Chapter 14: Domestic Violence and Other Family Health Issues

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family members, friends of the family, and other people the children know.

90% of all sexual abuse are perpetrated by who?

battered women syndrome

A woman who has experienced many years of physical abuse but feels unable to leave her partner.


Child maltreatment rates have _________ in the last decade


Children under 3 years of age account for ______ of all victims of child abuse.


Emotional abuse or psychological maltreatment: __________ children


There is no typical _________


Women are much more likely to experience ________ than men regardless of any other variable (social class, race).

battered-women syndrome

Women who have killed their abusers have been pardoned based on the _________ defense.


being a poor role model and permitting or encouraging anti-social behavior

ecological systems theory

explains domestic violence by analyzing the relationships between individuals and larger systems such as the economy, education, state agencies, and the community.


failure by a parent or other caregiver to provide child with life's basic necessities

sexual abuse

forcing a partner to take part in a sex act when she or he doesn't consent (most commonly rape).

intimate terrorism and Situational couple violence both the woman and the man are perpetrators

what are the two types of IPV?

intimate partner violence

what does IPV stand for?

May engage in emotional abuse (threats, put-downs, limiting a woman's movement).

what happens when men have fewer economic resources than their wives?


what is the most common form of abuse?

54% over a lifetime

what percent of american Indian and Alaskan native women report IPV?


what percentage of murders in families are siblicides?

white middle-aged men who ia a breadwinner, who is on the verge of a catastophic economic loss or has been laid off; has never shown any signs of depression, anxiety, or hostility and behaves normally

what race and social class is more likely to commit familycide?

the tension building phase

when "minor" battering incidents occur, the woman tries to reduce her partner's anger by catering to him or staying out of his way. At the same time, the battered woman often believes that her partner's abuse is justified. Although the victim hopes that the situation will change, the tension typically escelates, the man becomes more brutal, and the woman is less able to defend herself

learned helplessness

(i.e. battered woman's syndrome). She becomes depressed, loses her self-esteem and confidence and doesn't see a way out.

parents; mothers

About 80% of people who abuse children are _______ and more 37% of them are ___________.


About ________ of child deaths are caused by one or both of the parents.


Almost 75% of all attacks by intimate partners are against _______.


An additional ________ are abused by relatives or boyfriends of the parents.


An estimated ______ of women nationwide have been raped by their spouses, yet they don't often report it (hard to prove, and rarely prosecuted).


Familycides represent only about _____ of all homicides a year.


IPV 2-4 times more likely in ________ families than the general population


IPV is common across all class statuses, but it is most commonly reported in _______socioeconomic classes.

gender roles

IPV is most common when men: Have traditional views about _________ and equate masculinity with being the primary breadwinner

American Indian; Alaskan Native

IPV occurs across all racial and ethnic groups, although ________and ________women report the highest rates overall


In _____ of all sibling abuse cases, the assault was serious enough to call the police.


Leading cause of death for women ages _______

less; more

Male victims ______ likely to report and ______ likely to feel embarrassed.


Of all child victims, an astounding ____ are between the ages of 12-17.

1; 4

Of the 1,570 children who died of abuse in 2011, 43% were younger than ___ year old and 82% were younger than ____ years old.


Pregnant women and mothers of infants are very vulnerable to violence and _______.

Henry Kempe

This physician wrote a paper called "The Battered Child Syndrome" when he observed series of fractures, healed and unhealed on x-rays of children in 1962.


Victimization of _______ is the root of many problems later in life.


What percent of children aged 6-12 are assaulted by siblings?


When it comes to an abusive relationship, leaving is a _______


Women are _______ likely to report serious physical injuries.


Women are ________ times more likely to be abused by a partner than a man is.


Women are killed by ________(53%) more than all other means combined.


_______ Americans age 60 or older have been injured, exploited, or otherwise mistreated by a family member or caretaker.


_______ are more likely to use a weapon in an attack on their significant other and more likely to use a deadly weapon


_______ of child sexual abuse victims are infants/toddlers.


________ offenders of sexual abuse are male.


________ stats are not believed to be entirely accurate


_________ is the leading cause of death among infants and the rates have doubled since 1970


a national study found that almost ________ of children ages 2 to 17 had been physically assaulted by a sister or brother at least once during the preceding year.

