Chapter 12 BOI

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A single element or group of elements that is eligible for selection via the sampling process is called a _____. a. sampling panel b. sampling unit c. sampling error d. sampling quota


An investigation of all the individual elements that make up a population is called a(n)_____. a. enumeration b. census c. sample d. stratum


In which type of sampling is a subsample drawn using simple random sampling within each stratum of the population? a. cluster sampling b. stratified sampling c. systematic sampling d. convenience sampling


Internet surveys probably should remain active for a minimum of _____ hours. a. 5 b. 12 c. 24 d. 48


When a researcher puts the name of each person on a sampling frame list on a 3" x 5" card, shuffles the cards thoroughly, and then selects 35 names from the top of the pile of cards for a phone interview study, this is an example of what type of sampling procedure? a. judgment sample b. simple random sample c. stratified sample d. area sample


Which of the following refers to any complete group whose members share some common set of characteristics? a. sample b. population c. stratum d. cluster


Which type of error occurs when certain sample elements are excluded or when the entire population is not accurately represented in the sampling frame? a. Type I error b. sampling frame error c. statistical error d. list error


When a company decides to send an Internet survey to all of its 127-member sales force to determine their morale, this is an example of a _____ a. cluster sample b. multistage area sample c. census d. sample


A list of elements from which the sample may be drawn is called a _____. a. parameter list b. probability sample c. population parameter d. sampling frame


A(n) _____ is a subset, or some part, of a larger population. a. slice b. census c. element d. sample


When a local television station sends a crew to interview joggers in the city park on a beautiful spring day, this represents what type of sample? a. cluster sample b. multistage area sample c. systematic sample d. convenience sample


Which of the following is a nonprobability sampling technique in which an experienced individual selects the sample based on his or her judgment about some appropriate characteristics required of the sample member? a. area sample b. subjective sample c. stratified sample d. judgment sample


A census is any complete group whose members share some common set of characteristics.


A convenience sample is a type of probability sampling method.


A poll is an investigation of all the individual elements that make up the population.


The availability of sampling frames is fairly consistent around the world.


The first stage in the selection of a sample is to determine the sampling frame.


A bigger sample is needed if the elements of the population are quite diverse compared to if the elements of the population are quite similar.


A primary sampling unit (PSU) is a unit selected in the first stage of sampling.


A reverse directory provides, in a different format, the same information contained in a telephone directory.


A sampling procedure ensuring that each element in the population will have an equal chance of being included in the sample is called simple random sampling.


An area sample is the most popular type of stratified sample.


List brokers rent lists of names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of specific populations.


Multistage area sampling is a cluster sampling approach involving multiple steps.


Randomness characterizes a procedure whose outcome cannot be predicted because it depends on chance.


Sampling involves using a small number of people in the target market to make conclusions about the entire target market population.


Stratified samples can be proportional or disproportional.


A sampling procedure that assures each element in the population of an equal chance of being included in the sample is called _____. a. simple random sampling b. primary random sampling c. primary sampling d. stratified sampling


A stratified sample in which the number of sampling units drawn from each stratum is in proportion to the population size of that stratum is called a(n) _____. a. proportional stratified sample b. balanced stratified sample c. even stratified sample d. primary stratified sample


A stratified sample in which the sample size for each stratum is allocated according to analytical considerations is called a(n) _____. a. disproportional stratified sample b. unbalanced stratified sample c. secondary stratified sample d. analytical sample


All of the following are reasons for using a sample EXCEPT _____. a. complete enumeration b. pragmatic reasons c. accurate and reliable results d. destruction of test units


All of the following are stages in the selection of a sample EXCEPT _____. a. analyze data b. select a sampling frame c. determine sample size d. conduct fieldwork


The difference between the sample result and the result of an accurate census is called _____. a. random sampling error b. systematic sampling error c. primary sampling error d. secondary sampling error


When a marketing vice-president tells the marketing department to schedule a test market in Dallas because he feels that this city is "typical" of the composition of the target market for a new product nationally, this is an example of what type of sample? a. judgment sample b. area sample c. cluster sample d. convenience sample


When a researcher has made the decision to conduct a survey using a sample of the population, the FIRST step in the selection of the sample is to _____. a. define the target population b. determine the sample size c. select the actual sampling units d. select a sampling frame


Which sampling technique is an economically efficient sampling technique in which the primary sampling unit is not the individual element in the population but a large cluster of elements? a. cluster sampling b. stratified sampling c. grouped sampling d. homogeneous sampling


Which type of sampling procedure selects initial respondents using probability methods and selects subsequent respondents from information provided by those initial respondents? a. snowball sample b. stepwise sample c. judgment sample d. secondary sampling


