Chapter 12 Nervous System questions

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name the prefix that means"light"


wall of the eye superficial to Deep

1 fibrous tunic 2 vascular tunic 3 nervous tunic

list the three layers of the wall of the eye in order from superficial to Deep

1 fibrous tunic 2 vascular tunic 3 nervous tunic

listed in order dynamic equilibrium

1 fluid within semicircular canals move 2 cupula is bent 3 hair cells are bent 4 hair cells Associates Sensory neurons

list, in order, the structures making up the signal Pathways for the maculae

1 hair cells 2 vestibular 3 vestibulococular nerve 4 brain

place in order the sequence of events in the auditory pathway

1 hearing receptors are stimulated 2 signal is carried by the cochlear nerve 3 signal reaches the medulla oblongata 4 signal reaches the midbrain and thalamus 5 signal is interpreted in the temporal lobes

place an order the components of the olfactory pathways

1 olfactory receptor 2 olfactory nerves 3 olfactory bulb 4 olfactory tracts 5 limbic system in olfactory complex

place an order the sequence of taste nerve pathway

1 taste receptors are stimulated 2. cranial nerves carry sensory impulses 3. impulses are carried to the medulla oblongata 4. impulses are then carried to the thalamus 5. impulses are then carried to the gustatory cortex

place in order the structures that light passes through as it enters the eye

1. cornea 2. aqueous humor 3. lens 4. vitreous humor 5. retina

list the order of sensory signals of dynamic equilibrium

1. fluid within semicircular canals move. 2. Cupula is bent. 3. Hair cells are bent. 4. Hair cells trigger signals and Associated Sensory neurons

this the auditory ossicles in the order they transfer vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear

1. malleus 2. incus 3. stapes

the visual pathway in order

1. optic nerve 2. optic chiasma 3. optic tract 4. thalamus 5. optic radiation 6. visual cortex in the occipital lobe

special senses

Ark find two structures in the head such as the eyes and ears

Blood pressure

Baroreceptors are specialized mechanoreceptreceptors that sense changes in.

locations where receptors for special senses are

Eyes, Ears, taste buds

Extroreceptive senses

House flies landing on the skin of neck

the variations in eye color are determined by the amount of and distribution of melanin in what structure of the eye?



Receptors for pain are also called --------. They can be stimulated by various types of stimuli such as mechanical damage, external changes in temperature, chemical stimulation or ischemia.


Sensory receptors that detect tissue damage and are found everywhere in the body (except the nervous system tissue of the brain) are called ----- receptors

receptors for the sense of smell are found where

Superior nasal conchae and the nasal septum

optic disc

The ---- --- is the area of the retina that is lacking photoreceptors and is referred to as the blind spot.

changes in light intensity, accommodation

a photo pupillary reflex occurs in response to which two stimuli?

olfactory receptors

a type of receptor called chemoreceptors that sense chemicals dissolved in liquid

the process of changing the shape of the lens to view a close object is called


The photopupillary Reflex occurs in response to which two stimuli

accommodation and changes and light sensitivity



sensory ------- in olfactory receptors is rapid, with a decrease in sensitivity causing a drop in the intensity of smell.


vitreous body

after light passes through the lens, it goes through the ---- before hitting the retina?

the middle ear also called the tympanic cavity

air filled space that houses the three auditory ossicles


amino acids

ciliary body

anterior portion responsible for accommodation of the lens


anterior portion responsible for control of light entering the eye

ciliary body

anterior portion, responsible for accommodation of the lens

Taste receptor cells ------ sensory neurons

are not

the receptor cells of taste, called taste cells, _---- Sensory neurons.

are not


at first, a hot tub seems in possibly hot. After a minute or two, it seems quite comfortable. This is an example of -------.

external ear

auricle, acoustic meatus and tympanic membrane


awareness of a sensory event due to a response by receptor to a stimulus

dynamic equilibrium

balances is the head in the body when they are suddenly moved or rotated

four primary taste sensations

bitter, sour, Umami, sweet

the organs of taste ----- are called taste, most of which are found associated with ---- .

