Chapter 13-15 AP WH studyguide

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Africa became a permanent part of an interacting Atlantic world, both commercially and demographically. The Atlantic slave trade slowed Africa's population growth at a time when the populations of Europe, China, and other regions were expanding. The slave trade in general stimulated little positive economic change in Africa and led to economic stagnation. It also led to considerable political disruption, particularly for small-scale societies with little central authority that were frequently subject to slave raids. Some larger kingdoms, such as Kongo and Oyo, also slowly disintegrated because of the slave trade. But in other regions, like Benin and Dahomey, African authorities sought to take advantage of the new commercial opportunities to manage the slave trade in their own interests.

In what different ways did the Atlantic slave trade transform African societies?

The European Enlightenment gave ideas of a commitment to open-mindedness and inquiry, and somewhat a hostility to established political and religious authority.

In what ways did the Enlightenment challenge older patterns of European thinking?

It created a permanent schism within Catholic Christendom, and provided the urban middle classes a new religious legitimacy for their growing role in society.

In what ways did the Protestant Reformation transform European society, culture, and politics?

It made sense to affiliate with Europeans' God, saints, rites, and rituals, and they embraced the new religion as they were conquered.

In what ways was European Christianity assimilated into the Native American cultures of Spanish America?

European science was received in China through the Jesuits interest in astronomy & mathematics.

In what ways was European science received in the major civilizations of Asia in the early modern era?

1.The Ottoman Empire represented a military threat to Europe. 2.It impressed some European intellectuals because of its religious tolerance. 3.It occasionally allied with France against their common enemy of Habsburg Austria. 4.The empire was an important trading partner as they controlled access to Eastern goods

In what ways was the Ottoman Empire important for Europe in the early modern era?

The massive, interconnected web of commerce in premodern times between the lands that bordered on the Indian Ocean (including East Africa, India, and Southeast Asia); the network was badly disrupted by Portuguese intrusion beginning around 1500.

Indian Ocean commercial network

an English mathematician, astronomer, and physicist. Discovered the law of gravity

Isaac Newton

was an English philosopher and physician. Known as the "Father of Liberalism".

John Locke

German Priest

Martin Luther was a

was a Scottish economist, philosopher, and author. He was a moral philosopher, a pioneer of political economy, and was a key figure during the Scottish Enlightenment era.

Adam smith

The forced removal of Africans from their homeland to serve as slaves in the Americas

African diaspora

He was a Muslim ruler that began to allow the Hindus to have more freedom.


Mix of Spanish men and Indian Women.


Both Africans and Asians were very much active agents in the historical process. Europeans in large part relied on the willing participation of local groups to trade in the Indian Ocean and along the Atlantic coast of Africa. Moreover, in most cases they had to deal with local political authorities who were sovereign in these regions. In the Americas, the huge disruption caused by epidemic disease made the Europeans far more influential especially in those regions that they brought under their effective political control. Nonetheless, Native Americans in some circumstances were active agents. A good example of this would be those that participated in the fur trade in North America where they could negotiate on an equal footing with their European counterparts.

Asians, Africans, and Native Americans experienced early modern European expansion in quite different ways. Based on Chapter 13 and 14, how might you describe and explain those differences? In what respects were they active agents in the historical process rather than simply victims of European actions?

Was the grandson of Akbar. He reversed undid what his grandfather did and took the Hindus out of power.


Sold into slavery in West Africa and transported to work on a plantation in Maryland in 1730, this well-educated Muslim became a celebrity in England because of his life story. He returned to his home in West Africa in 1734 after philanthropists bought his freedom.

Ayuba Suleiman Diallo

An Indian empire that reunited many small divided areas.

Mughal Empire

African communities in which African authorities sought to manage the slave trade in their own interest, take advantage of new commercial opportunities

Benin/ Dahomey

Mix of Portuguese and African's


Private trading companies chartered by the governments of England and the Netherlands around 1600; they were given monopolies on Indian Ocean trade, including the right to make war and to rule conquered peoples

British/ Dutch East India companies

Was the exchange of goods from Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

Columbian Exchange

Was a Byzantium city that held most trade. It was conquered by the Ottoman Empire.


stated that the Earth and Planets revolved around the sun.

Nicolaus Copernicus

Native Americans found many benefits from the fur trade. Europeans gave gifts to native people which were of value to them. Protected them for a time from extermination, enslavement, or displacement. Half about - of native population died from European diseases. Fur trade generated much warfare - competition among Native Americans. French-British warfare -natives took sides. Grew dependent on European trade goods. Alcohol caused new problems with Native Americans.

