Chapter 12: Communication, Conflict, and Negotiation

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Managers at a pharmaceutical research and development firm have checkbooks that they carry around with them as they monitor their subordinates. If a manager notes outstanding behavior by a subordinate, they can write the high-level performer a check on the spot. This is an example of the manager's ___________ power.


A professor assigns grades due to _________ power.


All of the following are individual antecedents of political behavior EXCEPT

role ambiguity.

The Teach for America representative faced the group of college students and asked, "Do you want to make a difference in this world? Do you want to give back for all the good things you have had happen to you over your lifetime? Do you want to help a child have a chance, a chance like yours? Then, won't you consider giving just nine months of your life to make a difference? Consider joining me and thousands of your peers in leading this country in a new direction by taking part in Teach for America." The representative is using the _______________ influence tactic.

inspirational appeal

Referent power

stems from the personal characteristics of the person such as the degree to which we respect and want to be like them.

Which of the following statements regarding the Asch studies is INCORRECT?

A dissenting minority response caused the participants to give the correct answer only if that minority also gave the right answer.

Which of the following statements regarding impression management is INCORRECT?

At work, the most effective approach to impression management is to build credibility and be the person you want to be.

Which of the following statements regarding antecedents of political behavior is INCORRECT?

Authoritarian decision making leads to more political behavior in the organization.

The use of client lists by advertisers and businesses to promote goods and service is an example of the _____________ influence tactic. And, it works!


Which of the following statements regarding the positive and negative consequences of power is INCORRECT?

Individuals are often quick to question the actions of those in power.

_______________ power is more effective than formal power bases and is positively related to employee performance and organizational commitment.


Which of the following statements regarding the Zimbardo study is correct?

The Zimbardo study was ended early due to the participant's deep entrenchment of the roles.

Which of the following is correct regarding aspects of the relationship between dependency and power?

The more dependent you are on another, the less power you have.

Which of the following statements regarding the Milgram experiment on conformity to authority is correct?

The researcher/experimenter's role was very important in obtaining group compliance with the experiment procedures/guidelines.

Almost all managers surveyed suggest workplace politics exist in their organizations and that to be successful individuals must engage in politics.


Which of the following statements regarding upward influence is INCORRECT?

While helping higher-ups be more effective can help employees gain more power for themselves, there is no gain for those same employees from allowing those below to influence them.

Downward influence is best achieved through

an inspiring vision.

The ability to attract others, win their admiration, and hold them spellbound is


When a target agrees to a request and actively supports it, the target's response is


Mike was playing video games. His mother came downstairs and said, "Mike, your room is a mess. I want you to go upstairs right now and clean it up or you will not be able to go out on Saturday." Mike wanted to finish his game but saved it instead and went to clean his room. Mike has responded to Mom's influence attempt with


People's tendencies to behave consistently with social norms is


The influence tactic that works most effectively in organizations that value democratic decision making is


The ability to influence those in positions lower than yours is

downward influence.

All of the following statements regarding organizational politics are correct EXCEPT

effective politics is all about winning at all costs.

Research on employee perception of organizational politics finds all of the following if employees think that their organization is overly driven by politics, EXCEPT

employees have lower job satisfaction, but are no less committed to the organization.

Giving students a free mug, t-shirt, or blanket just for getting their names on a mailing list at an organization is an example of the ____________ influence tactic. Research suggests individuals try to repay what has been given them.


All of the following are organizational antecedents of political behavior EXCEPT

expectations of success.

Access to specific knowledge or skills is _______________ power.


Whitt Company made a substantial monetary offer to Bob to leave his design job at Lincoln Industries and come to work at Whitt. The Whitt CEO, on hearing some complaints from members of the Whitt Board of Directors about the size of Bob's pay package, responded, "Bob is one of the few people in the industry who really understands what the customer wants and can design it into the product." Bob has ____________ power.


Power that comes from knowledge and skill is

expert power

Attempting to get others to do what we want is


When negotiating a deal on the purchase of a new automobile, Bradley had manufacturing cost data from his neighbor who worked for the car manufacturer. Bradley got himself a good deal on his purchase due to his ___________ power in the negotiation.


