chapter 12 intermediate

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The cost of a purchased intangible asset includes Entry field with correct answer legal fees. all of these answer choices are correct. purchase price. incidental expenses.

limited life intangibles

rules the apply to impairments of ppe also apply to

bargain purchase

the purchaser in a business combination pays less than the fair value of the identifiable net assets the excess amount is recorded as a gain by the purchaser

intangible assets

two main characteristics: they lack physical existence they are not financial instruments

long term assets

what are intagible assets classified as

goodwill write off

- goodwill considered to have an indefinite life - should not be amortized - only adjust carrying value when goodwill is impaired


A contractual arrangement under which the franchisor grants the franchisee the right to sell certain products, to perform specific services, or to use certain trademarks or trade names, or to perform certain functions, usually within a designated geographic area.

master valuation approach

A procedure for valuing goodwill. It assumes that goodwill is the difference between the purchase price for a company and the amount that cannot be specifically identified with any identifiable tangible or intangible assets, less liabilities assumed in the purchase.

trademark or trade name

A word, phrase, or symbol that distinguishes or identifies a particular compnay or product. Registration with the U.S. Patent Office provides legal protection for an indefinite number of renewals for periods of 10 years each.


Recovery of impairment is recognized under IFRS for all the following except: Entry field with correct answer goodwill. patent held for sale. patent held for use. trademark.

Technology-Related Intangible Assets

Relate to innovations or technological advances. Ex: patented technology and trade secrets granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

routine ongoing efforts to improve the qualities of an existing product

Research and development costs do not include: Entry field with correct answer searching for applications of new research findings. routine ongoing efforts to improve the qualities of an existing product. construction of prototypes. critical investigation aimed at discovering new knowledge.


Coral Corporation began operating as a business in 2017. During January 2017, the company paid $300,000 in design costs to develop its trademark and $250,000 in legal and registration fees to secure the trademark. During October 2017, the company successfully defended its trademark, paying an additional $150,000 in legal fees during the process. At what amount should Coral Corporation report its trademark on its December 31, 2017 balance sheet? Entry field with correct answer $550,000 $150,000 $700,000 $400,000

must expense as incurred

any research and development costs related to the development of the product process or idea that it subsequently patents

excess of cost over the fair value of net assets acquired

companies often identify goodwill on the balance sheet as


companies should _____________ the cost of a patent over its legal life or its useful life, whichever is shorter

on the income statements

companies should present amortization expense and impairment losses for intangible assets other than goodwill separately and as part of continuing operations

franchise (license)

company should amortize the cost of ___________ with a limited life as an operating expense over the life of the ____________

expense all of 2000000

Fern Company is a U.S.-based company that designs and builds compressors for large HVAC units. Fern decides to build a new plant in China, its first attempt at doing business internationally. During its start-up phase, Fern incurs $2,000,000 of start-up costs including $1,000,000 in legal fees, $700,000 to introduce its product, and another $300,000 in state fees to the Chinese government to organize the new business entity. Fern Company's CEO fully expects the company to become profitable during its 3rd year of operations. How should Fern Company account for these costs? Entry field with correct answer Fern can capitalize $700,000 related to introducing its product, but the other costs must be expensed as incurred. Fern can capitalize $1,000,000 in legal fees, but the other costs must be expensed as incurred. Fern can capitalize $1,300,000 related to legal and state fees, but the other costs must be expensed as incurred. Fern must expense all $2,000,000 start-up costs as incurred.

limited life intangible assets

IFRS permits revaluation of Entry field with correct answer all of these answer choices are correct. limited-life intangible assets. indefinite-life intangible assets. goodwill.


If a company buys several intangible assets in a "basket purchase," the company should allocate the cost on the basis of the book values of the purchased intangible assets. Entry field with correct answer True False

internally created intangibles

generally expensed only capitalize direct costs incurred in developing the intangible such as legal costs and expense the rest


gives the holder exclusive right to use, manufacture, and sell a product of process for a period of 20 years without interference or infringment by others

process patents

govern the process of making products

expense when incurred

how to reacord r and d costs

company name

idenfity qualities and characterisitcs that a compnay work hard and spend much to develop

two difficulties in accounting for R&D costs

identifying the costs associated with particular activites, projects, or achievments determining the magnitute of the futrue benefits and length of time over which such benefits may be ralized

basket purchase

if company buys several intangibles or a conbination of intangibles compnay allocates the cost on the basis of fair values

indirect costs

include a reasonable allocation of indirects costs in R&D costs, except for general and administrative cost, which must be clearly related in order to be included in R&D

initial operating losses

incurred in start up of a buisiness during the early years should not be capitalized accounting and reporting standards should be no different for an enterprise trying to establish a new business than they are for other enterprises

types of goodwill

internally created goodwill purchased goodwill

Artistic-Related Intangible Assets

involve ownership rights to plays, literary works, musical works, pictures, photographs, and video and audiovisual material