buds, papillae



which part of the brain interprets impulses for the semicircular canals


prioeceptive senses

changes in body positions when moving from laying down to sitting up right

photopapillary reflex occurs in response to which two stimuli

changes in light intensity and accommodation

what is accommodation

changing the shape of the lens

olfactory receptors are a type of receptor called ------- that sense ------

chemoreceptors, chemicals dissolved in liquid

three components of the middle layer or tunic of the eye

choroid coat ciliary body Iris

name two types of thermoreceptors

cold and warm

myopia for nearsightedness

condition in which a person is able to focus on close objects but distance vision is for

photoreceptors called what provide color vision


auditory tube

connects the middle ear to the throat


contain smooth muscle, it controls the amount of light coming into the eye, and is the colored portion of the eye

the clear, anterior most structure of the eye, part of the fibrous tunic is called the


list three structures of the eye that refract light rays

cornea vitreous humor lens

free nerve endings

describe the structures that act as pain receptors.

the rods of the retina provide vision in

dim light

interoceptive senses

distention of the urinary bladder, indicating a need to urinate

extrinsic muscles

during reading, the '----' contracts to move the eye across the page.

the tympanic membrane is also called the


three locations where receptors for special senses are found

ears eyes and taste buds

list three locations where receptors for special senses are found

ears taste buds eyes

sweet and salty

eating saltine crackers would primarily stimulate which to taste receptors

tactile or meissner's corpuscles

encapsulated receptors for fine touch, abundant and hairless portions of the skin

accessory organs of the eye

extrinsic muscles, eyelids, and lacrimal apparatus

classified as accessory organs of the eye

extrinsic muscles, lacrimal apparatus, and the eyelids



three locations where receptors for special senses are found

eyes, ears, and taste buds

an individual who is hyperopic can see ----- but cannot see -----

far, near


farsightedness and related to aging is, in which a person is able to bring the image of distant objects into Focus but vision of close objects as poor

the outermost superficial, layer of the wall of the eye is the ------ tunic. The middle is the ----

fibrous, vascular

membrane potential

for all the receptors, stimulation of a receptor results in the change in -------.

Sweet, Bitter, sour, umami

four primary taste sensations

describe the structures that act as pain receptors

free nerve endings

structure that acts as pain receptor

free nerve endings

the simplest receptors for touch / pressure are

free nerve endings

within the spiral organ, hair cells have what role

hair cells are receptor cells


hair cells in the spiral organ have extensions they respond to Mechanical stimuli



but hopefully I contains receptors for which sense


the special senses are

hearing, equilibrium, sight, taste and olfaction



presbyopia is common in ---- individuals, and causes the loss of ---- vision.

holder, near

list three locations for taste buds

in lining of cheeks, surface of tongue, roof of mouth

receptors for the sense of smell are found

in the spirit nasal conchae and nasal septum

where are the olfactory organs located

in the superior nasal cavity

rods and cones are found in the

inner tunic of the eye


interpretation of sensory signals

three characteristics of iris

it controls the amount of light coming into the eye. it contains smooth muscle it is the color portion of the eye

three characteristics of the iris of the eye

it is the colored portion of the eye it controls the amount of light coming into the eye it contain smooth muscle

vitreous humor

jelly like substance located between the lens and retina of the eye ball

cerebral cortex

knowing what type of stimulus occurred will depend on which type of receptor was stimulated and what region of the ---- receives the impulse coming from sensory receptors.

3 accessory organs of the eye

lacrimal apparatus, eyelids, extrinsic muscles

two types of receptors that sense touch and pressure

lamellated corpuscles (pacinian) and free nerve endings

light waves are primarily refracted by the cornea, the ------ , in the fluids in the eye chamber before being focused upon the retina.


three structures of the eye that refract light rays

lens cornea vitreous humor

three structures of the eye that reflect light rays

lens, vitreous humor, cornea



photoreceptors are receptors that respond to

light energy

are the three auditory ossicles or bones

malleus incus and stapes

the three auditory ossicles

malleus, incus, stapes

what type of receptor responds to stimuli that deform The


which type of receptor responds to stimuli that deform The receptors


extrinsic eye muscles

medial rectus, Superior oblique and lateral rectus

3 extrinsic eye muscles

medial rectus, lateral rectus, Superior oblique

for all receptors stimulation of a receptor results in change in

membrane potential

for all receptors, the stimulation of a receptor results in the change in

membrane potential

also called the tympanic cavity is a air filled space that houses the three auditory ossicles

middle ear

interoceptive sense

monitoring blood pressure, blood calcium levels, and blood oxygen levels are examples of what type of General sense?

