Chapter 13

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According to proponents of the economic restructuring perspective, how have social structural changes affected family life? A) New laws that make it more difficult to get divorced have had the unintended consequence of reducing the marriage rate. B) New laws that prohibit same-sex marriage have resulted in a growing number of cohabiting same-sex couples. C) Changes in men's job opportunities have resulted in families finding it more difficult to survive on only one income. D) Changes in women's job opportunities have resulted in families returning to the independent breadwinner-homemaker family form that was common in the 1950s.


Approximately how many married mothers with children under the age of one year are employed? A) between 10 and 20 percent B) less than 5 percent C) more than 50 percent D) between 30 and 40 percent


As one example of how people's understanding of their kinship lines varies across cultures, the author mentions Trobriand Islander culture. In this culture, who performs the parenting duties that are commonly performed by fathers in the modern West? A) the mother B) the mother's brother C) the oldest son D) the mother's sister

b (Because many family forms result in neither children nor legal status, procreation is not a useful tool in defining them.)

Based on a family that involves an unmarried, same-sex relationship without children, what can we deduce about the necessity of including procreation as part of defining family forms? A) It is a common belief that couples are not a family unless they have children. B) Many family forms result in neither children nor legal status. C) Until a same-sex couple decides to adopt a child or procreate using a surrogate, they are not a real family. D) Divorced parents are still families even when their children have passed away.


Caretaking and breadwinning tasks are shared more or less equally by both partners in a(n) __________ relationship.

fictive kin (Fictive kin refers to those who we rely on, provide support for, and feel close to as if they were family members.)

Elizabeth and Emma were not biologically related in any way. They did not live in the same household. They have never been married. However, they celebrate every holiday together. When Elizabeth needs help, she reaches out to Emma. When Emma needs help, she reaches out to Elizabeth. When asked, they tell people they are family. What can we infer about the relationship between Emma and Elizabeth?

second shift

Employed mothers are more likely than employed fathers to take on unpaid domestic work duties in addition to the responsibilities associated with their paid work. Sociologists refer to this as an unequal __________.

care work

Helping to feed and bathe one's disabled sibling is an example of __________, and it is just as essential to a household's survival as bringing in an income.


How did the conjugal family differ from earlier models of family? A) The conjugal family consisted of a married couple whose means of subsistence would be inherited from their parents' household. B) The conjugal family consisted of a married couple who were able to maintain their standard of living by inviting close friends into the family and then pooling resources. C) The conjugal family consisted of one man marrying multiple wives, thereby achieving access to the resources from multiple families. D) The conjugal family consisted of an autonomous married couple able to live outside their parents' household.

concerted cultivation

Middle-class parents typically engage in a form of intensive parenting sociologist Annette Lareau refers to as __________.

a (Equally important, many husbands and wives who lived in these so-called traditional households found them unnecessarily stifling.)

Over the last few years, some politicians have emphasized the importance of returning to the traditional family as the ideal family form. If you were writing an editorial directed at someone who felt this way, which of the following is a criticism that you might use? A) Many families find the traditional family form impossible to attain and/or unappealing. B) The traditional family is not just the ideal family form; it is the only true family form. C) Sociologists cannot clearly define the traditional family, so we cannot tell what kinds of families are traditional. D) This form of family is not as good as other variations on the family.

family decline perspective

Proponents of the __________ view the acceptance of same-sex partnerships as a devaluation of heterosexual marriage.


Regarding marriage, people once sought out relationships based on __________, but contemporary adults are more likely to stress the importance of __________. A) a lottery; complementary gender roles B) love and mutual respect; complementary gender roles and financial stability C) complementary gender roles and financial stability; love and mutual respect D) the preferences of the groom's mother's brothers; preferences of all family members


The "feminization of love" meant that __________. A) women became responsible for finding work outside the home B) men were allowed to embrace their feminine side and freely express their emotions C) women became responsible for the emotional demands of relationships D) same-sex relationships became more accepted

delayed adulthood

The extended time it takes to complete the transition to adulthood has produced a new life stage sociologists call __________.

family decline

Those who subscribe to the __________ perspective believe that people are becoming less willing to assume their proper adult obligations and commitments, such as a commitment to marriage or a particular style of parenting.


What has been the impact of increased lifespans on marriage? A) People are less likely to get divorced. B) People are more likely to agree with the sentiment that sex outside marriage is taboo. C) People are more likely to marry a second time in their lives. D) People are less likely to support gay and lesbian marriages.

family values

What is the term used in this chapter to denote the orientation people have toward family responsibilities?


