Chapter 14.2, Chapter 14.1, Chapter 13, Chapter 12.1 Legislative Branch, Chapter 7.3, Chapter 7.2, Chapter 7.1, Chapter 6.2, Chapter 6.1, Chapter 5.4, Chapter 5.3, Chapter 5.2, Chapter 5.1 Federalism, Chapter 4.3, Chapter 4.2, Chapter 11.2, Chapter 1...

Réussis tes devoirs et examens dès maintenant avec Quizwiz!

When do elections for GA state executive branch offices occur?

-Every midterm election year

What do news reporters usually identify as?


What des it mean when the margin of error is higher?

-The estimates based on the sample are less precise

In a decision in ( ), the Supreme Court of Georgia became the ( ) high court in the United States to establish the right of personal privacy in state (or federal) constitutional law.


Women have had higher voter turnout than men since ___.


The twenty second amendment Passed in 1951, the amendment that limits presidents to __ terms of office.


The Founders would write and ratify a new constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union in 1787-1788. Why?

Created a central government that was too weak and, by extension, allowed the states to have to much power and independence.

There are seven circumstances in which a search w/ a warrant can be considered lawful. Below are the 4 most important ones. Match each exception to its description

Incident to a lawful arrest: If police have met the requirements for an arrest to be lawful,then, at the time of the arrest, they may search the suspect and the surrounding area under their control. Exigent circumstances: If police have reason to worry that someone is about to destroy evidence, or if they are in pursuit of a suspect, they can seize evidence or forcibly enter premises. Plain view: If a police officer is somehwhere that he or she has a legal right to be, then the officer may seize evidence they can see whether or not they're executing a warrent. Automobile exception: If the police have probable cause to believe the owner of a vehicle is guilty of a crime, they can conduct a search w/o a warrant.

What process has the US Supreme Court used to protect the civil liberties found in the Bill of Rights against state or local government abuse?


What was the impact of the Cold War on federal spending and public opinion?

Increased support for spending on the military and related industries

How can you approximate a representative sample?

Make sure that it is demographically represenatative

What was the impact of the reform movements of the Progressive Era?

New demands on federal government to play a greater role in regulating economy and society

What is the undisputed core principle of the Establishment Clause?

No official or mandatory government religion

Why is probability sampling preferable to non-probability sampling?

Non probability methods are more reliant on human judgment and thus human error For this reason probability sampling is the preferred method

A occurs when the Congress adjourns before the 10 days the president has to consider legislation

Pocket veto

Group the descriptions with the correct political party.

The Republican Party: -Associated with the color red -Ideologically right and conservative -Also called the Grand Old Party(GOP) -Uses an elephant as its symbol The Democratic Party: =Blue -left/liberal -Donkey

Match each feauture to the component of the legislature that it belongs to.

The Senate -Meant to promote virtues such as knowledge -6 year terms -2 members per state -The upper house -Quasi-aristocratic The House of Representatives -The lower house

How has the Supreme Court generally interpreted the Privileges or Immunities and Due Process of the 14th Amendment?

The Supreme Court operated as though the privileges or immunities clauses does not exist. They have interpreted the Due Process Clause much more broadly than its framers intended.

How is the ratio of Democarts to Republicans on each commitee determined?

The majority party determines the ratio

In terms of offering convenience voting options, Georgia ranks ___ compared to other states.

above average



By the Samuels and Synder measure of malapportionate, the U.S Senate is _________________ malapportined upper chambers in the world.

one of the most

Which of the following describes the position of the Senate majority leader?

heads the majority-party caucus. The majority leader's role resembles that of the Speaker of the House in that the Senate majority leader formulates the majority party's legislative agenda and encourages party members to support it.

Any changes to the Georgia Constitution must be approved ___ in a ___ in an ___ year.

in a referendum, general election, even-numbered year

United vs. Disunited governments

United: -Governments relate to each other through political and legal processes -Less prone to violence -Easier to forge fair and mutually beneficial policies Disunited -More difficult to resolve conflicts peacefully -Governments relate to each other through diplomacy and military force -Difficult to forge fair and mutually beneficial policies

The legally-mandated separation of races throughout society is called ( ).


Pair the type of election with the level of voter turnout

Presidential: Highest Midterm: Lower Local: Lowest

Who serves as reeminent leaders of the American parties

Presidents and presidential nominees

Which of the following describes the position of the president pro tempore?

-Mostly honary position -In the absence of the vp, can preside over the Senate -Has no real power

To check your voter registration status, you should go to ______.

-My Voter Page

Which cause characterized the Republican Party during the Reconstruction period?

African American rights

The most important party alignment in recent history occured when _____________ changed loyalties from _________________ in the mid-___________.

African Americans, Republican to Democrat, 1960s

Pair the defenition with the term related to media influence.

Agenda Setting- Covering some events and issues more than others Framing- Highlighting particular considerations or aspects of the issue Priming- Leading us to unconsciously bring certain considerations to the top of our head when we evaluate the issue

__________ are those who have a formative influence on our political attitudes,values,beliefs,and identities.

Agents of political socialization

What was the major contribution of Freedman's Bureau with the longest term impact?

Creation of schools for African Americans throughout the South

For children, what has the most influence on socialization and partisan identification?


What does homophobia refer to?

Fear and hatered towards Lgbtq+, which can lead to verbal abuse, bullying,acts of violence , discrimination in the government and private spheres

Classify which entities are responsible for public vs. private discrimnation.

Public: -Government Private: -Businesses -Individuals

What does the term foot voting refer to?

Right to move to another state if the person disagrees with state policies

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission was created as a result of ( ) of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964. It became a powerful force against employment discrimination after it gained for the right to ( ) employers and unions in 1972.

Title VII Sue

What does the term laboratories of democracy refer to?

The ability for states to conduct their own policy experiments to learn what works best and what does not work

Over the course of a lifetime the factors that influence us become fewer in number and more limited in impact. What concept does this describe?

Funnel of casuality

Group the items according to where you can access them.

GA Secretary of states MVP: -Check registrations status -Request absentee ballot -Find out where/when to vote -Register to vote -View issues/candidates 866OurVote: -Seek immediate, free assistance

In all democracies, political parties seek power over government. How do they achieve this?

Getting members elected to office

What is the role of the necessary and proper clause?

Gives Congress the authority to make laws that execute its enumerated power

What is the public safety exception?

In certain circumstances, police officers may ask questions reasonably prompted by a concern for the safety

Which U.S Supreme Court case established the precedent of judicial review?

Marbury v. Madison, 1803

It is important to be clear about which underlying population is being referred to when discussing public opinion. Why?

To avoid making misguided judgements based on that data

Why did delegates from slave states prefer to calculate state population size by counting the total number of inhabitants (including slaves)?

To guarantee a majority of seats in the House of Representatives

The U.S. Supreme Court substantial effects doctrine allows the federal government to regulate any ( ) activity that has a substantial effect on ( ) commerce

economic, interstate

Todays Senators are _________________.

elected by the people.

Radical Reconstuction was a short-lived ( ) program implemented when Republicans controlled ( ) chamber(s) of Congress

emancipatory, both (house and senate)

The authority of a court of law to hear and decide a case is called ____________.


The policy area in which a particular congressional committe is authorized to act is called the _______________ of a congressional committee.


A small subset of individuals drawn from a population is referred to as a(n) ____________.


Gun rights advocated focus on the ( ), wheras gun control advocates focus on the ( ).

second part, first part

Congressional Committees created for a specific time period and purpose called _______________ commitees.


Organized white terrorist groups also formed to force and intimidate African Americans into accepting a(n) ( ) role in society.


It was very difficult to enact proposed policies because the Articles of Confederation required a ( ) of nine states (70%).


What was the impact of World War 2 on federal spending?

"Point of no return" for more federal spending than state and local combined

What does doctrine of stare decisis state?

"to stand by things decided,"23 is a judicial doctrine under which a court follows the principles, rules, or standards of its prior decisions or decisions of higher tribunals when deciding a case with arguably similar facts.

As a result of voter suppression tactics in the South, African Americans in presidential elections dropped from ( ) between 1876 and 1922. By the late 1930s, it is estimated that less than ( ) of African Americans in the South were registered to vote.

( 75% to 20%) , (5%)

Diseases brought by European colonists swept through indigenous communities across the entire continent. ( ) mortality rate, with the Indigenous population dropping from ( ) between 1492 to 1592.

( 90%) ( 60 million to 6 million)

Inspired by () James Farmer and Bernice Fisher founded the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) in Chicago in 1942.

( Mahatma Gandhi ), ( nonviolent direct action )

Georgia is ( ) state(s) that des not have its own law banning private discrimination in ( ).

( one of five ), ( public accomodations)

State and local governments have ( ) authority to enact laws banning private discrimination.


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 had ( ) major titles, and each made significant contributions to civil rights in the United States.


Brown v. Board of Education (1954) resulted in a 9-0 ruling that ( ) the doctrine of separate but equal. The lead attorney on the case, ( ), would later become the first African Supreme Court Justice.

(established), (Thurgood Marshall)

Which constitutional amendments are a direct result of the Civil War?

- 13th - 14th - 15th

The EOP (Executive Office of the President) was formed in __ with 37 employees. By 1992, it had grown to __ employees.

- 1939 - 1500

In what four ways does the fourth amendment protect citizens against unjustified government interference when law enforcement officials search for evidence?

- A judge must issue the search warrant -No unreasonable searches -No unlimited searches -Search warrants are required,must have a probable cause.

The war Powers resolution of 1973 limits the president unilateral power to send troops into foreign combat it requires:

- A veto mechanism whereby Congress can force the recall of troops at any time - a full presidential report to Congress when sending troops into foreign areas - a limit on the duration of troop commitment without congressional authorization

Which f the following statements is true about African American political empowerment during Reconstruction?

- AA voters were key to Republican Party influence in the South -More than ten African Americans served in Congress -Hundreds served in state legislatures

What was the impact of the Miranda v. Arizona (1996) ruling?

- Acknowledged psychological coercion as well as physical -Officers now must prove that suspect intentionally waived their rights

What role did the criminal justice sytem play in the Jim Crow South?

- Allowed whites to inflict violence on AA.s with no fear of legal consequence -Excluded African Americans from juries, judgeships, and the legal profession

Which presidents have been impeached?

- Andrew Johnson - Bill Clinton - Donald Dump

How can the Supreme Court's opinion be expressed?