cold thermoreceptor

most sensitive to water at 65 degrees Fahrenheit or 18 degrees Celsius

warm and cold

name the two types of thermoreceptors

a myopic individual can see ---- but cannot see ----.

near, far

taste receptor cells are sensory neurons true or false

no they are not Sensory neurons

special senses are ----- ------ hearing, equilibrium, and sight

olfaction and taste

the area of the retina that is lacking photoreceptors and is referred to as the blind spot

optic disc

the sclera and cornea make up the ---- tunic or layer of the eye


the ear is divided into which three sections

outer inner and middle

120 degrees Fahrenheit 50 degrees Celsius

pain receptors

the viscera have several kinds of receptors, what type of visceral receptor is the only one to provide conscious sensation

pain receptors

while visceral have several kinds of receptors, what type of visceral receptor is the only one to provide conscious sensation?

pain receptors

most taste buds are found on the small bumps on the surface of the tongue called


the interpretation of sensory input by the cerebral cortex results in


photoreceptors for color vision



photoreceptors are receptors that respond to ------- energy

three classifications of sensory receptors based on a sensitivity to different types of stimuli

photoreceptors, mechanoreceptors thermoreceptors



ciliary body

portion of the middle of the eye that holds the lens in place via suspensory ligaments

choroid coat

posterior portion provides blood supply and contains pigments that prevent reflection


process by which we know the location of a stimulated receptor


process of changing the shape of the lens to view a close object


receptor that senses changes in temperature


receptors for the ------ senses are widely distributed throughout the body including within the skin various organs and joints.


reduced ability to accommodate for near Vision that commonly occurs with aging

visceral pain may feel as if it comes from some part of the body other than the part being stimulated. This is called

referred pain

the bending of light rays as they pass from one medium to another


the photoreceptors called -----' are responsible for the vision of dim light.



rods and cones are found in the ---- tunic of the eye.

name two chambers within the vestibule involved in the sense of equilibrium

saccule and the utricle

the outer layer tunic of the eye includes a posterior white portion called the ----- and an anterior clear portion called the ------m

sclera, cornea

tympanic membrane

semi-transparent membrane that moves back and forth in response to sound waves

the ------ term refers to information sent from sensory receptors to the brain. The term -------- refers to the interpretation of the information by the cerebral cortex.

sensation, perception

information (sensory impulses) arriving at the cerebral cortex result in ------. Awareness of the location of the source of the stimulation is called ------'.

sensation, projection

stretch receptors

set of mechanorecptors that sense the degree of inflation in the lungs

free nerve endings

simplest type of touch / pressure receptor located within the epithelial of the skin

lamellated corpuscles

since heavy pressure stretch and vibrations

list two locations where receptors for general senses are found

skin and joints

special senses

smell, taste, hearing, equilibrium, sight

special senses

specialize in are confined to structures in the head such as the eyes and ears

list three examples of stimuli capable of stimulating a nociicreceptor

spilling hydrochloric acid on the skin, a blood clot in an artery that Supply skeletal muscle in the leg that reduces blood flow to the tissue, hundred and thirty degrees Fahrenheit water splashing on the skin

static equilibrium

stability of the head and body when they are motionless

which are causes of conductive deafness

stiffening of the tympanic membrane, stiffening of the ossicles, buildup of earwax

three types of stimuli detected by lamellated (pancinian) corpuscles

stretch, vibration, heavy pressure

the six extrinsic eye muscles are?

superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, lateral rectus, Superior oblique, and inferior oblique

the ciliary body is attached to the lens via

suspensory ligaments

the five primary taste sensations are?

sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami

cold viruses can often cause inflammation that greatly decreased the sense of smell which other sense will be affected by this


3 location where receptors for special senses are found

taste buds, eyes, ears

the special senses are 5

taste, olfaction, hearing, equilibrium, and sight

what type of stimulus is detected by thermoreceptors


outer ear

the ----- includes the auricle, the acoustic meatus and the tympanic membrane.


