Chapter 12 - Leadership MGMT 325

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Which of the following best describes a vision as it pertains to leadership?

A mental image of a future state of an organization

Which of the following statements is true of organizational visions?

A person can develop a vision for any task.

Which of the following types of power is most dominant when a leader utilizes his or her ability to control punishments

Coercive power

A laissez-faire style of leadership leads to more positive attitudes and higher performance


A manager who implements an absenteeism policy that administers disciplinary actions to offending employees is using expert power


According to Fiedler's contingency model of leadership effectiveness, effectiveness depends on two factors: the personality of the leader and the loyalty of the followers


According to path-goal theory, for highly authoritarian people, a participative leadership style is more appropriate


An outstanding leader needs good strategic substance but not necessarily effective interpersonal skills


As long as leaders know what they want for their organizations, others do not need to understand what that is


Autocratic leadership solicits input from others while making decisions


Because of the tendency to abuse power, effective leaders should avoid using it


Being an effective manager is equivalent to being a true leader


In Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory, job maturity refers to the length of time the employee has been employed with the organization


It is best if leadership resides in one or two superstars at the top


Lateral leaders focus on solving problems with subordinates


Leadership works best when it is reserved for those at the top


Level 5 leadership is a combination of strong professional will and intense personal pride


Organizations place people in formal leadership roles primarily to help these leaders achieve their personal goals


Strategic leadership is behavior that provides guidance, support, and corrective feedback for the day-to-day activities of work unit members


The behavioral approach is the oldest leadership perspective which focuses on the personal characteristics that great leaders share


The best leaders are cautious or even reticent about showing people their appreciation


The most effective leadership development experiences have three components: evaluation, accomplishment, and control


Transactional leadership approaches tend to be more effective for collectivists than for individualists


Visions are usually small, and exist only at the highest organizational levels


While all five sources of power are potentially important, bosses who have high legitimate power get far superior performance from their employees


_____ power is dominant when subordinates are obliged to comply by virtue of a boss's authority


Which of the following refers to the ability to influence others, which in an organizational setup means the ability to get things done or accomplish one's goals despite resistance from others


Visions can be inappropriate, or fail, when they

Reflect only the leaders needs

_____ power is held by a manager who has control over the size of an employee's raise


_____ leadership gives purpose and meaning to organizations while envisioning and creating a positive future


_____ leadership refers to leadership behavior that provides guidance, support, and corrective feedback for the day-to-day activities of work unit members


A leader is one who influences others to attain goals


A leader with referent power has personal characteristics that appeal to others, and people comply because of admiration or a desire for approval


A mental image of a possible and desirable future state of an organization is called a vision


A personal skill that is most important to leadership success is the ability to perceive the needs and goals of others and to adjust the leadership approach accordingly


A servant-leader serves others' needs while strengthening the organization


According to James Kouzes and Barry Posner, the best leaders challenge conventional practices and create change


According to proponents of the situational approach to leadership, universally important traits and behaviors do not exist


According to the behavior approach, the three categories of leadership behavior are task performance, group maintenance, and employee participation in decision making


Authentic leadership is a style in which the leader is true to himself or herself while leading


Being a good leader includes taking reasonable risks


Effective followers hold performance standards that are higher than required


Fiedler's contingency model of leadership effectiveness takes a situational approach to leadership


Good followers help produce good leaders


Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory highlights the maturity of the followers as the key situational factor


In Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory, psychological maturity includes an employee's self-confidence and self-respect


In leadership, charisma can be used positively or negatively


In the present organizational setup, having a vision for the future and communicating that vision to others are known to be essential components of great leadership


Leadership involves unique processes that are distinguishable from basic management functions


Path-goal theory suggests that one of the functions of the leader is to reduce frustrating barriers to goal attainment


Pseudotransformational leaders are leaders who talk about positive change but allow their self-interest to take precedence over followers' needs


Strategic leadership refers to behaviors that give purpose and meaning to an organization


The Vroom model emphasizes the participative dimension of leadership: how leaders go about making decisions


The behavioral approach to leadership attempts to identify what good leaders do


The best visions are both ideal and unique


The focus of the original LMX theory is primarily on the leader behaviors historically considered group maintenance


The most comprehensive and generally useful situational model of leadership effectiveness is path-goal theory


The trait approach assumes the existence of a leadership personality and that leaders are born, not made


There are situations in which leadership is unnecessary or has little impact, and other factors in workplace may effectively act in its place


Visions can be inappropriate and even fail


Kelly, a manager at a restaurant, has the responsibility of scheduling workers and assigning projects during each shift Employees who have performed poorly are often scheduled for the unpopular weekend shifts and the worst shift duties. In order to avoid this, most employees try to perform well. In this case, Kelly seems to use a high degree of _____ power.


According to James Kouzes and Barry Posner the best leaders

inspire a shared vision

Supervisory leadership is best described as behavior that

provides support and corrective day-to-day feedback

Strategic leadership primarily gives

purpose and meaning to organizations

Managers at Top-Tech Inc determined that there would be no end-of-year bonuses due to predicted leveling of sales Perry, a department manager, let his staff know that even high-performing employees would not get bonuses this year This change limits Perry's _____ power.


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