- As a rule, the Supreme Court issues an opinon of the Court, reflecting the opinion of the majority of the justices. -Every justice can produce their own opinon in every case, wither for or against the judgement of the Court


- Authority partly divided and partly shared -Concurrent authority occurs in some areas -Central Government has no unilateral legal authority to alter powers or jurisdiction -States may have reserved powers

What are some characteristics of confederacies?

- Central governments claim authority over governments -Central government cannot punish member states for failing to comply

Select some of the way the US military is permitted to participate in a conflict without a formal declaration of war by Congress

- Congressional resolution authorizing the president to use military force against her terrorists and those states that harbor them - authorization under the united nations trick-or-treat duly sign in ratified under the constitution

Which of the following describes the role of courts in the policy making process?

- Courts address only the policy questions that arise in the context of a legal dispute -Courts have to observe rules and doctrines that limit the way in which they decide legal disputes -Courts have limited if any involvement in certain areas of public policy

Creamy the concept of the two presidencies one aspect of the presidency concerned with __ affairs is Severely Limited by the constitution the courts and Congress or the other aspect of presidency involving __ affairs is less susceptible to constitutional and political constraints

- Domestic - Foreign

What current political organizations most resemble confederacies?

- European Union -United Nations

Although not mention in the constitution and the right of executive privilege has been defended him as inherit in executive power because of

- Historical support beginning with George Washington - explicit recognition by the Supreme Court

It was not stated that treaties with foreign countries entered into by the United States were binding agreements that took precedence over state laws under the Articles of Confederation. What happened as a result of this?

- It created tensions with foreign countries making it difficult to cooperate for mutual benefit. -States often passed laws that contradicted the terms of treaties.

There were at least two reasons the Founders chose a bicameral (rather than unicameral) legislature. Which of these options was one of those reasons?

- It facilitated the Great Compromise

How did the Articles of Confederation contribute to poor economic conditions during the 1780s?

- It lacked the power to raise the money to build a navy to protect the import/export/trade of goods. -State governments did not want to levy taxes on individuals

Which of the following most contributed to the federal government's growth between 1940 and 1968?

- LBJ's Great Society Program -World War 2 -Cold War

How could Congress raise money under the Articles of Confederation?

- Levy requisitions on the state governments

The Congressional budget and empowerment control act of 1974 recognizes a __ presidential power to impound funds and requires a president to inform Congress of reasons for an intended empowerment provides for a legislative __ veto to prevent the president from proceeding

- Limited - Bicameral

According to article II, the president is empowered to

- Make treaties with foreign nations - recognize foreign governments

What are some duties the White House chief of staff is responsible for

- Manages the staff - Assists with aspects of domestic and foreign policy - Limits access to the president

Why did the Founders choose the electoral college instead of the direct popular election to elect the president?

- Many founders thought the people would be under-informed and easily manipulated. -It was a compromise to give slave states more voice in presidential selection.

What were the stipulations provided by Article 1?

- Members of the House serve two-year terms - Anyone who is eligible to vote for the state legislature is eligible to vote for members of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Which are the three most important units of The executive office of the president

- National security council - Council of economic advisers - Office of management and budget

Which of the following is true for the speaker of the house?

- Next to pres. the most powerful federal official -They are always a member of the majority party -Has certain formal powers that enhances their ability to influence legislative activity in the House

And executive agreement enables the __ to enter into an agreement with another country without the need for __ approval as is constitutionally required in the case of treaties

- President - Senate

How can a strong national government affect the provision of public goods and services?

- Reduces negative externalities like pollution or infectious diseases across state lines -Identifies and provides nationwide goods without the temptation to free ride

What are some examples of new technology using the protections of the Fourth Amendment against warrantless searches? A warrant is needed:

- Search the contents of a smartphone during a lawful arrest -Attach a GPS device to a car

What are some characteristics of the original federal system set up in the U.S Constitution?

- Senators appointed by state legislatures to 6-year terms with no recall. -Representatives and president were accountable to people via popular election.

During the Constitutional Convention, the Founders had to consider the strong differences of interest and opinion amongst the people of the different states. What were the key constituencies that needed to reach a compromise?

- States w/ large populations and small populations. -Northern states and Southern slave states

Order the steps of how a review is made in the Supreme Court.

- The Supreme Court grants certiorari -Parties summit briefs -The Court holds oral argument -The justices meet in a private conference

What are the characteristics of a confederacy?

- The central government has only enough power to maintain good relations between the states and for coordinating collective action. -The central government only claims authority over the state governments -The central government does not claim direct authority over individual persons

State legislatures were required to select delegates t the US congress every year. However, they were allowed to recall any delegate at any time and replace that person with a new delegate. How did this affect the dynamic between the legislature and the delegates?

- This gave state legislatures powerful legislatures over congressional delegates.

What are the two main reasons why the Funders designed the Congress to be a bicameral legislature?

- To promote a mixed regime -To represent states of different population sizes

What was the impact of the 1894 progressive income tax?

- U.S Supreme Curt ruled it unconstitutional -Led Congress to introduce the Sixteenth Amendment

Why did Congress never actually resort to using military force against state governments for non-payment of requisitions?

- Using military force would mean significant loss of life and property. -It would create ill will amongst the states and between the states and central government. -The Articles of Confederation did not explicitly grant Congress that legal authority to use military force against delinquent states.

The president has 10 days not including Sundays which to consider legislationPresented for approval the president has several options

- Veto the bill - abstain - Sign to go into a law

What happens when the president dies?

- Vice President takes over - congress establishes ahead of time who becomes the acting president.

Match the political alignment to its perspective of FDR's New Deal. Liberal Conservative Libertarian

- Wise and proper, maybe should've gone farther -Partly beneficial and necessary at time, but lamentable that it paved the way to expansive welfare state -Unnecessary,ineffective, improper, harmful

Article one provides Congress with the authority to __ article 2 recognizes the president as__

- declare war - commander in chief

What are the three main sources of staff assistance available to the presidents?

- executive office of the president - White House staff - The Caninet

Cabinet members who wants close advisers to the president who wants to grow has gradually change as the bureaucracy has grown. The powers of the president __ expectations of the president __ and president has come to rely __ on the White House staff

- expanded, increased, more

Important federal officials are appointed by the __ with the advice and consent of the __ The constitution does permit some upper level officials in the executive branch to be selected solely at the discretion of the __ and some to be appointed solely by the heads of departments

- president - senate - president

Impeachment Process begins... ___. A full trail is conducted by the __. __ of the senate must vote to remove the president

- simple majority vote - Chief Justice of the Supreme Court - 2/3

What requirements are necessary for non-English voting material?

-10k or over 5% of the total voting age citizens are members of a single language minority group -Depressed literacy rates in the language minority group -Poor English skills

Which amendment of the U.S Constitution is most often used to ensure federal civil liberties are protected at the state and local level?

-14th amendment

The deadline for registering to vote in Georgia is ____ days pior to Election Day.


Which of the folliwing social media sites have little or no content standards?

-8chan -4chan

Which of the following are examples of unmediated communication?

-A facebook post by a public official -President Trump's tweets on Twitter

What prohibits 6 million adult American citizens from voting?

-A felony conviction

What is patriarchy, in the context of women's right?

-A social order in which men are predminant in status,authority,and power -Ideas,structures, and institutions that can be traced back for thousands of years around the world

What are your basic options for voting?

-Absentee -Polling location

How can a strong national government affect the preservation of the union?

-Act as basis and guarantor of peace, prosperity, and cooperation -Prevents states from becoming too independent or powerful

Under article 1 section 7 of the constitution every bill order resolution or vote must be presented to the president for approval this requirement has three exceptions

-Actions involving a single chamber such as adoption of procedural rules -Propose constitutional amendments adopted by Congress -concurrent resolutions such as those establishing joint committees or setting a date for adjournment.

What three indicators can be used to measure the impact of the conservative backlash?

-Amount of regulatory activity by federal agencies -Amount of money spent on grant-in-aids -Number of nonmilitary personnel

What are some charachteristics of peonage in the South?

-Applied to 1/3 of farm workers on large plantations. -Made illegal in 1867, but practiced until 1940s -Demeaning labor conditions using forced labor contracts.

How is strict scrutiny applied by the U.S. Supreme Court?

-Applies only to civil rights related to suspect classes -Laws are presumed unconstitutional unless narrowly tailored to a compelling government interest

How is rational basis applied by the U.S. Supreme Court?

-Applies to civil rights related to age,economic status, and disability -Laws are presumed constitutional unless not rationally related to a legitamite gvt interest

What are the necessary for voting absentee?

-Apply for a ballot to be sent -Decide which candidates and measures you support -Fill out the ballot and submit it by mail.

Why was the Philadelphia (Constitutional) Convention May 1787 assembled?

-Armed rebellions had begun to arise in several states, in particular Shay's rebellion. -Congress couldn't afford to order union troops to quell emerging rebellions.

In case you don't have time to decide how to vote for every candidate or ballot measure, what should you do?

-At least vote for the choices you have had time to decide on

Unitary National

-Authority concentrated in central government. -Either no member states, or central government can alter legal powers and jurisdictions at will -No reserved powers for states

Why should you know how to vote in person?

-Backup for voting absentee

What was the outcome of the Atlanta Race Riot of 1906?

-Black businesses and homes were burned -20-25 Black people killed, more than 100 injured

What was the impact of the United Farm Workers of America (UFW)

-Bolstered political movies in other civil rights areas -Led the California Grape sTRIKE FROM 1965-1970 -Organized strikes for better working conditions

Why did the revolutionary state constitutions place a heavy emphasis on separation of powers?

-British rule had taught them to disdain government that is dominated by the executive and/or judicial branches -It was viewed as necessary for preserving liberty.

Which of the following describe the party organization?

-Builds and maintains the party "brand" -Members coordinate party behaivior and support candidates -Formal structure of the political party

Considering the laws of probability, how can researchers influence the margin of error?

-By altering the size of samples

How can you register to vote?

-By mail by going to My Voter Page -Online at My Voter Page -At the Department of Motor Vehicles when you get your driver's license.

Which of the follwoing are true about the position of the committee chair?

-CC are always members of the majority party -and usually the party member with the most seniority (consecutive years of service) on the committee. -It is a powerful position

What essential functions for democracy do political parties provide?

-Candidate nomination -Electoral mobilization -Interest aggregation -Social integartion -Forming and sustaining majority governing coalition -Issue structuring -Societal representation

In the original text of the constitution, what are some limits put on state authority?

-Cannot engage in war w/ other countries -Cannot enter into treaties w/ other countries -Cannot coin money -No tariffs on imports or exports

What are some charchteristics of a right to a jury in criminal trials?

