Chapter 14 ( musculoskeletal imaging, breast, and superficial structures)

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19. Which of the following would be best described as a benign tumor comprised of blood vessels ? a . Hemangioma b . Lipoma c . Hamartoma d . Oncocytoma


20. Which of the following transducers would be best suited to sonographically assess for a splinter in a patient's hand ? a . High - frequency linear array transducer b . Low - frequency curved array transducer c . High - frequency sector transducer d . Low - frequency linear array transducer


23. Which of the following best describes the most common sonographic appearance of gynecomastia ? a . Hypoechioc , retroareolar mass b . Hyperechoic , exophytic mass c . Anechoic , retroareolar mass d . Hyperechoic , areolar mass


21. The accumulation of synovial fluid from a seen in conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis weakening in the joint capsule of the knee , as can result in a : a . Hemangioma b . Lipoma c . Baker cyst d . Ganglion cyst


1. Which of the following techniques is used to measure the relationship of the femoral head and acetabulum by evaluating the alpha and beta angles ? a . Graf b . Ortolani c . Barlow d . Thompson


10. In what position should the patient placed to better evaluate the Achilles tendon ? a . Prone b . Supine c . Right lateral decubitus d . Left lateral decubitus


11. Inflammation of the breast that is related to pregnancy is referred to as : a . Puerperal mastitis b . Retromammary mastitis c . Chronic mastitis d . Emphysematous mastitis


15. All of the following are keys to identifying foreign bodies with sonography except : a . Most foreign bodies appear hypoechoic . b . A linear array transducer should be used . c . Most foreign bodies are better visualized us ing a standoff pad . d . Comet - tail artifact may be seen posterior to metallic objects .


12. Which of the following best describes the Thompson test ? a . The patient lies prone and performs plantarflexion b. The patient lies prone while the symptomatic calf is squeezed Bacc c. . The patient lies supine and performs plantarflexion d . The patient lies prone and performs dorsiflexion


14. Subluxation denotes : a . Synovial joint obstruction b . Partial hip dislocation c . Rupture of the bursa d . Inflammation of the acetabulum


17. Which of the following would be best described as a benign tumor comprised of fat ? a . Hemangioma b . Lipoma c . Hamartoma d . Oncocytoma


22. Fluid within the synovial sheath is indicative of : a . Hyperemic flow b . Tendosynovitis c . Cartilaginous inflammation d . Cartilaginous extension


29. Clinical findings of a Baker cyst may mimic those of a ( n ) : a . Arteriovenous malformation b . Deep venous thrombosis c . Knee fracture d . Ganglion cyst


39. Bullets , shrapnel , and other metallic objects may cause : a . Acoustic enhancement b . Comet - tail artifact c . Edge enhancement d . Mirror image artifact


4. Which of the following is a clinical test for developmental hip dysplasia that is used to evaluate the hip for the reduction or relocation of a dislocated hip ? a . Graf b . Ortolani c . Barlow d . Thompson


2. Inflammation and infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue is termed : a . Ascites b . Retroperitoneal fibrosis c . Cellulitis d . Subcutaneous edema


13. Which of the following is true about patients with a lipoma ? a . They often complain of pain in the area of the mass . b . They are often obese . c . They are only slightly tender in the area of the mass . d . They feel no pain in the area of the mass .


18. What is the most likely cause of a hip joint effusion in infants ? a . Tendonitis b . Bursitis c . Developmental hip dysplasia d . Transient synovitis


24. Acoustic shadowing caused by bending of a sound beam at the edge of a curved reflector is referred to as : a . Mirror image artifact b . Indirect artifact c . Reflective shadowing d . Refractive shadowing


26. A patient presents to the sonography department with a history of cellulitis on his abdomen . The patient has fever , edema , and complains of focal tenderness in a specific region affected by the cellulitis . Sonographically , you identify a localized complex collection of fluid . What is the most likely diagnosis ? a . Superficial hemangioma b . Subcutaneous carcinoma c . Mastitis d. Superficial abscess


34. A standoff pad is most useful in imaging : a . Deep structures that produce acoustic enhancement b . Deep structures that produce acoustic shadowing c . Structures that produce refractive shadowing d . Superficial structures


36. All of the following will aid in the sonographic assessment of an Achilles tendon except : a . The patient lies prone , with his or her feet hanging off the end of the bed . b . Both the symptomatic and asymptomatic Achil les tendons should be scanned for comparison . c . The entire tendon should be evaluated in sagittal and transverse scan planes . d . The patient is scanned standing , with a small amount of pressure placed on the symptom atic side .


