Chapter 14 Nutrition

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The values obtained from the bomb calorimeter, adjusted to reflect the actual kilocalories transformed into energy in the human body, are called

physiological fuel values

The energy used to extract kcalories from foods and process the macronutrients is referred to as

the thermic effect of food

Basal metabolism is the minimum energy required to fuel the body's

vital organ functions

Approximately what percent of the kilocalories in food is used for the thermic effect of food (TEF)?

10 percent

Approximately what percentage of the body is made up of the essential fat?

12 percent for women; 3 percent for men

A BMI that is considered healthy is in the range of


Approximately how many excess kilocalories are required to gain 1 pound of body weight?


A high risk of the weight-related health problems is seen in women whose waist circumference begins to exceed ____.

35 inches

There is a high risk of the obesity-related health problems when a man's waist circumference begins to exceed ____.

40 inches

During the state of starvation, approximately what percentage of weight loss is lean body mass?


In an adult who gains 20 pounds of excess body weight, about how much of this is the lean tissue gain?


RMR is approximately how much higher or lower than BMR?

6% higher

When an adult gains an extra 10 pounds of body weight, approximately how much of this weight is fat?

7.5 lbs

An index of a person's weight in relation to the height is called ____.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Visceral fat is fat stored under the skin.


Which statement is true of the body mass index?

It correlates with disease risks

What is the most frequently fatal effect among those who suffer from an eating disorder?

low blood potassium

Resting metabolic rate (RMR) is a measurement of energy expenditure when the body is

motionless after a 3 to 4-hour fast.

According to an extensive research, in what region of the body is the storage of excess body fat associated with the highest risks for cardiovascular disease?


What fraction of the day's energy expenditure of the average person is represented by the basal metabolism?

About 60-75%

Which factor has the most influence on the body's metabolic rate?

Amount of lean body tissue

A state of negative energy balance can eventually result in a weight loss.


Body composition is usually expressed as percent the body fat.


Brown adipose tissue has more mitochondria than does white adipose tissue.


The energy needed to fuel the body's vital organs (e.g., brain, lungs) is referred to as the basal metabolism.


The two types of fat that make up the total body fat are essential fat and stored fat.


To maintain a stable body weight, the amount of the kilocalories in versus the kilocalories out must be equal.


In which group of people are disordered eating and eating disorders more common?

adolescent and young adult females

Basal Metabolic Rate is measured when the cellular activity of the body is

at it's lowest

All of the following factors influence Adaptive Thermogenesis except

basal metabolism

The ratio of the fat tissue to the lean body mass is referred to as

body composition

Lean body mass includes all of the following except


What causes those who suffer from anorexia nervosa to control their food intake?

intense fear of becoming overweight

The body reaches a state of the energy balance when

kilocalories consumed equals kilocalories expended by BMR and physical activity.

The weight of a body minus the fat content is known as the ____.

lean body mass

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