Chapter 13 Micro bio

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CD4 T cells recognize antigen bound to MHC class ____ molecules


CD8 cells recognize antigen bound to MHC class ____ molecules

Class 2

Class _ genes of the MHC code for markers that are found on macrophages, dendritic cells, and B cells. They are also involved in presenting antigens to T cells during cooperative immune reactions

Class 3

Class _ genes of the MHC encode proteins involved with the complement system, among others.

Class 1

Class ___ genes of the MHC codes for markers that appear on all nucleated cells. They display unique characteristics of self and allow for the recognition of self molecules and the regulation of immune reactions.

c & e

A molecule that stimulates a specific response by T and B cells are called a(n) _____ or _____. a)haptens b)antitoxins c)antigen d)antibody e)immunogen


A poor immunogen would NOT include: a)simple molecules b)complex proteins c)small molecules d)Repetitive polymers


A(n) _______ is a large protein molecule produced by plasma cells that interact specifically with an antigen. a)superantigen b)immunoglobulin c)Immunogen d)Allergen


Activated T helper cells are stimulated to release _____, which are chemicals used to assist other white blood cells such as B cells in their functions.


All mature T lymphocytes express coreceptors called ____. ____ molecules surround the T cell receptor and assist in binding.


An ____ is a special type of antibody that neutralizes bacterial exotoxins.


An important characteristic of an antigen is that it be perceived to be ______. A)self B)foreign


Each genetically unique line of lymphocytes arising from extensive recombination of surface proteins is termed a _______


Each individual mature B and T cell has the capacity to respond to a single unique ______

CD4 or CD8

Either ____ or _____ coreceptors are expressed on mature T cells.

dendritic and macrophages

Antigen presenting cells process and present antigenic determinants on their surface and include B cells, ______ and ______ cells


Antigens stimulate ______ that have specific receptors for that antigen.


Any exposd or relesed protein or polysaccharide is a potential ____, a molecule capable of eliciting a specific immune response. a)antibody b)hapten c)carrier d)antitoxin e)antigen


B and T lymphocytes cooperate to produce a ______ immune response a)nonspecific b)specific


B and T lymphocytes cooperate to produce a(n) _____ immune response


B cells are found in ____ numbers in blood circulation


B cells have surface receptors that bind _____. a)viruses b)bacteria c)antibodies d)haptens e)antigens


B cells that have made it through the maturation process have not yet encountered antigen so they are called _____ B cells and they enter circulation in order to home in on specific sites.


some bacterial toxins, which belong to a group of immunogens called _____, are potent stimuli for T cells. Their presence in an infection activates T cells at a rate 100 times greater than ordinary antigens.


For activation, T cells require that antigen be ______ and then _____ by APCs. a)presented/ processed b)presented/ingested c)processed/ingested d)processed/ presented


Human B cells mature in the ______. a)Spleen b)liver c)bone marrow d)bursa of fabriclus e)thymus


IgM has _____ antigen binding sites


In ______ reactions, antibodies fill the surface receptors on a virus or the active site on a microbial enzyme to prevent it from attaching normally.

CD4 and CD8

In addition to CD3, T cells also express either a ____ or a ____ coreceptor.


In immunochemistry, _____ is a measure of antibody level in a patient, determined by agglutination methods

Antigen-presenting cells (APCs)

In most immune reactions, the antigen must be further acter upon and formally presented to lymphocytes by cells called ______-_____ _____.


In order to be activated, T cells require antigen-____ cells which display antigen plus MHC


Lipopolysaccharides from bacterial cell walls are one exaple of T cell independent antigens

Gamma-Delta T Cells Cytotoxic T Cells T Helper cells

List the three major types of cells that T cells will differentiate into after stimulation.


Looking at a Y shaped antibody structure, the antigen binding sites are found : a)in random sites along the structure b)at the base of the tail c)in the crook of the Y d)at the end of each fork


Molecules of 100k MW are ____ enough to initiate an immune response


Only ____ cells require antigen to be presented on MHC class molecules


Small foreign molecules that are too small by themselves to awaken the immune repsonse are termed _____


Some T helper cells secrete interleukins-___,-__, and -__, which stimulate various activities of B cells.

interferon gamma (IFNγ)

T cells are also involved in activating macrophages. They do this directly by receptor contact and indirectly by releasing cytokines like _____ _____ (___).


