Chapter 13

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Select the pair of responses that accurately pairs the amendment with its impact:


The cartoon expresses which of the following viewpoints? a. Small states are over represented in the Electoral College as a percentage of their population. b. Election outcomes are driven by a few key battleground and swing states. c. Campaigns focus too much on states in the East and South, ignoring Western states. d. The winner-take-all feature of the Electoral College unfairly disadvantages small states.


a. requires candidates to campaign in all fifty states in order to have a chance of winning. b. is undemocratic because at times the winner of the popular According to the passage, a criticism of the Electoral College is that it vote does not win in the Electoral College. C. gives too much of an advantage to the Democratic Party because of its popularity in less populated states. d. gives too much influence to large urban areas because of the total number of electoral votes available in these areas


the following best explains the absence of 2012 Democratic presidential primary statistics? a.A Democrat was the incumbent president and was unchallenged in the presidential primary process b.Results from the Commerce Department's decennial census had not yet been released c.Democrats did not hold presidential primary elections in those states in 2012 d.Political parties and states do not gather voting statistics when a first-term president runs for a second term.


34. Based on the infographic, which of the following claims would an opponent of state voter-ID laws most likely make? a. Voter-ID laws are likely to decrease turnout among African-American voters because they are less likely to have government-issued IDs. b. Voter turnout will likely decrease by 10% if voters are required to present a government-issued ID to vote. c. Voter-ID laws will likely decrease election fraud, which will increase voter confidence in institutions and thereby increase turnout. d. African-American voters who do not have government-issued IDs are likely to participate at the grassroots level and exert influence through channels other than turning out to vote.


According to the passage, voter ID laws are likely to have which of the following impacts on elections? a. Increased third-party success b.. Reduced voter turnout C. Increased number of minority voters d. Increased cost of political campaigns


According to the passage, voter ID laws in Michigan in 2016 a. were applied unevenly by local election officials. b. ensured that the Democratic Senate candidate won the election. c were less strict than those in Georgia or Virginia d. disqualified more than 28,000 possible voters from casting a ballot.


Allowing corporate influence to flow unfettered into federal campaigns will only undermine the confidence the American people have in their government, and serve only to stack the deck further in favor of special interests at the expense of hardworking Americans. - senator Michael Bennet (D-Colorado) The quote refers to which of the following? a. The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 b. Buckley v. Valeo (1976) c. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) d. The Federal Election Campaign


Almost all millennials think people like them can have an impact in the U.S. to make it a better place to live. Only 5 percent of respondents do not think people like them can have an impact at all. As with other trends, male millennials more than female millennials believe a person can have a big impact in the U.S. -Ryan Scott The quote refers to which of the following? a. Partisan attachment b. Political socialization c. Political ideology d. Political efficacy


Based on the infographic, which of the following strategies would a group seeking to increase turnout likely pursue? a. Uše radio ads to advocate stricter voter-ID laws b. Hold a voter registration drive in public high schools c. Lobby state legislatures to overturn voter-ID legislation d. Lobby Congress to eliminate the Voting Rights Act


The cartoon expresses which of the following viewpoints? a. The New Hampshire primary has too much influence because it is a rural state. b. Primaries are more important than caucuses because voters may choose from a wide variety of candidates. c. It is difficult for voters in New Hampshire to choose their party's nominee because the field of candidates has not been narrowed down. d. Primaries are important because they help candidates decide whether or not to stay in the race for their party's nomination.


What claim can a political scientist make about Political Action Committee (PAC) donations based on the chart above? a. Labor PACS donate more money than any other b. Open seat candidates receive the most PAC donations. C. Challenger candidates receive the most PAC donations. d. Incumbent candidates receive the most PAC donations.


What claim can a political scientist make about the different types of PACS based on the chart above? a. Health PACS donate more money than Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate PACS. b. Ideology and Single-Issue PACS are more likely to donate money to open seat races than any other group. c. Labor PACS donate more money to incumbents than Health PACS. other group. d. Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate PACS are more likely to donate to challengers than any


Which best describes the message in the political cartoon? a. Contributions from special interests have undermined fair and competitive political campaigns. b. Placing limits on special interest contributions would not diminish the role of money in elections. c. Although money garners attention from the media and voters, it does not influence how people vote. d. Special interests have a large amount of cash but a small number of votes to use to influence elections.


Which of the following best summarizes the viewpoint expressed in the quote? a. Voter ID laws-are unnecessary because there is not much evidence of fraud at the polls. b. Even though some people don't think they are necessary, voter ID laws may help officials make sure election results are fair. C. States should not pass voter ID laws because they are expensive. d. Voter ID laws are important to prevent those who are unregistered from attempting to vote.


