men worked in the fields

Which of the following did women not play a role with during the early to mid-19th century? (CH 12)

c. passing the gag rule

The Brer Rabbit stories of slave folklore:

celebrated how the weak could outsmart the more powerful.

Slave religion:

combined African traditions and Christian beliefs.

In the nineteenth century, which product was the world's major crop produced by slave labor?


By 1860, The U.S. slave population was approx: (CH 11) a. 1 million b. 2 million c. 3 million d. 4 million e. 5 million

d. 4 million

In 19th Century, What product was the world's major crop produced by slave labor? a. Tobacco b. Indigo c. Sorghum d. Cotton e. Rice

d. Cotton

Where was a forerunner to the New Harmony community located? (CH 12)

d. New Lanark, Scotland

William Lloyd Garrison: (CH 12)

d. suggested that the North dissolve the Union to free itself of any connection to slavery.

"Silent sabotage" can be defined as when slaves:

did poor work and broke tools.

What served as the major impetus on the reform movements of the 19th century? (CH 12)

e. Second Great Awakening

The Oneida community: (CH 12)

e. had strict rules influenced by religion

The colonization of freed U.S. slaves to Africa: (CH 12)

e. prompted the adamant opposition of most free African-Americans

Which of the following statements about slavery and the law is TRUE? (CH 11) a. Because slaves were property, a master could kill them b. Slaves were legally permitted to possession of guns c. Laws specifically provided a slave to be taught to read and write d. a slave could testify against a white person e. slaves accused of serious crimes were entitled to their day in court

e. slaves accused of serious crimes were entitled to their day in court.

Solomon Northup

free black man kidnapped and sold into slavery in the South

Nat Turner

led a slave revolt in 1831 in Southampton County, Virgina

Toussaint L'Ouverture

led a successful slave revolt on Saint-Domingue

Charles Deslondes

led the largest slave revolt in American history, just north pf the New Orleans

The paternalist ethos: (CH 11) a. led to not providing food b. helped end severe punishments for slaves c. urged an end to slavery d. masked the brutality of slavery e. led to slaves accepting slavery

masked brutality of slavery

plantation mistress

matriarch of a planter's household, responsible for supervising the domestic aspects of the estate


mixed-race people who constitutes most of the South's free black population

Urban slaves:

most often were domestic servants.

On the plantation, the white employee in charge of ensuring a profitable crop for the plantation master was called the:


Gabriel Prosser

plotted a slave revolt near Richmond in 1800

Fredrick Douglas

ran away from slavery in Maryland and became an outspoken critic of the institution

All of the following statements are true of the work done by southern slaves EXCEPT:

slaves worked exclusively as agricultural field hands and house servants.

Compared to slave revolts in Brazil and in the West Indies, slave revolts in the United States were:

smaller in scale and less frequent.

Free blacks in the United States:

sometimes became wealthy enough to own slaves.

The plantation masters had many means to maintain order among their slaves. According to the text, what was the most powerful weapon the plantation masters had?

the threat of sale

Harriet Tubman:

was a fugitive slave who risked her life many times to bring others out of slavery.


was hanged for killing her master when defending herself a sexual assault

Slave families:

were headed by women more frequently than were white families.

Slavery argument

Southerners worried about how they looked, especially concerned with intellectual represent Tatian, deep commitment to wipes supremacy emerged in the south, racism strong pillar of plug proslavery ideology reference Bible for justification

Panic 1837

Speculative boom collapse, 20,000,000 acres federal land sold, con demand went down in England economic collapse, thousands of workers lost jobs States defaulted on debts

claimed that slavery was essential to human economic and cultural progress.

Urban free blacks sometimes formed their own churches.

After an 1831 slave rebellion, which state's legislature debated, but did not approve, a plan for gradual emancipation of slaves in that state?


Mary Chestnut

plantation mistress who was a critic of the plantation system

In 1860, what percentage of southern white families were in the slaveowning class?

25 percent

In 1850, a majority of southern slaveholders owned how many slaves?

