Chapter 14 Digestive system
The amount of gastric juices produced everyday is
2-3 liters
The journey of chyme through small intestine takes
3-6 hours
The amount of permanent teeth within a full set of teeth is
When full, the average adult stomach can hold approx
4 liters of food
The submucosal and myenteric nervve plexus that help regulate the mobility and secretory activity of the GI tract organ are both part of the
Autonomic nervouse system
Intrinsic factor in digestion is a stomach secretion needed for absorption of _________ from the small intestine
B vitamin B12
Which one of the following middle section of the small intestine
C jejunum
Bile enters the duodenum of the small intestine through the pancreatic duct T or F
Fats are absorbed by active transport in the small intestine T or F
Optimal health of tissues is achieved when HDL and LDL are present in equal amounts within blood T or F
Pancreatic enzymes are released into the stomach to break down all categories of digestible foods T or F
Sugars, and starches are classified as lipids T or F
The ascending colon is found on the left side of the abdominal cavity T or F
The bicuspids are also called the wisdom teeth T or F
The first portion of the small intestine is the jejenum T OR F
The innermost later of the serosa is called the parietal peritonuem T OR F
The involuntary phase of swallowing is called buccal phase T or F
The lacy apron of the peritoneum that covers the abdominal organs is called the lesser omentum T or F
Villi are projections of the mucosa of the stomach T or F
Watery stool that results when food residu is rushed through the large intestine before sufficient water had been reabsorbed causing dehydration and electrolyte imbalance is called constipation T or F
the chief cells prodcuce hydrochloric acid which activates stomach enzymes T or F
The hormone responsible for causing the stomach to release pepsinogens, mucus, and hydrochloric acid is
Which of the following is NOT involved in the swallowing reflex
Bile is formed by the
Which of the following represents the correct order through which food passes in the alimentary canal
Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine. (MPESSL) Many people expect sexy small langerie
Which one of the following is NOT a modification (which is designed to increase surface area for absorption) within the small intestine.
Peyers patches
site of initiation of the defecation reflex
The enamel found on teeth is heavily mineralized with calcium salts and compromises the hardest substance within body T or F
Anabolism is the process in which larger molecules are built from smaller ones T or F
Another name for the alimerntary canal is gastrointestinal tract (GI) T or F
Bile is produced by the liver but stored in the gallbladder T or F
Fat metabolism can result in acidosis T or F
Food within the lumen of the alimentary canal is considered to be outside the body T or F
Mass movement are slow moving contractile waves that move over large areas of the colon three of four times a day T or F
Secretin and cholecytokinin influence the release of both pancreatic juice and bile T or F
Small pocketlike sacs, within the large intestine that most often are partially contracted are called haustra T or F
The bodys thermostat which regulates body temperature is located within hypothalmus T or F
The segment of the colon to which the appendix is attached is the cecum T or F
The small intestine runs from the pyloric sphincter to the ileocecal valve T or F
absence of either bile or pancreatic juice indicates that no fat digestion or absorption is occurring this can lead to blood clotting problems because the liver needs vitamin k to make prothrombin T or F
Transport of digested end products from the lumen GI tract into bloodstream or lymphatic fluid is called
The primary function of small intestine is to
absorbtion of nutrients
In order for fats to be used for ATP synthesis they must be broken down to from
acetic acid
Two items absorbed through stomach walls are _________ and _________
alcohol, aspirin
Proteins are digested to their building blocks which are called
amino acids
starch matching
The process by which larger molecules or structures are built up from smaller ones is called
The opening of the large intestine is called the
The opening on the terminal end of the lrg intestine is called the
Glucose and glycogen MATCH
The sphincter found at the distal end of the esophagus is the _________sphincter
A chemical reaction in which substances are broken down into simpler substances is referred to as
Which of the following is NOT one of the carbohydrates that the human digestive system is able to break down the simple sugars
The material on the outermost surface of the root that attaches a tooth to the periodontal membrane (ligament) is called
The sequence of steps by which large food molecules are broken down into their respective building blocks by catalytic enzymes within hydrolysis reactions called
chemical digestion
Which of the following influence the release of pancreatic juice and bile
cholecustokinin and secretin
Food that resembles heavy cream after being processed is the stomach is called
Milk teeth that begin to erupt at around six MONTHS are also called
deciduous teeth
The process of eliminating indigestible residues from the GI tract is called
When feces are forced into the rectum by mass movements and the wall of the rectum becomes stretched the ________________is intitiated
defectation reflex
the process of swallowing is known as
Enzymes and bile are carried by the pancreatic duct and bile duct into the
Which of the following is NOT a subdivision of the large intestine
site where pancreatic digestion occurs
Bile breaks large fat globules into smaller ones to provide more surface area for fat digesting enzymes to operate in a process called
The organ that connects the pharynx to the stomach is called the