Describe the impact of the fur trade on North America native societies.

Was the gathering of christian boys. These boys were sent to Constantinople dressed in red and converted to Islam.


Was a native American that became Hernan's translator. This allowed him to conquer the Aztecs.

Dona Marina

An astronomer, physicist, mathematician, philosopher and inventor. Improved the telescope and found Jupiter boasted moons that didn't orbit Earth which then supported the Copernican system.

Galileo Galilei

Was a Spanish conquistador who led the way in the downfall of the Aztec's

Hernan Cortes

Both North America and Siberian fur trades had similar consequences on native peoples: they became dependent on Russian/European goods, land was taken, animals were depleted. In North America, there was competition in commercial negotiations with Indians. Siberia - authorities imposed a tax or tribute paid in furs. Also - private Russian hunters & trappers competed with Siberians.

How did the North American and Siberian fur trades differ from each other? What did they have in common?

The Portuguese sought to set up a trading post empire that controlled the trade routes of the Indian Ocean. The Spanish established colonial rule over the Philippine Islands. In doing so, they drew on their experience in the Americas, converting most of the population to Christianity, ruling over the islands directly, and setting up large landed estates owned by Spanish settlers. The Dutch and British organized their Indian Ocean ventures through private trading companies, which could raise money and share risks among a substantial number of merchant investors. These trading companies obtained government charters granting them trading monopolies, the power to make war, and the right to govern conquered peoples. They established their own parallel and competing trading post empires; the Dutch seized control of some of the Spice Islands, while the British set up trading centers in India by securing the support of the Mughal Empire or of local authorities.

How did the Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, and British initiatives in Asia differ from one another?

1.In terms of its conquered people, conquest meant the taking of an oath of loyalty to the Russian ruler; the payment of tribute 2.Devastating epidemics 3. Intermittent pressure to convert to Christianity; 4. The loss of hunting grounds and pastureland to Russian agricultural settlers, which disrupted the local economy and left local populations dependent on Russian markets. 5.The Empire made Russia a highly militarized state and reinforced the highly autocratic character of the Russian state.

How did the Russian Empire transform the life of its conquered people and of the Russian homeland itself?

1.In terms of its conquered people, conquest meant the taking of an oath of loyalty to the Russian ruler; the payment of tribute 2.Devastating epidemics 3. Intermittent pressure to convert to Christianity; 4. The loss of hunting grounds and pasturelands to Russian agricultural settlers, which disrupted the local economy and left local populations dependent on Russian markets. 5.The Empire made Russia a highly militarized state and reinforced the highly autocratic character of the Russian state

How did the Russian Empire transform the life of its conquered people and of the Russian homeland itself?

Modern science was applied to new domains of human inquiry in ways that undermined some of the assumptions of the Enlightenment

How did the nineteenth-century developments in the sciences challenge the faith of the Enlightenment?

Was a Turkic Warrior group who's aggressive raiding of civilization was now legitimized on Islamic Terms.

Ottoman Empire

Mix of Spanish and Natives


1.In North America, there was less racial mixing and less willingness to recognize the offspring of such unions and accord them a place in society. 2.Slavery in North America was different, being perhaps less harsh there than in the sugar colonies. 3.By 1750, slaves in the United States had become self-reproducing, and a century later almost all North American slaves had been born in the New World. That was never the case in Brazil and the Caribbean. 4.Many more slaves were voluntarily set free by their owners in Brazil than was ever the case in North America, 5.In North America, any African ancestry, no matter how small or distant, made a person "black"; not in Brazil, Moreover, color was only one criterion of class status in Brazil, and the perception of color changed with the educational or economic standing of individuals.

How did the plantation societies of Brazil and the Caribbean differ from those of southern colonies in British North America?

It is evident that Europeans played an important role both in stimulating the slave trade and in developing a slave system that was unusually dehumanizing, degrading, and dangerous for those forced to participate as slaves. It is also clear that some Africans willingly participated in the trade, capturing and selling slaves to the Europeans. Whether assessing moral responsibility or blame is a task appropriate for historians is debatable. One could reasonably make a case for or against this idea.

How should we distribute the moral responsibility for the Atlantic slave trade? Is this appropriate task for historians?

Christianity motivated European political and economic expansion and benefited, and in the crusading traditions led movement overseas.

