Chapter 14

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Akbar Education

: Did not know how to read or write but because he wanted to learn, he surrounded himself with philosophers,architicets,priests,artists and poets from other countries

Indo-Aryans Way of Life Changes

: During the Epic Age : Turned their backs on their semi-nomadic way of life : Changed political structure : A leader ruled instead of a warrior : Established city states surrounded by a moat and a high wall : Social structure was divided into hierarchical and hereditary groups which became the caste system

Where Akbar Went

: East


: Established the Mogul Empire : Descendent of Tamerlane


: Farmers and Merchants


: First king of the Mauryan Dynasty

Mahayana Buddhism

: Formed after Kanishka called a congress of 500 monks to propose a new form of Buddhism : Believes in the existence of low-ranking gods called bodhisattva who helped people attain nirvana or eternal peace

Gupta Empire

: Golden Age of India : When Science prospered\ : Buddhism weakened and Hinduism prospered cos they assisted the brahmins

Chandragupta II

: Grandson of Chandragupta I who placed a large part of India under consolidated rule for the first time since Maurya Empire : When Gupta reached the height of its power

Indo-Aryans Way of Life

: Had a large appetite : Simple life : Raised cows and engaged in farming in small plots of land : Lived in settled communities

Chandragupta Decline

: He withdrew and became a monk

Caste System

: Hierarchical and hereditary groups : Had to follow rules on marriage,occupation,religious ceremonies and social customs

Another name of buddhism

: Hinayana or Theravada Buddhism

Indo-Aryans and Dravidians

: Intermarried with the Dravidians which did not last because Indo-Aryans felt that they could become as dark as the Dravidians in the next generation

Turkish Muslims

: Invaded India

Alexander the Great

: King of Macedonia

Chnadragupta I

: King of Magadha who unified the people and established the Gupta Dynasty


: King's palace : Had wide powers : Had an army and a council made up of relatives and nobled who advised him


: Kingdom to the north of Greece

Vedic Age Time Period

: Lasted for more or less 600 years from 1500 BCE to 900 BCE

Asoka The Conqueror

: Led a military campaign and extended the boudaries of the Mauryan Empire


: Low rank gods of Mahayana Buddhism

Example of An Epic

: Mahabharata

Two Great Epic Poems Written during the Epic Age

: Mahabharata : Ramayana


: Most powerful Kushan king :Rule a large part o fAsia : Ordered the construction of building in his capital Peshawar : Started the study of medicine : Was a supporter of Buddhism and proposed Mahayana Buddhism


: Most powerful god in Hinduism

Mogul Contriubtions

: Muslim Art or miniature painting derived form Persian art : Grand palaces :mosques : forts by Akbar : Taj Mahal in Agra

Indian Mathematicians

: Number symbols : Decimal system : Zero

Ghaznavid Dyasty

: One of the leading invaders led by Mahmud of Ghazni

Gupta contributions(Math)

: Pi : Rotation and shape of the earth : moon diameter : Gravitation : Decimal system : Number symbols : zero

Akbar Contriubutions

: Placed value on religious tolerance because it was important for the stability and strength of his empire : guaranteed the freedom of religion : improved the administration of justice : restricted physical torture : ordered death penalty for only the serious crimes


: Preserver


: Priests


: Religion that the Indo-Aryans brought with them : Centered on the sacrifice of animals to their gods

Decline of the Indus Civilization

: Series of invasions and conquests : Kingdoms and empires were established

Taj Mahal Builder

: Shah Jahan for his wife Mumtaz Mahal

Chandragupta the Conqueror

: Siezed the kingdom of Magadha and made himself king the of its capital Pataliputra : Defeated the king of Punjab which started the Mauryan Empire : Conquered N. India


: Slaves


: Son of Babur who failed to keep the empire in his hands : recaputured Delhi only after Babur's death


: Son of Chandragupta I


: Son of Humayun : extended the Mogul Empire


: Story of a great battle between two noble families

Gupta literature

: Storytelling where animals are the central character

Gupta Contributions(builiding stuff)

: Swords out of silver : calico : cashmere : chintz cloth

Indo-Aryans Physical Characteristics

: Tall and fair-skinned


: Texts of hymns of praise that are transmitted orally : First literature of the Indo-Aryans : Early literature writing in Sanskrit


