Chapter 15,18 Resistance and Aerobic Program Design

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Give some examples of movement-related resistance training exercises that will help with rowing?

power clean, bent-over row, seated row, hip sled, horizontal leg press, deadlift, good morning

Describe exercise progression for 1-4 weeks of aerobic training?

week 1 = 4 x per week 70-85% THR for 40 mins. / Week 2= 5 x per week (frequency increase) intensity= 70-85 % THR of 45 mins (increased time) , week 3= 4 x per week, intensity= 70-85%, 40 mins THEN 1 day, intensity= 60-75 % THR, 50 mins, Week 4 = 4 workouts, 70-85% THR 45mins, one time per week for 50 mins, 60-75 %, THR

___ Means an athlete must train in a specific way to produce a precise change


What is a split routine?

training different muscle groups on the same day (back and biceps)

In an Aerobic Training program what is the normal frequency of having rest days in a week?

1 rest day per week, preferably Sunday. Working Mon-Sat.

Tell me the percentage and reps you would assign for a shot putter, weightlifter, or high jump?

1-2 reps a 80-90% of your 1 RM

What are the Aerobic endurance training program design variables?

1. Exercise mode 2. Training frequency 3. Training intensity 4. Exercise duration 5. Exercise progression

What are some problems with the estimated 1RM% table?

1. May perform more reps on a machine 2. May perform more reps with lower body core workouts 3. Small muscles may not produce the sufficient amount of repetitions 4. Best use of table is >75% at < 10 repetitions to get a proper estimation.

What are the 7 variables in designing a resistance training program?

1. Needs analysis 2. Exercise selection 3. Training frequency 4. Exercise order 5 Training load and repetitions 6. Volume 7. Rest Periods

Core, Power, and Assistance training what is the correct order that we should write our workouts with these three moves?

1. Power 2. Core 3. Assistance

1RM testing protocol?

1. Warm up 5-10 light reps 2. 1 min rest, 3. 3-5 reps adding 10-20 upper body / 30-40 lbs lower body exercises (larger muscles) 4. 2 mins rest 5. Complete 2-3 reps by adding same number of weights. 5. 2-4 mins rest 6. Load increase 10-20 Upper 30-40 lower 8. Instruct athlete to perform 1 RM 9. 2-4 mins rest if completed 1 RM. 10. If failed to lift 1RM then decrease Upper-5-10 and lower by 15-20 and make them try again. **Now you have their 1RM.

List the proper estimated repetitions for these percentages of 1RM lifts. 100-95-93-90-87-85-83-80-77-75-70-67-65 ?

100-1R, 95-2 R, 93- 3R, 90-4R, 87-5R, 85-6R, 83-7R,80-8R, 77-9R, 75-10R, 70-11R, 67-12R, 65-15R

interval training

3 to 5 minutes (with a work:rest ratio of 1:1); performed at an intensity close to VO2max.

repetition training

30 to 90 seconds (with a work:rest ratio of 1:5); performed at an intensity greater than VO2max.

Tell me the min-max days to workout to see an increase in your v02max (aerobic capacity.)

5 days a max, 2 days minimum to improve v02max

What is the load and rep goal for Hypertrophy?

67-85% at 6-12 reps

Tell me the percentage and reps you would assign for a basketball player, volleyball?

75-85% 1RM with 5 repetitions.

Based on training goal strength what is the goal repetitions and the sets?

<6 reps and 2-6 sets

What is the load and rep goal for Muscle Endurance?

<67% and > 12 Reps

What is the load and rep goal for strength?

>85% and <6 Reps

Which of the following lower-body movements are important when Allison jumps to block a shot while being a goalie in soccer? (Select all that apply) A. Hip extension B. Hip Flexion C. Knee extension D. Knee Flexion

A and C

exercise economy

A measure of the energy cost of activity at a given exercise velocity.

ratings of perceived exertion (RPE)

A method to regulate intensity during aerobic endurance training. Typically, the 15-point Borg scale is used, although the category-ratio scale could be used as well.