-Cannot exclude jurors based on race or sex/gender -Potential jurors must be drawn randomly -Originates with the 1215 Magna Carta

With "freedom of the press", what can journalists and news media organizations report without fear of?

-Censorship -Financial penalty -Imprisonment -Physical Abuse -Intimindation by government

Which of the following describe the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) ?

-Citizens can request information from the government -Agency that citizens request information from can charge a fee for time and labor -Intended to increase openess in the executive branch

Which of the following include accurate descriptions of proportional representation (PR)?

-Citizens vote for parties, not candidates -Parties choose candidates to fill seats -Dominant system in most industrial democracies

What were the goals of the Chicano Movement in the 1960s?

-Civil rights for Mexican-Americans -Access to organized labor and voting rights -End to discrimination and racism

Federalism is a mixture of which two extreme forms of political organization?

-Confederacy -Unitary national government

Since 2010, how have the administrative and legislative branches responded to deportation of illegal immigrants?

-Congress has attempted to provide a pathway to citizenship for children brought here illegally via DREAM Act -President Obama and Trump have engaged in large -scale deportations and seperating children from their families

What is the impact of the amendment-enforcing provisions?

-Congress has the ability to enact laws that are appropriate for enforcing amendments

What was the impact of Asian labor in the United States?

-Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 -Drove down wages -Built Transcontinenetal railroads

Which groups are most likely to think the media is biased in this way? (Ideological Bias)

-Conservatives -Republican

What are some of the guidelines for being a responsible consumer of polls?

-Consider the reputation and possible motives of the organization conducting the poll -Examine question-wording -Check for the Target population and sampling method -Assess the sample size and margin of error -Compare across polls and look at poll aggregators Be realistic in your expectations

Which of the following are characteristic of the party-in-the-electorate?

-Consistently vote for one party -Consider themselves to be part of a political party

What are four checks on the power of the Supreme Court?

-Constitutional Amendment -The Appointment Power -Court Packing -Jurisdiction stripping

What were two of the most important measures in Reagans's strategy to reduce the size of the federal government and its influence?

-Converting categorical grants to block grants and ending general revenue sharing program -Starving the beast by reducing taxes

What are some current and proposed solutions to decreasing the cost of voting related to the timing of elections?

-Convinience voting -Moving state and local elections to coincide with federal elections -Making Election Day a national holiday

What were some key accomplishments the Voting Rights Act of 1965?

-Creating the pre-clearance requirement -Banning literacy tests and other devices intended to supress voting

What was the impact of Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society on federal spending and priorities?

-Creation of Medicare and Medicaid -Increased federal protection of civil rights from state abuse -Rise of categorical grants and cooperative federalism

What are some circumstances in which the death penalty cannot be applied?

-Defendant under the age of 18 at the time of the alleged murder -The victim does not die as a result of the crime -The defendant is unable to rationally understand the reasons for their execution

Which of the following were the first political parties in the United States?

-Democratic-Republicans -Federalists

What does the cultivation theory claim about media?

-Develops our worldview by presenting a percieved reality

Which of the following are examples of civil disobedience?

-Disorderly conduct -Unlawful assembly -Refusal to pay taxes -Obstruction of vehicular traffic -Disturbing the peace -Interferance w/ public officials performance of official duties

Sort the impacts of Reagans federalist actions. Starve the beast: Reduced Grant-in-aid

-Dropped taxes on highest earners from 70% to 29% -Reduced federal revenue but not spending -Reduced spending on grant-in-aid by 33% -States had to choose between ending programs or self-funding them

When was the current limit of 435 voting members in the House of Representatives established?

-Early last century

The central debate of civil liberties is the attempt to balance what two factors?

-Empowering govt to deter and punish crimes -Respecting the rights of suspects

What was the combined impact of peonage and convict-leasing on the African American population?

-Enslaved 800,000 people between 1870 and 1945 -Forced African Americans to remain exploited second-class citizens.

What are two ways the U.S Constitution delegates powers to the federal government?

-Enumerated powers -Implied powers

Which of the following is the most importanat civil rights provision in the U.S. Constitution?

-Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment

Which laws relate to the legal equality between the sexes?

-Equal pay act of 1963 -Title IX of the Federal Education Act f 1972 -1972 amendments to Civil Rights Act of 1964

Which of the following statements is true about Lawrence v. Texas (2003)?

-Established that the constitutional right to privacy is violated when laws seek to regulate sexual activity engaged in by consenting adults in the privacy of their own home. -Overturned the 1986 US Supreme Court ruling Bowers v. Hardwick -U.S Supreme Court adopted Georgia's high court reasoning from 1998

Which clauses in the First Amendment are used to protect religious freedom?

-Establishment Clause -Free Exercise Clause

How did the Gutenberg's printing press help check and control religous and government authority?

-Facilitating reasoned debate over alternatives -Raising awareness of their activities

What are some types of expression that recieve less protection under the First Amendment?

-Fighting words -Defamation (libel and slander) -Speech promoting, and likely to incite or produce, "imminent lawless action" -Student speech -Obscenity

What are the steps for voting in person?

-Find out when and where you can vote -Get a valid photo ID -Go Vote -Look up sample ballot and decide which candidates and measures to support/oppose

Which of the following has provisions protecting the freedom of the press?

-First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution -Constitution of the State of Georgia

Which part of the U.S Constitution protects the freedom of political activists to engage in demonstartions,marches,and protests?

-First Amendment right to freedom of assembly -First Amendment right to freedom of expression

What was the impact of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in the U.S. v. Lopez?

-First limits to Congressional power under Commerce Clause since 1936 -Congress may not regulate non-economic activities under the Commerce Clause -Substantial effects doctrine only applies to economic activities

Which of the following describe muckraking?

-Focused on exposing corruption -Epitomized by Upton Sinclair's, The Jungle

What was the combined impact of peonage and convict-leasing on the AA population?

-Forced AA to remain exploited second-class citizens -Enslaved over 800,000 people between 1870 and 1945

How can a strong state government promote democratic citizenship ?

-Fosters the practice and development of skills, habits, and dispositions essential for democratic self-government -Increases the opportunities to participate in government, allowing more direct impact

13-15th amendments

-Freedom from slavery, states cannot legalize slavery -Due process, equal protection of the law, and privileges and immunities, states cannot deprive citizens of fundamental rights -Right to vote for all men,including former slaver,states cannot create discriminatory voting restrictions based on race

Our common heuristic (information shortcut) is voting based on a candidates' party identification. When does this work best?

-General election

Which election is where the parties nominees run against each other?

-General election

Georgia's constitutional liberties place legal obligations on which of the following?

-Georgia's state government -Local governments within Georgia

What are some consequences of unmediated communication?

-Government officials avoid accountability by escaping the scrutiny of journalists -Government officials avoid unfair coverage from traditional media outlets

Selective incorporation

-Gradual process, one case and one liberty at a time -Followed by the supreme court

Whar are some reasons that the media may misinform the people?

-Has its own biases -Makes errors -Controlled by the government

The United States is the only Western democracy that has constitutional protection for which types of expression?

-Hate speech -Spending money on political campaigns

Why does Georgetown Professor, Jason Brennan, endorce this concept of epistocracy.

-He believes uninformed voters have a moral duty to abstain from the electoral process -He believes only highly informed people should vote

A distinctive feature of American government is that the president serves as the...

-Head of government -Head of state

How does social media facilitate collective political action?

-Helping like-minded find each other -Notifying users of political events -Encouraging users to take action

Which of the following best describes market bias?

-High-quality programming costs more money, and organizations want to save -Lack of quality audience demand discourages investment in high-quality programming

Which of the following are the dimesnions that the websites Ad Fontes Media and Media Bias/Fact use to assess sources?

-Ideological bias -Factual reliability

What role in the judicial selection process has been increasing lately?

-Ideological legal organizations -The Justice Departement

What legal protection does the exclusionary rule outline?

-If the government seizes evidence through an unconstitutional search then the evidence may not be admitted into court

What were the arguments for the United States to remain united during the Critical Period (1783-1789)

-If the states were apprehensive abut war with each other large standing armies would be created -They were better able to defend themselves from common security threats -Economic protectionism between states would be worse if the states were disunited. -Political conflicts between the states could become intense military struggles.

The U.S. Constitution was designed to avoid giving the legislature too much power. How did they accomplish this?

-Implementing the principle of checks and balances between the branches of government -By removing the power of the executive appointment from the legislature

What is the effect of same day voter registration on turnout?


Which of the following summarizes the rational choice model of voting?

-Individuals chose to vote if the expected benefits of voting exceed the costs

The Supreme Court has __ particular exercises of executive power that it found __ under the constitution

-Invalidated -excessive

Why are most Americans mostly aware of the prsence and activity of the national party organizations?

-It holds the convention for the whole cuntry -Most citizens find national topics to be more interesting than state and local

What happened to Japanese Americans in the aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor?

-Japanese Americans were forced into internment camps -Supreme Court supported govt's policy that resulted in serious civil rights abuses

What are the functions of federal judiciary?

-Judicial review -Interpreting statues, regualtions, etc

Before the Civil War, what were the tasks of the federal government?

-Keeping the peace between states over slavery -Assisting with limited infrastructure projects -Handling foreign policy

Virginia Plan

-Large state plan -Proportional representation -reps for congress based on states population.

How is intermediate scrutiny applied by the U.S. Supreme Court?

-Laws are presumed unconstitutional unless substantially related to an important govt interest -Apllies to civil rights related to sex, but not sexual orienation or gender identity

Dual federalism

-Layer cake federalism -Clearly defined division of authority and responsibility between federal and state governments -Federal government mostly limited to managing foreign affairs peacekeeping between states and coordinating -Form used before FDR

What was the impact of the 1929 stock market crash?

-Led to a revolutionary expansion of federal government's role in economy and society -Started a chain reaction that led to the Great Depression

What impact did the American Indian Movement (AIM) have throughout the 1960s and 70s?

-Led to the passage of America Indian Self-Discrimination and Education Assistance Act in 1975. -Culminated in the Wounded Knee incedent of 1973

Political media source nutrition chart.

-Left/Right wing Dessert: Factually reliable info but extreme ideological content that should be cnsumed, if at all , in moderation Civic Poison: The worst sources avaliable, which should always be avoided: factually unreliable opinion, misinfo, and/or propoganda Civic Salad: The best and healthiest political information, which should be consumed in abundance: factually reliable opinion, ideologically diverse, but not ideologically extreme

Which two type of elections tend to have the greatest inequality in turnout among groups based on income,education level,and race?