38. Superficial lipomas may appear as all of the following except : a . Hypoechoic to the surrounding tissue b . Isoechoic to the surrounding tissues c . Hyperechoic to the surrounding tissue d . Anechoic to the surrounding tissue


40. Which of the following at the site of a foreign body may produce bright echoes and therefore cause some ambiguity about the correct orientation of the object ? a . Fluid b . Enhancement c . Dust d . Air


25. Inflammation of the tendon and synovial tendon sheath is referred to as : a . Tendosynovitis b . Tendonitis c . Cellulitis d . Pannus


27. A complicated Baker cyst may contain a thin flap of tissue referred to as : a . Pannus b . Plicae c . Septation d . Lipoma


28. Which of the following is also referred to as a Bible bump ? a . Ganglion cyst b . Superficial endodermal cyst c . Superficial epidermal cyst d . Epidermoid


3. Clinical findings of tendonitis include all of the following except : a . Itching in the area of the tendon b . Pain c . Edema d . The area is warm to touch


31. All of the following are true of ganglion cysts except : a . A ganglion cyst is a common mass found along the superior aspect of the hand and wrist , between the tarsals . b . Ganglion cysts typically appear sonograph ically as an incompressible , anechoic mass with acoustic enhancement . c . Clinically , ganglion cysts may be hard to touch and painful . d . Ganglion cysts are often treated with an injec tion of corticosteroids


32. A partial tear of a tendon typically appears as : a . Focal hypoechoic areas within the tendon b . A focal echogenic area within the tendon c . A diffusely heterogeneous area within the tendon d . Edema and refractive shadowing in the area of the divided tendon


33. Tendons sonographically appear as : a . Echogenic , fibrous structures connecting muscles to bone b . Echogenic , fibrous structures connecting bone to bone c . Hypoechoic , linear arrangements within hyperechoic tissue d . Hyperechoic tissue that contains linear , echogenic strands


37. Which of the following best describes the Thompson test ? a . The calf is squeezed and the foot should plantarflex in a patient who does not have a complete tear of the Achilles tendon . b . The calf is squeezed and the foot should not plantarflex in a patient who does not have a complete tear of the Achilles tendon . c . The Achilles tendon is squeezed and the foot should plantarflex in a patient who does not have a complete tear of the Achilles tendon . d . The Achilles tendon is squeezed and the foot should not plantarflex in a patient who does not have a complete tear of the Achilles tendon .


6. A cystic mass located within the popliteal fossa is most likely a : a . Baker cyst b . Thompson cyst c . Ganglion cyst d . Lipoma


16. A 6 - year - old sonography female patient presents to the department for a hip sonogram with irritability unwillingness to walk , and low - grade fever . Sonographically , you visualize a hypoechoic fluid collection that elevates the joint capsule . What is the most likely diagnosis ? a . Developmental hip dysplasia b . Subluxation c . Joint effusion d . Hip dislocation


30. Sonographically , normal muscle appears as : a . Hyperechoic tissue that contains linear , echo genic strands b . Complex tissue that contains linear , hypoechoic strands c . Hypoechoic tissue that contains linear , echogenic strands d . Echogenic tissue that contains linear , hypoechoic strands


35. Hyperemic flow within or around a structure i is often indicative of : a . Malignancy b . Benignancy c . inflammation d . Rupture


5. What test can be performed to determine a torn Achilles tendon ? a . McBurney test b . McDonald test c . Thompson test d . Baker test


8. A common mass found along the dorsal aspect of the hand and wrist is the : a . Baker cyst b . Thompson cyst c . Ganglion cyst d . Lipoma


9. The Achilles tendon connects the : a . Ankle to the knee b . Heel to the ankle c . Heel to the calf muscle d . Knee to the calf muscle


7. A patient presents with a palpable , oozing mass at the level of the natal cleft . What is the most likely etiology of this mass ? a . Pannus cyst b . Epidermoid c . Hemangioma d . Pilonidal cyst


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