chapter 14: hunger and food insecurity

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working poor

(low income) households in which, once the monthly expenses are paid, there is often too little money available to feed everyone adequately.


USDA houses __ different food and nutrition assistance programs nationally

10, 3.9, 1

__% of households with children (___ million households) were food insecure in 2011. ~_% of households with children at least one child experienced reduced food intake and disrupted eating

7.4, 11.5

___% of US unemployed (____ million people)

food insecurity

a situation in which members of a household are uncertain whether they will have the resources they need to get adequate amounts of nutritious food


eating healthy can cost ____


in 2012, about ____ million families were classified among the working poor


in the US, food insecurity is often caused by what?

food secure

the USDA describes an american household to be ____ ______ if is has access at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members

low-income community

the community has at least 20% or more of its residents below the poverty rate or median family income in that area is below or at 80% of the national average median income


this is linked to more than 1/2 of the childhood deaths in developing countries

food desert

urban neighborhoods and rural towns without ready access to fresh, healthy, and affordable food

headed by single women, those with children, members of a minority group, located in the inner city

what 4 qualities of a household have a greater risk of experiencing poverty and food insecurity?

assist people who have insufficient resources, food aid, creating economic opportunity

what are 3 things both local and govt. can do to reduce food insecurity?

better land management, proper sanitation, education

what are 3 things we can do to reduce food insecurity?

diarrhea, acute respiratory infection, malaria, measles

what are 4 of the common illness in malnourished children?

vitamin a, iron, iodine, b vitamins

what are 4 of the most common vitamin and mineral deficiencies among the malnourished?

discrimination, political sanctions, armed conflicts, crop failure, natural disasters, wasteful agricultural practices, population overgrowth

what are 7 regional issues that cause food insecurity?

impaired growth and development and impaired immunity and disease

what are the 2 effects of chronic malnutrition?

low-income and low access

what are the 2 qualifications of communities to be considered a food desert?

global, national, regional, local

what are the 4 main levels that food insecurity can be studied?

14.9%, 79.9

according to the economic research report in 2011, ____% of american households (____ million households) were food insecure at least sometime during the year

6, 66%

all households without children that were classified as having very low food security reported at least _ of food anxieties, and __% reported seven or more (similar pattern as households with children)


although the US food insecurity numbers are shocking, they are lower than a lot of other countries because the US is a __________ country

12, 5

approximately __ million children under the age of _ die each year in developing countries from preventable causes such as diarrhea, measles, and malaria

982, 1.25

as of 2008, it was estimated that ___ million poor people in developing countries live on $____ a day or less


condition caused by extremely low energy intake from too little food; sometimes referred to as acute malnutrition

food security->food insecurity->malnutrition->hunger->starvation->death

from the best to the worst, what is the spectrum of food security?

5.7%, 6.8

in 2011, of the 14.9% of food insecure families, ___% (___ million households) were considered very low food security


in 2012, over __% of the US population lived at or below the poverty level

poverty and poor health

in developed countries, food insecurity typically results from what 2 factors affecting individuals?

regional problems

in developing and underdeveloped countries, these kinds of problems (discrimination, armed conflict, natural disaster, and pop. overgrowth) are as significant as individuals hardships


in the US, a family of four is considered impoverished if its annual income is at or below....?

WIC, SNAP, national school lunch program, summer food service program, child and adult care program

name 5 USDA food and nutrition assistance programs.

pregnant and lactating women, infants, children, the critically ill, older adults

name the 5 populations that are at increased risk for undernutrition?

high food security

no reported indications of food-access problems or limitations


of the 14.9% food insecure households in 2011, __% participated in at least one federal food and nutrition assistance programs

does not guarantee

stead employment ____ ___ _________ that an individual or family won't experience food insecurity

870, 12.5, 1 out of 8

worldwide, the food and agriculture organization of the un estimates that, in 2012, ___ million people are chronically undernourished (____% of world population of _ out of _ people)

850 million (~15% of world's pop.)

of the 870 million how many individuals reside in developing countries?

marginal food security

one or two reported indications-typically of anxiety over food sufficiency of shortage of food in the house. little or no indication of changes in diets or food intake.


people living in poverty often shop for what, opting for cheap food rather than nutritious food


primarily manifested in early childhood and includes malnutrition during fetal development. once this occurs it is usually permanent.

higher, children, 6, single, low-income

rates of food insecurity were ______ than the national average for the following groups: all households with ________, households with children under the age of _, households with children headed by a ______ woman or man, black, non-hispanic households and hispanic households, and ___-______ households with incomes below 185% of the poverty threshold

very low food security

reports of multiple indications of disrupted eating patterns and reduced food intake; so little food that normal eating patterns were disrupted for at least one person in the household

food insecurity USDA definition

reports of reduced quality of desirability of diet. little or no indication of reduced food intake.

low food security

reports of reduced quality, variety, or desirability of diet. little or no indication of reduced food intake.

inner cities and rural areas

where do we food deserts in the US?

low-access community

at least 500 persons and/or at least 33% of the census live more than one mile from a supermarket or large grocery store (10 miles, in the case of non-metropolitan)


in underdeveloped countries, over how much percent of the pop. is undernourished?

downward spiral of poverty and hunger

lack of food->fatigue, apathy, no ambition->weight loss->compromised health and disease->anemia->decreased growth->malabsorption in GI tract->loss of muscle mass

worried food would run out, food bought did not last, couldn't afford balanced meal, cut size of meal or skipped a meal, ate less than felt should, hungry but did not eat, lost weight, did not eat whole day

list 8 anxieties over food people in the US have

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