-Local city council -Mayoral

Party related terms descriptions

-Major Party: frequently wins elections and typically wins a majority or considerable minority of seats. -Minor: Rarely if ever wins elections and never wins more than a small minority of seats -Minority-Controls less than half of the seats in a legislative body -Majority- Controls more than half of the seats in a legislative body

Cooperative federalism

-Marble cake federalism -State and Federal roles are intermingled -Federal government incentivizes states to implement national policy priorities -Categorical grants

To highlight a flaw in the design of the Articles of Confederation, what was the only punishment the central government could use to gain compliance to these requests?

-Military force

How can a strong government affect minority rights?

-More likely to respect and protect minority rights than states

Enumerated Powers

-Most are provided in Article 1, Section 8 -Specific powers that are explicitly listed in the constiution

How are Congress members asisgned to committees?

-Most newly elected members of Congress ask for and receive assignment to a committee on which they can serve their constituents interests and at the same time enhance their reelection prospects. -Each party has a special committee in each chamber that decides who fill committee seat vaccancies.

What important changes were introduced by the Reconstuction amendments?

-National rule against slavery -The amendment is enforcing provisions for each -States cannot infringe on rights/liberties inherent in citizenship -Racial equality cannot be undermined by states

Why did presidents have a strong command of the media during the Golden Age of Presidential Television?

-Networks and local affiliates always aired presidential speeches -The public had fewer alternative sources of news

What type of laws and policies have historically discriminated against women in the United States?

-No custody of children granted in divorce -Little to no protection from domestic violence or rape by husband -Coverture marrige law -Denial access to professions and degrees

Under the first amendment of the u.s cnstitution, Americans are guaranteed the rights to freedom of expression. Which of the following are guaranteed under those rights?

-Nonviolent public demonstrations -Marches -Protests

Changes to which things have caused have resulted in more power to the federal government, over states and individuals?

-Number and power of federal bureaucratic agencies -What the people want the federal government to do? -The federal government's constitutional authority -The power of the purse

What was the Atlanta Comprise?

-Offered to stop agitating for full rights and equality, if African Americans were allowed opportunities for economic improvement. -Brainchild of Booker T. Washington, to allow gradual integration of AA into society

At which stage do lawyers for both sides answer questions from the Court?

-Oral Argument

What are some civil rights African Americans were deprived of as a result of black codes?

-Own or carry firearms -Own,sell,and lease property

The fact that the probability of casting the decisive vote is nearly zero but people still incur costs to cast a vote is called the ___ of voting.


Why have political parties become integral to the operations of American legislatures?

-Parties provide organization -Parties provide discipline -The legislative process is very complex

Which of the following explain why a knowledge gap has formed in America as a result of cable news?

-People uniterested in politics know less on the topic because they can chose among many other channels to watch -People interested in politics know even more because they have more sources of political news

What were some of the drivers of white supremacy in the South?

-Percieved threats to social status and identity of whites -Pain of military defeat -Percieved economic threats to working class whites

What were the central goals of the Democratic Party in the South after the Civil War?

-Perpetuating white supremacy -Restoring slavery

What the central goals of the Democratic Party in the South after the Civil War?

-Pertuating white supremacy -Restoring slavery

What behavior by the govt counts as a search that is prtected under the fourth amendment?

-Physical invasion of home and/or physically touching the body -Any surveillance where you would have reasonale expectation of privacy

Which of the following are vital functions that a free press plays in a democarcy?

-Playing the watchdog role -Facilitating a free flow of information

Which of the following explain the impact of voting?

-Policy makers pay more attention to voters or registered voters -Your interests are more likely to be represented

What happened because the democratically controlled governments were reluctant to levy taxes on individuals?

-Political conflicts arose within creditors and debtors. -State and Congress accumulated high levels of debt -The economy suffered from inflation because states tried to pay debts by printing more paper money.

What areas are considered to be a public concern?

-Politics -Government -Public Policy

Implied Powers

-Powers not explicitly granted to Congress but rather can be inferred to exist by the letter and spirit of the text of the Constitution -Amendment enforcing provisions are a source of these powers -Necessary and Proper Clause is a common source of these powers

Arrange the news media sources according to when they became avaliable. (oldest at the top)

-Print media -Radio -Network television -Cable television -The internet

What are two clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment?

-Privileges or Immunities Clause -Due Process Clause

Which of the following are considered to be forms of expression protected by the First Amendment?

-Production and sale of video games -Writing, speaking, and printing political material -Burning flags -Posting material to the internet

What is the Fair Housing Act of 1968?

-Prohibits discrimination in the sale,rental,financing and advertising of housing based on race,religon,and national origin

How did FDR use the radio during his presidency?

-Promoted his New Deal agenda -In "Fireside chats", where he informed the public and aimed to set their minds at ease -Expanded the presidency and governement beyond its traditional role

How many representitives in the House does each state have?

-Proportionally to the population size of the states as determined by the census.

What are some characteristics of unenumerated constitutional rights?

-Protected by the Due Process Clause of the 14th amendment -Not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution

What major changes did the 1937 Supreme Court make to American constitutional law?

-Provided the constitutional basis for the modern welfare state -Expanded federal regulatory authority under the Commerce Clause

What would be the biggest obstacle to ratifying the new Constitution, if they were bound by the amendment rules of the Articles of Confederation?

-Unanimous consent of the state legislatures was needed.

What charachterizes the actual malice standard?

-Provides a higher standard of proof to defamation suits brought by elected fficials or public figures -Person accused of defamation must know statement was false,or demonstrate reckless disregard for the truth

Generally speaking, how are public and private discrimination currently made illegal?

-Public discrimination is banned in constitutions and legislative statues. -Private discrimination is banned only in legislative statues

Which is charachteristic of independent voters in the United States?

-Publicly appear neutral -Overwhelmingly lean toward one political party

Which of the following are suspect classes?

-Race and skin clor -National origin -Religion -Ethnicity

According to Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, all public accomodations that engaged in interstate commerce were barred from discriminating against people based on which characteristics?

-Race or clor -National origin -Religon

What is it called when states unhealthily compete with one another for business investments by offering lower taxes and socially undesirable regulatory standards?

-Race to the bottom

Which of the following vital responsibilities does the state party organization take on?

-Raising more funds than local counterparts -Building unity among members of the state party

What responsibilities at the local level might the party organization assume around an election?

-Recruiting new members for the party -Identifying and mobilizing potential voters and donors -Finding volunteers for Election Day

What are some key arguments for greater national government authority, and less state government authority?

-Reducing compliance costs through standardization and uniformity of rules -Providing national public goods and reducing negative externalities -Protecting minority rights -Preserving the union -Preventing races to the bottom

Which of the following is true about convinience voting?

-Refers to flexible alternatives to in-person voting on Election Day -Early in-person voting is a type of convenience voting -Absentee voting is a type of convenience voting

What is the first thing you should do to prepare to vote?

-Register to vote or check your registration status

Which of the following describe the equal time rule?

-Registered candidates running for office must recieve equal opportunities for airtime and advertisments on non-cable t.v and radio stations. -Equal airtime and ads began sixty days before a general election -Equal airtinme and ads begin forty-five days before a primary election

Which of the following documents can the federal courts interpret?

-Regulations promulgated by federal agencies -The U.S Constitution -Treaties the United States has made with foreign governments -Executive orders issued by the pres. -Statues enacted by Congress

How did the Civil War contribute to the development of U.S. federalism?

-Removed slavery and threat of secession from political conversation -New amendments shifted more power to the federal government

How can a fully-centralized national government threaten liberty.

-Removes states' check on federal actions and powers =Must have and use capacity to enforce all laws, federal, state, and local

What are the key arguments for greater state government authority, and less national government authority?

-Representing the diversity of local community values and interests -Benefiting from foot voting -Learning from policy experimentation (Laboratories of democracy) -Fostering democratic citizenship -Protecting liberty

What provisions are specified in Article IV of the constitution?

-Responsibilities of federal government t states and/or territories -Obligations of states to one another

How did the Democratic Party run itself during this period?

-Rewarding supporters with jobs in government -Having political machines that secured votes for candidates

What are some charachtersitics of the Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimniation?

-Right not to testify at trial, or have silence used against them -More strongly protects criminal defendants than others testifying

19&26th amendment

-Right to vote for all women states cannot create discriminatory voting restrictions based on gender -Right to vote for everyone over 18, states cannot create discriminatory voting restrictinos based on age

What was the impact of Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society on federal spending and priorities?

-Rise of categorical grants and cooperative federalism -Creation of Medicare and Medicaid -Increased federal protection of civil rights from state abuse

What doctrine was introduced in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)?

-Separate but Equal

What are the key beliefs of the Nation of Islam?

-Seperation of races -Black people are genetically superior to whites -Black nationalism

What are some documented effects of heteronormativity on LGBTQ+ people?

-Social Isolation and/or rejection by family or society -Internalized homophobia leading to higher rates of depression and suicide

When functioning properly, what is the role of the media in American democracy?

-Stands between powerful authorities and the people -Helps the citizens learn about what their government is doing

Which level of government has the most control over local,state,and national elections?


Which of the following explains why elections vary greatly from state to state?

-States decide how to run their own elections

What are the three standards of review used by the Supreme Court to analyse the constitutionality of civil rights laws?

-Strict scrutiny -Intermediate scrutiny -Rational basis

The Progressive Era lasted roughly from the

1890's -1920's

What conditions do professional pollsters need to meet to accurately measure public opinion?

-Take a sample that is representative of the population for which its drawn -Ask questions in a way that accurately measures the opinions of a sample -Make sure the sample size is large enough to yiel an acceptable margin of error

Which of the following describe ideological bias concerning media organization owners?

-Tend to be more economically conservative than journalists -Might use their power as owners to influence content

What was the impact of white supremacist riots and massacres from 1898-1943?

-Tens of millions of dollars in property damage -Around 700 African Americans dead and thousands injured.

Which election races occurs every even-numbered year in GA?

-The Georgia General Assembly -The U.S. House of reps

What should you remember before voting in person?

-The Georgia Secretary of State's My Voter Page -Valid Photo Id -The Voter Protection coalition phone number -Fully charged cell phone -Voting location

What are the conditions of the Lemon Test?

-The Law must not result in an excessive entanglement with religous affairs -The law must neither advance nor inhibit religous practices -The law must have a secular legislative purpose

Which of the following are true about the Supreme Court's recent rulings on the Second Amendment?