How was European imperial expansion related to the spread of Christianity?

was a German philosopher who is considered a central figure in modern philosophy. Kant argued that the human mind creates the structure of human experience, that reason is the source of morality

Immanuel Kant

Named after the Spanish king, Philip II, the Philippines were colonized by the Spanish beginning in 1565 and used as the second trading post empire. The Spanish takeover resulted in widespread Christianity conversions and remained a colony until 1900


Were plantations that grew tobacco, cotton, rice, and indigo. Mostly worked on by African Americans

Plantation Complex

Located in Bolivia, one of the richest silver mining centers and most populous cities in colonial Spanish America.


Ruled from 1644 to 1912. This dynasty was ruled by outside people. They Expanded China's territory.

Qing Dynasty

Are colonies that settlers would come and live in to get away from a government or make businesses.

Settler colonies

Is a huge part of Russia that was conquered because they feared the mongols would try an invade.


The trade of silver to china in exchange for Chinese goods. Eventually all the silver was going to China.

Silver Drain

Nickname used in the early modern period for animal furs, highly valued for their warmth and as symbols of elite status; in several regions, the fur trade generated massive wealth for those engaged in it

Soft Gold

Is the massive decrease in the New World Natives due to disease brought over by the Europeans.

The Great Dying

Europeans for the first time operated on a global scale, forging new trade networks across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. They also facilitated the full integration of fur-supplying regions into wider trade networks. But in other ways, the Europeans assimilated older patterns, as in the Indian Ocean, where they sought to dominate previously established trade routes, and they continued to trade many of the same products.

To what extent did Europeans transform earlier patterns of commerce, and in what ways did they assimilate into those older patterns?

The Dutch acted to control not only the shipping but also the production of cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, and mace. With much bloodshed, the Dutch seized control of several small spice-producing islands, forcing their people to sell only to the Dutch. On the Banda Islands, the Dutch killed, enslaved, or left to starve virtually the entire population and then replaced them with Dutch planters, using a slave labor force to produce the nutmeg crop. Ultimately, the local economy of the Spice Islands was shattered by Dutch policies, and the people there were impoverished. The British established three major trading settlements in India during the seventeenth century: Bombay, Calcutta, and Madras. They secured their trading bases with the permission of Mughal authorities or local rulers. British traders came to specialize in Indian cotton textiles, and hundreds of villages in the interior of southern India became specialized producers for the British market.

To what extent did the British and Dutch trading companies change the societies they encountered in Asia?

Their original goal of creating a trading post empire that controlled the commerce of the Indian Ocean was at best only partially realized. They never succeeded in controlling much more than half the spice trade to Europe, and by 1600, their trading post empire was in steep decline.

To what extent did the Portuguese realize their own goals in the Indian Ocean?

Japanese ruling dynasty that strove to isolate it from foreign influences

Tokugawa shogunate

Form of imperial dominance based on control of trade rather than on control of subject peoples.

Trading post empire

was a French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher famous for his wit, his attacks on the established Catholic Church, and his advocacy of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and separation of church and state.


Wandering Holy Men in Africa did not pose a threat to readers, offered literacy in Arabic, established informal schools, provided protective charms from Quran.

What accounts for the continued spread of Islam in early modern era and for the emergence of reform or renewal movements within the Islamic world?

1.Many of the British settlers sought to escape aspects of an old European society rather than to recreate it. 2.The British colonies were almost pure settler colonies, without the racial mixing that was so prominent in Spanish and Portuguese territories. 3.A largely Protestant England was far less interested in spreading Christianity among the remaining native peoples 4.British colonies developed greater mass literacy and traditions of local self-government and vigorously contested the prerogatives of royal governors sent to administer their affairs.

What distinguished the British settler colonies of North America from their counterparts in Latin America?

European involvement in Asian commerce was motivated by several factors, including the desire for tropical spices, Chinese silk, Indian cottons, rhubarb, emeralds, rubies, and sapphires. The general recovery of European civilization following the disaster of the Black Death was a factor. Europeans were also driven by a resentment of the Muslim monopoly on the flow of Indian Ocean products to Europe, and the dislike that many European powers had for Venice's role as intermediary in the trade. They hoped to discover and ally with the mythical Christian kingdom of Prester John to continue the Crusades and combat a common Islamic enemy. The need to secure gold and silver to pay for Asian spices and textiles also played a role.

What drove European involvement in the world of Asian commerce?

