Chapter 11

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After image

A copy or record after it has been modified

Before image

A copy or record before it has been modified

Hot swappabl

A damaged disk can be rebuilt from the mirrored disk with no disruption in service to the user

Backup facility

A dams copy utility that produces a backup copy or Sav of an entire database or a subset of database


A discrete unit of work that must be completely processed or not processes all within a computer system entering a customer order is an example of transaction

Checkpoint facility

A facility by which a dams periodically refuses to accept any new transactions. The system is in a quiet state and the database and transaction logs are synchronized

Data administration

A high-level function that is responsible for the overall management of data resources in an organization, including maintaining corporate-wide definitions and standards. it is the custodian of the organization's data

Database change log

A log that contains before and after images of records that have Ben modified by trnsactions

Deadlock prevention

A method for resolving deadlocks in which user programs must lock all records they require at the beginning of a transaction

Two phase locking protocol

A procedure for acquiring the necessary locks for a transaction in which all necessary locks are acquired before any locks are released, resulting in a growing phase when locks are acquired and a shrinking phase when they are released.

Transaction log

A record of the essential data for each transaction that is processed against the database

Data dictionary

A repository of information about a database that documents data elements of a database.

System catalog

A system-created database that describes all database objects, including data dictionary information, and also includes user access information.

data base administration

A technical function that is responsible for physical database design and for dealing with technical issues, such as security enforcement, database performance, and backup and recovery.

Shred lock

A technique that allows other transactions to readbut not update a recordo another resourcero

Restore rerun

A technique that involves reprocessing the day transactions against the backup copy of the database

Exclusive lock

A technique that prevents another transaction from reading and therefore updating a record until it is unlocked

Forward recovery

A technique that starts with an earlier copy of a database. After images are applied to a database, and the database is quickly removed forward to a later state

Aborted transaction

A transaction that terminates abmormally

Type of failure

Aborted Transaction, Incorrect data, System Failure, database destruction


An approach to concurrency control in which each transaction is restricted to a view of the database as of the time that transaction started, and when a transaction modifies a record, the DBMS creates a new record version instead of overwriting the old record. Hence, no form of locking is required.

Deadlock resolution

An approach to dealing with deadlocks that allows deadlocks to occur but builds mechanisms into the DBMS for detecting and breaking the deadlocks.

Journalizing facility

An audit trail of transaction and database changes


An impasse the results when two or more transactions have locked a common resource, and each waits for the other to unlock that resource

Inconsistent read problem

An unrepentant read, one that occurs when one user needs data that have been partially updated by anotheruseru

Acid when processing transactions

Atomic, consistent, isolated, durable

Basic recovery facilities

Back facility, Journaling facility checkpoint facility recovery manager

Special record

Checkpoint record

Authorization Rules

Controls incorporated in a data management systems that restrict access to data and also restrict access to data and also restrict the actions that people may take when they access data.

Locking levels

Database , table, block or page, record, field

Logical access to data

Essentially about the security procedure in place to prevent unauthorized access to the data

open source dbms

Free DBMS source code software that provides the core functionality of an SQL-compliant DBMS.

Database recovery

Mechanisms for restoring a database quickly and accurately after loss or damage

Recovery manager

Module of a Dbms that restores the database to a correct condition when a failure occurs and then resume processing under questions

Hot backup

Only selected portion of a database is shutdown from use

Security Policies and procedure

Personnel controls and physical access control

Concurrency control

Pessimistic approach and optimistic approach


Procedures that process transactions so that the outcome is the same as thisis ca, li

Database Security

Protection of database data against accidental or intentional loss, destruction, or misuse.


Redundant array of independent disks

It operations

Refer to the policies and procedures i place related to the day to day management of the infrastructure application and databases in an organization

It change management

Refers to the process by which changes to operational systems and databases are authorized

Types of locks

Shared lock, exclusive lock

Back out recovery

The back out or undo of unwanted changes to a database. Before images of the records that have been changed are applied to the database and the database is returned to an earlier state. Rollback is used to reverse the changes made by transactions that have been aborted or terminated abnormally

Database destruction

The database itself is lost, destroyed, or cannot be read

Transaction boundaries

The logical beginning and end of a transaction

Concurrency control

The process of managing simultaneous operations against a database so that data integrity is maintained and the operations do not interfere with each other in a multiuser environment

smart card

a credit card -sized plastic card with an embedded microprocessor chip that can store, process and output electronic data in a secure manner

opensource software

a large pool of volunteer testors, availability of source code, software is not propreitory, multiple versions, distributing application code dependent

two -key method

also called asymmetric encryption , employs a private and a public key


always expected to keep abreast of rapidly changing new technologies and is usually involved with mission-critical applications

roles by database administration

analyzing and designing the database, selecting dbms and related software tools, installing and upgrading the dbms, tuning database performance, improving database query processing performance, managing data security, privacy and integrity, performing data backup and recovery

stable architecture for the warehouse

corporate information factory

one key method

data encryption standard, both the sender and the receiver need to know the key that is used to scramble the transmitted or stored data

roles of data administration

data policies, procedures and standards, planning, data conflict resolution, managing information repository, internal marketing.


database ___ is only good as the security of the whole computing environment

data administration

develops security


every ____ gigabytes of data in edw necessitates another dwa

when considering open sources

features, support, ease of use, stability, speed, training, licensing

authorization tables

for subjects and objects

trends of database administration

increased used of procedural logic, proliferation of e-business applications, increase use of smartphones, cloud computing and database/data administration

data administrator

information resource manager and he or she takes responsibility for overall management of the data resources

database planning

is a life cycle phase


is created by quering one or more of the base tables , producing a dynamic result table for the user at the time of the request

sox audits

it change management, logical access to data, it operations

generalization about dwa role

many of the same roles as dsas and dbas , emphasizes integration and coordination of meta data and data across many data sources


networks are susceptible to breaches of security through___ unauthorized connections, unauthorized retrievals


newer development approaches

authentication schemes are called

one-factor, two-factor, or three factor authentication


powerful constraints that enforce certain desirable database conditions

data administration and data role

proliferation of proprietary, rapid growth, the embedding of business, the explosion of e-business

integrity controls

protect data from unauthorized use and update


selects the dbma used int the organization

data administration

some have created function called

not secure



the coding or scrambling of data so that humans cannot read them

analyzing and designing the database

the key role played by a dba in the database analysis stage is the definition and creation of the data dictionary repository

case tool

use to specify and develop information system

user-defined procedures

user exists that allow system designers to define their own security procedures in addition to the authorization rules

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