Chapter 14
Pisa Cathedral Complex
-Middle Ages (600-1100) -Mixed materials
Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Siena Frescos
Ambrogio Lorenzetti painted an illusionistic panorama of a bustling 14th-century city. The fresco is an allegory of good government in the Sienese republic.
How did Cimabue depict the Madonna's throne?
As receding into space
Saint Francis Altarpiece
Bonaventura Berlinghieri
What devastating event occurred in Europe during the 1340s?
Bubonic plague
Which of the following was a Roman fresco painter who is now seen as a pioneering figure in the birth of Renaissance style?
Who painted the Madonna Enthroned?
Baptistery pulpit, Pisa
Classical sculptures inspired the faces, beards, coiffures, and draperies as well as the bulk and weight of Nicola's figures. The Nativity Madonna resembles lid figures on roman sarcophagi.
Giottos's Madonna Enthroned
Giotto revived classical naturalism by giving his figures substance and bulk, in contrast to the maniera greca of Cimab Gold background
Arena Chapel
Location: Padua, Italy Time Period: 1303 C.E Artist: Giotto di Bondone Material: Brick and fresco Facts: Giotto is perhaps best known for the frescos he painted in the Arena (or Scrovegni) Chapel.
Lorenzetti's Birth of the Virgin
ancient roman murals and painted three of the pilasters dividing the panel as if they were walls extending back into the pictorial space.
What artistic movement did Cimabue break away from?
maniera greca
The raised platform from which priests delivered sermons is called a __________.
In which detail of Madonna Enthroned is Cimabue's movement away from the maniera greca (Italo-Byzantine style) most evident?
receding throne
Which element of Giotto's new style appears in the Madonna Enthroned?
statuesque figures with substance and bulk