the ------ forms the inner, or nervous, tunic of the eye. It contains photoreceptors

tympanic membrane

the anatomical term for the eardrum

includes the aurcle, acoustic meatus, and the tympanic membrane

the external ear

apparatus, gland

the lacrimal ------ is a series of accessory structures of the eye. It consists of the lacrimal ------', which secretes tears, and a series of ducks which carry the tears into the nasal cavity

lacrimal apparatus

the lacrimal gland and the ducts that carry the tears to the nails El cavity are collectively called the?

fibrous, vascular

the outer, or most superficial, layer of the wall of the eye is the ----- tunic. The middle layer is the ----- tunic.


the photoreceptors called cones are responsible for vision.


the photoreceptors that are responsible for vision in dim light


the posterior portion of the vascular tunic is pigmented due to the presence of pigmented producing cells called


the process that involves the bending of light rays as they pass through objects of different density


the pupil is a hole in the center of what structure of the eye?

the outer layer of the eye

the sclera and the cornea make up the outer tunic


the sense is that are classified as the ------- senses include the senses of smell taste hearing equilibrium and sight


the transparent structure of the eye that changes shape to focus light onto the retina


the transparent structure of the eye that changes shape to focus light onto the retina is the


the variations in eye color are determined by the amount of and distribution of melanin in the structure


then structure that constitutes the colored part of the eye and functions to adjust the amount of light entering the eye

list three characteristics of pain receptors

there are nociceptors they're sensitive to tissue damage they are lacking in the brain

receptors that sense temperature changes are called


list three classifications of sensory receptors, based upon their sensitivity to different types of stimuli.

thermoreceptors, photoreceptors, mechanoreceptors

regarding pain receptors

they adapt very little, if at all

three characteristics of pain receptors

they are lacking in the brain they are nociceptors they are sensitive to tissue damage

three characteristics of taste hairs

they are microvilli on taste cells, they contain protein receptors that bind chemicals, they extend out into the taste pores

three characteristics of taste hair

they extend into the tea spores, they contain the protein receptors that bind chemicals, they are microvilli on taste cells


to hear


to hear

what is the function of melanocytes in the choroid coat

to produce pigments, which absorb excess light


to smell


transparent, elastic structure its shape is modified by ciliary muscles

molecules must first be dissolved in saliva to be tasted


the extrinsic eye muscles are considered accessory organs of the eye true or false


true or false the extrinsic eye muscles are considered accessory organs of the eye


the anatomical term for the eardrum is

tympanic membrane

transmission of Sound Vibrations to the auditory ossicles is the function of the

tympanic membrane


type of mechanoreceptor that senses changes in the tension of muscles and tendons

Hyperopia or farsightedness

unrelated to aging is a condition in which a person is able to bring the image of distant objects into focus by vision of close objects is poor

nerve impulses arising from the maculae of the vestibule travel next through what structures

vestibular nerve

pain receptors

viscera have several types of receptors the only receptors that provide sensation are?

taste cells

what is the name of the actual receptors for our sense of taste?

movement of the eyes

what is the result of contraction of the extrinsic eye muscles?

taste buds

what is the sensory organ for taste?


what type of receptor responds to changes in the concentration of substances in the fluid around them?

Pain receptors

what type of receptor will respond to a change in temperature of 120°F (50°C)

sensation adaption

when you first put clothes on, you feel them against your skin. Soon after, you don't notice the close. This is due to the process of ---.

in the superior nasal cavity

where are the olfactory organs located

olfactory receptor

which of these sensory receptors is a chemoreceptor


which part of the brain interprets impulses from the semicircular canals?


which part of the eye is made up of clear connective tissue, but has no blood vessels, has a lot of pain receptors?


which structure contains hearing receptors

a distortion of The receptors plasma membrane

which type of stimulus would be detected by a mechanoreceptor


which type of stimulus would be detected by a mechanoreceptor?

optic chiasm

x shaped structure that consists of fibers of the optic nerve that crossover

do thermoreceptors adapt quickly


three locations for special senses

yours taste buds and eyes

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