Chapter 12 US History

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After emancipation, many blacks traveled in order to: A. return to Africa or the West Indies B. seek a better life in Canadian cities C. find lost family members or seek new economic opportunities


Carpetbaggers were northern Republicans who: A. voted with the Democrats B. had once supported secession C. moved to the postwar South D. hired freedmen to work on plantations E. moved to the postwar North


Conger reacted to Klan terror by passing: A. the Radical Reconstruction act B. the Enforcement Act of 1870 C. the Compromise of 1877 D. the thirteenth amendment


Democrats in the South were given back the right to vote and hold office by the: A. Civil Rights Act B. Wade-Davis Bill C. Amnesty Act D. Compromise of 1877


In contrast to radical Republicans, moderate Republicans generally: A. favored states' rights and opposed direct federal involvement in individuals' lives B. favored the use of federal power to alter the Southern economic system C. favored emancipation but opposed the Fourteenth Amendment


In his proposal for postwar Reconstruction, Lincoln: A. aimed to punish the South B. gave African Americans the right to punish their former masters C. set a tone of forgiveness D. tried to please Radical Republicans E. aimed to punish the Confederacy

Samuel Tilden

the Democratic candidate of the election of 1876

Rutherford B. Hayes

the Republican candidate of the election of 1876 who later won

home rule

the ability to run state governments without federal intervention

Amnesty Act

the act passed by Congress 1872 Congress returned the right to vote and the right to hold federal and state officers

Compromise of 1877

the act that ended Reconstruction in the South

15th Amendment

the amendment preventing anyone from keeping those of race, color, or former enslavement from voting

legislative branch

the branch of government that the Radical Republicans believed should be in charge of Reconstruction policy


the farming system in which landowners gave farmers a few acres of land to farm, along with seeds and tools, in return for a cut of the profits

Hiram Revels

the first African American senator


the period during which the United States began to rebuild after the Civil War from 1865 to 1877


Lincoln's original plan for Reconstruction in 1863 was that a state could be re-integrates into the Union when: A. it repealed its original secession act and took its soldiers out of the Confederate Army B. 10 percent of its voters took an oath of allegiance to the Union and pledged to abide by emancipation C. it formally adopted a plan guaranteeing African Americans political and economic rights D. it ratified the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution only

Ten-Percent Plan

Lincoln's plan that the government would pardon all Confederates who would swear allegiance and form a new state government to gain representation in Congress after 10 percent of voters took oath


Most of the Northern "carpetbaggers" were actually: A. former Union soldiers, businessmen, or professionals B. undercover agents of the federal government C. former Southern Whigs and Unionists who had opposed the Confederacy D. Northern teachers and missionaries


Northerners who moved to the South at the end of the war

Thaddeus Stevens

Representative from Pennsylvania who led the Radical Republicans to destroy the political power of former slaveholders


Scalawags were: A. undercover agents of the federal government B. former Southern Whigs and Unionists who had opposed the Confederacy C. white Southerners who cooperated with the Radical Republican governments D. northern teachers and missionaries


The 14th Amendment was passed to provide a constitutional basis for the: A. black codes B. Compromise of 1877 C. Civil Rights Act of 1866 D. Reconstruction Act of 1867


The Black Codes passed by many of the Southern state governments in 1865 aimed to: A. provide economic assistance to get former slaves started as sharecroppers B. ensure a stable and subservient labor force under white control C. permit blacks to vote if they met all the educational, economic and political standards D. gradually force blacks to leave the North


The Civil War left the South: A. economically healthy B. in full control of its government C. in ruins D. largely unchanged from before the war E. an economic power house


The Supreme Court decision that weakened the Fourteenth Amendment by declaring that the federal government had no authority to punish individuals who oppressed blacks was: A. US v. Reese B. Plessy v. Ferguson C. US v. Cruikshank D. McCulloch v. Maryland E. Dred Scott v. Sandford


The Thirteenth Amendment: A. provided for permanent disfranchisement of all Confederate officials B. gave full citizenship and civil rights for women C. gave full citizenship and civil rights for immigrants D. gave full citizenship and civil rights for former slaves E. brought an end to slavery in the United States


Under Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction plan, white Southerners began to enact laws that: A. weakened ties with the Union B. created jobs for African Americans C. redistributed land D. gave whites power over African Americans E. gave African Americans power over whites


Voters grew tired of Reconstruction in part because: A. President Grant opposed it B. it symbolized corruption and greed C. it eliminated racism D. it decreased access to education E. President Lincoln opposed it


When Andrew Johnson violated the Tenure of Office Act, he was: A. forced to resign B. dropped from the Republican party C. convicted by the Senate D. impeached by the House


Which action showed that President Andrew Johnson did not support greater rights for African Americans in the South? A. firing Secretary of War Edwin Stanton B. vetoing the Freedmen's Bureau Act and Civil Rights Act of 1866 C. supporting a reconstruction similar to Lincoln's

Wade-Davis Bill

a bill passed in 1864 and vetoed by President Lincoln, that would have given Congress control of Reconstruction

Freedmen's Bureau

a federal agency set up to help former slaves after the Civil War by providing the with food, clothing, and education

Radical Republicans

a group of republicans who wanted to destroy political power of former slaveholders and to give African Americans full citizenship and the right to vote

Klu Klux Klan

a secret organization that intimidated blacks and worked to restore white supremacy; used disguises when attacking African Americans

panic of 1873

a series of financial failures that triggered a 5 year depression in the United States

tenant farming

a system in which farm workers supply their own tools and rent farmland for cash

Andrew Johnson

president who succeeded Abraham Lincoln


The Credit Mobilier Affair was just one of the scandals that hurt the: A. Freedmen's Bureau B. Grant Administration C. Johnson Administration D. Harrison Administration E. Radical Republicans


The Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871 were an attempt to weaken the: A. Freedmen's Bureau B. Civil Rights Act C. Reconstruction Act D. Klu Klux Klan E. Wade-Davis Bill


The Fifteenth Amendment provided for: A. readmitting Southern states to the Union B. full citizenship and civil rights for former slaves C. voting rights for former slaves D. voting rights for women E. voting rights for illegal aliens


The Fourteenth Amendment was part of a series of laws that: A. changed the way a president could hire government officials B. ensured the civil rights of African Americans C. restored the balance of power between the President and Congress D. shifted the balance of power in favor of the Supreme Court E. put the South under military rule


The Fourteenth amendment provided for: A. an end to slavery B. permanent disfranchisement of all Confederate officials C. full citizenship and civil rights for former slaves D. voting rights for women E. a federal agency that assisted blacks educationally but failed in other aid efforts


The Freedmen's Bureau was originally established to provide: A. land and supplies for black farmers in the north B. labor registration C. food, clothes, and education for emancipated slaves D. political training in citizenship for black voters E. the means to return to Africa or the West Indies


The economic failure known as the panic of 1873: A. mostly affected the north B. triggered a 5 year economic depression C. was caused by a failure of the gold standard D. was caused by the corruption in the Grant Administration


The radical republican's impeachment of president Andrew Johnson resulted in: A. Johnson's acceptance of the radical's Reconstruction plan B. a failure to convict and remove Johnson by a margin of only one vote C. Johnson's conviction on the charge of violating the Tenure of Office Act and removal from office D. the public electing Johnson to a third term of office

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