lifes of intanbiles

limited (finite) useful life indefinite useful life

to record loss on impairment for patenet

loss on impairment - patents

costs associated with research and development activities

materials equipment and facilities personnel purchased intangibles contract services indirect costs


measure as the excess of the cost of the purchase over the fiar value of the indentifiable net assets (assets less liabilities) purchased

fair value test

measures the impairment loss by comparing the asset's fair value with its carrying amount the impairment loss is the carrying amount of the asset less the fair value of the impaired asset the loss is reported as part of income from continuing operations generally appears in the other expenses and losses section

research and development costs

not in themselves intangible assets these activities frequently result in the development of patents or copyrights that may provide future value

contra accounts

not normally shown for intangibles on the balance sheet


ntangible assets are normally classified as current assets. Entry field with correct answer True False

impairment test for indefinite life asset

other than good will, use a fair value test dont use recoverability test

record legal fees related to patent

patents -- cash

research activities

planned search or critical investigation aimed at discovery of new knowledge ex. labratory research aimed at discovery of new knowledge, searching for applications of new research findings

goodwill is referred to as

plug gap filler master valuation account

two kinds of patents

product process

purchased intangibles

recorded at cost includes all acquisition costs plus expiditures to make the asset ready for its indented use (purchase price, legal fees, other incidental fees) cost is the fair value of the consideration given or the fair value of the intangible received, whichever is more clearly evident

purchased goodwill

recorded only when an entire business is purchased to record it a compnay compares the fair value of the net tangible an identifiable intangible assets with the purchase price of the acquired busienss the difference is the goodwill it is residual - the exess of cost over the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired

Contract-Related Intangible Assets

represent the value of rights that arise from contractual arrangements. Examples are franchise and licensing agreements, construction permits, broadcast rights, and service or supply contracts.

Customer-related intangible assets

result form interactions with outside parties. ex. customers lists, order or production of backlogs, and both contractual and nocontractual customer relationships.


Oscar Company acquired a patent on a manufacturing process on January 1, 2015 for $5,100,000. It was expected to have a 12 year life and no residual value. Oscar uses straight-line amortization for patents. On December 31, 2016, the expected future cash flows from the patent are $387,500 per year for the next ten years. The present value of these cash flows, discounted at Oscar's market interest rate, is $3,050,000. At what amount should the patent be carried on the December 31, 2016 balance sheet? Entry field with correct answer $3,050,000 $3,875,000 $5,100,000 $4,250,000

organizational costs

Part of start-up costs, such as the legal and state fees incurred to organize a new business entity. Companies expense these costs as incurred.

product patents

cover actual physical products

record purchase of customer list

customer list xxx - cash xxx

notes to financial statements

should include information about acquired intangible assets including the aggregate amortization expense for each of the succeeding five years if separate accumulated amortization should be disclosed int he notes should include information about changes in the carrying amount of goodwill during the period


expense as incurred salaries, wages, and other related costs of personnel engaged in R&D

contract services

expense the cost of services performed by others in connection with the R&D as incurred

materials, equpiment, and facilities

expense the entire costs, unless the items have alternative future uses

internally created goodwill

should not be capitalized in the accounts bc the components of measure ____________ is simply too complex and associating any costs with future benefits is too difficult

recoverability test

the company estimates the future cash flows expected from use of the asset and its eventual disposal if the sum of the exprected future net cash flows (undiscounted) is less than the carrying amount of the asset, the company would measure and recognize an impairment loss

development activities

translation of research findings or other knowledge into a plan or design for a new product or process or for a significant improvement to an existing product or process whether intended for sale or use ex. conceptual formulation and design of possible product or process alternatives, construciton of protoytpes and operation of pilot platforms

impairment of goodwill

two step process step 1: compare the fair value of the reporting unit to its carrying amount, including goodwill. if the fair value of teh reporting unit exceeds the carrying amount, good will is not impaired step 2: if the qualitative assessment indicates that the fair value of the reporting unit is more likely than not to be grater than the carrying value the company need not continue with the two step impairment test

licenses or permits

type of franchise granted by a governmental body, permits the business to use public property in performing its services

marketing related intangible assets

used in the marketing or promotion of products or services ex. trademarks or trade names, newspaper mastheads, internet domain names, noncompetition agreements


when the carrying amount of a long lived asset is not recoverable a company needs to record a write off known as


which of the following costs of goodwill should be amortized over their estimated useful life cost of goodwill from a business combination accounting for as a purchase or costs fo developing goodwill internally


you _________ recognize restoration of the previosuly recognized impairment for limited life intangibles

purchased intangibles

Recognize and measure at fair value

recovery of impairments on intanbiles of than goodwill

All of the following are key similarities between GAAP and IFRS with respect to accounting for intangible assets except: Entry field with correct answer recovery of impairments on intangibles other than goodwill. the accounting for impairments of assets held for disposal. for accounting purposes, costs associated with research and development activities are segregated into the two components. the accounting for intangibles acquired in a business combination.