Based on the goalie position what injury are we afraid of Allison getting? A. Acl Tear B. Compartment Syndrome C. Elbow Dislocation D. Shoulder Separation

A. Acl Tear

Which of the following types of training is conducted at an intensity equal to the lactate threshold? A. Pace/tempo B. Interval C. Repetition D. Fartlek

A. Pace/ Tempo

What is AMPHR ?

Age Predicted Maximal Heart Rate

pace/tempo training

Approximately 20 to 30 minutes; performed at an intensity at the lactate threshold—at or slightly above race pace.

Fartlek training-

Approximately 20 to 60 minutes; performed at an intensity varying between the LSD and pace/tempo training intensities.

What is the better exercise to use during rehab of your athlete core or assistance exercises?

Assistance exercises

Which of the following is the method most commonly used to assign and regulate exercise intensity? a. oxygen consumption b. heart rate c. ratings of perceived exertion d. race pace

B. Heart Rate

Which of the following is the primary movement that Allison will make while playing goalkeeper? A. running B. Jumping C. Pushing D. Pulling

B. Jumping

Explain the difference in training age and training stress between a beginner, intermediate, and advanced resistance training individuals?

Beginner < 2 months and no training stress / Intermediate 2-6 months weight room experience , medium training stress / >1 year and high training stress and weight room knowledge.

What are the three stages of classifying an athletes training age?

Beginner, intermediate, advanced (Olympic lifting)

Give me training frequency workouts per week in order to be categorized as a beginner, intermediate, and advanced?

Beginner- 2-3 x pw / Intermediate - 3-4 x pw/ Advanced- 4-7 pw

Performing upper body exercises and then switching to lower body exercises with only (20-30) seconds of rest is called what type of training?

Circuit Training

uses multiple muscle groups (typically one large muscle group that does a lot of the work)

Compound exercise

In Exercise selection what is the difference between core and assistance exercises?

Core exercise= one or more large muscles( chests, shoulder, thigh) and 2 or more primary joints (multi-joint exercises) Assistance exercises= use small muscles (neck, upper arm, calf) involve only 1 primary joint (single joint exercise)

The longest aerobic endurance training sessions should be performed during which of the following sport seasons? A. Postseason B. Preseason D. off-season

D. Off Season

The loss of physiological adaptations upon the cessation of training is an example of?


Basically Describing exercise progression 1-4 weeks aerobic training?

Each week you will increase frequency and intensity introducing different workout days.

What does it mean to profile an athlete?

Evaluating the athletes needs and goals helps create the best program.

Describe the importance and stages of a needs analysis?

Evaluation of the requirements and characteristics of the sport and an assessment of the athlete.

An improvement in ___ ____ an enhance maximal aerobic power (V02max) and latate threshold.

Exercise Economy

__- refers to a sequence of resistance exercises performed during one training session.

Exercise order

___ Involves choosing exercises for a resistance training program?

Exercise selection

Explain what pre-exhaustion is?

Exhausting a muscle group on purpose. Doing a leg curl then immediately going straight to a back squat to purposely isolate, and exhaust the hamstrings.

T or F training in the morning and using a machine instead of free weights are examples of the overload principle?

False increasing weight, using free weights over the machines, training more frequently are examples of overload.

T or F a 12 year old middle school soccer player says he has an advanced lifting status, you let him do a dead lift without teaching him form?

False we would ask how he performs a lift, allow him to prove he can do it with no weight, and then let him progress accordingly

T or F the higher the intensity the longer the workouts should be?

False, usually the higher the intensity the shorter the workouts will become.

Fartlek training uses what type of terrains?

Flat and hilly terrain

The difference between the maximal and resting heart rate is called?

HRR Heart Rate Reserve

What is the most popular method to predict aerobic endurance?

HRR= (MHR- RHR) x Intensity (% decimal form) + RHR = Target Exercise Heart rate...

