Chapter 15 Managing Corporate social Responsibility Globally Cengage

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In the context of a stakeholder view of a firm, which of the following views is supported by the free market advocates?

A firm's first and foremost stakeholder group is the shareholders, and managers have a fiduciary duty to look after shareholder interests

Which of the following firms is most likely to view corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a source of differentiation that permeates throughout the corporate DNA?

A proactive firm

The urgency towards sustainability is driven by which of the following global concerns?

All of the above

Which of the following is the explanation for the corporate social responsibility (CSR)-economic performance puzzle provided by the resource-based view?

As all firms are different, there is no quantifiable relation between CSR and economic performance of a firm.

Consideration of, and response to, issues beyond the narrow economic, technical, and legal requirements of the firm to accomplish social benefits along with the traditional economic gains which the firm seeks is known as ______.

Corporate social responsibility

The ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs around the world is known as ______.

Corporate social responsibility

According to a stakeholder view of a firm, all firms should pursue a more balanced triple bottom line consisting of economic, social, and _____ performances that simultaneously satisfy the demands of all stakeholder groups.


In the context of corporate social responsibility (CSR), which of the following actions should be avoided by managers to attain global sustainability?

Imitating other firms' successful CSR activities without wasting time on assessments

Which of the following is an example of tangible resources?


Which of the following is an indicator of growing anti-globalization sentiments around the world?

Repeated protests, chaos, and terrorist attacks

A firm's participation in social causes not directly related to the management of its primary stakeholders is known as _____.

Social issue participation

A ______ is any group or individual who can affect or is affected by a firm's actions.


In the context of a stakeholder view of a firm, which of the following views is supported by the corporate social responsibility (CSR) advocates?

The free market system may fail to constrain itself while pursuing profits, thus often breeding greed, excesses, and abuses.

Which of the following is a force that drives the corporate social responsibility (CSR) movement?

The occurrence of disasters and scandals

In the context of a stakeholder view of a firm, which of the following statements best describes primary stakeholder groups?

These are the groups on which the firm relies for its continuous survival and prosperity.

In the context of a stakeholder view of a firm, which of the following statements best describes secondary stakeholder groups?

These are the groups or individuals who can indirectly affect or are indirectly affected by the firm's actions

In the context of corporate social responsibility (CSR), which of the following statements is true of managers adopting an accommodative strategy?

They accept responsibility as a matter of social obligation.

In the context of institutions and corporate social responsibility (CSR), which of the following is true of a defensive strategy?

When a problem arises, firms admit responsibility but often fight it.

VegFarms Inc. was pressured by water safety environmental groups to mitigate the amount of fertilizer runoff going into streams. After enough pressure, VegFarms Inc. acquiesced to the demands and installed a natural filtration zone between their farms and the waterways. This is an example of a(n) _____.

accommodative strategy

The corporate social responsibility (CSR) advocates argue that:

all stakeholders have an equal right to bargain for a fair deal

In the context of the global diffusion of codes of conduct, the negative view suggests that:

apparent interest in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities may simply be window dressing

In the context of the global diffusion of codes of conduct, the positive view suggests that:

codes of conduct tangibly express values that organizational members view as central and enduring.

The increase in the income gap between the upper and lower echelons of society of developed economies acts as a driving force for _____.

corporate social responsibility

In the context of the global diffusion of codes of conduct, the instrumental view suggests that:

corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities simply represent a useful tool to make good profits

According to free market advocates, activities pertaining to social welfare:.

decrease shareholder value

In the context of a stakeholder view of a firm, a key goal for corporate social responsibility (CSR) is _____.

global sustainability

In the context of institutions and corporate social responsibility (CSR), a defensive strategy is indicated by:

piecemeal involvement of top management in CSR causes

From a corporate social responsibility (CSR) perspective, the best firms embrace a(n) _____.

proactive strategy

When Whole Foods co-founder John Mackey said "happy team members result in happy customers. Happy customers do more business with you. They become advocates for your enterprise, which results in happy investors. That is a win, win, win, win strategy", which CSR strategy was he referring to?

proactive strategy

Copymart, a printer ink company, reacted to news that their ink cartridges are toxic to the environment by denying the claim. This is an example of a(n) _____.

reactive strategy

According to firms opposing corporate social responsibility (CSR), tough environmental regulation is likely to lead to:

reduced competitiveness of a firm

In the context of institutions and corporate social responsibility (CSR), a reactive strategy is indicated by:

relatively no support by top management for CSR causes

According to free market advocates, privatization:

removes the social function of state-owned enterprises (SOEs).

Globally, the urgency of sustainability in the 21st century is driven by:

some irreversible effects on the environment due to industrialization.

The adoption of a code of conduct by a firm signifies that

the firm is willing to accept corporate social responsibility (CSR).

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