Chapter 11 Quiz

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Non-solicitation Zone

1. A neighborhood, whose owners have been subjected to blockbusting and have consistently been petitioned to sell their homes, may elect to have their neighborhood designated as what...? o ANon-solicitation Zone o BTesting Zone o CRedlined Zone o DBlockbusting Zone


1. Cease and desist lists and orders of non-solicitation help stop and/or prevent this illegal act...? o ABlockbusting o BTesting o CReverse Redlining o DFiltering Down


1. The refusal to lend money within a specific area is known as___ o ARedlining o BSteering o CBlockbusting o DTesters

Sexual Orientation

1. Which of the following classes is NOT protected under the Fair Housing Act of 1968...? o ASexual Orientation o BRace o CReligion o DNational Origin

The housing provider

1. Who is responsible for paying for the accommodations of handicapped persons in common areas of a building...? o AThe housing provider o BThe tenant o CThe property manager o DThe handicapped person themselves

William himself

1. William is a handicapped individual who owns a unit in a large condominium building. William's unit is not currently handicap accessible. If William wants to upgrade his unit to be handicap accessible, who is responsible for paying for the upgrades...? o AWilliam himself o BThe Condominium Board o CThe property management company o DThe Department of State

Familial Status

1. A single person, pregnant woman or a household with children under 18 living with parents or legal custodians who might experience housing discrimination is referred to as...? o AFamilial Status o BMarital Status o CDesignation o DTesters

The client's sexual orientation

1. Abby, a real estate broker, represents a client seeking to rent a new apartment. Which of the following should Abby NOT consider when showing properties...? o AThe client's sexual orientation o BThe financial capabilities of the client o CThe needs of the client o DThe desires of the client

The board's rejection was based on a protected class

1. Although cooperative boards can reject applicants for a variety of reasons, which of the following can a board NOT reject an applicant....? o AThe board's rejection was based on a protected class o BThe board's rejection was based on the financial capabilities of the applicant o CThe board's rejection was based on the amount of time the applicant planned on living in the cooperative o DThe board's rejection was based on the timing of the application

The client's race

1. Andrew, a real estate broker, represents a client seeking to rent a new apartment. Which of the following should Andrew NOT consider when showing properties...? o AThe client's race o BThe financial capabilities of the client o CThe needs of the client o DThe desires of the client

Wider doors only

1. Billy is a handicapped individual who's rental apartment requires wider doors in order to make the unit handicap accessible. Billy would also prefer deeper counter tops and a larger refrigerator as he feels these accommodations will help him. What is the landlord required to install in order to accommodate Billy...? o AWider doors only o BWider doors and deeper counter tops o CEverything Billy demands o DWider doors and a wider refrigerator

The NY Department of State website

1. Cease and desist lists or orders of non-solicitation lists can be found where...? o AThe NY Department of State website o BThe Department of Buildings website o CThe Department of Finance website o DThe NY Attorney General's website


1. David, a real estate agent, illegally created fear among homeowners in a particular neighborhood by stating that the migration of minority groups into the neighborhood will lead to a decrease in property values. David is guilty of which illegal act...? o ABlockbusting o BRedlining o CTesting o DFiltering Down

All qualified candidates

1. Fair housing laws require that real estate agents and brokers sell to who...? o AAll qualified candidates o BCandidates who share the same religious beliefs as the seller o CCandidates who share the same cultural backgrounds as the seller o DCandidates who share the same sexual orientation


1. Handicap accessibility and adaptability provisions were required for all new construction as of which year...? o A1991 o B1988 o C1974 o D1968

Reasonable accommondations

1. If a home provider is required to provide handicap accommodations for a tenant, what type of accommodations are required...? o AReasonable accommodations o BFull handicap accommodations o COnly accommodations for an individual with a walker o DOnly accommodations for an individual with a seeing eye dog

The Fair Housing Amendment Act

1. In 1988, this Act was passed into federal law...? o AThe Fair Housing Amendment Act o BThe Civil Rights Act o CThe Fair Housing Act o DThe Housing and Community Development Act

Domestic Violence Victim Status

1. In addition to the classes protected under the Federal Fair Housing laws, which of the following classes are protected under the New York State Human Rights Law...? o ADomestic Violence Victim Status o BRace o CSex o DColor

The client's financial capabilities

1. In addition to the needs and wants of their client, real estate salespersons should consider which of the following when showing a property...? o AThe client's financial capabilities o BThe client's age o CThe client's race o DThe client's religious beliefs

The client's needs and wants

1. In addition to their client's financial capabilities, a real estate salesperson should also consider what when showing a property...? o AThe client's needs and wants o BThe client's race o CThe client's age o DThe client's religious beliefs

All Residents

1. In order to qualify for the '62 and older exemption', how many residents living in a single dwelling must be at least 62 years of age...? o AAll residents o B1 o C2 o D3


1. In this year, the Fair Housing Act was signed into law...? o A1968 o B1966 o C1964 o D1962


1. James, a real estate broker, represents an Hispanic client who is seeking to purchase a new home. James believes that his client will want to live in a predominately Hispanic neighborhood and proceeds to show properties accordingly. James may be guilty of the following...? o ASteering o BTesting o CBlockbusting o DRed-lining


1. Kevin, a real estate broker, represents a Chinese client seeking to rent a new apartment. Kevin wrongly believes that his client only prefers to rent in a predominantly Chinese neighborhood and proceeds to show apartments accordingly. Kevin is guilty of the following...? o ASteering o BTesting o CBlockbusting o DRed-lining

A tester

1. Michael works as a volunteer for the State of New York. His job is to play the role of a prospective renter seeking to rent a new apartment in a particular neighborhood. Michael observes how he is treated by sales agents in an effort to see if he is being treated fairly. Michael may be referred to as which of the following...? o AA Tester o BAn Activist o CA Decoy o DAn Attorney