Power and Strength week what is a good idea to lift Monday, wends, Friday?

Heavy -Monday (Full Rep Max), Wends (Light 80% of Mondays load) , Friday medium (90% of Mondays load)

Which of the following adaptations occur as an outcome of an aerobic endurance training program? I. increased oxygen delivery to working tissues II. higher rate of aerobic energy production III. greater utilization of fat as a fuel source increased disturbance of the acid-base balance

I, II, and III only

Describing the general training priorities by sport season the IN-SEASON what is the sport practice and resistance raining (Low, medium, high) and what is the resistance training goal?

In-Season Sport practice High and Resistance training low/ Resistance training goal maintenance of preseason training goal.

Give me some examples of lifts that will help the movement patterns of freestyle swimming?

Lat pulldown, lateral shoulder raise, forward step lunge, upright row, barbell pullover

What is the 2for2 rule?

Lifting 2 more reps than your goal repetitions for 2 weeks (last set of your workouts) . Means you need to increase the weight accordingly.

__ simply defined as the amount of weight applied to an exercise?


What does MHR stand for?

Maximal Heart Rate

___ this is defined as the product of force and displacement?

Mechanical work

MET is defined as?

Metabolic Equivalent for tasks 3.5 ml x kg x min oxygen consumption

What type of program would you design to allow people to be less tired throughout the day?

Muscle Endurance Program

When analyzing a goalie describe from a Muscular, Cardiorespiratory, speed, power, agility aspect from (Low, med, High) what the physiological aspect of her training should revolve around? (Muscular choices Power, Hypertrophy, Endurance, Strength)

Muscular= Power, Cardiorespiratory- low, Speed= medium, Power = High, and Agility = High

Sport Season Objectives and Program Design Adjustments for Off-SEASON (base training). Tell me the Objective, Frequency, Duration, and Intensity?

Objective- Develop sound conditioning base , Frequency= 5-6 x per/wk , Duration= Long, Intensity= Low to moderate

Sport Season Objectives and Program Design Adjustments for PRESEASON. Tell me the Objective, Frequency, Duration, and Intensity?

Objective- Improve factors important to aerobic endurance performance , Frequency= 6-7 , Duration= moderate to long Intensity= moderate to high

Sport Season Objectives and Program Design Adjustments for Aerobic IN_SEASON Tell me the Objective, Frequency, Duration, and Intensity?

Objective- Maintain factors important to aerobic endurance performance , Frequency= 5-6 (training and race) , Duration= short, Intensity= Low training

Sport Season Objectives and Program Design Adjustments for POSTSEASON. Tell me the Objective, Frequency, Duration, and Intensity?

Objective= Recovery from competitive season , Frequency= 3-5 , Duration= short, Intensity= Low

Describing the general training priorities by sport season the OFF SEASON what is the sport practice and resistance training (Low, medium, high) and what is the resistance training goal?

Off season- Sport Practice= Low/ Resistance training = High/ Resistance goal= (initially) hypertrophy and muscular endurance; then strength and power (later)

How many training sessions per week are there in offseason, pre-season, in-season,, and postseason ?

Off-season (4-7) / Preseason (3-4) / In-season (1-3) / Postseason ( 0-3) (active rest)

What is the difference between open and closed kinetic exercises?

Open - feet don't touch the ground, closed the feet or hand touch the ground and don't move during the exercise.

Give me some examples of open and closed kinetic chain exercises?

Open kinetic exercise (bicep curl, lying triceps extension, bench press) (lower body = leg extension, leg curl ) / Closed kinetic chain exercises- (pull ups, handstand pushups, pushups, squats, front squats, and leg press and lunges.

___ refers to placing a training stress on the body that is greater than what the athletes body is accustomed to.


What is a good way to estimate the 1RM?

Perform 10 Reps (struggling on the 10th) then calculate the 1Rep max. 2. Perform 1 RM 3. Perform specific amount of reps for an exercise.