1 to 5

Cotton king

19th century cotton surpasses sugar as worlds major crop, old cell largest and most powerful slave society have monopoly on cotton became most important commodity in international trade three fourths world con supply in southern United States, 1860 cotton sales represented half total value of exports

Cotton Kingdom

Cotton-Producing region, relying predominantly om slave labor, that spanned from North Carolina west to Louisiana and reached as far north as southern Illinois

As a general rule, slaveowners never allowed their slaves to listen to a white preacher in church.


The respective Canadian and Mexican governments regularly returned escaped slaves to southern slaveholders.


True or False? At Oneida, celibacy was strictly enforced.


True or False? Overall, slaves did not think much about freedom. They were content with their situation as long as their master was kind.


True or False? Slavery did not affect northern merchants and manufacturers.


True or False? The Missouri Compromise debate illustrated that northern politicians did not want slavery to expand for primarily moral reasons.


True or False? The respective Canadian and Mexican governments regularly returned escaped slaves to southern slaveholders.


True or False? Women enjoyed an expansion of democracy for themselves during the 1830s and 1840s, as they were welcomed into the public sphere.


The Haitian slave revolt was successful and the attempts by Denmark Vesey and Nat Turner ultimately failed because:

Haiti had a population that was primarily of African heritage while most of the United States had a higher percentage of whites.

Code of honor

Southern Whiteman heightened sense of an honor and masculinity white women confined to domestic circle

Van Buren

Inherited depression, anti-bank wing of the Democratic Party came to power, Van Buren couldn't hold together chance to take that White House nominated when William Henry Harrison John Tyler states right whigg on ticket to win south age of Jackson meant candidates as important as policies

Nat Turner's Rebellion

Insurrection in rural Virginina led by black overseer Nat Turner, who killed slave owners and their families; in turn, federal troops indiscriminately killed hundreds of slaves in the process of putting down Turner and his rebels.

What was the name of the vibrant community of former slaves freed by Virginian Richard Randolph?

Israel Hill

Planter class

It was dominated every aspect of southern life, richest squandered well, discourage sons from entering Lolli translate converse in manufacturing one of the reason South remained agricultural

Pet banks

Jackson removed funds from second bank lead to emergence of pet banks two secretaries refused to transfer money so general Roger be Taney was appointed later becomes chief justice to Supreme Court without government deposit to bank had to issue more more money to finance previous commitment, drastically labor unions emerged in speculators cashed in

Southern economy

No single south before the war upper south slaves and slave owner small percent population deep south very very dependent on cotton, South dependence on cotton limited industrial growth discourage immigration discourage technological process and spawned little urban growth

Paternalist Ethos

Planter tradition created dependent relationships between family members, paternalism feature of American slavery, Alad slaveholders to think they were kind and reasonable overseers, wealthy Georgia planner wanted to improve household housing discourage severe punishment but also believe slaves were degraded

Biddles bank

Seen as a non producer that profited from others work reinforced by over issuing money biddle head of second bank

Which of the following is NOT true of the South and its economy in the period from 1800 to 1860?

The South produced nearly two-fifths of the nation's manufactured goods, especially cotton textiles.

Why did southern slaves live in better conditions by the mid-nineteenth century than those in the Caribbean and South America?

The rising value of slaves made it profitable for slaveowners to take better care of them.

True or False? The French writer Alexis de Tocqueville identified democracy as an essential attribute of American freedom.


True or False? The internal slave trade was a key component in supporting the cotton kingdom.


Folk of the old south

Three out of four southern white families owned no slaves, planters monopolize the best lens small farm owners self-sufficient, maybe one or two slaves relied on local economy one of reason so I did not develop economic base, not until Civil War would class tension among white population threaten planter domination

After Nat Turner's Rebellion, the Virginia legislature discussed ending slavery in that state.


True or False? By the early nineteenth century, the term "citizen" had become synonymous with the right to vote.


True or False? In the southern slave society, white women on plantations were seen as weak and helpless.


True or False? In today's United States, the Federal Reserve determines the amount of paper money to be issued.


True or False? Institutions like jails, mental hospitals, and public schools were inspired by the conviction that those who passed through their doors could eventually be released to become productive, self-disciplined citizens.


True or False? Paternalism both masked and justified the brutal reality of slavery.