Using different forms of making others feel good about themselves is the influence tactic of


Which of the following is not an aspect of the verbal strategy of impression management?

intent of your speech

Research suggests all of the following are outcomes of impression management EXCEPT impression management

is less influential in unstructured interviews than structured interviews.

Coercive power

is the ability to take something away or punish someone for noncompliance.

Al Dunlap was recognized as a turnaround artist for firms experiencing financial and performance difficulties. When Dunlap arrived at a firm, downsizing usually followed. Dunlap received the nickname, "Chainsaw Al" due to his cost-cutting abilities. When Dunlap arrived at a firm he would recommend major restructuring and though they were not supportive of his tactics, his managers implemented his plan. Dunlap had ___________ power.


Power that comes from one's organizational role or position is

legitimate power.

A number of weight loss products advertised on television feature doctors who note the safety and effectiveness of the product. This approach to convincing viewers to purchase the product is an example of the _______________ influence tactic.


Your posture, hand gestures, and eye contact are all examples of what aspect of impression management?


Your roommate says to you, "I really need to make sure that I do not have any typos or misspelled words on my cover letter for my business communications class. Will you please read it for me?" This is an example of the

personal appeal influence tactic.

Which of the following is NOT an impression management category that an individual can use to accomplish the outcomes desired?


The ability to influence the behavior of others to get what you want is


Getting a person to enter an employee assistance program for a substance abuse problem as a condition of keeping their job is an example of using the ____________ influence tactic.


According to surveys, the most frequently used influence tactic is

rational persuasion.

The school district negotiator notes during contract negotiations with the teachers' union that the district cannot afford a 3% wage increase. The district negotiator presents the current expenditure budget, the projected tax revenue and state contributions, and the currently increasing unemployment rate in the community's tax base as evidence of the lack of extra money for the increases. The district negotiator is attempting to convince the teachers' negotiator to pull back his demands using

rational persuasion.

Professor Lamb is a fabulous speaker—funny, topical, and very knowledgeable about his subject. His classes are always filled as soon as they open for scheduling and the waiting list to get into them is long. Students never miss his class and they highly recommend him to their friends. Graduate students want to study with him to learn his techniques. Professor Lamb has ___________ power.


The college organization president spoke to her members noting that the organization needed monetary donations to reach their goals. She cited numerous reasons why the money was needed and encouraged all members to call alumni members of the group for such donations. She suggested that the group members remind the alumni of the organization's importance and their ties to that group. John dislikes asking anyone for money and decided not to make the calls. John is responding to the president's influence tactics with


When the influence target does not wish to comply with the request and either passively or actively repels the influence attempt, they are exhibiting


The ability to grant an increase in pay, a perk, or an attractive job assignment is ___________ power.


Mark is the only individual in his organization who speaks Spanish fluently. His firm just purchased a firm located in Mexico. Mark's boss just told him how valuable he is to the firm. This scenario is an example of what factor in the relationship between dependency and power?


The organizational behavior course has a project as a key requirement in the course. As part of the course's evaluation, students must indicate which group member is the most valuable to the group. The designated individual will receive bonus points. Nick is the only one in his course project group who can create effective PowerPoint presentations. As the group's presentation must feature a visual aid, Nick is very confident he will be chosen as the most valuable group member. Elizabeth just arrived at the group meeting with ideas for depicting colorful poster boards with the same information. The group was very enthusiastic about her novel ideas. This scenario demonstrates the impact ___________ has on the level of power one has.


Research on the direction of influence and the effectiveness of various influence techniques indicates

the better the quality of relationship between the subordinate and supervisor, the more positively resistance to influence techniques are seen.

The value of the resource is

the importance.

The relationship between dependency and power suggests

the more unique your resource, the more power you will have.

Which of the following statements regarding power distribution research is INCORRECT?

In comparing rankings given to managers with regard to their influence, there was general agreement on the top five but no agreement on the bottom five.

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