Chapter 14

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What did Freud believe would likely develop in later life if a child did not resolve conflicts during the anal stage?

Stuck leads to excessive use of self-control

According to the ____________________, we learn by observation of the behavior around us, including the reinforcements given to the behavior observed.

social learning theory

Theorists who focus on the roles of ethnicity, gender, and culture in the formation of personality advocate the ____________________ approach.


What is acculturation?

the process of adapting to a new of different culture

Freud called the three basic psychological structures he identified the ____________________, ____________________, and ____________________.

ID, EGO, Superego

Know the three basic psychological structures in the mind Freud identified.


Alfred Adler believed most people were motivated by a need to overcome what feeling?


Hans Eysenck focused on the relationships between what two personality dimensions?

Introvert VS Extrovert

What is a weakness of the social-learning approach to personality?

Self-awareness and the development of traits are not adequately explained, & does not take into account heredity

In what key way did Karen Horney's theory differ from that of Freud?

She believed that genuine and consistent love could balance painful childhoods

What did Erikson name his first stage?

Trust VS Mistrust

Which of Freud's ideas is one of the most controversial personality theories?

Women had a Libido (desire)

The ____________________ approach to personality teaches that all people undergo inner struggles.


B. F. Skinner emphasized the importance of what on behavior?


Albert Bandura's method of predicting human behavior based on the interaction of personal, behavioral, and environmental factors is called the _____ _______________ theory.

Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory

What did Carl Rogers believe about people?

Believed people are conscious architects of our own personalities. People are good and people choose their personality but are responsible for their choices

What personality trait does Eysenck place opposite someone who is aggressive, excitable and impulsive?


Which theory places the most importance on individual decisions in personality development?

Social learning theory

According to studies by Albert Bandura, what happened to children who saw an adult being punished for aggressive behavior?

They demonstrated the same violence as the adult

According to Carl Jung, every person's conscious sense of self can be characterized by what four functions of the mind?

Thinking, feeling, intuition, and sensation

What do humanistic theories fail to account for?

Fail to account for how traits and personality types develop

List the four basic fluids, or humors, that Hippocrates believed were the basis of personality traits.

4 fluids the basis of personality= Yellow bile, blood, phlegm, black bile

Sociocultural psychology focuses on the roles of what factors in forming personality?

Focus on the roles of ethnicity, gender and culture to form personality

Identify the conclusion Gordon Allport made about traits.

Concluded that traits are fixed in the nervous system and inherited

According to humanistic psychology, what is the very core of what we as people are?

Core of humanity, or what people are. Have it, but responsible for choices. Self awareness

According to Freud, what does the ego unconsciously use to avoid recognizing uncomfortable ideas or emotions?

Defense mechanisms

Hans J. Eysenck focused on the relationships between the introversion-extroversion personality dimension and the _________________________ personality dimension.

Emotional stability VS emotional instability

According to Skinner, what forces shape people into wanting some things and not wanting others?

Environmental influences

The needs for social recognition and accomplishment fall into which level of need?

Esteem Level

List the five basic personality factors in the Five-Factor Model.

Extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experience

What does humanistic theory say about freedom of choice?

Have free choice but are responsible for choices

How did Erikson select names for his stages of psychological development?

He named them for the traits people might develop during each of the stages

Define Personality

Patterns of feeling, motives, and behavior that set people apart from one another CONSISTENT

What does the psychoanalytic approach to personality teach

People have inner struggles (lay on couch and talk it all out)

According to Bandura's social cognitive theory, personality is shaped and learning is acquired by the interaction of what three factors?

Personal factors, Behavior, Environmental factors

Why is it likely that a survey found that African American girls are likely to be happier with their appearances than white girls are?

Possibly white girls blame themselves for not attaining the media goal

How would Eysenck describe a melancholic personality type?


What do the psychologists who helped develop the Five-Factor model believe about people's personalities?

Says personalities are inborn... Personalities tend to mature naturally... Not response to external conditions

What is a practical benefit of the work of trait theorists?

See the value on matching individuals to jobs on the basis of personality traits

According to social-learning theory, people who persist at difficult tasks are more likely to have what internal factor?

Self-efficacy expectations

How do sociocultural theorists believe that social and cultural factors impact an individual's self-esteem?

Social and cultural factors impact individuals self-esteem Ex: members of an ethnic group subjected to discrimination and poverty and may have a lowered self-esteem

What did Erik Erikson think are the most important factors in personality development?

Social relationships

According to Carl Jung, what is the collective unconscious?

Store of human concepts that are shared by all people

Carl Jung identified a number of ____________________, which he believed were ideas and images of the accumulated human experience.


Carl Jung believed that people have both a personal unconscious storing forgotten or repressed material and a/an ____________________ which stores human concepts shared by all people across all cultures.

collective unconscious

According to Freud, ____________________ are methods used by the unconscious mind to avoid recognizing ideas or emotions which may cause anxiety, guilt, or shame.

defense mechanisms

Behaviorists emphasize the effects of what on behavior?


The ____________________ approach teaches that people shape their personalities through free choice and action.


According to Abraham Maslow, what separates humans from the lower animals?

humans and animals are separated because they recognize desire to fulfill potential

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