What is the problem with lifting heavy all the time when training for power and strength?

Placing to much stress on the joints

What type of program would you design if someone wanted to jump higher?

Plyometric program.

Describing the general training priorities by sport season the POST SEASON what is the sport practice and resistance raining (Low, medium, high) and what is the resistance training goal?

Post season Sport practice and Resistance Training = variable (able to change or adapt)/ Resistance Training goal= not specific (may include activities other than sport skill or resistance training ex. (Dodge ball)

Give me some examples of movement-related resistance training exercises that will help with jumping?

Power clean, push jerk, back squat, front squat, standing calf (heel) raise.

Describing the general training priorities by sport season the PRESEASON what is the sport practice and resistance raining (Low, medium, high) and what is the resistance training goal?

Preseason Sport practice= Medium and Resistance Training= medium/ Resistance training goal- Sport movement specific (strength, power, or muscular endurance depending on the sport)

Problem 1A female cross-country athlete is experiencing a plateau in performance. Upon examining her training program, the strength and conditioning professional discovers that the majority of her training is long, slow distance training. What suggestions should the strength and conditioning professional make to improve the athlete's aerobic endurance performance?

Problem 1: AnswerToo much training time is being spent at low exercise intensities. To improve her performance, this athlete should include more pace/tempo training and interval training. Through the inclusion of higher-intensity workouts in her program, the athlete's VO2max and lactate threshold will be improved and her performance will improve.

Problem 2During individual training sessions, a male cyclist is experiencing fatigue early in workouts that include mostly hilly terrain. He is conducting his training sessions at an intensity based on his most recent race performance, which took place primarily on level terrain. What suggestions should the strength and conditioning professional make about this athlete's training program?

Problem 2: Answer This athlete is beginning his hill workouts at an intensity that is too high, resulting in fatigue and a premature cessation of the training bout. The athlete should use either heart rate or ratings of perceived exertion to monitor exercise intensity during workouts that include hilly terrain.

___ refers to gradually and consistently overloading the body over time.


Describe the effectiveness of push pull exercises to ensure you have a proper amount of time to rest muscles groups between sets?

Push exercises (bench press, Push ups) Pull exercises (Pull ups, bent over row, cable row) by switching between these exercises you are ensuring the proper rest for specific muscle groups.

What is the problem with the RPE scale? Also, explain what it is?

RPE scale (Borg Scale) 1-15 while 15 being maximum exertion. Problems: Environmental distractions (men performing for women) will give RPE's lower than normal to impress the women.

long, slow distance training (LSD)

Race distance or longer (~30-120 minutes); performed at an intensity of ~70% of VO2max.

Based on training goal Hypertrophy what is the goal repetitions and the sets?

Reps 6-12 and sets 3-6

Based on training goal Muscle Endurance what is the goal repetitions and the sets?

Reps >12 and 2-3 sets

Based on training goal Power (Single and Multiple effort) what is the goal repetitions and the sets?

Single Reps- 1-2 and sets 3-5 , Multiple effort event Reps 3-5 and sets 3-5

What is the difference between single and multiple power events?

Single is 1 shot to produce as much power as possible (shot put) . Multiple- is providing many explosive movements throughout a period of time. (basketball or volley ball)

What is the load and rep goal for Power Single effort and Multiple effort?

Single= 80-90% at 1-2 Reps / Multiple Effort 75-85% 3-5 Rps

What does SAID stand for?

Specific adaptations imposed demands

What are the three principles that are critical to develop an effective exercise program?

Specificity, overload, and progression

What joint are you using when you perform a back extension or abdominal crunch?


When assigning a 1RM lift what is the problem with testing bent over row?

Stability muscles will crap our faster during heavier lifts creating an inverse relationship between strength of a certain muscle group. (BACK)

What are the rest period lengths for Strength, Power, Hypertrophy, and muscle endurance?

