Chapter 15,16,17,19

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Lying supine, instruct your client to move the right leg toward the ceiling, keeping the right knee straight. What type of contraction is occurring with the right quadriceps muscles?

vastus intermedialis

The knee extensor that is located deep to the rectus femoris is the


The ligaments that provide medial and lateral stability at the knee are called

hip extensors and trunk flexors

The muscle groups activated when you have a patient do a supine posterior pelvic tilt are

Splenius Cervicis

The muscle that originates on the spinous processes of T3 through T6 and inserts on the transverse processes of C1 through C3 is the?

hip flexors and trunk extensors

The pelvic force couple that combine to pull the pelvis into an anterior tilt are the

left trunk lateral benders and right hip abductors

The pelvic force couple that combines to maintain a level pelvis when the left leg is unsupported during the gait cycle is which of the following?

Lateral bending

The quadratus lumborum is a prime mover in which of the following trunk motions?

femoral nerve

The quadriceps muscles are all innervated by which of the following nerves?

posterior left rotation

The rotation of the pelvis when the left foot begins the swing phase in gait is?

superior pubic ligament

The supporting ligament of the symphysis pubis that attaches to the pubis tubercles is the?

rectus abdominis

The trunk muscle that originates on the pubis and inserts on the costal cartilages of the fifth, sixth, and seventh ribs is the?


Which cervical muscle, when contracted unilaterally, rotates the head to the opposite side?

rectus femoris

Which muscle has its origin at the anterior inferior iliac spine and its insertion at the tibial tuberosity?

Vastus Lateralis

Which muscle has its origin at the linea aspera, runs lateral at the thigh, and has its insertion at the tibial tuberosity via the patellar tendon?

vastus medialis

Which muscle has its origin at the linea aspera, runs medially, and inserts at the tibial tuberosity?


Which muscle has its origin at the medial and lateral condyles of the femur and its insertion at the posterior calcaneus?


Which muscle is responsible for "unlocking" the knee?

Erector spinae

Which muscle originates on the transverse process of a vertebra and inserts on the spinous process of the vertebra above?


Which muscle originates on the transverse processes of the cervical vertebra and inserts on the first and second ribs?

Rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis

Which muscles are prime movers in knee extension?

10 degrees

Which of the following Q angle measurements would be considered an abnormal finding?

anterior cruciate ligament

Which of the following ligaments prevents excessive forward movement of the tibia on the femur?

mini-squats, step-ups, and lunges

Which of the following would be an effective closed-chain exercise to strengthen the quadriceps and the hamstring muscles?

standing, slowly extend the knee from a flexed position

You are asked to instruct your client in eccentric strengthening of the hamstring muscles. The BEST instruction is

Seated with knee extended, slowly lower the foot, flexing the knee

You are asked to instruct your client in eccentric strengthening of the quadriceps. The BEST instruction would be which of the following?

genu varum

Your patient tells you that he is bowlegged. The proper medical terminology for this is


a chronic lung pathology characterized by loss of elasticity of the alveolar walls is which of the following?

Compression fracture

a common type of fracture seen in those with osteoporosis is which of the following?

lateral bend to the opposite side

a lateral tilt (unsupported side) of the pelvis results in which of the following motions of the vertebral column?

reversal of muscle action of the muscles of the shoulder complex

a person attempting to catch her breath will often place the upper extremitites in a closed chain position. which principle of muscle action accounts for why this is effective?


a person with a spinal cord injury above which of the following levels would require ventilator dependency?

posterior tilt of pelvis and flattened lumbar curve

a person with a thight hamstrings will likely adopt which of the following compensatory postures?

Ankylosing spondylitis

a spinal pathology characterized by chronic inflammation of the vertebral column and SI joints is which of the following?

air hunger

another term for forced expiration is?


at rest, what is the shape of the diaphragm muscle?

the size of the thoracic cavity increases, and the air pressure inside decreases

during inspiration, air moves into the lungs due to which of the following explanations?

makes the stronger hip flexors actively insufficient

having a client bend the hips and knees to do sit-ups for abdominal strengthening instead of keeping the legs straight serves what purpose?

rectus abdominis

patients in hospitals will often use an instrument called an incentive spirometer to assist in fully expanding the lungs after surgery or prolonged bed rest. this has the patient focus on deep inspiration and activates the diaphragm, external intercostals, and the scalenes except the

External intercostals

quiet inspiration requires the use of which of the following?


the bony landmark of the vertebra that makes up the anterior portion of the neural arch is call the?

xiphoid process

the most inferior tip of the sternum is?


the muscle of the cervical spine that is innervated by cranial nerve XI is the?

Quadratus lumborum

the muscle that originates on the iliac crest and inserts on the 12th rib and transverse processes of T12 to L5 is the?

suboccipital muscles

the posteriorly located muscles that primarily serve to extend, laterally bend, and rotate the head are called the?

Extension and lateral bend

the rector spinae are prime movers in which of the following motions?

anterior right rotation

the rotation of the pelvis just before the right foot begins stance phase is

posterior longitudinal ligament

the spinal ligament that runs posteriorly along the vertebral bodies inside the vertebral foramen is called the?

transverse abdominis

the trunk muscle whose primary function is a compression of abdominal contents is the?

head flexors are being strengthened; head extensors are being stretched

when you instruct a client in a "chin tuck" exercise, which of the following is occurring with the head muscles?

flex and laterally bend to the right; rotate to the left side

which is the best instruction to most effectively stretch the left sternocleidomastoid muscle?

side-lying over an exercise ball, laterally bend to right

which is the best position and instruction for scoliosis client to strenghten lateral benders of the right side of the trunk?

External intercostals

which muscle originates on the rib above and insert on the rib below and serve to elevate the ribs?


which muscle originates on the xiphoid process, the ribs, and the lumbar vertebra and inserts on the central tendon?

prone, raised head and shoulders with focus on the "down" part of the exercise

which of the following is the best position to achieve eccentric strenghtening of the trunk extensors?


you read in a trauma patients chart that he has ribs fractures and a collapsed lung. another term for collapsed lung is which of the following


A crush injury to the tibial nerve could cause weakness of which of the following muscles?

30 degrees

A normal finding for a lumbosacral angle would be?


An increase in posterior tilt of the pelvis is associated with which of the following motions of the vertebral column?


Descending the stairs and leading with the right foot, the right quadriceps muscles are performing which type of muscle contraction?


During weight-bearing knee extension, in which direction does the femur rotate on the tibia?

rectus abdominis

Intertransversarii, scalene, and rectus abdominis, when contracted unilaterally, will produce lateral bend of the spine EXCEPT

Soleus (semitendinosus, gastrocnemius and the short head of biceps femoris)

Prime movers of knee flexion include all of the following EXCEPT the

auricular surface

The bony landmark of the sacrum that makes up the lateral surface and articulates with the ilium is called?

medial condyle

The bony landmark of the tibia that comprises the proximal medial end is called the


The bony landmark on the ischium that is posterior and located between the greater and lesser sciatic notches is the?

saggital plane

The facet joints of the lumbar spine primarily run in which plane to allow good spinal flexion and extension?

Extend knee and flex the hip

To fully stretch the hamstrings, you should do which of the following motions?

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