Chapter 16-17 Part 1

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Consolidation of 4 major trunk lines transporting goods along major routes eventually transpired.

(B&O, Erie, NY Central (controlled by Cornelius Vanderbilt), Pennsylvania

Mining was the first major industry to attract settlers (often men- many foreigners- esp Chinese) to the west beginning w/ the ________ providing billions of $ to the economy helping to finance the Civil War industrialization, & changing the relative value of gold & silver.

1849 California Gold Rush (Sutter's Mill)

What was the name of the labor union of skilled workers founded in 1886 by Samuel Gompers who unlike Powderly used strikes & boycotts to achieve aims though tried negotiation first, discouraged the membership of women & blacks & believing workers would remain only workers pushed for better wages & working conditions becoming one of the most important labor unions in the country?

American Federation of Labor

Who was the industrial steel magnate (exemplified great managerial abilities) eventually bought out by J.P.Morgan (becoming U.S. Steel) who used vertical integration to control the entire process of raw materials to the sale, & transportation products & used horizontal integration to buy out competitors?

Andrew Carnegie

Eventually, the open range came to an end with harsh winters & summers, overgrazing, & the invention of what by Joseph Glidden created fenced in ranches & farms


Farming on the Plains was difficult as water was scarce (often resorted to dry farming), timber for homes rare (made houses of sod), winters & summers harsh, & farmers dealt with other nuisances such as grasshoppers & locusts that plagued crops. Technology increased helping with farm production. However, equipment was expensive & often could only be afforded by the so called single crop large ______________farms that pulled capital together but in the end because of less diversified farms often ended in bankruptcy.


Sioux War of 1865-1867 was touched off by settlers searching for gold in the Black Hills on what trail that crossed Sioux hunting grounds/reservations in Montana?

Boseman Trail

What 2 areas were populated before the Plains area one of which because of its sighting of gold in 1849 & the other which followed a well known trail?____________&________________

California and Orgeon

What will be made possible by George Eastman's creation of celluloid film (eventually leading to Kodak)?___________________


Industrialization focused in the northeast by entrepreneurs who assumed financial risks. Because of their business practices, admirers called them _____________________ while those resentful of their practices called them robber barons.

Captains of Industry

Eventually, settlers overrunning settlements will kill off the buffalo due to sport & profit for hides such as by professional hunter "Buffalo Bill" Cody (who also eventually conducted Wild West Shows) Helen Hunt Jackson wrote book ____________________ depicting broken promises of U.S. treaties.

Century of Dishonor

A& P Grocery stores & Woolworth were forerunners of the __________________________ concept often known as "Five & Dime" stores because they bought in large quantity giving ability to sell cheaply.

Chain stores

What was passed in 1882 that due to discrimination suspended Chinese immigration for 10 years?

Chinese Exclusion Act

What was the name of the famous cattle trail that connected southern Texas cattle lands to the rails of Abilene, Kansas?

Chisholm Trail

Gold was sighted in the Black Hills in 1874,near Pikes Peak in 1859, & between 1859 & 1879, John Mackay & three partners formed a company hitting the Big Bonanza of the richest discovery esp of silver in the history of mining known as the ___________________ in Virginia City, Nevada.

Comstock Lode

What was the name of the construction company controlled by an inner ring of shareholders of the Union Pacific resulting in scandal when it overcharged for its services of building track & bribed congressmen/legislatures preventing investigation of its activities?

Credit Mobiler

By the 1870s-80s, some reformers introduced the idea of assimilating the natives into white culture making them "civilized" by educating them in white schools (such as the Carlisle school) to bring them into the white culture. With the adoption of this policy, govt ended treaty making w/ Natives & tribal recognition thus making natives who broke govt laws liable in court. What act was passed that would assimilate them by dividing reservations into individually owned plots of land owned by natives (worst land) w/ surplus land sold off to white settlers ($ to be given to indian schools)& provided for citizenship?

Dawes Act

______ was an entrepreneur who created a steam engine & allowed the drilling of the first oil wells.

Edwin L. Drake

Taking advantage of land opportunities like other homesteaders were African Americans called____________________ who fled the discriminatory Black Codes of the South to start a new life


the Sioux under Chief Red Cloud ambushing Captain William Fetterman & his troops known as the

Fetterman Massacre or the Battle of the Hundred Slain.

Foreign immigrant miners faced discrimination such as with the ________________ tax.

Foreign Miners

By 1893, ______________________________ (historian) gave famous lecture "The Significance of the Frontier in American History" on which he argued that on the western frontier the distinctive qualities of American culture were forged: individual freedom, political democracy, & economic mobility.

Fredrick Jackson Turner

Eventually railroad cars included automatic couplers (1867), air brakes (1869), refrigerator cars(1867), and sleeper cars for passenger transportation as created by __________________.

George Pullman

By the 1890s the Sioux turned to their religious leaders & were told to perform what action to restore their way of life?

