Chapter 14 American Government

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Which of the following is an example of a public interest group?

A consumer rights group.

What is a public interest group?

A group that works to gain benefits for society as a whole.

What is an amicus curiae brief?

A written argument submitted to a court in support of one side of a case.

What type of group is a trade association?

An economic interest group.

Which of the following is a likely result of the free rider problem?

An environmental group struggling to raise funds for a "clean air" campaign.

Which of the following is an example of the free rider problem?

An environmentalist deciding not to join an environmental group but appreciating the group's positive impact on environmental stewardship.

Which of the following describes a political action committee (PAC)?

An organization affiliated with an interest group that solicits campaign contributions and distributes them to political candidates.

In order to overcome the free rider problem, many interest groups offer material benefits. What are material benefits?

Benefits given only to group members.

How do interest groups lobby the courts?

By bringing lawsuits to the courts on behalf of classes of citizens.

How might pluralism serve to enhance democracy?

By ensuring that all groups have an opportunity to influence policy outcomes.

How do lobbyists typically seek to influence members of Congress who already tend to support the interest group?

By providing information on policy issues.

Which condition provides support for the theory of pluralism?

Elected officials seek out the opinions of multiple interest groups when creating policy.

Which is considered an example of lobbying?

Communicating with government officials to persuade them to support a particular policy position.

In Federalist No. 10, James Madison described how the Constitution has been designed to control the effects of __________.


When a case that an interest group is interested in comes before a court, the group can __________.

File an amicus curiae brief to present the group's analysis of the case.

The __________ problem occurs when people fail to join a group because they can get the benefits the group offers without contributing to the group's efforts.

Free rider.

How does grassroots lobbying differ from other efforts by interest groups to influence government?

Grassroots lobbying focuses more on influencing public opinion.

Why do small interest groups have an easier time enrolling potential members than large interest groups?

In a small group, any individual's share of the collective good may be great enough to make it rational for him or her to join.

An interest group filing an amicus curiae brief is an example of __________.

Lobbying the judicial branch.

Who do political action committees tend to give money to?

Members of Congress who serve on committees or subcommittees that routinely consider legislation important to that group.

Which of the following is an example of grassroots lobbying?

Members of an interest group circulating a petition to send to representatives in Congress.

Critics of pluralism have noted that __________.

Most groups represent elites.

Which is a tenet of pluralism?

Policy makers care more about public opinion than interest groups' preferences.

Which of the following is an activity that lobbyists regularly engage in?

Providing elected officials with information about an issue or bill that is important to the group.

Which of the following is a way that interest groups seek to influence elections?

Recruiting and endorsing candidates.

Which of the following is an example of a trade association?

The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM).

Why do interest groups typically offer material benefits to their members?

To overcome the free rider problem.

Which of the following is a provision of the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007?

Tougher lobbying disclosure requirements/

You are a policy analyst in the Department of Energy. You were just offered a job with a renewable energy company. How long must you wait before you can lobby the Department of Energy on behalf of your new employer?

Two years.

Grassroots lobbying includes __________.

Urging group members to contact legislators.

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