T cells are found in ____ numbers in blood circulation


T helper cells secrete interleukin-__, which stimulates the primary growth and activation of many types of T cells, including cytotoxic T cells.

T helper cell 1

T-cell function: Activates the cell-mediated immunity pathway; secretes tumor necrosis factor and interferon gamma; also responsible for delayed hypersensitivity (allergy occurring several hours or days after contact)

T cytotoxic cell

T-cell function: Destroys a target foreign cell by lysis; important in destruction of complex microbes, cancer cells, virus-infected cells; graft rejection; requires MHC-I for function

T helper cell 2

T-cell function: Drives B-cell proliferation; secretes IL-4, IL-5, IL-13

T regulatory cell

T-cell function: Promotes inflammation; secretes IL-17

T helper cell 17

T-cell function:Promotes inflammation; secretes IL-17


T/F Lippopolysaccarides from bacterial cell walls are an example of T cell dependent antigen

Binding of antigen

The 1st Step in B cell activation is _______

Antigen processing and presentation

The 2nd Step in B cell activation is _______

B cell/ T helper cell cooperation and recognition.

The 3rd Step in B cell activation is _______

B-cell activation

The 4th Step in B cell activation is _______


The 5th Step in B cell activation is _______

Clonal expansion

The 6th Step in B cell activation is _______


The CD4 coreceptor is found on the surface of which cell type? a)Plasma b)T helper c)Cytotoxic d)NK cell e)Nalve B cell


The CD8 coreceptor is expressed on ____ t cells


The Fc end of the antibody of allergy (IgE) binds to ______and mast cells, which causes the release of allergic mediators such as histamine.

clonal selection

The ___ ____ theory is a conceptual explanation for the development of lymphocyte specificity an variety during immune system maturation.

antigen binding

The ____ _____ site of an antibody is the end of the antibody that specifically recognizes antigen


The ____ monomer is a receptor on B cells triggering molecule for B-cell activation


The ____ monomer is produced by plasma cells in primary respose and by memory cells respoding the 2nd time toa given antigenic stimulus; most prevalent antibody circulating throughout the tissue fluids and blood; neutralizes toxins, opsonizes, fixes complement


The ____ monomer is the antibody of allergy, worm infections. It also mediates anaphylaxis, asthma, etc.


The ____ pentamer is produced at first response to antigen; can serve as B-cell receptor


The ____ regions found on both the heavy and light chains in an antibody molecule come together to form the antigen binding site a)Variable b)Stem c)Constant


The ____ response is the rapid rise in antibody titer following a repeat exposure to an antigen that has been recognized from a previous exposure. This response is brought about by memory cells produced as a result of the primary exposure.


The _____ region of the antibody molecule contains the antigen binding site


The _____ response is an augmented response or memory related to a prior stimulation of the immune system by antigen. It boosts the levels of immune substances.

identical heavy (H) chains and a pair of identical light (L) chains

The basic immunoglobulin molecule is a composite of four polypeptide chains and they are ____ and ______


The entire ____ region of an antibody has an amino acid content that doe not vary greatly

crystallizable fragment (Fc)

The part of the antibody that excludes the antigen binding fragments is the ____ ______ (___)

hypervariable region

The site on the antibody where the epitope binds is composed of a _____ _______, whose amino acid content can be extremely varied.

Dendritic Cells

The three different cells can serve as APCs: ____ ____, macrophages, and B cells

B cells

The three different cells can serve as APCs: ______ ____, macrophages, dendritic cells.


The three different cells can serve as APCs: ______, b cells, and dendritic cells.

antigen binding fragments (Fabs)

The two "arms" of the antibody that bind antigen are termed _____ _____ _____ (___)


The two forms of ____ are (1) a monomer that circulates in small amounts in the blood and (2) a dimer that is a significant component of the mucous and serous secretions of the salivary glands, intestine, nasal membrane, breast, lung, and genitourinary tract.


There are three different types of T helper cells and they all bear the _____ marker.


Upon the first exposure to an antigen, the system undergoes a _____ response.

Artificial Active Immunity

Vaccines are what kind of immunity?

Cytotoxic T cells

Virally infected cells, cells from other animals and human, and cancer cells are attacked by what kind of T cell?


What is NOT true about specific immunity? a)It's adaptive b)Occurs only after an immunizing even c)Present at birth

Antigen binding sites

___ ____ ____ are highly variable forks formed at the and of antigens.

Cluster of differentiation (CD)

____ ____ (___) are important markers in immunity and it is just a naming scheme for many of the cell surface molecules. There are well over 300 of these molecules.