Which of the following is the most accurate interpretation of the political cartoon? a. United v. FEC (2010) gave an advantage to Super PACS over citizens, b. The decision in Citizens United v. FEC (2010) formally changed the United States government from democracy to plutocracy. C. The decision in Citizens United v. FEC (2010) was influenced by Super PAC contributions to the Supreme Court. d. The decision in Citizens United v. FEC (2010) gave an advantage to citizens over Super PACS.


what factor has led to the development of a lengthy national election campaign from the first caucus the election day? a. Candidates are hoping to get ahead of their opponents by announcing carlier b. Incumbenoy has forced challengers to start campaigning immediately after the last election. c. States have been moving their primaries and caucuses earlier in the year in an attempt to garner more campaign attention and influence over the primaries. d. Laws have mandated that campaigns must begin 281 days in advance of the election.


what factors have led to a difference in campaigns between the United States and other nations featured the data on chart a. The United States encour ages campaigns to start sooner so as to capitaliee on campaign spending laws. b. The United Kingdom and Canada use parliamentary systems while Mexico and Japan restrict campaign periods. C. States have mandated when candidates can begin campaigning and prefer carly registration as candidates. d. The news media focuses more on politics in the United States than the other countries included.


what has allowed the US House to have a higher percentage of women of color than the US senate? a. The Senate has a shorter term, therefore more opportunity for turnover. b. The House has an older age requirement, therefore more trust is given. c. The House typically has smaller districts, allowing more reflective representation d. The Senate typically has smaller states, allowing more reflective represetation.


what statement does the data in the set above best support? a.Northern states have higher voter turnout than Southern states b.Total voter turnout in Texas is greater than most other Southern states regardless of party affiliation c.Republican enthusiasm for primary voting was less than Democratic enthusiasm in 2016 d.2014 modifications to the 1965 Voting Rights Act contributed to increased Democratic voter turnout in the 2016 Democratic primary


which of the following statements is reflected in the data in the chart above? a. One candidate can win the popular vote and not win the electoral vote b. Candidates winning the electoral vote must also win 50% of the popular Vote c. Since 1828, all presidential winning candidates have won the popular and electoral vote. d. Candidates must campaign in all states in order to win the electoral Vote.


which of the following statements is reflected in the information in the map above? a. Donald Trump won the electorat vote in 2016. b. Young people vote less than people over 65. c. Most people voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016. d. Most people didn't vote in 2016.


Select the pair of responses that accurately matches accurate statements about Super PACS and PACS


18. In 2018, the Democrats captured the House of Representatives. Many people who voted for the Democratic candidate said that they did this because they believed that the Republican Party had made life worse in the United States for many since 2016. In which model of voting behavior did these voters engage? a. Rational-choice voting b. Prospective voting (c) Retrospective voting d. Party-line voting


41.which of the following statements is reflected in the data in the figure 7 above? a. From 1988 to 2008 voter turnout was higher among Asians than whites b. From 1988 to 2008 Black voters overwhelmingly voted for Democratic Presidential candidates. c. From 1988 to 2008 voter turnout was higher among Blacks than Hispanics. d. In 1992 voter turnout was higher among Hispanics than Asians.


How do participants in primaries and caucuses differ from voters in a general election? a. They are more likely to support a centrist candidate so that their party has the best chance of winning the general election. b. They are more likely to identify as independent or nonaffiliated. c. They'are more likely to favor candidates on the far right or the far left compared to voters in the general election. d. They are more likely to split their tickets in the general election by voting for candidates from different parties for different offices.


Select the pair of responses that accurately pairs the number of Electoral Votes with its relevance to Presidential elections:


Which of the following is true based on the information from the chart above? a. Turnout by people that identify with a particular party can greatly impact who wins presidential elections b. The incumbency factor greatly impacts the likelihood that voters will turn out to vote C. Democrats primarily live in safe states and do not feel the need to turn out to vote in every election d. Republican strategists were able to prevent Democrats from voting using different legal and illegal tactics at polling locations in 2016


Which of the following statements best represents the message of the political cartoon? a. Confirmation bias created by selective exposure to media has led to a decrease in voting b. Voter ID laws have led to a decrease in voting among racial minorities C. The electoral college does not accurately represent the popular vote d. Low voter turnout is correlated to low political efficacy


According to the bar graph, in most elections, which of the following age groups has the highest turnout? a. Eighteen to twenty-nine years old b. Thirty to forty-four years old c. Forty-five to fifty-nine years old d. Sixty years and older


According to the cartoon, what effect would the decision in Citizens United v. FEC (2010) have on a corporation wishing to advocate for or against a candidate in the 2020 election? a. Money spent on all advertisements would be restricted based on the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002. b. Money spent on advertisements would be unrestricted as long as the corporation does not coordinate with the campaign. c. Money spent on advertisements would have no restrictions and could be given to the campaign to do with as they wish. d. Money spent on advertisements would have to be endorsed by the candidate in accordance with the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002.