-The Second Amendment protects an individual right to own and carry guns for self defense. -The Second Amendment right to bear arms is incorporated, and thus applies against the states, through the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment

Rank the following positions according to how much real power they have. Put the most powerful one at the top.

-The Speaker of the House -The Senate majority leader -The Senate's president pro tempore

What is the presumption of constitutionality?

-The Supreme Court accepts the federal or state government's assessment of "substantial effects" and presumes related laws are constitutional.

Are the parties or committees more powerful? Which is in control?

-The balance bewteen party power and committee power is an ongoing issue.

How did the founders get around the state legislatures and constitutional law to gain acceptance of the new constitution?

-The constitution was submitted t special popularly elected ratifying conventions in each state for the people to decide. -They changed the requirements so that only nine out of the thirteen states (supermajority) were needed to ratify.

What are some characteristics of the eighth amendments prohibition on cruel and usual punishment?

-The death penalty may be inflicted constitutionally, under certain conditions -Prohibits execution via drawing,quartering, or burning at the stake

An updated version of the ratinal choice model of voting can be expressed as: In this formula, what does Di (called the D-term) represent?

-The direct benefit to Voter I from the act of voting

What factors influence the Supreme Courts decisons?

-The internal politics of the Court -Justices judicial philosophies -Justices ideologies -The political enviroment

After several years of experience with the revolutionary state constitutions, what did many Founders come to conclude?

-The legislature was not living up to the ideals of rule of law and constitutional government. -The legislatures dominated the other branches of government

The good faith exception grants that evidence obtained from an invalid warrant does not need t be excluded from trial-but under what condition?

-The officer who seized the evidence acted in good faith in falsely believed the warrant was valid

The New Jersey Plan

-The small state plan -equal state representation -each state had an equal number of votes in legislature.

What are the arguments for increasing voter turnout?

-The threat of promise of voting is the only way to influence the self interests of elected officials -It is the only place that all citizens can participate equally

Which conditions must be met in order for a work to be considered obscene?

-The work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic,political, or scientific value -The work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable state law -The average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that the work, taken as whole, appeals to prurient interest

Which groups does the requirement to show photo ID at polling stations affect?

-The young -The poor -Minorities

In Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), The US Supreme Court made what two rulings?

-There is not sufficient justification for excluding same-sex couples from exercising the fundamental constitutinal right to marry. -Marriage is a fundamental (unenumerated) right protected by the liberty of the Due Process Clause

Under the Articles of Confederation the central government consisted solely of unicameral legislature ( no executive/ judicial branch). What problems arose bc of this?

-There were no government departments to carry out public policy. -There was n branch dedicated to diplomacy, or commanding the military.

Which chamber of the United States Congress has more authority?

-They have nearly equal authority

Why was the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) founded?

-To allow student activists to chart their own course independently from Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) leaders.

What was the impact of the Reconstuction Amedments?

-Transformed U.S Constitution to a high degree -Considered "sleeping giants" for future political moment

How many senators came from each state?


Where can the constitutional rules that define U.S. Federalism be found?

-U.S Supreme Court decisions -U.S Constitution

Which of the following are arguments against increasing voter turnout?

-Uninformed citizens have a moral responsibility not to vote -Nonvoting is another way of expressing political preferences

An executive branch headed by a single individual is referred to as a __ executive, while a set of two or more individuals serving jointly is referred to as a __ executive

-Unitary -plural

What are the two principles of the Tenth Amendment?

-Unless the U.S Constitution (or a state's constitution) prohibits a state from exercising a particular power, then the state is presumed to have that power -The authority of the federal government is limited to only those legal powers that are delegated to it by the U.S Constitution

Who can act the President Officer of the United States Senate?

-VP -President pro tempore

What are some ways African Americans were disenfranchised at the state level, despite the 15th Amendment?

-White Primaries -Could not serve on juries -Voter ID requirements

What were the key causes of the conservative backlash against the development of federalism from the New Deal through the 1960s?

-White Southern conservatives' opposition to civil rights -Unfunded mandates -Perception of categorical grants as coercive federalism

What are some charachteristics of the marrige law doctrine of coverture?

-Women sacrificed rights and legal existence to husband -Women could not own property, enter contracts, or earn a salary in their own name -Most aspects not outlawed in all states until 1900

Some claim there is nothing wrong with ideological bias. According to this view, when can it actually become a problem?

-You are exposed to content from only one ideological view point. -The news source leads toward false or misleading reporting

What are the possible risks of voting in person?

-You have time conflicts with work or school -You experience long lines upon arrival at your polling station

As the nation's chief diplomat, what are the presidents primary responsibilities?

-implementing the county's foreign policy -representing the United States effectively on the world stage -Making the country's foreign policy

What do proponents of the trustee model of representation claim to be benefits or characteristics of that approach to representation?

-more likely to respect rule of law -In a better position to make judgements about policies that justly promote the interests of the people -More than conveyor belts linking raw public opinion to government policymaking -Specialists in public affairs -Refine and improve the public views

Which of the following were features of the presidency designed by the framers at the constitutional convention

-removable by impeachment -empowered with a veto -Serves 4-year terms

The political participation theory that emphasizes the importance of inequality in money, time, and the knowledge gained from formal education in creating inequalities in the costs of voting is called the ____.

-resource model of voting

Considering the logic of rational ignorance, when do Americans become informed of politics?

-they are predisposed toward being highly interested in politics -they strongly identify with one of the two major political parties.

What do people refuse to do during a strike?


How many federal judges can hear and decide a case in a district court?

1, 3

1. Federalism 2. Confederacy 3. Unitary national government

1. Authority is partly divided and partly shared between a central government and member state governments, central governments cannot alter legal powers or jurisdictions. 2. States maintain as much autonomy and independence from the central government as possible, central government has authority over governments, not individuals 3. A supreme central government that either is the only government or does not share authority with lower governments, can alter laws and jurisdictions

1. 1787 2. September 17th, 1787 3. 1788 4. December 15, 1791 5. 1795 and 1804

1. Delegates convened in Philadelphia to write a Constitution to replace the articles of Confederation 2. The Original Constitution was signed. 3. The Original Constitution was ratified to become "the supreme law of the land" 4. Ten amendments to the Original Constitution- known as the Bill of Rights - would be ratified. 5. The final amendments to the Constitution by the founding generation were added.

Order the steps for media censorship

1. Journalist recieves classified material 2. Journalist calls white house for quotation 3. President orders the censorship of the publication 4. Courts decide what the journalist can publish and what is censored

How were legislatures under tight democratic control held accountable to the public?

1. Short terms for representatives 2. Direct popular elections

How can a federal judge or Supreme Court justice be removed?

1. Through impeachment by the House of Representatives and conviction by Senate.

Although each state created its own constitution, what design features did they have in common?

1. Tightly democratically-controlled legislatures 2. Separation of powers 3. Declarations of individual rights

Order the timeline of judicial and legislative interpretations of the Free Exercise Clause

1.Belief-action rule: free to believe, not free to act on beliefs 2.Sherberts Test's two-phase analysis and strict scrutiny 3.Unintended restrictions permissible, but not targeted 4.Religous Freedom Restoration Act and strict scutiny

The revolutionary generation drew inspiration from pre-existing materials when drafting the constitution what were they?

1.Their own experiences under their colonial systems of government. 2.The leading writers on what the Founders called "the science of politics" 3.The Spirit of the Laws, by Montesquieu

The global average for lower legislative chambers is approximately ___________________ persons per representative.


As demonstarted by Chart 1, the most rapid reduction in the margin of error occurs when you move a sample size of _____ to a sample size of _______.


The 94 federal judicial districts are organized into _________ regional circuits, each of which has a court of appeals.


Black Americans make up ( ) of the general population, but ( ) of the incarcerated population


The presidents cabinet consist primarily of the heads __ of major executive departments


As a product of discriminatory practices and policies, the net worth of the average white family is (), compared to the average Black family's ()

171,000, 17,150

Order the milestones in judicial interpretations of capital punishment.

1972: Capital punishment ruled unconstitutional because there was no standard of when to give death penalty vs lesser sentance. 1976: Death penalty ruled constitutional when two trials are used: one for determining guilt, one for sentencing 1987: Systemic racial bias ruled not enough to prove racial discrimination unconstitutional, unless proven in specific case 2008: Death penalty can be impsed only if the victim dies

Then, a trial is held in the Senate. A conviction requires a ________ vote.


In the state of Georgia, voters can vote in-person at special polling locations up to ___ weeks before election day.


What are the qualifications for president?

35 years old, natural born citizen, resident of US for 14 years

A grant of certiorari from the Court requires the affirmative vote of at least __________ justices.


Between 1877 and 1950, lynching resulted in ( ) deaths, with the most occurring in ( ).

4000, Georgia

How many Americans lost their lives through participation in the struggle for civil rights?


Only ____ of African Americans possess a driver's licence, which they could use as a form of Photo Id at a polling station.


Each voting member of Congress represents a district with a population of about ________________.


In a 2019 poll, ___________ of respondents said they identified with or leaned toward one of the major political parties.


Since 1869, there have been _______ Justices on the Supreme Court of the United States.


There are ____ federal judicial circuits, including at least one district in each state.


What is the role of income revenue tax for the federal government?

A major source of revenue to support higher spending than state and local governments

What is neccessary for the Supreme Court to reserve (overturn) the decision of the lower court?

A majority vote

What is police power?

A government has authority to make laws and regulations that promote the health, safety, welfare, and morals of the people

What is a categorical grant?

A grant-in-aid with strict and specific guidelines for spending

How is a referendum held?

A legislative authority places a proposed law on a ballot and voters approve or reject it

What can happen as a result of nonresponse bias?

A sample under-represents those who are less likely to respond to the survey.

What was the convict lease system?

AA men were accused of false/minor crimes arrested and then leased out by the state to private businesses who would make them work in slave like conditions.

What historical movement led to the ratification of the fourteenth amendment, to protect citizens' federal liberties against state infringement?


Judicial Activism vs Restraint

Activism: -Support expansion of the Court's jurisdiction and powers -Embrace innovative constitutional doctrines -See cases in terms of their public policy significance. Restraint: -See cases as abstact questions of law -Follow precedent -Defer to the judgement of elected officials

How can you administer a survey to reduce the tendency of respondents to display social desirability bias?

Administer the survey anonymously.

total incorporation

All civil liberties automatically incorporated via Due Process Clause

The stewardship theory states that the president is authorized to do __ short of what is expressly prohibited by the constitution or other laws

Anything deemed necessary

How does the winner-take-all method affect how American political parties approach elections?