Clonal selection

____ ____ is the mechanism by which the exactly correct B or T cell is activated by any incoming antigen.

Gamma globulin:

____ _____ are Immunoglobulin extracted from the pooled blood of many human donors, Used to treat specific infections in high-risk neonates and other immunocompromised patients, and Useful when there is no effective treatment available or to treat immune deficiencies


____ are molecules that stimulate a response by T and B cells.


____ is found on cytotoxic T cells, and it binds MHC class I molecules.

Bone Marrow

____ is the B cells site of maturation


____ is the T cells site of maturation


____ is the ability of the body to react with countless foreign substances.

Lymphocyte Receptors

_____ _____ in the form of immunoglobulins on B cells and T-cell receptors on T cells, are the means by which lymphocytes sense the presence of antigens in their environment.

immune tolerance

_____ _____ is any time lmyphocytes develop a specificity for self molecules and could be harmful are eliminated from the pool of cells.


_____ immunity encompasses any immunity that is acquired during the normal biological experiences of an individual rather than through medical intervention.


_____ is an accessory receptor protein on T helper cells that bind to MHC class II molecules


_____ is the clear yellow early product of breast milk that is very high in secretory antibodies. Provides passive intestinal protection.


_____, such as some bacterial toxins, are potent stimulators of T cells and are responsible for diseases such as toxic shock

complex macromules

______ ______ approaching a molecular weight of 100,000 daltons are the most immunogenic.


______ are loarge glycoprotein molecules that serve as the antigen receptors of B cells and, when secreted, as antibodies.


______ are required by T cells for activation a)PAMPs b)Bcells c)APCs d)NK cells

T-Cell receptors and Several CD molecules.

______ are the t cells specific surface marker.


______ is a hazardous, outmoded process of deliberately introducing smallpox material scraped from a victim into the nonimmune subject in the hope of inducing


______ lymphocytes require antigen presented with MHC molecules a)T and B b)B c) T


______ pertains to injection of whole microbes (killed or attenuated), toxoids, or parts of microbes as a prevention or cure for disease.

Major Histocompatibility complex (MHC)

_______ ____ _____ (___) is the set of genes that codes for human cell makers or receptors. These markers play a vital role in the recognition of self by the immune system and the rejection of foreign tissue.


_______ are cell surface markers and molecules that occur in some members of the same species but not in others.They are the basis for an individual's blood group and major histocompatibility profile.


_______ immunity occurs when an individual receives immune substances (usually antibodies) that were produced actively in the body of another human or animal donor. The recipient is protected for a short time, even though he or she has not had prior exposure to the antigen. It is characterized by (1) lack of memory for the original antigen; (2) lack of production of new antibodies against that disease; (3) immediate onset of protection; and (4) short-term effectiveness, because antibodies have a limited period of function and, ultimately, the recipient's body disposes of them. ______ immunity can also be natural or artificial in origin.


_______ presenting cells are involved in the activation of T helper cells through the displaying of immunogen fragments on their MHC _____ molecules a)Antibody/I b)Antigen/II c)Antigen/III d)Antigen/I e)Antibody/III

Gamma Delta T cells

________ cells have T-cell receptors that are rearranged to recognize a wide range of antigens, but they frequently respond to certain kinds of PAMPs on microorganisms the way WBCs in the nonspecific system do.


________ is a process that is used to reduce the virulence of a pathogen so it can be used in a live vaccine preparation.


______immunity is protection from infection obtained through medical procedures. This type of immunity is induced by immunization with vaccines and immune serum.


______immunity occurs when an individual receives an immune stimulus (antigen) that activates the B and T cells, causing the body to produce immune substances such as antibodies. _____immunity is marked by several characteristics: (1) It creates a memory that renders the person ready for quick action upon reexposure to that same antigen; (2) it requires several days to develop; and (3) it lasts for a relatively long time, sometimes for life. ______immunity can be stimulated by natural or artificial means.


____is the part of an antigen that is recognized by the immune system, specifically by antibodies, B cells, or T cells.


a person displays ____ if they have the ability to react to antigen and from a protective immune response even without previous exposure.


antigens that evoke allergic reaction, called ____.


any exposed or released protein or polysaccharide is a potential _____ for specific immunity

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