Chapter 13 Comp. Review

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With ideal environmental factors, the reproduction rate of bacteria is

extremely rapid

Loraine's mother-in-law is babysitting Loraine's kids and mentions she is going to give them fruit and honey for dessert at lunchtime. Loraine points out that her baby cannot have honey. Why should children under age one avoid honey?

honey can contain botulism spores that can cause botulism in young children with immature immune systems

A number of recent, high-profile foodborne illness outbreaks have increased Americans' awareness of the safety of our food supply. What is the primary cause of foodborne illness in North America?

microbial contamination

By keeping food cold, the growth of microorganisms is


Compound in spinach & strawberries that binds calcium & iron & limits their absorption:

oxalic acid

Loraine's husband called her at 3:00 pm complaining of stomach pains that he thinks were related to the rare hamburger he ate earlier that day at noon. He thinks he has an infection; Loraine thinks he has an intoxication. Who is right?

Loraine is right: her husband's situation is consistent with intoxication.

During her current pregnancy, Loraine has been extra careful to avoid foods that could potentially cause foodborne illness. Even though she loves Greek salad, at lunch today she had to order something else because the waiter could not confirm whether or not the feta cheese on the salad was pasteurized. Why should pregnant women avoid unpasteurized cheese?

Unpasteurized cheese can contain Listeria monocytogenes that can cross the placental barrier and cause listeriosis and spontaneous abortion or stillbirth.

How common are food spoilage microorganisms?

almost all of our foods contain them

Above 100° C (212°F) most bacteria

are destroyed

Raw egg white compound that binds & prevents absorption of biotin:


Herbal tea that can cause diarrhea & liver damage:


One of the mothers in Loraine's mothers group has started purchasing raw, unpasteurized milk and feeding it to her children. The other women warn her about the potential health hazards of drinking raw milk. The mother insists that pasteurization degrades the nutritional quality of milk, and that raw milk is nutritionally superior. What does pasteurization do?

pasteurization process heats foods to kill pathogenic microorganisms and reduce the total number of bacteria.

Compound in flesh of stressed/damaged potatoes that inhibits neurotransmitter action:


At freezing temperatures, most bacteria

stop growing, but aren't dead

The main environmental factors that affect microorganism growth include chemical inhibitors, oxygen, pH, nutrients, moisture and


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