Appeals to broad range of voters

How does a slow economy and/or rising unemployment affect the approval rating of the president,congress,and the political party with the most influence at the time?

Approval ratings drop

What is their ratio Democrats to Republicans on each committee?

Approximately the same as the same as the ratio in the full House of or Senate

What type of ruler or government wishes to control the (printing) press?


The courts, especially the US Supreme court, have played a vital role in providing ( ) interpretations of otherwise () civil liberties.

Authoritative, vague

What is the power of judicial review?

Authority of the courts to decide whether acts of governments are constitutional or unconstitutional

Sort the approaches taken by Booker T. Washington and W.E.B Du Bois

Booker T. Washington: -Gradual and accomodating strategy -Atlanta Comprise -Economic rights prioritized over voting rights. W.E.B Du Bois: -Voting rights necessary for economic and social progress -Fight for full civil rights immediately -The Souls of Black Folk

What are limits to the states' police power?

Cannot violate constitutionally protected rights or civil liberties

Nixon's most significant legacy, with regards to federalism, was to replace ( ) grants with ( ) grants.

Categorical, block

At the time of the founding, which areas were controlled by each level of government under the system of federalism?

Central Government -Diplomacy -Coining of money Concurrent authority (both) -taxation State Government -Family -Granting of hunting licenses -Most of criminal law

What do states and counties with a history of voter suppression have to get permission from the federal government to do, according to the preclearance requirement?

Change voting laws or procedures

A system of ( ) was designed to keep the three branches of government (executive, legislature, judicial) truly separate from one another from, somewhat paradoxically, giving them a bit of power over one another. This ensures that no one branch is more powerful than another,

Checks and balances

The president is regarded as the __ ...

Chief legislator

What are the differences between civil rights and civil liberties?

Civil Liberties: -Only applies to government actions -Protects individuals from abuse of power Civil Rights: -Focused on equality -Applies to discrimination by private and government actors

Ever since the _____________, the Republican Party and Democratic Party have been the dominant parties in the United States.

Civil War

Which clause of the U.S Constitution authorized Congress to create the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)?

Commerce Clause

What role do committees play in Congress?

Committees are an essential part of the legislative process.

Article III of the Constitution gave the _________ the power to create. to some extent, control the feederal court system.


Six guidlines for responsible poll consumer match ecah strategy with its guidline.

Consider reputation- Use common sense for polls commmisioned by an interest group or political party Examine question wording- look for questin wording mistakes Target population- Determine if sample is appropriate for the target population Sample size,margin of error-adjust your interpretation on the pop. being closer to the min or max within margin or error Compare across polls-Use poll aggrergartors Be realistic-Sort good polls from the bad but dont ignore them alltogether. Even good polls have a margin of error.

What is principled federalism?

Consistent commitment to particular federalist structure even if one dislike the policy outcomes

What is the only way for the president again the line item veto power according to the Supreme Court

Constitutional amendment

What was the impact of the 1996 Supreme Court ruling on Virginia Military Institutes (VMI) admission policies?

Court rejected VMII's special charachter argument as not an exceedingly persuasive justification

Group the media type with who regulates it.

Courts: -Newspapers Courts & FCC: -T.V -Cable -Satellite -Radio

What was the impact of the Interstate Commerce Act?

Created the federal government's first independent regulatory agency

How can a strong national government affect opportunity and compliance costs?

Creates and provides uniform rules and standards to reduce opportunity and compliance costs.

Delegate model vs Trustee Model

Delegate model: -If reps do not fllow the peoples lead they deserve to be voted out of office -Based on preferance for a government that is highly responsive to the majority public opinion -The first duty of reps is to follow the opinons of their constituents -Rep democracy -Those who vote for reps are the ones who shuld excersise judgement ver public policy -Govt by the people Trustee Model: -The role of the represenattive is to act according to their own judgement of what is just or what will promote the public good -Reps should not be bound by the opinions of their constituents -Direct democarcy

Group the reigons and areas according to the political party they usually support today.

Democratic: -Urban areas -The Black Belt -The Northeast of the United States Republican: -Rural areas -The South

Ever since Roe v. Wade (1973), the Supreme Court has held that the constitutional right to privacy derives from the ( ) .

Due Process Clause

The ( ) is a system established by the U.S Constitution for selecting presidents. The person who becomes president is the person with the most votes from the electors.

Electoral College

Descriptions and Polical Parties

Early Democratic Party: -Opposed a national bank -Andrew Jacksons party -Supported westward expansion Whig Party: -Briefly known as National Republicans -Advocated economic (industrial) development

Pair each political party function with its defenition.

Electoral mobilization- Getting ppl motivated and excited to get to the polls to vote ' Issue structuring- Prioritizing issues so that attention is focused on a digetsable set of problems Social representation- Bidding for various social groups votes, allowing them to represent different sections of society Interest aggregation- Bringing multiple interests and stakeholders together under a single organizational framework Social integration- Giving the citizens of democracies the ability to engage in the democratic process and a vested interest in the continuance of democratic governance

The federal government has used its power of the purse to ( ) state governments to implement national programs.


The American Revolution occurred during a period in history known as the Age of ( ) 1685-1815. This period was marked by a high level of optimism abut the capacity for human beings to use reason to better understand their world and to thereby improve the human condition.


What is reffered to as the Great Compromise?

Equal representation from each state in the Senate and proportional representation of the states in the House of Representatives.

How many electors (electoral votes) does each state have?

Equal to the number of representatives each state has in the House of Representative and the Senate.

The Supreme Court uses the lemon test to check for constitutional violations of religous liberties according to which clause?

Establishment Clause

The president is... in charge of

Every branch of the military

Which level of govt, according to the 1933 Religous Freedom Restoration Act, must meet"strict scrutiny" when passing laws that potentially infringe on personal religous liberties?


Compare legal authority given to federal and state governments by the Tenth Amendment

Federal -No inherent police power -Only has authority via constitution State -Has inherent police power -Authority limited by constitution

What defines coercive federalism?

Federal government dictates policy to the states instead of working as a co-equal partner alongside them

What are unfunded mandates?

Federal regulatory or spending requirements placed on states that states must pay for with their own funds

Which government jurisdictions are obligated to apply freedom of expression protections?

Federal, State, Local

Group arguments for and against the sunshine laws.

For: -Darkness allows corruption to occur -Open disagreements allow democarcy to flourish Against: -Can inhibit policymaking -Some documents and policies are sensitive

The Original Constitution and the first twelve amendments are known as the ( ) because all of it was the original work of the founding generation.

Founders' Constitution

When was the Supreme Court most active in declaring federal statues or provisions unconstitutional and invalidating state and lcal laws?

From 1960 until now

What appeals does a court of appeals review?

From the federal districts within its circuit

The ( ) granted slave owners a constitutional right to recapture runaway slaves who have fled to other states, including states where slavery was illegal. And, as importantly, it took away the right of states to pass laws to protect and/or emancipate runaway slaves.

Fugitive Slave Clause

What are block grants?

Grant-in-aid that provides significant freedom on how to spend money

The practice known as reporters privilege refers to _____________ sources.

Granting anonymity to sources

Known as the ( ) Compromise, Roger Sherman of Connecticut proposed that the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan be merged to form a ( ) legislature. One house would have proportional representation, and the other equal state representation.

Great, Bicameral

Voting group with level of turnout they produce.

Higher turnout: -Non-hispanic white -College educated -60 years and older -Black ' -Higher Income Lower Turnout: -Hispanic -Other minorities -18-29 year olds -No college education -Lower Income

Why is the case of Justice Samuel Chase important?

His acquittal in an impeachement trail strengthend the independence of the judiciary.

Which of the following describe net neutrality, as it concerns Internet Service Providers (ISP)?

ISPs must treat all web traffic equally

No one at the convention was willing to discuss the specific authority that would be granted t the central government until the issue of representation in congress was resolved. Why?

If the people of their state have their interests well represented in Congress, then Congress can do whatever it wants. If they are not represented, Congress should have as little authority as possible.

When was the last time court packing was attempted?

In 1937 under the leadership of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

What does political scientist Lee Drutman advocate for?

Increasing the number of House seats from 435 to 700

What does "no excuse absentee voting" mean?

It means everyone is eleigible to vote absentee--you do not, like in a lot of states, need an excuse like being sick or out of the country

Consider the poll question in 1993 by Roper polling organization. "Does it seem possible or does it seem impossible to you that the Nazi extermination of the Jews never happened?" What is the cause of the confusion?

It uses a double negative

Descriptions and American Presidents

John Adams: -2nd president (1796) -Federalist Thomas Jefferson: -3rd president -Democratic -Prepublican

_____________ committees are congressional committees compossed of members of both houses and that perform advisory functions.


What was the Supreme Courts's most recent decison regarding women registering for the draft?

Justice Rehnquist said in 1981 that men and women are "not similarily situated for purposes of a draft or regisration for it"

A __ veto targets only part of a particular bill as a post to be toy an entire piece of legislation

Line item

What does it mean to give the people tight democratic control over the legislature?

Members of the state legislatures are regularly held accountable to voters

What is the name of the idea, traceable to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, that a god political system should mix democartic and aristocratic elements to gain the advantages, and avoid the disadvantages, of either a pure democracy or pure aristocracy.

Mixed regime

What are grant-in-aid?

Money or land provided by the federal government to state and local governments for purposes defined by the federal government

Because anti-slavery delegates did not want the Southern slave state delegates to leave the Constitutional Convention, the resulting Constitution did alot to protect slavery, However these provisions were mostly hidden why?

Most of the framers were the view that the Constitution's protections for slavery were an embarrassment that should be concealed as much as possible.

What legal obligation of the government, regarding the Sixth Amendment right to counsel, was established in Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)?

Must supply attorney when one is requested but cannot be afforded

Which level of the party organization is the least active in the party formation and electoral process?


While the ______ administration tried to fortify net neutrality, the _______ administration ended it.

Obama, Trump

What does Article IV, Section 3 of the Constitution ensure?

Only states have the power of changing their geographic boundaries.

What were FDR's New Deal programs?

Over 25 major acts for economic relief, recovery, and reform to prevent another economic depression from occurring

What is a document that address a political party's principles, goals, and policy position on domestic and foreign affairs?

Party platform

Members of the voting public who consider themselves to be part of a political party and/or who consistently prefer the candidates of one party over the other are called the _______________.


Sort the questions used in each phrase of the sherbert test to review claims under the Free Exercise Clause.