An indefinite-life intangible asset is amortized over the shorter of its useful life or its legal life. Entry field with correct answer True False


Bend Company's December 31, 2017 balance sheet reports assets of $13,210,000 and liabilities of $4,275,000. The book values of Bend's assets approximate their fair values, except for land, which has a fair value $600,000 greater than its book value. On December 31, 2017, Blue Corporation paid $11,775,000 to acquire Bend. What amount of goodwill should Blue record as a result of this purchase? Entry field with correct answer $0 $2,240,000 $2,840,000 $1,640,000

always expensed under both ifrs and gaap

Costs incurred in the research phase are Entry field with correct answer expensed under GAAP but may be capitalized under IFRS. always capitalized under both IFRS and GAAP. expensed under IFRS but may be capitalized under GAAP. always expensed under both IFRS and GAAP.

computer software costs

Expense everything until technological feasibility, then capitalize costs until product is released for sale should be reported as selling and administrative expenses

start up costs

Incurred for one-time activities required to start a new operation. Companies expense costs as incurred. ex. opening a new plant, introducing a new product or serivce, or conducting businesss in a new territory include organizational costs

types of intangible assets

Marketing Related, Customer Related, Artistic Related, Contract Related, Technology Related, Goodwill.


On December 31, 2015, Appalachian Corporation paid $5,550,000 to acquire Grandview Company and recorded $1,630,000 of goodwill as a result of the purchase. On December 31, 2017, Appalachian determines that the fair value of the Grandview division is $6,500,000 and the carrying amount of Grandview's net assets on that date is $6,200,000 (the carrying value and the fair value of identifiable net assets are the same). What amount of loss on impairment of goodwill should Appalachian record at December 31, 2017? Entry field with correct answer $1,330,000. $300,000. $0. $1,630,000.

Costs similar to R&D costs

Start-up costs for a new operation. Initial operating losses. Advertising costs. Computer software costs.

relevance and faithful representation

The current accounting for research & development costs and internally generated intangible assets represents one of the many trade-offs made between Entry field with correct answer relevance and faithful representation. consistency and neutrality. neutrality and relevance. comparability and consistency.


The impairment rule for goodwill involves how many steps? Entry field with correct answer 4 1 3 2


The presentation of intangible assets in the financial statements Entry field with correct answer involves crediting amortization directly to the intangible asset account. includes the disclosure of the amortization expense for the next 5 years. all of these answer choices are correct. includes reporting Research & Development costs as an expense in the income statement.

process and product

The two principal types of patents are Entry field with correct answer artistic-related patents and customer-related patents. process patents and product patents. marketing-related patents and contract-related patents. limited-life patents and indefinite-life patents.

cost of marketing research for a new product

Which of the following costs should be excluded from research and development expense? Entry field with correct answer Modification of the design of a product. Acquisition of R & D equipment for use on a current project only. Engineering activity required to advance the design of a product to the manufacturing stage. Cost of marketing research for a new product.

they are long term in nature

Which of the following is a characteristic of intangible assets? Entry field with correct answer They are financial instruments. They are long-term in nature. They are all subject to amortization. They have physical existence.


Which of the following is a factor to be considered in determining a limited-life intangible asset's useful life? Entry field with correct answer The effects of obsolescence. Any legal provisions that may limit the useful life. All of these answer choices are correct. The expected useful life of another asset or group of assets to which the useful life of the intangible asset may relate.

noncompetition agreements

Which of the following is an example of a marketing-related intangible asset? Entry field with correct answer Noncompetition agreements. Customer list. Broadcast rights. Goodwill.


Which of the following is not an example of a contract-related intangible asset? Entry field with correct answer Franchise. Construction permits. Copyright. Broadcast rights.

financing related

Which of the following is not one of the major categories of intangibles? Entry field with correct answer Marketing-related. Financing-related. Artistic-related. Contract-related.

ifrs requires capitalization of devlopment costs once economica viabilitity is met

Which of the following statements is correct? Entry field with correct answer Both IFRS and GAAP permit revaluation of property, plant, and equipment, and intangible assets (except for goodwill). IFRS requires capitalization of development costs once economic viability is met. GAAP permits capitalization of development costs. IFRS requires capitalization of research and development costs once economic viability is met.

trade name

Which of the following would not be amortized? Entry field with correct answer Patent. Copyright. Customer List. Trade name.


a company charges all unrecovered legal fees and other costs incurred in successfully defending a patent suit to ___________


a federally granted right that all authors, painters, musicians, scuptors, and other artists have in their creations and expressions grantedfor the life of the creator plus 70 years not renewable gives the owner or heirs the exclusive right to reproduce and sell an artistic or published work


allocation of the cost of intangibles in a systematic way

record amortization of patent

amortization exp -- patent

record amortization expense of customer list

amortization expense customer list

indefinite life intangibles

capitalize if purchased, expense if internally created do not amortize only use the fair value test for impairment

limited life intangibles

capitalized if purchased, expense if internally created amortize over the useful life use the recoverability test and then the fair value test to check for impairment

advertising costs

expense as incurred or the firt time it takes place

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