Chapter 12 Personal finance terms

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A stockbroker does not typically charge a fee for giving investment advice or for making a sale or purchase transaction for an investor


created to promote public confidence in the banking system

stock dividend

dividend paid int he form of new shares of stock

round lot

exactly 100 shares or multiples of 100 shares of stock


federal agency that charters and supervises credit unions

odd lot

fewer than 100 shares of stock

primary market

financial market in which NEW issues of securities are sold

secondary market

financial market in which previously issued securities are bought and sold


forbes is an example of a business magazine that covers investment topics

wall street reform act

law that is designed to create and maintain a stable financial stystem

sarbanes oxley

law that sets stronger standards for public companies and accounting firms regarding financial reporting of operations

liar loans

loans without documentation

stock turning

making regular and systematic changes in stock ownership based on trends in the economy

auction market

market in which stock is sold to the highest bidder

over the counter market

network of dealers and brokers who buy and sell stocks and other securities that are not listed on a securities exchange

buy and hold

plan to purchase and keep stock for the long term


primary overseer of the us securities market- responsible for enforcing securities laws


private organization that regulates firms selling securities in the US

limit order

request to buy and sell stock at a specific price

market order

request to buy and sell stock at the current market price

stop order

request to buy and sell stock when it reaches a certain price

selling short

selling stock that has been borrowed from a broker and replacing it at a later date

stock split

the issuance of more stock to current stockholders in some proportion to the stock they already own

insider trading

trading before problems become public

financial planner

an adviser who helps people make investment decisions to meet stated goals

discretionary order

an order to buy or sell stock that allows the broker to get the best possible price

buying on margin

borrowing money from your broker to buy stock

annual report

a company's report to shareholders about the financial position of the company


a legal document that offers securities or mutual fund shared for sale and includes a detailed description of the securities


a licensed professional who buys and sells securities on behalf of others

securities exchange

a place where brokers buy and sell securities for their clients

discount broker

a qualified stockbroker who buys and sells securities at a reduced commission but offers no advice

full service broker

a qualified stockbroker who provides advice about what securities to buy and sell


a regulatory agency's supervision of activities to ensure that investors rights are protected

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