Physical abuse

a person hurts or tries to hurt a partner by using physical force.


about _____ of children maltreated in 2010

the acute battering incident

abusers often have a dr. jekyll and mr. hyde personality in which the rational and gentle dr. jekyll changes, unpredictably, into an unreasonable and brutal mr. hyde. mr. hyde emerges, exploding in rage and beating or otherwise abusing his partner. some women who have lived with abuse for a long time actually anticipate this phase and trigger the violent incident to get it over with. they often deny the severity of their injuries and refuse to seek medical treatment.

resource theory

according to this theory, men usually have greater financial, educational, and social resources than women do, so they have more power. The presence of abuse is based on the power in the relationship

exchange theory

both assailants and victims tolerate or engage in violent behavior because they believe that the benefits outweigh the costs.

situational couple violence

both the woman and the man are perpetrators—perhaps not fighting for control, but the violence is the result of conflict that turns into physical violence.

intimate partner

current and former spouses, couples who live together, and current and former boyfriends and girlfriends.


denying opportunities to interact with peers and other adults

language neglect

discourages the development of the child's communication skills, such as ignoring an infant's babbling, not reading to a child, and commanding young children instead of conversing with the child and eliciting a response.

researchers rarely rely on one theory, but use all theories to explain violence in relationships.

do researchers use one theory or multiple theories to explain domestic violence?


experiencing multiple kinds of victimization

- Children are more aggressive. - It increases the likelihood of arrest as a juvenile. - It increases the risk of early, unplanned pregnancy.

how does abuse affect children?

child maltreatment

includes a broad range of behaviors that place a child at serious risk of physical harm.

sexual abuse

involves the child in sexual activity to provide sexual gratification or financially beneficial to the perpetrator in some way. (physically touching child, having sex with child, having child perform oral sex, inserting objects in a child, watching or filming a child while he or she showers or dresses, watching child engage in sexual acts with someone else, etc., etc.)

Marital rape

is an abusive act in which a man forces his wife to have unwanted sexual intercourse.


killing a brother or sister


murder one's spouse or ex-spouse, children, perhaps other relatives, and then commit suicide.

stimulation neglect

parent's don't cuddle and talk to their babies, don't take their children to the park (or other recreational spots), and don't play with or engage in activities that nourish the child's cognitive development


rejecting the child verbally and non-verbally

medical neglect

the caregiver does not give the appropriate care that will ensure the child's healthy development

calm (the honeymoon phase)

the man begins begging the woman's forgiveness and promising that he will never beat her again. if the victim has been hospitalized because of her physical injuries, the man often deluges her with flowers, candy, cards, and gifts. he may also get his mother, father, sisters, brothers, and other relatives to plead his case to her. they build up her guilt by telling her that he would be devestated if she left him and that a father should not be seperated from his children. because most battered women hold traditional values about love and marriage, the wife convinces herself that this time he'll really change.

intimate terrorism

the primary perpetrator is male and uses multiple and escalating methods of control to dominate his partner.

emotional abuse

threatening a partner or his or her loved ones or possessions or harming a partner's sense of self- worth.


threatening to kills, hurt, or abandon the child

-Increase in women's financial power, so women can leave abusive relationship -Postponing marriage and parenthood (which decreases the likelihood of violence because partners are older, more mature and have more skills in resolving conflict)

what are 2 reasons for the drop in marital homicide?

1. Doesn't fit the gendered stereotypes 2. Battered men's shelters don't exist 3. Psychological effects of battering are harmful for men but overlooked. 4. Less likely to be victims, less likely to be killed, less likely to sustain injuries requiring hospital visit 5. Usually have more economic resources than battered women

what are 5 reasons male victims are not given as much attention?

-he will get past the things that are troubling him -society makes women believe they are in charge of changing men into kind loving beings -women are seduced by the cinderella fantasy (the women believes that the man will change into prince charming) -they hope to "rehabilitate" the man rather than break up the family

what are some characteristics of believing the abuser will change when it comes to staying in an abusive relationship?