"plain white folk"

Yeoman farmers who lived and worked on their own small farms, growing food and cash crops to trade for necessities

peculiar institution

a phrase used by whites in the antebellum south to refer to slavery without using the word slavery

Celia was:

a slave tried for killing her master while resisting a sexual assault.

Task labor:

allowed slaves to take on daily jobs, set their own pace, and work on their own when they were done.

The South produced nearly two-fifths of the nation's manufactured goods, especially cotton textiles.

as self-proclaimed spokesmen of the common man against the great planters.

In 1860, what percentage of southern white families were in the slave owning class? (CH 11) a. 10% b. 25% c. 40% d. 55% e. 75%

b. 25%

In 19th Century, approx how much of the world's cotton supply came from Southern United States? (CH 11) a. 90% b. 75% c. 50% d. 33% e. 25%

b. 75%

Free blacks in the South were allowed to:

own property.

The plantation masters had many means to maintain order among their slaves. According to the text, what was the most powerful weapon the plantation masters had? (CH 11) a. requiring to go to church b. threat of sale c. dividing slaves d. withholding food e. deny marriage

b. The threat of sale

"Silent sabotage" can be defined as when slaves: (CH 11) a. ran away b. did poor work and broke tools c. learned to read and write d. secretly met to worship e. named their children after kin.

b. did poor work and broke tools

By the late 1830s, the South's proslavery argument:

claimed that slavery was essential to human economic and cultural progress.

In the nineteenth century, what product was the world's major crop produced by slave labor?


Compared to slave revolts in Brazil and in the West Indies, salve revolts in the United States were: (CH 11) a. larger in scale; less frequent b. smaller in scale; more frequent c. larger in scale; more frequent d. smaller in scale; less frequent

d. Smaller in scale and less frequent

By the late 1830's, the south's pro-slavery argument...(CH 11) a. rested on the premise that slavery was a necessary evil. b. was based entirely on secular evidence c. had not yet been accepted by major southern political figures d. claimed that slavery was essential to human economic and cultural progress e. was roundly criticized by southern newspaper editors

d. claimed that slavery was essential to human economic and cultural progress

What Economic effect did southern slavery have on the north? (CH 11) a. Minimal, northerners opposed slavery b. Northerners profited from investing in real-estate controlling southern plantations c. A few New York shipping companies benefited from slavery, but the institution had little effect otherwise. d. Southern slavery helped finance industrialization and internal improvements in the north e. southern slavery drained resources from the north and helped keep the whole nation in a depression during the 1850's

d. southern slavery helped finance industrialization and internal improvements in the north.

Gender roles under slavery:

differed from those of white society because men and women alike suffered a sense of powerlessness.

Fugitive slaves:

generally understood that the North Star led to freedom.

Southern farmers in the backcountry:

generally worked the land using family labor.

The end of slavery in most Latin American nations:

involved gradual emancipation accompanied by recognition of owners' legal rights to slave property.

The slave rebellion aboard the Amistad:

led to a Supreme Court decision freeing the slaves.

The internal slave trade in the United States involved:

more than 2 million slaves between 1820 and 1860.

The internal slave trade in the United States involved the movement of hundreds of thousands of enslaved persons from:

older states like Virginia to the Lower South.

slave codes

ordinances passed by a colony or state to regulate the behavior of slaves, often including brutal punishments for infractions

On the plantation, the white employee in charge of ensuring a profitable crop for the plantation master was called the:


To qualify as a member of the planter class, a person had to be engaged in southern agriculture and:

own at least twenty slaves.

Denmark Vesey's conspiracy:

reflected a combination of American and African influences.

In the South, the paternalist ethos:

reflected the hierarchical society in which the planter took responsibility for the lives of those around him.

Old Southwest

region covering western Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas, where low land prices and fertile soil attracted hundreds of thousands of settlers after the American Revolution.

Frederick Douglass argued that:

slaves were truer to the principles of the Declaration of Independence than were most white Americans.

field hands

slaves who toiled in the cotton cane fields in organized work gangs


songs with religious messages sung by slaves to help ease the strain of field labor and to voice their suffering at the hands of their masters and overseers

Defenders of American slavery claimed that British emancipation in the 1830s had been a failure because:

the freed slaves grew less sugarcane, which hurt the economy of the Caribbean.

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