Chapter 13

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Gadsden Purchase

Arizona and Mexico-United States bought it from Mexico for $10 million in 1853 in order to complete a railroad

1. Describe how the United States gained (A) Texas and (B) Oregon.

. A. It was difficult for the United States to gain Texas. At first, the United States refused to annex Texas. But, in 1844, Texan president Sam Houston signed a treaty of annexation with the United States. The Senate refused to ratify the treaty at first, but when Sam Houston pretended that Texas might ally itself with Britain, Americans allowed Texas to be ratified. B. The United States won Oregon when President Polk made a compromise with Britain saying that the United States would get Oregon land south of the line of latitude 49°N.

2. Describe two causes of the Mexican War.

. One cause of the Mexican War was the United States hated Mexico because Mexico rejected Polk's offer of $30 million for California and New Mexico. Also, the United States and Mexico both claimed land between the Rio Grande and the Nueces River. This cause fighting about land.

3. How did California's population become so diverse?

After the California gold rush, people from all over the world came to California. They all wanted to strike it rich in California. Thousands of Chinese sailed across the Pacific to California after hearing about the gold rush. The Chinese were welcomed at first because California needed workers, but when the Chinese staked claims in the gold fields, white miners drove them off. Many Chinese-Americans stayed in California despite the harsh treatment and helped he state grow. The other cultures also helped America greatly as they helped it grow.

Battle of San Jacinto

Battle in which Americans killed 630 Mexicans and captured 700 more as well as captured Santa Anna and forced him to sign a treaty granting Texas Independence

Bear Flag Republic

California as an independent republic


Famous Spanish building in which the battle of the Alamo took place-battle angered Americans and made them want independence from Mexico

2. How did the fighting at the Alamo inspire Texans to win their independence?

Fighting at the Alamo inspired Texans to win their independence because it fueled the rage of Texans. After the fighting at the Alamo stopped; the remaining American survivors were executed. More battles after the Alamo also ignited more cries for independence.


Fort at which Mexican soldiers made a heroic stand

Mexican Cession

New Mexico and California

2. Describe two effects of the gold rush on California.

One effect lf the gold rush on California was it turned San Francisco from a quiet, sleepy town to a busy city overnight. Also, many people quit their jobs to go to the gold fields in hopes of becoming rich. People from all over the world came to California for the gold. Also, there were many murders and robberies as people became greedy because of gold. Overall, there were many effects of the gold rush on California.

Sam Houston

President of Texas in 1836

Santa Anna

Strict dictator of Mexico that intended driving Americans out of Texas

Lone Star Republic

Texas as an independent country

3. Why did Texas not join the United States after San Jacinto?

Texas didn't join the United States after San Jacinto because of several reasons. First of all, northerners feared that Texas would join the Union as a slave-owning state. They feared this because the north started to realize that slavery was inhumane. Also, President Andrew Jackson feared that annexing Texas would leave to a war between the United States and Texas.


The community that the Mormons built in the 1840s on the banks of the Mississippi River in Illinois

Joseph Smith

The founder of the Mormon church. Was a farmer in upstate New York that attracted many followers to his faith


The largest group of settlers in the Mexican Cession that belonged to the church of Jesus Christ of Ladder-Day Saints

Sutter's Mill

The mill at which gold was found in California in 1848

Brigham Young

The new leader of the Mormons after Smith was killed. Young brought the Mormons to Utah, for he claimed that it was the promised land for the Mormons

4. Name three groups whose cultures influenced California and the Southwest, and describe some of their influences.

There were many groups whose cultures influenced California and the Southwest. One group was the Native Americans and the Spanish. They introduced the new words stampede, buffalo, tortilla, soda, tornado, etc. Another group was the Mexican Americans. They taught American settlers how to mine silver and irrigate crops. One final group was the Americans themselves. By keeping some Mexican laws, in Mexico a husband and wife owned property jointly.

Describe two causes of the conflict between Americans settlers and Mexico.

There were several causes of the conflict between the American settlers and Mexico. First, Mexico feared that they would lose Texas to the United States, so they started enforcing laws that had been ignored. Then, Santa Anna gained power and became a dictator. There were rumors that Santa Anna wanted to drive Americans out of Texas. Americans wanted to overthrow Santa Anna, so this started fighting.

4. Explain two problems that Texans tried to solve after winning their independence.

There were several problems that Texans tried to solve after winning their independence. First of all, Texas tried to attract new settlers. They did this by offering settlers free land. Also, the government of Mexico refused to accept the treaty that Santa Anna had signed. This meant that for Mexicans, Texas is still part of the country. Also, Texas is nearly bankrupt. Lastly, many Indian groups started to attack small Texan communities. Many Texans thought the best way to solve these problems were by joining the United States.

Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

Treaty in which Mexico had to give the United States California and New Mexico in return for a payment of $15 million from the United States and a promise to respect the rights of Spanish-speaking people in the MExican Cession

1. Why did Brigham Young decide to lead the Mormons to Utah?

Young decided to lad the Mormons to Utah to protect them from other Americas. The Mormons were kicked out of many states before because other Americans were against their religion and customs. Young had heard about a valley between the Rocky Mountains in the Great Salt Lake in Utah would be a good home for the Mormons.

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