All of the following are common sampling criteria EXCEPT _____. a. degree of accuracy required b. size of the population c. resources available d. time available to conduct the research


Claire has agreed to participate in surveys online. Every few weeks, she is sent an email requesting her to participate in an online survey. What did Claire do to become involved in these research studies? a. opted out b. opted in c. randomized herself d. met a quota


If a national political pollster selects ten states randomly, then randomly selects five counties within each state, then randomly selects five voting precincts within these counties, then randomly selects five blocks within these precincts, then randomly selects five households for door-to-door interviews about their voting intentions in the next Presidential election, this is an example of what type of sampling procedure? a. simple random sample b. multistage area sample c. systematic sample d. nonprobability sample


Lists of respondents who have agreed to participate in marketing research along with the e-mail contact information for these individuals are called _____. a. interactive samples b. online panels c. perpetual samples d. e-samples


When a researcher wants to study the members of the American Marketing Association and selects a sample from its membership list, the membership list is an example of a _____. a. reverse directory b. sampling frame c. systematic sampling list d. census


When the head of the marketing research department instructs field interviewers to interview parents at a soccer tournament such that they each interview 10 truck owners, 10 SUV owners, 8 sedan owners, and 4 owners of sports cars, this represents what type of sampling procedure? a. systematic sample b. quota sample c. area sample d. multistage sample


Which type of sampling error is primarily due to the nature of a study's design and the correctness of execution? a. random sampling error b. systematic sampling error c. primary sampling error d. secondary sampling error


A sampling procedure in which a starting point is selected by a random process and then every nth number on the list is selected is called a(n) _____. a. cluster sampling b. analytic sampling c. systematic sampling d. stratified sampling


A telephone directory that lists the people in the phone book by their street address instead of by their last name is called a _____. a. snowball directory b. inverse directory c. reverse directory d. sampling frame directory


As sample size ______ , random sampling error ______. a. increases; increases b. decreases; decreases c. increases; decreases d. increase; remains unchanged


If a researcher wants to select 50 customers from a sampling frame of 250 customers who have purchased at least $10,000 worth of products from his company within the past six months using a systematic sampling technique, after a random start, the researcher should select every ______ name on the list. a. 20th b. 10th c. 5th d. 50th


Janet has agreed to participate in online research studies. She signed up to receive emails inviting her to participate in various applied research studies, such as the one that asked her questions about dinner preparation. Janet is part of a(n) _____. a. stratum b. cluster c. online panel d. scanner panel


A marketing researcher wants to put together four focus groups of 18-24 year-old males who are "heavy downloaders of music" (defined as downloading 50 songs per month). He finds one person in the target market who qualifies and then asks that person to suggest the names of two other males between the ages of 18-24 who download music so that he can invite them to participate in the focus group. These people, in turn, are each asked to suggest two others similar to themselves to participate in the focus group study. This procedure represents what type of sampling procedure? a. stepwise sample b. judgment sample c. area sample d. snowball sample


All of the following are advantages of quota sampling over probability sampling EXCEPT ____. a. lower cost b. convenience c. speed of data collection d. lower error


If Delta Airlines selects randomly a set of 40 flights on a given day, and then selects randomly a group of ten passengers on each of these flights to participate in an in-flight survey, the passengers are _____. a. PSU b. census c. systematic samples d. secondary sampling units


If a researcher for Procter & Gamble selects five states randomly, and then selects 10 supermarket chains within each of these states to call for a phone survey for research regarding a new shampoo, what type of sampling procedure is being used? a. systematic sample b. simple random sample c. nonprobability sample d. cluster sample


In which type of sampling does every element in the population have a known, nonzero probability of selection? a. absolute sampling b. relative sampling c. nonprobability sampling d. probability sampling


When a researcher uses students to participate in a study because he has easy access to them, what type of sampling procedure does this represent? a. judgment sample b. systematic sample c. snowball sample d. convenience sample


As sample size decreases, random sampling error decreases.


In stratified sampling a subsample is drawn using judgment sampling within each stratum.


Judgment sampling ensures that various subgroups of a population will be represented on pertinent characteristics.


Systematic errors are due to chance fluctuations.


Systematic sampling is a type of true random selection procedure.


A list of all of the members of the San Diego chapter of Notre Dame alumni is an example of a sampling frame.


Snowball sampling involves using probability methods for an initial selection of respondents and then obtaining additional respondents through information provided by the initial respondents.


The degree of accuracy required in sampling may vary form project to project.


The sampling frame is also called the "working population."


Website Internet surveys use unrestricted samples.


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