1. Michele is a sales agent who has a Korean client seeking to purchase a new home. Michele reasons that her client may want to live in a predominantly Korean neighborhood and therefore only shows homes in this neighborhood. What is Michele guilty of...? o ASteering o BRed-lining o CBlockbusting o DTesting


1. Non-discrimination and housing for FHA or VA loans was signed into law in what year...? o A1962 o B1964 o C1968 o D1966


1. The Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into federal law in what year...? o A1992 o B1964 o C1974 o D1962


1. The Fair Housing Act of 1968, which protects buyers and rents from discrimination, has how many protected classes...? o A7 o B6 o C5 o D9


1. The Fair Housing Amendment Act was signed into federal law in what year...? o A1988 o B1964 o C1968 o D1992


1. The consequence of an impairment that may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or some combination of these is known as what...? o ADisability o BIncapacity o CDetriment o DDefect


1. The practice in which real estate brokers guide prospective home buyers towards or away from certain neighborhoods based on their race is known as___ o ARedlining o BSteering o CBlockbusting o DTesters


1. The practice of inducing homeowners in a particular neighborhood to sell their homes quickly, often at below market prices, by creating the fear that the entry of a minority group or groups into the neighborhood will cause a precipitous decline in property values is known as___ o ARedlining o BSteering o CBlockbusting o DTesters

The Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988

1. The protection of familial status was signed into Federal law under this Act...? o AThe Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988 o BThe Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 o CThe Civil Rights Act of 1964 o DThe Americans with Disabilities Act


1. These are volunteers from state or private agencies who enforce fair housing laws by claiming to be home seekers, thereby finding out if brokers deal fairly with all clients/customers___ o ARedlining o BSteering o CBlockbusting o DTesters

1954 Brown vs. Board of Education

1. This Supreme Court case which concluded that 'separate is NOT equal'___ o AFair Housing Act of 1968 o B1954 Brown vs. Board of Education o CCivil Rights Act of 1866 o D1896 Plessy vs. Ferguson o ECivil Rights Act of 1964

1896 Plessy v. Ferguson

1. This is a Supreme Court case which concluded that 'separate is equal'___ o AFair Housing Act of 1968 o B1954 Brown vs. Board of Education o CCivil Rights Act of 1866 o D1896 Plessy vs. Ferguson o ECivil Rights Act of 1964

Civil Rights Act of 1964

1. This is a federal law that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin___ o AFair Housing Act of 1968 o B1954 Brown vs. Board of Education o CCivil Rights Act of 1866 o D1896 Plessy vs. Ferguson o ECivil Rights Act of 1964

Civil Rights Act of 1866

1. This is a federal law that prohibits all discrimination on the basis of race only___ o AFair Housing Act of 1968 o B1954 Brown vs. Board of Education o CCivil Rights Act of 1866 o D1896 Plessy vs. Ferguson o ECivil Rights Act of 1964

Fair Housing Act of 1968

1. This is a federal prohibition that protects a buyer/renter of a dwelling from seller/landlord discrimination with regards to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, familial status, or disability___ o AFair Housing Act of 1968 o B1954 Brown vs. Board of Education o CCivil Rights Act of 1866 o D1896 Plessy vs. Ferguson o ECivil Rights Act of 1964

New York State Human Rights Law

1. This law protects individuals from discrimination based on their age, creed, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, disability, military status, domestic violence victim status, arrest record, conviction record, predisposing genetic characteristics, and familial status...? o ANew York State Human Rights Law o BCivil Rights Act of 1866 o CAmericans with Disabilities Act o DHUD

Cease and Desist List

1. Upon the establishment of a cease and desist zone by the Secretary, a list of homeowners who have filed owner's statements expressing their wish not to be solicited by real estate brokers or salesperson is known as what...? o ACease and Desist List o BDo Not Call List o CDo Not Email List o DDo Not Contract List

Buchanan vs. Warley

1. Which Supreme Court case concluded that block-by-block zoning, which encourages racial segregation was unconstitutional...? o ABuchanan vs. Warley o BPlessy vs. Ferguson o CRoe vs. Wade o DBrown vs. Board of Education

Filter listings that may relate to a specific ethnic group

1. Which of the following is NOT a responsibility for a broker's office as it pertains to fair housing...? o AFilter listings that may relate to a specific ethnic group o BPrevent fair housing discrimination in advertising listings o CMaintain a fair housing office o DHave an in-house specialist who can provide on-going fair housing training

The race of the owner

1. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate fact to advertise when marketing a property...? o AThe race of the owner o BThe size of the property o CThe address of the property o DThe asking price of the property

Military Status

1. Which of the following is NOT one of the protected classes from the Fair Housing Act of 1968...? o AMilitary Status o BRace o CGender o DNational Origin

All of the above

1. Which of the following is NOT permitted to contact a homeowner on a cease and desist list...? o AAll of the Above o BReal Estate Salesperson o CReal Estate Broker o DAssociate Real Estate Broker

Restricting access to a part of a property due to someone's age

1. Which of the following is an example of a type of discriminatory act that may violate fair housing laws...? o ARestricting access to a part of a property due to someone's age o BShowing a property to any interested party o CRefusing to show a particular property due to the lack of financial means of the client o DAsking to verify the source of funds used for the down payment

An individual is not financially capable of buying or renting in a particular neighborhood

1. Which of the following may be considered a plausible reason for NOT being able to live in a particular neighborhood...? o AAn individual is not financially capable of buying or renting in a particular neighborhood o BAn individual does not prefer to live among minorities o CAn individual does not prefer to live among the elderly o DAn individual does not prefer to live near a place of worship

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