Phase 1: -Does the person have a claim involving a sincere religous belief? -Is the government acttion an actual burden on the persons ability to act on their belief? Phase 2: -Was there a way for the government to pursue the compelling government interest that would have placed less of a burden n the free exercise of religon? -Was the government interference with religous practice the result of pursuing a compeling government interest?

Political parties vs. Interest groups

Political Parties: -Get members elected to office -Influence govt from the inside Interest Groups: -Influence govt from the outside -Narrower set of goals -Advance a common cause shared by members

_________ refers to the process by which our enviroment leads us to develop attitudes,values,beliefs, and social identities that shape our orientation toward govt and politics.

Political socialization

___________ gather and average the results of multiple polls.

Poll aggregators

Match the method of disenfrachisement with its description.

Poll tax: -Must pay to register to vote Literacy test: -Must demonstate "sufficent" knowledge to vote White Primary: -Restrictions on nominating candidates

What do public opinion researchers analyze to estimate the opinions of large populations?

Polls conducted on small samples from those populations.

What was the U.S. Supreme Court's role during the Progressive Era?

Preserving the traditional division of authority between state and federal governments

The __ is allowed a great latitude in choosing White House staff...


The __ is expected to act quickly as crisis manager...


Why did the 1937 U.S. Supreme Court introduce a new interpretation of the federal government's constitutional authority?

President Roosevelt's "court-packing plan"

What is the sampling method that involves taking a random selection of people from a defined population?

Probability sampling

What is devolution?

Process of the federal government returning functions and powers to state and local governments

What is affirmative action?

Programs by employers or schools aimed at favoring groups with history of facing discrimination

Identify the current legal status of each discriminatory law or practice.

Prohibiting same-sex marriage and the associated govt guaranteed spousal rights and benefits; Ruled unconstitutional in Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) Prohibiting same-sex sodomy(but allowing it for heterosexuals); Ruled unconstitutional as a violation of the right to privacy in Lawrence v. Texas (2003) Prohibiting openely LGBTQ+ from serving in the military; Ended via an executive order issued by Obama in 2011 Landlords,house sellers, and private lenders discriminate against LGBTQ+ persons in access to housing and mortgage; Newly protected from discrimnation by 2020 Supreme Court ruling: previously illegal in 23 states and Washington, D.C.

Group the descriptions with the appropiate election method

Proportional representation: -Can gain seats without winning majority of votes -Parties pick the person who fills the seat -Most common method in most industrial democracies Winner Take All: -Must win elections outright to get power -Used in the United States -Voters choose a candidate from a party

Sort whether each case is protected expression, may be restricted.

Protected: -Burning the national flag -Broadcasting over tv or radio airwaves -Creating an attack ad critisizing a politician's voting record Restricted: -Making false statements that harm someone's reputation -Shouting "active shooter!" in a crowded theater -Setting loudspeaker volume to maximum at a protest - Promoting and trying to incite imminent lawless action -Students wearing objectionable clothing at a school event

How can soft news programs, like The Daily Show or Last Week Tonight, serve a purpose in informing people?

Raising awareness by sounding the alarm

_______ is a probability sampling technique that uses a computer to randomly generate phone numbers that are used for calling potential poll respondents.

Random digit dialing

What legal standard for sexual harrassment lawsuits did the Supreme Court establish in a 1993 ruling?

Reasonable person would percieve work enviroment as being hostile or abusive

According to the constitutional theory presidents can only do what they are permitted to do by a __ of the president's power enumerated in the constitution

Reasonable reading

The federal government made significant efforts to protect and empower African Americans during the ( ) and ( ) eras.

Reconstruction, Civil Rights

A ( ) democracy is a form of government where a small number of public officials in government make and enforce laws on behalf of the majority of citizens who are outside of government.


( ) were essentially requests that the state governments pay more money to congress. Despite a legal obligation to comply with them, the states were reluctant to do so and they came up with many excuses to avoid paying.


In the U.S., the areas of exclusive state government authority are referred to as the states' ( ) powers


Match each abortion-related with its description.

Roe v. Wade (1973): Established the decision to have an abortion is protected by the constitutional right of personal privacy within the bounds of the trimeseter framework. Pro-life: Against abortion, connected to traditional roles Pro-choice: Supports the right of a woman to choose to have an abortion Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992): Abandoned trimester approach and created the undue burden standard. Undue burden standard: Govt may regulate abortion at any stage of pregnancy, even actively promote childbirth and discourage and discourage abortion, so long as it dosent illegitimately hinder a woman's right to choose to have an abortion

What does the actual malice standard allow the press to do to public officials?

Run damaging false reports if they are considered to be true at the time

The system that emerged from the splitting of the Jeffersonian Republicans is known as the __________ Party System.


The part of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 that protects online platforms from being sued for user content is called _________________.

Section 230

17th 18th 19th

Senators elected by popular vote, not state government Prohibition on the production and sale of alcohol Women can vote in any election regardless of state laws

The American founders took inspiration from a French lawyer and political scientist known as Montesquieu (1689-1755). What principle was Montesquieu's influence on the founding of America?

Separation of powers

Compare the concepts of separation of church and state and accomodationism.

Separation: -More likely to be preferred by justices on the left -Establishment clause designed to reduce or eliminate the role of religion in government Accommodation: -More likely to be preferred by justices on the right -Establishment Clause requires no one be forced to participate, and government cannot promote or endorse one religon over another Shared: -State and federal governments are prohibited from establishing a religon -Establishment Clause prohibits government from passing laws requiring people to attend or pay money to a religous institution

What does welfare state mean?

Set of federal government programs that promote economic security, health, and well-being of citizens, especially those in financial or social need

What did television reveal about candidates and politicians through their body language and tone, that was not possible before its invention?


How does the activatin of each political identity affect how individuals form opinions and preferances?

Social Group: Opinions are based on group interest rather than narrow self-interest. Partisan: Preferances are based on perceptions of what will benefit their party National: Supports policies they believe benefit the country even if it means making personal sacrifices for the good of the whole

___________ is the propensity to answer questions inaccurately to put oneself in the best light possible. This may happen on polls with controversial or sensitive topics.

Social desirability bias

As opposed to the Congress of Racial Equality, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) was founded and headquarted in ( ). Its first president was ( ).

South, Martin Luther King Jr

What was the impact of Dillon's rule?

State governments are legally constituted like unitary national governments

The Articles of Confederation did not give the people direct control over Congress. Who appointed members of Congress?

State legislatures

What was the impact of introducing categorical grants?

States now allowed federal government to define and oversee public policy

Sort the charachtersitics of the three standards of review used by the Supreme Court when analyzing civil rights cases

Strict Scrutiny: -Applies only to civil rights related to suspect classes -Laws are presumed unconstitutional unless narrowly tailored to a compelling government interest Intermediate Scrutiny: -Laws are presumed unconstitutional unless substantially related to an important govt interest -Apllies to civil rights related to sex, but not sexual orienation or gender identity Rational Basis: -Applies to civil rights related to age,economic status, and disability -Laws are presumed constitutional unless not rationally related to a legitamite gvt interest -Lowest standard of review

The article VI (6) ( ) Clause of the Constitution states that if there is a conflict between state law and federal law in an area of concurrent authority, the federal law takes precedence over the state law.


What led to the rise of the Republican Party?

Tensions between the North and South over slavery prior to the Civil War

Group the responsibility with the appropriate level of government.

The Elections division of the GA Secretary of States: -Coordinating election -Ovseeing election Each of the 159 Counties in Georgia: -Assuming Primary responsibility for adminstering election

Which of the following describes indecency regulations?

The FCC (Federal Communications Commison) has the authority to regulate obscene content.

Who assists the Speaker of the House?

The House majority leader and House majority whip

What does the House minority leader do?

The House minority heads the party's caucus and its policy committee and plays the leading role in developing the party's legislative positions.

What was the impact of the state action dctrine in the Civil Rights Cases?

The Supreme Court ruled that a governmental ban on private discrimination is unconstitutional.

What does the Supremacy Clause establish?

The U.S Constitution and all federal laws are supreme over state and local laws

The Constitution preamble begins and ends with the words: " We the people.. Do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America." What does this mean?

The U.S Constitution was enacted under the authority of the sovereign people of the United States of America.

What does the state action doctrine suggest?

The U.S. Constitution does not ban private discrimination.

Which of these methods does Congress use most often to check the power of the Supreme Court?

The appointing power

Which key feature prevents a political organization from being a confederacy?

The central government has authority over individuals

What are some roles and responsibilities of a committee chair?

The chair schedules committee meetings, determines the order in which committee bills are considered, presides over committee discussions, directs committees majority staff, and can choose to lead the debate when a committee bill goes to the floor of the chamber for a vote.

What are content-neutral regulations that can be constitutinoally imposed by the government?

The govt may impose content-neutral regulations that interfere with speech as such regulations are reasonable. Generally speaking, the court has been willing to allow for content-neutral regulations that are based on the "time,place, or manner" in which expression takes place

In the absence of the vice president, who serves as the president pro tempore of the Senate?

The majority party's most senior member

How are subcommittee seats assigned?

The members of each party on a committee decide who among them will serve on each of its subcommities.

What did the U.S. Supreme Court rule with regard to the Pentagon Papers?

The newspaper could publish nearly everything

Americans typically have low levels of political knowledge, Considering the concept of rational ignorance, why is this?

They have little to gain personally by putting in the time and effort necessary to become informed about politics and public affairs.

During the Critical Period (1783-1789), it seemed Americas revolutionary experiment in democratic government was on the verge of ending in disaster. Why?

The states were becoming antagonistic and even hostile toward one another.

Which of the following does a court need to have jurisdiction befre it may proceed to adjudicate a contreversy?

The subject matter of a case The parties to a case

Theming vs Episodic

Thematic- -Puts the event in broader context -Understands the causes of the event and percieves it relative to broader longer-term trends and patterns Episodic -Portrays an event as a stand-alone occurence -Leads the news consumer to react to an event in a visceral and emotional way

Since the limit of 435 voting members was established early last century, the number of seats has not changed. Why has it not increased?

There is no significant pressure to do so

Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 bans discrimination in public accomodations. Which of the following is true about public accomodations?

They are privately owned

Why can partisan orientation of a community correlate with the ideological bias of the local newspaper?

They need to attact and retain customers

Why did most Americans believe standing armies to be the end of liberty?

They were the way executives are able to consolidate all government power and rule without the control of the people or the other branches of government. They would result in an authoritarian form of government.