Ghost Dance

Farmers often joined social groups like the Patrons of Husbandry also known as _______________ to talk about farming & found common problems like falling crop prices, rising RR rates, & heavy mortgages thus leading to eventual Farmer's Alliances & later the ___________________Movement.

Grange; Populist

What did mapmakers begin to call the Great Plains?

Great American Desert

This labor union was founded on the principle of ensuring all Americans received equal benefits from the system & created a platform including an 8hr workday, abolition of child labor etc. Why did the Knights of Labor fail?

Haymarket AFfair and mismanagment

To encourage settlement west, what act was passed by government(west's largest landowner) giving 160 acres to any head of household that paid a $10 registration fee & pledged to live & cultivate it for 5 years (improve land)? This act did not, however, take into account that many farmers did not have cash to move, buy equipment needed & wait on yields from a harvest & much of the land was not as suitable for farming thus needing more than the 160 acres in this semiarid location.

Homestead Act

What was the name of the strike that involved a lockout of steel workers, culminating in a violent battle between strikers & private security agents eventually ending w/ the government calling the state militia out showing the great costs of class tensions due to industrialization?

Homestead Strike

Employers often fired union members, hired scabs (strikebreakers) to replace striking workers, & used the court injunction upheld by cases such as ___________________ that forbade workers to interfere with their employer's business.

In re Debs

What dictated "the iron law of wages"?

Iron law of supply and demand

However, competition & overexpansion bankrupt many RR during the Panic of 1893 having to turn to investment bankers such as _______________________ who refinanced/reorganized ailing RRs & in the process took control of the industry w/ 7 giants controlling the RR. He also took over steel industry forming U.S. Steel later

J.P Morgan

The Gilded Age period witnessed economic divisions that became more & more in society. 1868, Matthew Smith's book, Sunshine & Shadow in New York contrasted the living conditions of the rich/poor. Who was the muckraker journalist/photographer in 1890 that described the crowded/impoverished conditions of the poor in "How the Other Half Lives"?

Jacob Riis

Overbuilding & lines paralleling each other during the 1870's & 80's (some such as_____, speculator, purposely profiting from creating parallel lines) created severe competition leading to special rates & rebates to attract customers & eventual consolidation /merging of railroads.

Jay Gould

Who was the founder of Standard Oil Trust that used consolidation techniques to control 90% of the industry(trusts- structure that gives control over several business firms, usually in the same industry, to a single board of trustees with the purpose of monopolizing a market; & holding co's- that owns a controlling interest in another business but businesses are kept separate) while cutting back on costs of his product & still maintaining quality?

John Rockefeller

With demand in the east increasing after the Civil War, _______ sought the idea of connecting trails that met railheads in Abilene, Kansas to take the beef to market.

Joseph G. McCoy

What was the name of the union led by Uriah S. Stephens & then Terence Powderly that organized workers regardless of skill, creed, sex, or color excluding only "non-producers" & maintained that workers should not strike but work toward cooperation with the goal in mind to "make each man his own employer"?

KNights of LAbor

As a result of the Black Hills Gold Rush 1875 & attempts to Christianize/assimilate natives, what battle took place when Colonel Custer & his 7th Cavalry came in contact w/ a Sioux army led by Crazy Horse & Sitting Bull resulting in the death of Custer & his troops that became known as "Custer's Last Stand"?

Little Big Horn

Court cases also affected legal protection of workers such as in Holden v Hardy that limited work hours for miners because of dangerous work conditions but struck down a law limiting baker's hours in _____________________________________ because it did not pose a danger & violated liberty of contract.

Lochner V New York

Sears & Roebuck & Montgomery Ward connected rural customers to urban products w/ rural free delivery through __________________________________. These consumer markets provided convenience and standardization.

Mail Order Firms

What was the name of the 1864 Colorado conflict led by Colonel John Chivington & his militia ending in massacre of Cheyenne & Arapaho even though were on their reservation & tried in vain to raise an American & white flag

Massacre at Sand Creek

Cattle ranching became big business in the west with its plentiful buffalo or grama grass found in the open range. From whom did the cowboy culture of longhorns, roundups, branding, cowboy language, food, & clothing originate?

Mexican Vaqueros

In 1902 what act set aside proceeds from land sales in 16 western states to finance irrigation projects such as dams, canals, etc especially in the Cali-Arizona region

National Reclamation act OR Newlands Act

In 1877,what tribe led by Chief Joseph, refusing a U.S. order to move to a smaller reservation tried to flee to Canada but eventually surrendered to the pursuing army & was moved to indian territory in Oklahoma


_______was another resource that became important for oiling machines, lighting homes w/ its byproduct kerosene & other uses creating a world market.


At what point (city & state)did the two railroads join placing a golden spike @ its location?

Promentary Point Utah

What was the strike in 1894 of workers (manufacturing of RR sleeper cars) in their company owned town went on strike due to wage cuts (during the 1893 Depression) but rents in the town remained high?

