Chapter 12

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Check My Work Which statement regarding the president's cabinet is true?

The Constitution does not require the president to consult with the cabinet.

The ability of the president to hire certain positions such as cabinet heads and federal judges comes from

appointment power

Presidential power that is derived from statements in the Constitution but are not law are

inherent powers.

If Congress presents a tax bill to President Trump, but he perceives portions of the bill to be unconstitutional, he can still sign the bill, but highlight sections he believes are unconstitutional. This is an example of a

signing statement.

The president uses the power of chief diplomat to negotiate treaties with advice and consent of

the Senate.

Which of the following statements accurately describes national security powers? Check all that apply.

-The Constitution grants the president the power to act as commander-in-chief of the armed forces. -As commander-in-chief, the president has the power to declare war.

Civil rights leaders, including Martin Luther King Jr., advocated for removing ________1____ based on race in the areas of education, employment, and accommodation. Ascending to the presidency following the assassination of President Kennedy, President Johnson was able to pass civil rights legislation over the objections of _______2____ members of Congress. Signing the act into law in ___3_____ , Johnson urged the nation to eliminate _______4___ .

1.impediments 2.southern 3.1964 4.injustice

Powers of the presidency include the power to _______1_________and the power to ____________2________. The War Powers Resolution of 1973, enacted as the result of a rare veto override by Congress, requires the president to _3________before sending U.S. armed forces into hostile territory.

1.veto acts passed by Congress 2.act as commander-in-chief of the armed forces 3.consult with Congress

Which constitutional amendment required that the president and vice president be chosen separately?


How are candidates for president and vice president nominated?

Candidates are nominated at national conventions every four years.

Which of the following has the power to check presidential power?


While the president is the commander in chief of the military, who has the power to declare war?


How do presidents broaden their powers?

Executive orders

Which of the following is a power of the president?

Executive orders

A power created for the president by a law enacted through Congress, such as the ability to declare a national emergency, is an inherent power.

False, Statutory powers are those created for the president through the enactment of laws by Congress. One example is the ability to declare a national emergency.

Any U.S. citizen, who is at least thirty-five years of age and has been a U.S. resident for at least fourteen years, meets the constitutional requirements for the presidency

False,A president, in addition to being at least thirty-five years of age and a fourteen-year resident must also be a natural born citizen.

The president's formal advisory group, usually made up of the heads of major governmental departments, as well as others chosen by the president, is known as the kitchen cabinet.

False,The cabinet is the formal advisory group selected by the president to aid in making decisions. The cabinet includes fourteen department secretaries, the attorney general and others selected by the president. A kitchen cabinet is a very informal group of advisers. Usually, they are friends with whom the president worked before being elected.

What is true regarding the president's veto power?

If the president vetoes a bill, Congress can override the president's objections with a two-thirds vote.

What is the most common previous occupational field of presidents in the United States?


Why did the founders create the presidency to be led by a single person?

Need for quick decisions

Which scenario best describes a president's role as commander in chief?

President Clinton's ordering of missile attacks on terrorist bases

In 1868, President Andrew Johnson issued a blanket amnesty to all former Confederate soldiers. This is an example of which presidential power?

Reprieves and pardons

The only formal duty of the vice president is to preside over the Senate


Which statement regarding the president and "going public" is correct?

Since the early 1900s, presidents have spoken more to the public and less to Congress.

Which organization provides staff assistance for the chief executive, helps to coordinate the executive bureaucracy, and contains offices such as the Office of the Vice President and the White House Office?

The Executive Office of the President

If Candidate A, a Republican, Candidate B, a Democrat, and Candidate C, an independent, are running for president, but no candidate wins a majority of votes in the electoral college, then who chooses the president?

The House of Representatives

Who has the power to impeach the president?

The House of Representatives

If both President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence die, resign, or are disabled, who will become president?

The Speaker of the House

What was the main point of President Eisenhower's farewell address excerpted above?

To protect freedom and democracy, it is important to be aware of the possibility of improper influence by private defense industries.

What states that if a president believes that he or she is incapable of performing the duties of office, the president must inform Congress in writing and then the vice president serves as acting president until the president can resume normal duties?

Twenty-fifth Amendment

The president is required by the Constitution to act as chief legislator by setting the congressional agenda and communicating his goals to the American people through

an annual State of the Union Address.

No president traveled out of the country for more than 20 days of their 4th year in office.


President Obama traveled more in his last year than President Bush


President Trump traveled more in his first year in office than any other president on the graph


The U.S. Constitution requires those seeking the presidency to have prior experience in elective office.


Voters are least likely to support an atheist for president.


Which president(s) were impeached, convicted, and removed from office?


If you loyally served on new President Jones' campaign and raised vast amounts of donations by hosting fundraisers in your community, you might receive a presidential appointment within her cabinet, benefitting from her


Both Presidents Bush and Obama traveled the fewest number of days in their 4th year in office.


Formal eligibility requirements for the presidency of the United States include qualifications based on age, citizenship, and residency status.


More than half of voters would support a gay or lesbian presidential candidate.


President Bush only traveled out of the country for more than 30 days in his last year in office.


The Twenty-Second Amendment establishes presidential term limits.


The single highest year of travel was President Clinton's 6th year in office.


The United States is unique among democratic nations in that it combines the roles of chief executive and ceremonial head of state.

true, The United States is unique because most other countries do not have their chief executives act as head of state by performing tasks such as decorating war heroes, throwing out the first pitch to open the baseball season, dedicating parks, and receiving visiting heads of state

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