chapter 12 psych

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During which kind of situation might a person be most likely to yield to the effects of informational social influence?

when the correct choice is unclear

social role

a pattern of behavior that is expected of a person in a given setting or group

The ________ hypothesis is the ideology common in the United States that people get the outcomes they deserve.


Which statement about groupthink is correct?

Group members modify their opinions to match what they believe is the group consensus.

________ is the strengthening of an original group attitude after the discussion of views within a group.

Group polarization

What is the main point of the textbook discussion of Milgram's obedience study?

Individuals will obey authority to the point of potentially causing serious harm to another person.

Which of the following is an example of a self-serving bias?

Leonard attributes earning a good grade in his psychology class to the fact that he is an exceptionally hard working student who is also incredibly smart. He blames the poor grade he received in his sociology class on having a bad teacher who gave hard exams.

Which of the following is the best example of central route persuasion?

anti-smoking advertisements that use charts and graphs to show how many people die from smoking-related causes each year

Suppose you are walking down a street. A woman has fallen down, but because there are so many people around it does not occur to you that you should help. You just assume someone else is about to help her and keep walking. This is an example of ________.

diffusion of responsibility

Jasmin belongs to the chess club on her campus. She prefers to associate with other members of the chess club while avoiding people that do not belong to this group. She thinks that those who do not play chess must be less intelligent than those who do, and thus she doesn't want to spend time with them. Jasmin has a(n) ________ bias.


Suppose you hate reality shows, but you pretend to like them in order to fit in, feel good, and be accepted by your friends, who all love reality television. This is an example of ________ social influence.


When a person is making a persuasive argument that utilizes the ________ route, they rely on factors unrelated to their actual message to persuade their listener. The hope is that these factors will encourage positivity with the message itself.


Within the field of social psychology, a script is defined as a ________.

person's knowledge about the sequence of events in a specific setting

A negative attitude and feeling toward an individual that is based solely on that person's membership in a specific group is called ________.


Fantasia believes that people with blue eyes are somehow more creative than other people. Whenever Fantasia encounters a person that has blue eyes and is creative, she places greater importance on this evidence supporting her already existing belief. At the same time, Fantasia ignores any evidence that people without blue eyes might display exceptional creativity. This is called a(n) ________.

confirmation bias

What was the main conclusion drawn from the Stanford prison experiment?

social roles are powerful determinants of human behavior

Kara gets an F on her social psychology exam. Then she goes home and gets into an argument with her roommate, Lee. Lee assumes Kara is yelling at him because she is just a nasty person, and does not consider that she may just have had a bad day and is venting. Lee is demonstrating ________.

the fundamental attribution error

The behavior of soldiers who abused prisoners at the Abu Ghraib facility during the Iraq war was predicted by the Stanford Prison Experiment that was overseen by social psychologist ________.

Philip Zimbardo

Rhona and Jerome share each other's thoughts and feelings and are prepared to support each other, but they do not feel any real passion toward each other. They have a relationship based on ________ love.


Henry is juror number four in a murder trial. He believes the accused is guilty, but when the jurors vote it becomes clear he is the only one that thinks this way. Henry votes not guilty along with the other jurors despite what he sees as evidence clearly indicating guilt. This is an example of the ________ effect.


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