1.Europeans were much closer to the Americas than were their potential Asian competitors. 2.Europeans were powerfully motivated after 1200 to gain access to the world of Eurasian commerce. 3.Groups within European society, including competing monarchs, merchants, impoverished nobles and commoners, Christian missionaries, and persecuted minorities all had strong, if different, motivations for participating in empire building. 4. European states and trading companies enabled the effective mobilization of both human and material resources. 5. Disease in the Americas

What enabled Europeans to carve out huge empires an ocean away from their homelands?

Started in the Mediterranean world with sugar. Europeans established sugar-producing plantations in Mediterranean. Required huge capital investment, technology, worker discipline, and a mass market of consumers. Needed slaves as labor source for plantations. Found source in Africa. Used slaves for American plantations - sugar, tobacco, and cotton.

What explains the rise of the Atlantic slave trade?

Asian cultural and religious change was not as dramatic as Reformation in Europe, and Confucian and Hindu cultures in the early modern era did not spread widely as did Christianity and Islam

What kinds of cultural changes occurred in China and India during the early modern era?

1.European empire building caused the demographic collapse of Native American societies. 2.Combinations of indigenous, European, and African peoples created entirely new societies in the Americas. 3.Large-scale exchanges of plants and animals transformed the crops and animals raised both in the Americas and in the Eastern Hemisphere. 4.The silver mines of Mexico and Peru fueled both transatlantic and transpacific commerce. 5.The need for plantation workers and the sugar and cotton trade created a lasting link among Africa, Europe, and the Americas, while scattering peoples of African origins throughout the Western Hemisphere.

What large-scale transformations did European empires generate?

The Atlantic trading network, the Pacific trading network between the Americas and East Asia, the influence of European civilizations, especially in the Americas and the Philippines, the engagement of even remote peoples, such as those of Siberia, in world trade networks, and the large populations in the Americas of peoples of African and European origins; African cultural influences in the Americas, ideas of race, particularly of "blackness", and the demographic and economic legacy of the slave trade in West Africa.

What lasting legacies of early modern globalization are evident in the twenty-first century? Pay attention to the legacies of the slave trade.

1.Fear of the Mongols drove the Russians to conqure the vast siberian plain. 2.Russian expansion into Siberia was driven by demand on the world market for the pelts of fur-bearing animals, although later some agricultural settlement took place. The motivations of defending Russian frontiers, enhancing the power of the Russian state, 3.The Russians were also movitvated by bringing Christianity and attempted conversion of the native Siberians

What motivated Russian empire building?

Enterprise was in European hands. Because of European demand. They purchased slaves from African merchants and political elites. Initial capture for sale on the coast of slaves: African hands. European dealt as equals with local African authorities. Traded with goods for slaves.

What roles did Europeans and Africans play in the unfolding of the Atlantic slave trade?

The Atlantic slave trade was distinctive because of the immense size of the trade. Slaves were treated as dehumanized property. Status of slaves was also inherited - little hope of freedom. Racial dimension: slavery identified with Africa and "blackness." Shared: Slaves from Africa had also been sold to Asia & Europe.

What was distinctive about the Atlantic slave trade? What did it share with other patterns of slave owning and slave trading?

The Scientific Revolution challenged the original understanding of the universe.

What was revolutionary about the Scientific Revolution?

The silver trade was the first direct and sustained link between the Americas and Asia, and it initiated a web of Pacific commerce that grew steadily over the centuries. It transformed Spain and Japan, the two states that controlled the principal new sources of silver. It deepened the already substantial commercialization of China's economy, which fueled global commerce. It became a key commodity driving long-distance trade and offered the Europeans a product that they could produce that was also in demand elsewhere in the world.

What was the significance of the silver trade in the early modern era of world history?

1.Chinese empire building vastly enlarged the territorial size of China and brought a number of non-Chinese people into the kingdom. 2.It was driven largely by security concerns. Conquered regions in central Eurasia were administered separately from the rest of China. 3.Chinese officials generally did not seek to assimilate local people into Chinese culture and showed considerable respect for the Mongolian, Tibetan, and Muslim cultures of the region.

What were the major features of Chinese empire building in the early modern era?

Martin Luther

Who made the 95 thesis

Europe had a legal system evolved that guaranteed some independence for many institutions which allowed for the idea of a "corporation", and allowed for emerging universities.

Why did the Scientific Revolution occur in Europe rather than in China or the Islamic World?

China's political independence and cultural integrity was never threatened by Spanish American Europeans, and the Europeans needed permission from Chinese authority to operate in country.

Why were missionary efforts to spread Christianity so less successful in China that in Spanish America?

Are tributes paid in cash or kind.


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