-battered women often believe that somehow they have brought the violence on themselves -women start thinking that because the men have a good reputation, it must be their fault when the men are abusive at home -are sometimes told by mother or grandmother who also experienced abuse that she needs to "Stop provoking him" -religious women feel guilty and sinful for wanting to leave because their religious leaders remind them that they are married for better or for worse

what are some characteristics of blaming themselves when it comes to staying in an abusive relationship?

-When women don't see themselves as capable of being financially independent, she is less able to leave. -It has been estimated that perhaps as much as half of homeless women and children are running from abusive situations. -Economic hardship keeps women in the violent relationship and keeps them from reporting it. They don't want the abuse to go to jail if he supports the household and kids.

what are some characteristics of economic hardship when it comes to staying in an abusive relationship?

-major reason why women stay in abusive relationship -some men threaten to kill the woman, her relatives, and even her children if she tries to escape -because the man has been abusive before, threats of retaliation are real and many victims live in constant fear

what are some characteristics of fear when it comes to staying in an abusive relationship?

-the woman must follow the "house rules" about not leaving the house or even making phone calls without his permission -she is not allowed to talk to her family and friends

what are some characteristics of isolation when it comes to staying in an abusive relationship?

-Learned helplessness - (i.e. battered woman's syndrome). She becomes depressed, loses her self-esteem and confidence and doesn't see a way out. -Believe they are not worthy. They would never find another mate.

what are some characteristics of negative self-concept when it comes to staying in an abusive relationship?

-strong cultural factors may also keep a woman from leaving an abuser -in some countries you were raised to not bring shame to the family by exposing problems -women in rural areas are more isolated (there are no shelters, their jobs have low pay, the women are afraid to disclose abuse to co-workers and supervisors in fear of others gossiping)

what are some characteristics of shame and guilt when it comes to staying in an abusive relationship?

-Younger partners -Poorer -Unemployed -Cohabiting or separated -Alcohol abuse and/or other drugs -Observed violence being used to resolve conflict

what are some characteristics that make it more likely that a household will experience domestic violence?

-name calling and ridicule -degradation -intimidation -torturing or killing a pet -destroying personal possessions

what are some common forms of sibling abuse?

Some teens strike back physically and verbally. Others rebel or run away, withdraw, use drugs, or become involved in juvenile prostitution.

what are some consequences of adolescent abuse?

-physical abuse -negligence -financial exploitation -psychological abuse -deprivation of basic necessities -isolation from family and friends -not administering needed medical care

what are some forms of elder abuse?

Focus on one's own adult problems and ignore those of children; use guilt to manipulate, subject children to severe mood swings, alcoholism, drug abuse, demand that children take on adult responsibilities, etc.

what are some other forms of abuse?

negative self-concept, thinks he will change, economic hardship and homelessness, shame or guilt, blaming themselves, fear, and isolation

what are some reasons why women stay in abusive relationships?

-Abuser lives with elderly person. -Lower levels of social support from family members/neighbors/friends. -Alcohol abuse by abuser -Impairment of caregiver or person being cared for -Increased dependence on caregiver -Financial stress

what are some risk factors of abusers of the eldery?

- substance abuse - stress - poverty - partner abuse - divorce - a combination of factors above

what are some risk factors of why adults abuse children?

Phase one: The tension building phase Phase two: the acute battering incident Phase three: calm (honeymoon phase)

what are the three phases in the cycle of domestic violence?

emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and physical abuse

what are the three types of intimate partner violence?

Prevention and Intervention

what are the two strategies for combatting family abuse and other health problems?


when men have fewer ___________they may resort to abuse to maintain a dominant position in the family.

siblings and adolescents

who are the hidden victims of abuse?

younger rather than older people are more likely to be the victims and perpetrators of IPV, and the victimization tends to decline over time

who is more likely to be a victim of IPV younger or older people?


who is more likely to commit familycide?

•Less visible •Parents rarely take abuse between siblings seriously. •Rarely reported to authorities •Still extremely devastating form of family violence.

why is sibling abuse a hidden issue?

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