Chapter 11 Leadership Effectiveness

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Involves motivating and directing followers by developing in them a strong emotional commitment to a vision and set of shared values.

Transactional Leadership

Motivating and directing followers primarily through appealing to their own self-interests.involves motivating and directing followers primarily through appealing to their own self-interests. Transactional leadership focuses on a carrot (and sometimes a stick) approach, setting performance expectations and goals and providing feedback to followers. The primary power of transactional leaders comes from their formal authority in the organization. They focus on the basic management processes of controlling, organizing, and short-term planning.

Core Components Transactional Leaders

Provides contingent rewards. Exhibits active management by exception. Emphasizes passive management by exception.

Idealized influence

The degree to which leaders behave in ways that cause followers to identify with them. is the degree to which leaders behave in ways that cause followers to identify with them. These behaviors often (but not always) include charisma.


expresses fundamental aspirations and purpose, usually by appealing to peoples' emotions and minds. The leader needs the competencies to translate abstract and intangible concepts of a broad vision into understandable and concrete goals with which followers can associate and identify required actions.

Authentic leadership

involves influencing followers' attitudes and behaviors through the core interrelated processes of stimulating follower identification, creating hope, reflecting trust, showing positive emotions, and raising optimism.

Inspirational motivation

is the degree to which leaders articulate a vision that appeals to followers. Of course, the transformational leader requires more than a vision to foster change.


occurs when people together create new alternatives and solutions that are better than their individual efforts.

Authentic leadership

refers to individuals who (1) know and understand themselves, (2) know what they believe and value, and (3) act on their values and beliefs through open and honest communications with subordinates and others.

Transformational leadership

Anticipating future trends, inspiring followers to understand and embrace a new vision of possibilities, developing others to be leaders or better leaders, and building the organization or group into a community of challenged and rewarded learners. involves anticipating future trends, inspiring followers to understand and embrace a new vision of possibilities, developing others to be leaders or better leaders, and building the organization or group into a community of challenged and rewarded learners. Transformational leadership may be found at all levels of the organization: teams, departments, divisions, and the organization as a whole. Visionary, inspiring, daring, and ethical are words that describe transformational leaders.

Intellectual stimulation

The degree to which the leader challenges assumptions, takes risks, and solicits followers' the degree to which the leader challenges assumptions, takes risks, and solicits followers' ideas. Transformational leaders encourage followers to "think out of the box" by being innovative and creative. They urge followers to question assumptions, explore new ideas and methods, and approach old situations with new perspectives. I

Ethical leadership

The demonstration of normatively appropriate conduct through personal actions and interpersonal relationships and the promotion of appropriate conduct to followers through communication, reinforcement, and decision making. involves the demonstration of normatively appropriate conduct through personal actions and interpersonal relationships and the promotion of appropriate conduct to followers through communication, reinforcement, and decision making.

Effective transactional Leaders Engage in

They ask: "What needs to be done?" They ask: "What is right for the organization?" They develop action plans. They take responsibility for decisions. They take responsibility for communicating.

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