Chapter 16

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Which city became the banking and commercial center of Europe?


The primary instrument of Dutch overseas trade was the

Dutch East India Company

How did the Treaty of Utrecht resolve the problem of succession to the Spanish throne?

Louis XIV of France's grandson, Philip, was placed on the Spanish throne with the agreement that the French and Spanish thrones would never be united

Which section of this charter best demonstrates the Dutch traders' ability to become so economically successful via merchant shipping?

Section IX because they allowed the Dutch West India Company entirely free access to the United Provinces without paying tolls on ships or goods

The execution of Charles I

was approved by a Parliament purged of moderates-the Rump Parliament

The English civil war was fundamentally fought over

whether Parliament or the king would have the power of the purse and sovereignty

Couperin, Lully , Moliere are all associated with what?

French Classicism

Which of the following is the correct order of succession in France?

Henry IV, Mazarin, Louis XIV

The Fronde refers to

a rebellion by aristocrats and others early in the reign of Louis XIV

French foreign policy under Richelieu focused primarily on the

prevention of the Hapsburgs from unifying the territories surrounding France.

Bossuet and Hobbes both supported strong governments but differed in their reasons. While Hobbes based his views on man's selfish and aggressive nature. Bossuet argued for

the divine right of kings

Which of the following dynasties is correctly identified with the region it ruled by 1715?

Bourbons in France

Which of the statements above is/are true

II, III, and IV

French intendants were almost always recruited from the

New, judicial nobility, nobility of the robe

What were the two most important models of European political development in the early modern period?

parliamentary monarchy and political absolutism

Among the weaknesses of the French financial system under Louis XIV were all of the following except

Lack of direction in state financial and economic policy under the incompetent Colbert

What British historical document was Charles I most guilty of violating

Magna Carta

Who created the cornerstone of French absolutism?


According to this passage what event was Charles I guilty of instigating?

The English Civil War

Which of the following reflects the chronological order of events in English History?

the English Civil War- the Restoration-the Glorious Revolution

After Cromwell died in 1658, the English were ready by 1660 to restore

the monarchy and diplomatic relations with Spain

Which of the following introduced the policies of Mercantilism?


Immediately after the events in the passage, which of the following statements best describes the future of Britain's government?

it closely resembled a military dictatorship, led by Oliver Cromwell

What role did the Duke of Sully play in the rise of absolutism in France?

As minister to Henry IV, he was instrumental in helping the monarch consolidate his power

In what way does the Charter of the West India Company reflect mercantilist thought?

By encouraging the exportation of products into the West Indies and Africa

Based on the reasons provided in the passage, Charles I's execution would most likely be supported by which of the following

John Locke

The Baroque palaces of central and eastern European princes were modeled on


Based on the information provided and your general knowledge of this topic, which of the following would explain the initial economic successes of both the Dutch West India Company and the Dutch East India Company [also known as VOC]?

the British and Portuguese had fewer ships in Asian waters than the VOC in the Early 17th century

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