Chapter 13-14

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Who and what initiated the Crusades also known as "The Holy War"?

--Pope Urban II because the Muslims were attacking Constantinople.

What three issues worried reformers about religion during this time period?

--Priests were getting married, simony, and kings were appointing bishops.

How did the plague spread?


What is a "mayor of the palace"

--Ruler of the kingdom

What was life like for women in feudal society?

--Peasant women had to get up around 3am and cook breakfast, then to the everyday chores such as feeding animals, or making preserves and cooking. --Noble Women were confined inside to do womanly things.

What was the result of the attacks by the vikings, Magyars, and Muslims?

--People no longer looked to a central power for safety. They turned to local rulers.

How did religion work as a unifying force?

--People with the same religion tend to be on the same side in the things such as war

Where were the vikings from?

--Scandinavia, which consists of Denmark, Norway, And Sweden.

What government body did he create?


What was the Carolingian Dynasty and how did they get their power?

--The Carolingian Dynasty. Family that ruled the Franks from 751 to 987 AD. They got their power from the pope.

Who did this young king have great success over?

--The French & English

Who were the Magyars and what did they do?

--The Magyars, were just another horde of Asiatic strangers, like the others before them, the Huns, the Avars and etc.

What was going on in England in the 800s?

--The Vikings/ Raiders were plundering the towns/castles of England

What was canon law?

--The body of laws and regulations made by ecclesiastical authority

What was lay investiture?

--The term used for investiture of clerics by king, or emperor, a layman

What was the Hundred Years War?

--The war between England and France.

What huge change was made under Clement V?

--The way the government was ran

What was the outcome of the First Crusade?

--They acquired a 650mi. strip of land.

What happened in the Second Crusade?

--They lost cities and failed to reclaim land.

What was the Magna Carta?

-- A law created by Charlemagne the great king of the Franks.

Who was Hugh Capet?

-- He was the first king of the Frankish kingdoms.

What happened to papal authority? Explain how this happened.

-- It was divided into two groups.

What happened to the children of the Crusade?

-- Most of them were killed!

Who was the most powerful king to rule the Franks?

-- Philip II, he was 15 when he became king.

Why did the Capetians do so well?

-- They were well organized and had a very successful reign.

What is the Common Law- Then and Now?

-- Unified body of lawmakers, It is pretty much our Judicial system today.

What honor was given to Henry's grandson Louis IX?

--400,000 old crowns.

List three outcomes of the Hundred Year's War.

--A feeling of Nationalism/Power of Frank increased/English suffered internal turmoil.

What where guilds and why were they beneficial?

--A group in the same business that they could control.

What is a Monastery?

--A religious community. People lived for God there, devoting their life to him.

What problems did the Crusaders face on the first Crusade?

--Bad strategy, weather, couldn't choose leader, unknown landscape.

What Changes did Pope Gregory make to the Papacy.

--Become a political power.

Describe Charles Martel's power.

--Defeated the Muslims. Was mayor of the palace.

List four effects of the plague

--Destruction of cultures/Population decrease/Destroyed livestock/Spreaded virus.

List four goals of the crusaders.

--Economic, social, political, religious

What was the curia?

--Group of government officials

How did Charlemagne build such a great empire?

--He mostly built up his empire by military conquests and long military campaign.

Who was Clovis and how did he use Christianity with his military?

--He was a Leader and he allied with the church and made his military Christian.

What was the showdown at Casanova?

--Henry was attempting to end his excommunication and stop the threats of interdict by pope gregory VII

What are the middle ages?

--In European history, the Middle Ages or Medieval period lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. It began with the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and merged into the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery.

What advancement did the "Muslim Connection" bring to Western Europe?

--It brought religion, and cultural blending to the Western countries.

How did the Saddle and Stirrups help change the way warfare was conducted in Europe?

--It made it easier to ride horses into battle and fight while still mounted.

What was the Estate's General? What are the different estates?

--It was a meeting of all the people in the land. There were 3 estates

What was the Commercial Revolution?

--It was a period of economic expansion hits Europe in the 1000s.

What was the Great Schism?

--It was the split in the church

Who claimed the crown after Edward died?

--King Harold II

Define Chivalry? How did Chivalry affect a knight's daily life?

--Knights, noblemen, and horsemen collectively. It allowed them to fight for what was right.

What is feudalism?

--Lord: landowners, Fief: Granted land, Vassal: person land was granted to, Knights: Mounted horsemen, Serfs: People that lawfully couldn't leave the place of their birth, Manor: The lords estate.

How were monasteries connected to learning?

--Monks and priests were pretty much the only people that could read. It is also where they copied books and were educated.

Describe the outcome of the Children's Crusade

--Most of the children rallied died or got sold into slavery along the way to reclaim Jerusalem.

What was the holy roman empire?

--Multi-ethnic complex of territories in central Europe

How did feudal lords raise private armies? What was the obligation of a knight to a lord?

--Offered land, 40 days of fighting.

Peasants paid a high price to work on the manor. List 5 details that prove this.

--They paid tax on grain ground in the lord's mill, to the lord for a wedding, to the priest, they owed the lord a portion of their grain, and owed him labor.

What happened to those who were suspected of heresy?

--They were killed.

What was a major contributing factor in the increased production of food between 800-1200?

--Three field system

What were the duties of the royal courts of justice?

--To help ensure the justice of the current age.

What were the goals of the English Kings during this time period?

--To keep their loins/ancestry going.

What were the goal of the Muslim attackers?

--To plunder, and to take what they wanted.

What was Joan of Arc's goal? What happened to her?

--To rescue France --She won the war.

What were tithes used for?

--To support the priests

What was the difference between Roman Society and Germanic Communities concerning the concept of government?

--Tradition instead of written law. Family and tribe VS a unified state

Explain how the three field system worked.

--Two fields were planted while one rested for the year and cycled them so the fields could be re-nourished.

Germanic invaders caused several changes which altered the economy, government, and culture of the impact of each of the following

Disruption of trade: Merchants faced invasions from both land and sea. Downfall of cities: With the fall of the Roman Empire cities were abandoned as centers of of administration Population shifts: Cities were left without strong leadership because the the rich and powerful, basically anyone with any money, moved into rural locations Decline of learning: None of the invaders could read Loss of a common language: As the Germans moved in they diluted Latin and it was not easily understood in different areas.

Why did farmers switch from oxen to horses?

Horses could plow three times more a day

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