Chapter 14 anatomy cardiovascular system

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what is the name of the structure that is a continuation of the myocardium that forms a wall between the two atria? the two ventricles?

. Interatrial septum; interventricular septum

What are the two parts of the cardiovascular system? which part carries blood to and from the left rear leg of a pony?

2. The pulmonary circulation and the systemic circulation. The systemic circulation.

Stroke volume is a measurement of what?

Amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle during one contraction

from aortic valve in left ventricle to the right atrium, list in order the types of blood vesel a drop of blood will pass through.

Aorta, large to small elastic arteries, large to small muscular arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, small to large veins, vena cava, right atrium

List in order the structures and erythrocyte will pass through including valves to move ina comple circuit from the left ventricle back to the left ventricle.

Aortic valve, aorta, systemic circulation, vena cava, right atrium, tricuspid valve, right ventricle, pulmonary valve, pulmonary circulation, left atrium, mitral valve, left ventricle AV, A, S, V, RA, TV, RV, PV, PC, LA, MV, LV

Which type of blood vessel carries blood away from the heart? Toward the heart?

Arteries carry blood away from the heart; veins carry blood toward the heart.

why is the wall of the right ventricle thinner than the way of the left ventricle.

Because the right ventricle doesn't have to pump as hard to get blood into pulmonary circulation as the left ventricle does to get blood into systemic circulation

how could mitral valve stenosis affect the SV

Decrease stroke volume because the valve is not opening all the way so less blood is being delivered to the ventricle. In other words, the preload will decrease.

the coronary artery is the first branch off the aorta. is it a muscular or elastic artery? Why?

Elastic because it has to be able to withstand the high pressure of the blood leaving the left ventricle via the aorta

whent the mitral valve is forced closed it produces part of which heart sound, the first of the second?

First sound; the sound of the AV valves closing

list three structures found in the mediastinum

Heart, trachea, esophagus, thymus, lymph nodes, nerves

what is happening in the other 3 heart chambers during left atrial diastole?

Right atrial diastole, right and left ventricular systole

list the 4 conductors that make up the rapid conduction system for and impulse created by the hearts pacemaker

SA node, AV node, bundle of His, Purkinje fiber system

What is the pacemaker of the heart, where is it located?

SA node, wall of the right atrium

the working phase of a cardiac cycle is ____. it involves _______that generates and impulse that results in muscle contraction.

Systole, depolarization

what is the difference between ecg and ECHO?

The ECG detects the electrical activity in the heart and is used to evaluate the cardiac conduction system; the ECHO uses ultrasound waves bounced off the heart to evaluate size, shape, and movement of the heart. Doppler ECHO evaluates blood flow in the heart

which vein can be used in most common species for venipuncture? where is it located?

The bilateral jugular veins located in jugular grooves on the ventral aspect of the neck from the mandible to the shoulder

what is the difference between the endocardium and the pericardium.

The endocardium is the membrane that lines the chambers of the heart. It lies on the internal surface of the myocardium; the epicardium lies on the external surface of the myocardium and is synonymous with the visceral layer of the serous pericardium.

difference between a heart rate and pulse

The heart rate measures the number of ventricular contractions in 1 minute; the pulse measures the rate of alternating stretching and recoiling of an elastic artery wall as blood passes through it over 1 minute.

if cardiac output and SV both decrease what has to happen to the heart rate to achieve equilibrium?

The heart rate will have to increase.

difference between preload and the afterload in SV.

The preload is the amount of blood the ventricle receives from the atrium; the afterload is the amount of physical resistance presented by the aorta

what does systolic blood measure

The pressure produced in an artery by the blood ejected from the left ventricle during systole

what two bypass structures are found in the fetus that allow most of its blood to bypass the pulmonary circulation?

The pulmonary vein that carries oxygenated blood to the left atrium from the pulmonary circulation and the umbilical vein that carries oxygenated blood from the mother to the fetus

what is the function of the chordae tendonae?

To prevent the AV valves from opening backward into atria

what is another name for each of these valves: right AV valve, semilunar valve in the right ventricle, left AV valve, semilunar valve in the left ventricle

Tricuspid valve, pulmonary valve, mitral or bicuspid valve, aortic valve

which is located more caudally in a standing pig, the apex or the base of the heart?


which sits closer to the base of the heart, left atrium or right ventricle

left atrium

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