Chapter 12 Biology

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Of the biomes listed, which is best adapted to seasonal fires?


Which principle states that no two species competing for the exact same resources can coexist?

Competitive exclusion principle

What is the name of the model of maximum rate of population growth?


Where would a coral reef most likely be found?

In the oceanic photic zone

What type of species, if removed from the community, could lead to the collapse of the entire community?

Keystone species

All ecosystems need energy. What is the originating source for the most of the energy that powers ecosystems on this planet?

Solar energy

Aquatic biomes cover most of the Earth's surface


A population in ecology is defined as __________

a group of organisms, all from the same species

Environmentalism is ___________

a philosophical and social movement concerned with preserving the environment

Ecology is a science that can be carried out by _________________

both A and B

The distribution of terrestrial biomes on Earth depends mostly on _____________

both temperature and rainfall

An age pyramid with a broad base that quickly slopes up to a narrow top would be indicative of ________.

developing nation

What is the difference between a community and an ecosystem?

A community includes interacting populations with their surrounding environment, while an ecosystem does not include the surrounding environment.

What category describes a species that, while not presently at risk of extinction, could likely be at risk of extinction in the near future?

A threatened species

At what level is biodiversity often studied and measured?

All of the above

Although freshwater biomes cover less than 1% of the Earth's surface, they are important because ________.

All of the above are reason why freshwater biomes are important

Identify the biotic factor of an ecosystem among the following options.

Amount of moss available to the consumers

All living things need carbon. How does carbon enter the living portion of an ecosystem?

Atmospheric CO2 taken in by photosynthesis

All living things need nitrogen. How does nitrogen enter the living portion of an ecosystem?

Atmospheric N2 taken in by soil bacteria

Which of the following is not an example of an abiotic factor?


What is the term used to describe relatively small areas with unusually high concentrations of species found there and nowhere else, including many species in high risk of extinction? These areas receive the focus of global conservation efforts.

Biodiversity hot spot

What can human population's age pyramid tell you about current and future needs?

Both of these

A sudden natural catastrophe resulting in massive die-offs would be categorized as a density- ________ limiting factor.


The Asian kudzu bug (Megacopta cribaria) arrived in Atlanta in 2009 and is quickly spreading across the South. In addition to eating kudzu, it also eats soybeans and can decimate entire crops. The kudzu bug is a type of _______ species.


An ecosystem is a collection of all the _______ in a given area.

living and nonliving things

The tendency of toxins to accumulate in top predators is called biological ________.


There are little birds that spend a great deal of time on the back of a rhinoceros and eat the blood sucking ticks out of the rhino's ears. Answer the following question regarding these creatures' relationships. The bird-rhino relationship is an example of ________.


Abiotic factors are ___________

nonliving components of an ecosystem

A community in ecology is defined as _______________

organisms from multiple species interacting in the same place

There are little birds that spend a great deal of time on the back of a rhinoceros and eat the blood sucking ticks out of the rhino's ears. Answer the following question regarding these creatures' relationships. The tick-rhino relationship is an example of ________.


The buildup of soil on bare rock by the decomposition of early colonizers is characteristic of ________ succession.


A wolf eats a rabbit that eats grass. The grass is a ________.


Phytoplankton is an example of a ____________________


A biome characterized by warm, fairly dry climate that primarily contains grasses with scattered, isolated trees is a _____________


Species diversity is highest when _________

species richness is high and relative abundance is evenly distributed

Terrestrial biomes are defined in a large part by ___________

the plants that live there

A dispersion pattern refers to ______________

the spacing of organism throughout a habitat

Aquatic biomes are defined primarily by __________________

their salinity

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