Article 1, Section 9

This clause guaranteed that Congress would not ban the slave trade prior to 1808, a tax may be that does not exceed 10 dollars per person (slave).

The U.S House and Senate are separate and coequal chambers, each with its own leadership and rules. Compared with other democracies that have bicameral legislatures, how can this type of legislative structure be described?

This type of legislative structure is not found in most democracies.

What is a progressive income tax?

Those who make higher incomes pay higher taxes than those who make lower incomes.

each slave would count for 3/5 of a person for taxation and representation purposes

Three fifths compromise

A __ Is an agreement between two or more nations in which they Promise to behave in specified ways


Which political Party system is used in the US?

Two Party system

Pair the govt chamber or office with when its related election occurs?

U.S. President: -Every 4 years (even) Local Elections: -Odd or even years U.S. Senate: -Even years (interval years) Major GA state govt executive branch office s: -Midterm election years (even) GA General Assembly and U.S. House of Rep: -Every even year

During the Progressive Era, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that since economic production is local, it is ( ) for the federal government to regulate it. Congress disagreed with the Supreme Court. Congress thought it had the authority to regulate economic production if that production affects interstate ( )

Unconstitutional Commerce

The Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause protects both enumerated and unenumerated constitutional rights. What's the primary difference between two?

Unenumerated rights are not explicitly mentioned anywhere in the US Constitution, enumerated rights are explicitly listed

How can a strong national government affect races to the bottom?

Upholds higher standards than states facing competition are able to

President Clinton worked with Republicans to convert ( ) grants related to welfare,job training,and transportation into () grants.

categorical, block

The twenty fifth amendment says __ can assume the role as president during presidential disability.

Vice President

What were some methods used to suppress Black voting in the South after the Civil War?

Voting fraud, stealing ballot boxes, assasinations, politicians stirring racial resentment, use of force and violent intimidation

In 1909, a coalition of white and Black intellectuals and activists joined ( ), in NYC to found the NAACP. The organization waged a multifaceted campaign of resistance against ( ) aspects of the Jim Crow system.

W.E.B Du Bois, every

When and how was the federal court system created?

When the first Congress convened in early 1789.

How do differences in values and interests among different states lead to an argument against uniform national standards and toward state-level or municipal level policy-making?

When values and interests are different across states, it is difficult if not impossible for uniform laws and standards to adequately reflect that diversity. In those situations, it can be better for laws and policies to be made at the most local level possible.

In accordance with the first state constitutions, who was allowed to vote in all of the states?

White men

Which method is used to choose U.S. House of Representaives?

Winner take all

Executive privilege is a presidential right to __ from Congress and the courts

Withhold information



Public opinion is always divided. For this reason, it is typically expressed as an _______ measure.


Political parties are ____________the internal operations of American legislatures and _____________ the coordination of actions between the legislative and executive branches.

are integral to, greatly assist in

The __________ is a phenomenon in which individuals decide to support a cause for candidate simply because polls demonstrate the popularity of the cause or candidate.

bandwagon effect

A collective refusal to purchase a particular good or service is called a ______.


Parties to cases slated for review are required to submit _______, which are written documents containing legal arguments in support of a party's position.


People using their personal recording devices and cell phones to capture events and post them on the Internet is called _________ journalism.


( ) are legal rights that are designed to protect individuals from government abuse.

civil liberties

Requiring citizens to vote by law is called ______ voting.


A justice's opinion written in support of the Supreme Court's decision is called _______.


In an ( ) , there is a central government and state governments, but the system is designed such that the states maintain as much sovereignty and independence as possible.


Temporary committees that are formed to resolve differences between House and Senate version of a bill are called ________________ committees.


The ( ) political mood of the country in the 1980s and 1990s found the expression in the federalism decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court.


________ are the voting citizens to whome which an elected representative is democratically accountable.


The power of judicial review allows courts to decide whether an act of government is ( ). Decisions made via judicial review apply to all ( ).


The party organization with the most responsibilities around election time is at the ____________ level.


The ideological conflict between those that seek to promote the equal status of traditionally subordinated groups, and those that seek to promote or uphold traditional moral values, is called the ( ).

culture war

Between 2008 and 2019, newsroom employment at newspapers in the U.S. _________ by 50%. This has __________ the ability of newspapers to act as a watchdog at the local level.

decreased, diminshed

The __________ model of representation states that the first duty of representatives is to follow the opinion of their constituents.


To promote a mixed regime, the Founders designed the House of Representatives to be more _________ than the Senate, while the Senate was intended to be more ___________ than the House of Representatives.

democartic, aristocartic

A sample that is __________ proportinoally reflects the racial, ethnic, religous, gender, and class diversity of the population.

demographically representative

What courts are the major trial courts in the federal system?

disctrict courts

If a justice disagrees with the Supreme Court's decision, they issue an opinion that is called _______.


In a __________ question, respondents are asked about more than one issue but are only allowed to give one answer.


The requirement for licensed stations to cover contrevesrial issues in a balanced manner by providing listeners with information about all perspectives is called the _____________ doctrine, which ended in the 1980s.


It is estimated that on average, the percentage of white men eligible to vote in America under the new revolutionary constitutions was ( ) greater than in Britain.

four times

Heteronormativity is the culturally-reinforced belief that the only natural and appropriate form of sexual relationship sare ( ) and between () people.

heterosexual, cisgender

The mainstay of judicial power is the authority to _______________.

interpret the law

The authority of courts to interpret the U.S Constitution and decide whether a law or policy is constitutional or unconstitutional is called ____________.

judicial review

A(n) __________ question is a question that is worded in a way that sways the respondent toward one side of an argument.


Defaming somene in writing is referred to as ( ). Defaming someone through speech is called ( ).


On average, voter turnout for American elections is ___ than other countries.

lower than

An organization that secures votes for a party's candidates in exchange for political favors such as jobs in government is called a political ___________.


First, the House of Representatives must approve one or more articles of impeachment by at least a __________ vote.


If the Supreme Court is not unanimous, the Opinion of the Court is reffered to as the _________ opinion.


Political Scientists say a legislative chamber is "__________________" to the extent that there are significant discrepencies in voting power of citizens across the states or districts represented within that chamber.


The _____________ is the amount within a specified level of confidence (typically 95% or higher), that a measured sample value can be expected to deviate from the true population value.

margin of error

The means of communication and the people and orginazations who use these channels of communication to inform the general public is traditionally reffered to as the ________.


Which partisan identity is one through which multiple social identities reinforce and magnify ecah other, is called _____-identity.


The ___________ effects theory argues that media has little effect on citizens and voters.


When it comes to constitutionally-protected freedom of expression, it is thought to be more important to protect freedom of ( ) views than it is to protect ( ) views.


The Supreme Court interpreted the freedom of expression including the freedom of the press , as forbidding ____________ content based restrictions on political expression.

most, but not all,

Between 1940-1968, major Supreme Court decisions and congressional legislation led to a(n) ( ) federal government role in protecting individuals and historically oppressed groups against ( ) abuse and discrimination.

much greater, state and private

___________ bias occurs when individuals with certain charachteristics are less likely to respond to surveys than others.


According to the Supreme Court, the right to bear arms is ( ). Thus, much debate now revolves around ( ).

not absolute, how limited the right is

The freedom of expression is ( ); there are ( ) circumstances where the right can be restricted.

not absolute, some

Although principled federalism may have never been prevalent historically, today it is clearly ( )

not applicable

By the Samuels and Snyder measure of malapportionment, the U.S. House of Representatives is ___________ malapportioned lower legislative chambers in the world.

one of the least

The LGBTQ+ coalition is held together by the fundamental experience of cultural, social, and/or legal ( ) on account of sexuality or gender identity.


The sequence of questions on a poll can influence responses. These are called ____________.

ordering effects

When Congress adds more seats to the Supreme Court in an effort to secure a majority, it is called court ________.


Partisanship and political loyalty defined the _________ press era (1790s-1810s), which followed the American Revolutionary War and the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.


A shifting party allegiances within the electorate is called a __________________.

party realignment

Circular No. 3591, which was issued by Attorney General Francis Biddle, ordered the Department of Justice to aggressively prosecute () cases. This crackdown was the result of persistent advocacy by Walter White, the head of the ( ).

peonage, NAACP

The U.S supreme court interprets the Tenth Amendment as affirming that the federal government does not have inherent ( )

police power

Passing legislation is very complex. T form legislation in a large legislative chamber, the organization and discipline provided by ________are needed.

political parties

_____________ are/is one's pre-existing attitudes,values,beleifs, and social identities that condition how one formulates opinions about public affairs.

political predispositions

Public opinion always refers to the opinions held by specific groups of people. The specific group is called a(n) _____.


The _______ is the idea that early socialization creates a base of values attitudes and beliefs that tend to be quite stable and that is early learning shapes and conditions all future learning.

primary principle

According to political scientists, _______ is an aggregate measure of the beliefs, attitudes, judgements, and/or preferances of a population over matters of public concern.

public opinion

A _______ sample is one which proportionately reflects the relevant diversity of opinions in the population fromw hich it is taken.


When marches,protests, or demonstartions are spontaneous and leaderless, they have the potential to turn into ____.


____________ bias occurs when researchers fail to choose a representative sample of potential respondents.


The ____________ power of appointing federal judges is an important means of influencing the judiciary.

shared presidential-senatorial

The 1932 election of Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) is considered to be a critical election because, for the first time, Americans voted according to their ___________________.

socio-economic status

Giving important supporters of a political party jobs in government is called a __________ system.


Permanat congressional committees with respnsibility for a particular area of public plicy are called _______________ committees.


Most of the work in Congress is conducted through _______________.

standing committees

According to the 1946 Legislative Reorginzation Act each bill introduced in Congress has to be referred to _____________.

the proper committee

The undue burden standard has led to ( ) legal restrictions on abortion at the ( ) level.

tighter, state

Duverger's Law claims that single-member-district/ winner-take-all-elections favor ___________ systems.


In the first years of the New Deal, the U.S. Supreme Court found many New Deal policies to be ( ) due to their involvement with ( )

unconstitutional, economic production

In the US, content-based restrictions on political speech are usually considered ( ) , with a preference towards competition in the "( ) of ideas".

unconstitutional, marketplace

MLK Jr. said" Riots are the language of the __________ ."


When members of a party band together to vote the same way on legislation, it is called party _________.


The constitutionally-protected right to a speedy trial in the sixth amendment may take several ( ).


In the 1890s, the style of news coverage that appealed to readers emotions over substansive aspects of the important issues of the day became known as ________ journalism.


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