: The creator


: The destroyer

Vedic Age

: The first Indo-Aryan civilization


: The language the Indo-Aryans brought them to India which developed


: The ultimate reality : The moral law that ruled over gods and men which the Rig-Veda taught about

Indians and Babur

: Thought he was a mongol so they called him mogul the indian word for mongol

Alexander the Great Ambition

: To conquer Persia which he attained in 328 BCE so he also wanted to conquer additional land

Babur the Fighter

: Used superior artillery and defeated the army of Lodi in Panipat near Delhi

Ghaznavid Dynasty boundaries

: Uttar Pradesh

Vedic Origin

: Vedas meaning knowledge

Asoka Change of Heart

: Visited old peeps : Ordered the digging of wells : Ordered the planting of trees along roads to serve as a shade : Ordered the government to teach the people about morality : Gave medical assistance : Gave useful palnts : Stopped animal killing : Encourage people to be good even to the slaves : Encouraged the giving of alms : Built Buddhist monuments and shrines : Sent missionaries to the kingdoms north of the Himalaya


: Warriors : Used to be first in the groupings but when warfare lessened, religion became more important so the brahmins dominated

Epic Age

: When the Indo-Aryans traveled to the SE towards the valley of the Ganges River

Ganges River

: Where the Indo-Aryans established the first settlements in 900 BCE (Epic age)

Taj Mahal Material

: White marble and precious stone


: Writer during the Gupta who wrote Sakuntala


: a general of Muhammed who established the Delhi Sultunate and Slave Dynasty


: a group in Central Asia who rose to power


: collection of 87 Indian stories with animals as the main character

Delhi Sultunate

: established by Qutud-din Aybak which lasted for 300 years : period of constant warfare agains Bengal kings


: eternal peace

Akbar meaning

: great


: mathematician and astronomer who discussed pi and the rotation and spherical shape of the earth


: romantic drama written by Kalidasa


:Grandson of Chandragupta

Indians and Moguls

:the moguls lost control over the land Babur invaded because of Hmayun

Sunga Dynasty

: Defended the Ganges plain and they increased their power and lasted for a century

Taj Mahal Building period

: 20 years


: A mongol conqueror who invaded india : Destroyed Delhi and ordered the people to be killed : He did not stay long and left after destroying Delhi : Left the Tughluq Dynasty to Mahmud


: A nomadic group in Central Asia who invaded India,drove away Gupta to the NE and triumphed : Ruled NW India but their power did not last long so the Hun and Gupta fell

Epic Age Origin

: Accounts about the way of life of the people came from epics

Asoka Decline

: After a bloody campaign against the Kalinga, he withdrew because of the harshness of the war and so embraced Buddhism

Mauryan Empire Decline

: After the death of Asoka : Invaders fought one another for the land in the north while regional kingdoms became powerful in the South :Sunga Dynasty

Akbar's Capital

: Agra near Delhi


: An epic poem about the wanderings of Rama while his obedient wife patiently waits for him

Various Gods Brahman Personifies

: Brahma : Shiva : Vishnu

Four groups of the Caste System

: Brahmins : Kshatriyas : Vaisyas : Sudras

Effect of Missionary sending

: Buddhism spread to Asia

Where Hinayana or Theravada Buddhism Spread

: Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Ceylon


: Capital of Delhi Sultunate where small,weak kingdoms continued

Gupta contributions(science)

: Chemistry : sterilize wounds : surgery : treated snake bites


: Chief minister of Chandragupta who assisted him in his conquering

Where Mahayana Buddhism Spread

: China, Korea, Mongalia, Tibet and Japan

Indo-Aryans Community Structure

: City states surrounded by a moat and a high wall : In the middle was the king's palace or rajah


: Collection of Vedas : Means Songs of Wisdom : songs of praise o the gods

Akbar the Conqueror

: Conquered Bihar,Bengal, Kabul,Kasmir and Baluchistan which made him king of North ndia

Muhammed of Ghur

: Continued to invade India and conquered N india including Bengal

Effect of the Indo-Aryan-Dravidian ...

: Created a rigid system of dividing society into groups which became known as the caste


: Crossed NW India : Related to the invaders of Persia,Greece and Italy : Drove the Dravidians to the South

Alexander the Great Journey

: Crossed the Indus River and defeated an Indian army but his soldiers refused to continue to india and so he left

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