Strength and power 2-5 mins, Hypertrophy 30 secs - 1.5 minutes, Muscle Endurance <30 seconds

Type of exercise multiple joints loads the spine and the legs are engaged

Structural Exercise

What is the difference between a superset an a compound set?

Super set- works agonist and antagonist muscles with no rest (bicep curl -> triceps extension) / Compound set- performs two exercises that work the same muscle group (triceps push down - > Reverse triceps pull down)

lactate threshold

The speed of movement or the percentage of VO2max at which a specific blood lactate concentration is observed or the point at which blood lactate concentration begins to increase above resting levels.

If someone had a task that costed them 10 MET's to produce what does this means?

This task means their bodies have to produce 10x the normal oxygen consumption than at rest.

What is the problem with too little or to much overload to the body?

To little will not see the physiological changes and to much you will over exert yourself and risk injury or overtraining syndrome.

How will you increase an athletes bench press from 220 lbs to 240?

Train 85% of 220 lifting it 6 rep programs or 90% of 1 RM for 4 reps.

What are two things that we look at when evaluating training status?

Training background and exercise history ( how long have been lifting?)

__- refers to the number of training sessions completed in a given time period.

Training frequency

T or F muscle balance does not mean equal strength, it just the proper ratio of strength and power, or muscular endurance when comparing two muscle groups?

True not equal just the right power to strength ratio

Give me some examples of movement-related resistance training exercises that will help with ball kicking?

Unilateral hip abduction and adduction, forward step lunge, leg knee extension

General examples of load increases for larger, stronger, more trained individuals for upper body and lower body movements?

Upper body 5-10 lbs and lower body 10-15 lbs

General examples of load increases for small weak trained upper body and lower body movements?

Upper body- 2.25-5 lb and lower body 5-10 lbs

Time is an important when working with an athlete. Your athlete has 30 mins to workout with you and you want to work on the power in there legs how would you utilize your time to make the best workout for them?

Use machines over free weights. Although not as sport specific very easy to do progressive overload in a machine (increasing the weight accordingly) and easy to transfer from one machine to the other.

Sample week of LSD, Pace/Tempo, and Interval training program? Utilized each LSD, Pace/Tempo, Interval trainng only 2 x per week. The rest of the week will utilized other training like farlek, LSD, Pace, Interval 1 time per week. Rest day will be Sunday.

Utilized each LSD, Pace/Tempo, Interval trainng only 2 x per week. The rest of the week will utilized other training like farlek, LSD, Pace, Interval 1 time per week. Rest day will be Sunday.

Sample week for Fartlek and Repetition training for Triathlete?

Utlize 1 day of Fartlek and Repition training during the week. The rest will consist of race pace, LS, or tempo run spread throughout the week. Rest day Sunday this can consist of total rest or just an easy light run for Fartlek training.

A highly trained triathlete can have multiple workouts in one day?

Yes, needs to train in the different events to improve exercise economy and give them an idea of what it takes to compete in their competition.

Give me some examples of movement-related resistance training exercises that will help with throwing and pitching?

barbell pullover, overhead triceps extension, shoulder internal and external rotation

During LSD or Long Slow Distance running how should the athlete be able to talk while running?

be able to speak near normal resting conditions.

What is the rule for Aerobic exercise progression regarding increasing intensity per week?

do not go above 10% increases in HRR

During the original assessment how will you define cardiovascular, power, and efficiency in the sport?

find out the position they play, sport type, analyze if it is more anaerobic or aerobic. Then make a specialized workout plan to accustom their needs.

Why is it important to have specificity for an athlete performing a sports specific exercise?

increase muscular power in knee and hip extension for basketball player will more than likely improve their performance on the basketball court.

The three analysis that you need to complete on your athlete?

movement analysis, Physiological analysis (strength, hypertrophy, endurance), and Injury analysis (any problems in specific joints and muscles)

Perform a needs analysis on a shot putter?

movement- low, crouched, twisting... physiological- deltoids, traps, abs, legs engaged.... Injury- had a left strained elbow 2 weeks ago (things like this)

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