Pullman Strike

Strikes had a great impact on industry, labor, & public attitudes. What industry was involved in the Great Strike of 1877 (said to be impeding interstate commerce) in which more than 50 people died?


A large part of government land grants went to the _______ who encouraged settlement by building track & advertising westward movement


What was considered to be the "nation's first big business" that impacted the economy by including more direct routes, greater speed, greater safety, large volume traffic, dependable schedules, year round service reaching areas some transportation could not, encouraged economic specialization, linked economies & created cities, & spurred growth in other industries as a result of consuming large quantities of iron, steel, glass, & coal? (p641,635-6)


1874-5, the Commanche & Kiowa resistant in the Tx panhandle to govt reservation policies were eventually crushed by the U.S. army including the feared "buffalo soldiers" in the _________________ ending warfare in the SW.

Red River War

After the 1850s, due to settlers wanting land, gold, & govt wanting a transcontinental railroad, govt policy changed from making treaties to designating them to a concentrated policy of ___________. (Most in Dakotas & Oklahoma where land/ gold were not an issue) Conflict continues as natives had trouble adapting to reservations & white settlers wanted gold/land.


The 1890 Census, indicating the closing of the frontier, concerned him as moving west had always been a _________________________ for allowing the discontent to find economic promise.

Saftey Valve `

By the late 1800s, the last of the homestead territories was given out by removing Native Americans from the Indian territory of Oklahoma. So many people came that they were sweeping up the territory before government made available thus giving what nickname to Oklahoma? (INB/646-7,660,679) __________________ state


Often the land set aside for the Homestead Act was not actually given to those whom intended. Who took advantage?


What product was created from iron by a new technique called the Bessemer Process in the late 1850s of injecting air into molten iron to remove its carbon & other impurities aiding in the building of railroads, bridges, etc?


What invented by Cyrus Field will make possible electronic telegraph messages between U.S. & Europe?

Telegraph Cable

The two most impactful inventions, however, were Thomas Edison's distribution of electricity (& incandescent lightbulb which freed factories & cities from having to be located near waterpower & electrified other devices- Westinghouse eventually improved on w/ high voltage distribution & Tesla w/ alternating current) & Alexander Graham Bell who revolutionized communication with the ______________________.


Other acts such as the __________provided additional acres w/ qualifications.

Timber Culture Act, Desert Land Act, & Timber & Stone Act

By 1869, the first transcontinental railroad was created by the ___________ & _______________ railroads built mostly through the labor of immigrants (esp Chinese), Civil war vets,& minority groups who faced danger while blasting mountains, disease, & indian attacks.

Union and Central Pacific

eeing this as an act toward war, the rest of Custer's 7th Cavalry rounded up the Sioux in the Dakotas... a shot rang out & the result was the massacre of all the Sioux becoming one of the last major conflicts ending the Ghost Dance called the Battle of ______________________.

Wounded Knee

Labor Unions never included more than 10% of industrial workers primarily because of craft, ethnic, mobility, & attitudes that were not accepting of the sometimes radical nature. Employers against unions often used methods such as ___________ contracts which said if employed they would not join a union, lockouts which closed the factory to break a labor movement, or blacklists to hinder employment of pro-union workers.

Yellow Dog `

1870-1900s, Americans settled more land west of the Mississippi than had been occupied by Americans in all the years before 1870. Settlers, often traveling in family units with each having responsibilities, moved for _________& other reasons as the nation grew in population in need of the demand for beef & agricultural products.(often moved in times of prosperity)

adventure, opportunity (land, cattle ranching, gold), escaping religious persecution (Mormons)

As a result of police shooting 2 striking workers involved in a strike at the McCormick Harvester works, a protest was held @ Haymarket Square the next evening. What happened @ this protest that will cause the public to turn against the striking workers thus weakening the labor movement?


With new products, advertising from roadside signs to newspapers became widely used creating American consumers w/ a high demand for new products while connecting markets & sometimes convincing of needs they didn't know they had before. Brand names such as Kelloggs became widely known. R.H. Macy, John Wanamaker, & Marshall Field created a new concept in shopping with the ______________________ with service as its focus.

department stores

In Carnegie's "Gospel of Wealth" he supported Social Darwinism but also the moral & social responsibility of the wealthy to __________________________.

engage in philanthropy

What was the name for the doctrine of "social selection" based on the ideas of Herbert Spencer that tried to explain human progress in terms of a "survival of the fittest" and was often used to justify the business tactics of these tycoons as well as laissez faire capitalism?

social darwinism

After the Civil War, it became apparent the importance of standardization of railroads for long distance travel with standard gauges& __________ that were specifically created for railroads to meet shipping times.


Labor, though real wages improved, experienced @ least 10hr workdays, safety conditions that were low, & work that was impersonal. Rural farmers tended to have great difficulty adapting to the clock & having employers. Workers often found themselves easily replaced & paid low wages because they were __________________laborers.


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