Which of the following alimentary segments has no digestive function
tube through which food is propelled but no digestion takes place
Amino acids that cannot be made by human body cells and therefor must be ingested in the diet are said to be
The anal canal has a voluntary sphincter formed by smooth muscle only T or F
Acidosis occurs when _________ is digested
The upper, expanded part of the stomach lateral to the cardiac region is called the
The hormone responsible for promoting the release of pesinogens, mucus, and hydrocloric acid in the stomach is called
The enamel covered crown of the tooth is exposed just above the
gingiva or gum
The major fuel for making ATP in most cells of body is a type of carbohydrate known as
the polysaccharide, glycogen, is formed from the combination of thousands of glucose molecules during a process called
Cells abundant within large intestine that produce large amounts of lubricating mucus to aid in the passage of feces to the end of digestive tract are called
goblet cells
The structure that forms the anterior roof of the mouth is the
hard palate
Nutrients detour through the liver via the
hepatic portal circulation
The last subdivision of the small intestine is called
The anterior chisel shaped teeth that are adapted for cutting are
The voluntary process of placing food into mouth is referred to as
Which one of the following is NOT true of cholesterol
it provides energy fuel for muscle contraction
Buildup of bile within the liver leading to bile pigments circulating through body could cause tissue to turn yellow and a condition called
The energy value of foods commonly counted by dieters is measured in units
The energy value of foods is measured in units called
the specific metabolic pathway of cellular respiration in which virtually all carbon dioxide is made is the
krebs cycle
lactose matching
The rich capillary bed and modified lymphatic capillary found within each villus is called a
Primary site of water absorption match
large intestine
The organ responsible for drying out indigestible food residue through water absorption and the elimination of feces is the
large intestine
site of vitamin k synthesizes by bacteria
large intestine
Which of the following is continuous with the esophagus
larynopharynx ( esophagus loves lary)
The fold of mucous membrane that secures the tongue to the floor of the mouth and limtis its posterior movements is called the
lingual frenulum
fat matching
Bile is produced by the _________-but stored in the ___________
liver, gallbladder
The lipoprotein that transports cholesterol and other lipids to body cells is called
low density lipoprotein LDL
The emetic (vomiting) center in the brain is called the
Inorganic substances necessary to body functioning that must be ingested through the diet are
calcium phosphorus potassium
site where starch digestion begins matchi
The innermost layer of the alimentary canal is referred to as the
Which of the following is not a layer of the alimentary canal
muscularis interna ( men ignore)
nucleic acids matching
The accessory digestive organ that produces enzymes that break down all food groups is the
Enzyme rich pancreatic juice contains all of the following EXCEPT
The chemical responsible for about half of protein digestion and all of fat digestion is
pancreatic juice
Digestion is primarily controlled by the
parasympathetic division of autonomic nervous system
The serosal membrane lining the abdominopelvic cavity by way of mesentery is called
patietal peritoneum
Proteins matching
The propulsive process that moves food from one organ to the next is called
The hereditary inability of tissue cells to metabolize the amino acid phenlalanine which can result in brain damage and retardation unless special diet low in phenylalanine is called
Which of the following is NOT absorbed by human large intestine
amino acids MATCH
The sphincter that prevents food from leaving the stomach is the __________sphincter
The release of food from the stomach into the small intestines is regulated by the
pyloric sphincter
the small intestine extends from the
pyloric sphincter to the ileocecal valve
Chemical substances released by macrophages and white blood cells that cause an upward restting of the bodys thermostat are called
The enzyme responsible for converting milk protein in the stomach to a substance that looks like sour milk in infants is
Large wrinkle like folds in stomach lining, present when the stomach is empty that allow for expansion when the stomach is filled are called
The process by which food within the small intestine is mixed with digestive juices by backward and forward movement across the internal wall of the organ is called
Segmentation is a type of mechanical digestion that occurs only in the
small intestine
amylase is an enzyme that is only able to digest
the first nutrient to be chemically digested is
Protein digestion begins in the
site where the beginning of protein digestion occurs
the reflex that helps an infant hold on to the nipple and swallow is called
sucking reflex
The liver metabilizes fats for all of the following reasons except
synthesis of vitamin k
Which of the following is NOT an organ of the alimentary canal
adenosine triphosphate ATP is produced in greatest quantity during
the electron transport chain
Which of the following is NOT true of the sensors involved in digestive reflexes
they activate or inhibit lacteal absorption
Which one of the following is NOT a main role of the liver
to add ammonia to the blood
The total amount of Kilacalories the body must consume to fuel all ongoing activities, which increases dramatically during physical exertion is called the
total metabolic rate
Enzymes of the microvilli are called brush border enzymes
The ryhmthic, wavelike propelling mechanism of the alimernatry canal is called persistalsis T or F
coenzymes MATCH