Chapter 11 Test Prep

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What are the six steps in a performance appraisal?

Establishing reasonable, measurable, and understandable performance standards, communicating the standards, evaluate, discuss, take action, make a decision.

What are the five steps in human resource planning?

Preparing HR resource inventory of employees, prepping a job analysis, assessing future HR demand, assessing future labor demand, establishing a strategic plan.

What did Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 achieve?

Prevents discrimination

What advantages do compensation plans such as profit sharing offer an organization?

Profit sharing is when each employee will get a bonus from specific percentage predetermined. The percentage is taken from the company's profit. They offer incentive for the employee to do well not just for himself but for the company. Because it is just a percentage of the profit, they will never have to pay the employee more than they can.

What is human resource management?

The process of determining human resource needs and then recruiting, selecting, developing, motivating, evaluating, compensating, and scheduling employees to achieve organizational goals.

What's the primary purpose of a performance appraisal?

to make decisions about compensation, promotion, training, and firing

Who is considered a contingent worker, and why do companies hire such workers?

Contingent workers are workers who do not have the expectation of regular, full-time employment. They are hired in uncertain economic times, when demand is high, when people are on leave, to save on benefits, or to screen someone for full time employment.

What is the EEOC, and what was the intention of affirmative action?

EEOC includes affirmative action and was strengthened by EEOA. Affirmative Action "rights past wrongs" by increasing opportunities for minorities and women.

What does accommodations mean in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990?

Elevators and ramps in addition to stairs, braille in addition to writing, accessible bathrooms, et c

What are the six steps in the selection process?

Obtaining complete application forms, conducting initial and follow up interviews, giving employment tests, conducting background investigations, obtaining results from physical exams, establishing trial periods.

Name and describe four training techniques

Orientation, On-the-job training, Apprenticeships, Off-the-job training, Online training, Vestibule training, Job simulation

Can you name and describe five alternative compensation techniques?

Pay system which can include salary, hourly, piecework, bonuses, et c. Flextime plans where you can have some choice in when you work and when you don't, as long as you work the number of hours required. Fringe benefits which are things like company cars, free meals, discounts, et c. Job sharing plans are when 2 part time employees share a full-time job. Home based work is when you can work from home, usually over the internet. A compressed work week is when people are able to work for the same amount of hours, but in less days.

What are the benefits and challenges of flextime? Telecommuting? Job sharing?

The benefits of flextime are that employees are given more freedom and will help attract good employee however it means managers often have to work more hours and it can be hard to get the whole team together for meetings. Telecommuting is also a good way to attract employees and save money on workspaces however, it can make it difficult to appraise performance and it can lead to a feeling of isolation for employees. Job sharing can be useful because it gets job opportunities for people who cannot work full time and saves the business money on insurance and other benefits but it requires 2 people coordinating their schedules et c.

What factors make it difficult to recruit qualified employees?

You have to consider the law, what's best for the individual, and what's best for the organization. It can also be very competitive and in order to get good employees you have to offer them something good.

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