In addition to age, which of the following factors generally increases voter turnout? a. Being a voter in a rural area b. Living in a state without an early voting period c. Having a high level of education d. Living in a state with stringent voter registration requirements


In an astounding Presidential campaign, a Green Party candidate earned 10 electoral college votes, whereas the Democrat and Republican candidates cach earned 264 electoral college votes. what will determine the winner of the Presidential election? a. The Electoral College will re-vote until a clear winner is decided. b. Senators will vote and determine the Presidency. If they result in a tie, the President pro Tempore will become temporary President until a new election can be organieed. c. The House of Representatives will convene and pass a resolution deciding the Presidential election d. Each state's delegation to the House of Representatives will be granted one vote to cast in deciding the President from the three candidates receiving electoral college votes.


In the passage, Hamilton argues that a. there should be more constitutional qualifications to be president than there are for other national offices. b. presidential c. the Electoral College will ensure that only qualified individuals would be elected elections should be directly in the hands of the citizens. president. d. the Electoral College will always accurately reflect the will of the people.


SEC. 101. SOFT MONEY OF POLITICAL PARTIES .. A national committee of a political party (including a national congressional campaign committee of a political party) may not solicit, receive, or direct to another person a contribution, donation, or transfer of funds or any other thing of value, or spend any funds, that are not subject to the limitations, prohibitions, and reporting requirements of this Act. - Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 According to the passage, the purpose of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (also known as the McCain-Feingold Act) is described most accurately by which of the following? a. To reduce the influence of money and the appearance of corruption in politics b. To create Super PACS that can spend unlimited amounts of money on campaigns c. To remove limitations on individual contributions to campaigns d. To guarantee free speech rights to corporations and labor unions


Several commentators... have called the current generation of voter ID laws "a solution in search of a problem." But that doesn't give enough respect to the argument that we should as a nation strive to be as accurate as possible with our voting. -Andrew Cohen Which of the following is a criticism of the viewpoint expressed in the quote? a. The federal government should determine the qualifications for voting, rather than the states. b. Voter ID laws are necessary because voting fraud undermines the government's legitimacy. c Voter ID laws disproportionately impact minority and poor voters, making it difficult for them to exercise their right to vote. d Voter ID laws disproportionately impact the elderly because many of them have driver's licenses.


The bar chart supports which of the following conclusions? a. Cuban Americans have the highest voter turnout rates among other groups of Latino ethnicity. b. Turnout is higher among Latinos born in the United States than it is among naturalized citizens. c. Latino turnout is lower than voter turnout for other ethnic groups. d. Latino voter turnout is higher among those who arrived after 2000 than among those who arrived before that time.


Which of the following is the best interpretation of the Supreme Court's reasoning in Citizens United FEC, as expressed in the excerpt above? a. Because money is speech, the government cannot restrict how much a campaign, or a candidate spends. b. Outside groups' use of money to influence voters demonstrates that the most important political authority comes from the people. c. Corporations are people and thus deserve First Amendment protection. d. While the First Amendment protects people's freedom to engage in political speech, the unrestricted flow of corporate or union money into elections would have an inherently corruptive effect on elections.


of the following is true based on the information from the chart above? a. Those impacted by hurricanes and other bad weather accounted for the largest percentage of individuals that could not make it to the polls b. Electoral registration at the state level became casier between 2012 and 2016 c. Unpopularity of candidates Hillary Clinton andlor Donald Trump may have been a deciding factor in why many Americans chose not to vote in 2016 when they may have voted in 2012 d. Having election day on a Tuesday has become the central barrier to voting for most Americans


what is one possible explanation for the gap between all women and women of color in the chart above? a. Literacy tests and poll taxes prevented minority groups from voting well after the 15th amendment. b. The 15th amendment allowed women to gain access to the voting booth to elect people who represented their views before women of color. c. The senate elections allow gerrymandering to give benefits to incumbents. d. State elections happen more frequently than federal elections.


what phenomenon can explain why the percentage of the national voting eligible population (VEP) dips immediately after the four vertical black lines in the graph above? a. Passage of state laws that remove classes of people from poll books. b. Increase in voter apathy due to unpopular national policy. c. Ratification of amendments that expand suffrage. d. Usage of the redistricting process to depress voter turnout rates.


which of the following accurately describes the information presented in the data chart above? a. In 2016, Republicans and Democrats turned out to vote in the general election in approximately equal numbers b. Voter turnout for both Democrats and Republicans is not consistent in presidential primaries from election to election. c. Republican Voter turnout in presidential primary elections is stable and predictable d. Democratic turnout in presidential primary elections increased in all listed states from 2008 to 2016


which of the following statements is true about voting in the United States? a. The Motor Voter law of 1993 has increased voting rates. b. California and Texas have the highest voting rates in the country. c. Voting laws discriminate against certain groups of people. d. Voting rates are low compared to most other democracies.

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