Which of the following conclusions is true based on sociological research regarding child well-being and divorce? A) Children in high-conflict families whose parents divorce do better than children raised in low-conflict families whose parents divorce. B) Children in high-conflict families whose parents divorce do just as well as children raised in high-conflict families whose parents do not divorce. C) Children in high-conflict families whose parents divorce do better than children raised in high-conflict families whose parents do not divorce. D) Children in high-conflict families whose parents divorce do worse than children raised in high-conflict families whose parents do not divorce.


Which of the following countries provides a system of "child minders" who are trained to care for up to five children at a time to supplement day care centers?

c (The United States Census Bureau defines a family as a set of people living together who are connected by biological or legal ties.)

Which of the following households would not be considered a family by demographers? A) Stan and Natalie aren't married, but have lived together for six years and are raising two foster children. B) Gene and Shonda's three grandchildren live with them, and have done so for 20 months. C) Graeme and Nina aren't married, but have lived together happily for more than three years. D) Caroline and Sagar were empty nesters, until their 30-something son lost his job and moved home, and then Sagar's widowed mother came to live with them.


Which of the following is the best example of an egalitarian relationship? A) One person works full time and one person attends to the caretaking needs of the family. B) Both adults work outside the home and both are responsible for the caretaking needs of the family. C) Both adults attend to the caretaking needs of the family, but only one is responsible for working outside the home. D) Both adults work outside the home, but only one is responsible for the caretaking needs of the family.


Which of the following is true? A) Siblings are members of one's family of orientation. B) Spouses are members of one's family of orientation. C) Cousins are not members of one's family of orientation. D) One's daughters and sons are members of the family of orientation.

d (Anna and her sister Beth are in a "family of orientation" because they are linked by birth.)

Which of the following statements about Anna and her family are true? A) Anna's cousin Cheryl is a member of her "family of procreation." B) Anna and Neil adopted Ian, who is a member of Anna's "family of orientation." C) Anna and her husband Neil are members of a "family of orientation." D) Anna and her biological sister Beth are members of a "family of orientation."


Which of the following statements accurately characterizes how proponents of the economic restructuring perspective explain changing family arrangements? A) The breadwinner-homemaker family model is growing rapidly due to the implementation of neoliberal economic policies over the past thirty years. B) The breadwinner-homemaker family model is rare today because of changing social and economic forces that have made that type of family more difficult to maintain and less desirable. C) The breadwinner-homemaker family model is rare today because it often fails to allow people to contribute equally to the caretaking needs of family members. D) The breadwinner-homemaker family model is rare today because there is a widespread weakening in the character of adults and their commitment to uphold traditional values.


Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the number of hours men and women devote to housework? A) The number of hours men devote has risen since the 1960s and the number of hours women devote has declined. On average, men now do more housework than women. B) The number of hours men devote has risen since the 1960s and the number of hours women devote has declined, but on average women still do significantly more housework than men. C) The number of hours men devote has stayed the same since the 1960s, while the number of hours women devote has declined. Not surprisingly, women still do more housework than men. D) The number of hours men devote has decreased since the 1960s and the number of hours women devote has increased. Not surprisingly, women do more housework than men.


Which of the following statements is true regarding the parent's responses to the conflict between family needs and work pressures? A) Men spend less time with their children than women do, and both parents spend much less time with their children than their counterparts did several decades ago. B) Although women tend to spend more time with their children than men do, both parents now spend more time with their children than their counterparts did several decades ago. C) Although women tend to spend more time with their children than men do, both parents now spend about the same amount of time with their children as their counterparts did several decades ago. D) Women spend less time with their children than men do, and both parents spend much less time with their children than their counterparts did several decades ago.


Which of the following statements represents the research findings of the effects on children who are reared by same-sex couples? A) The experience of being reared by a same-sex couple resulted in cognitive and social deficiencies among children, and children were more likely to be sexually promiscuous. B) Whether the measure is cognitive, social, or sexual development, the experience of being reared by a same-sex couple has no consequential effects on children. C) The experience of being reared by a same-sex couple did not result in children developing cognitive deficiencies, and there were no significant effects on children's sexual development. However, children did develop signs of social deficiencies. D) The experience of being reared by a same-sex couple did not produce any significant effects on children's sexual development; however, children were more likely to develop signs of cognitive and social deficiencies.

gender reconstruction

Which perspective emphasizes the conflict between paid work and unpaid caregiving?

c (What many today consider a "traditional family" is not in fact traditional; it is both modern and rare.)

Why does the term "traditional family" have multiple interpretations? A) Sociologists seldom agree on important concepts. Therefore, each sociologist defines "traditional family" in their own, unique way. B) Prior to the 1500s, "traditional family" referred only to the breadwinner-homemaker family, but by the 1600s family began to take very different forms. C) Traditionally a variety of family forms were accepted. Today, "traditional family" has a more narrow definition. D) The term "traditional family" can refer to so many different kinds of families that the term is meaningless. This family structure can just be called "family."

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