Chapter 16

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Jesuit missionaries in China tried to point out parallels between Christianity and ______________.


~Scientific Revolution

Copernicus, Galileo, Descartes, Newton depart from older way thuink challenge think and authority of church

In response to the Protestant breakaway, the Catholic Church reaffirmed and reformed its doctrines and practices through the ____________.


19th Cent Science

Darwin and Marx believe in progress with conflict an struggle not reason and edu,not rational individual, individs in vast system of conflict bio econ Darwin flux, Marx human history social classes, sigmund Freud primal impulse

The central theme of the Enlightenment was the idea of _________.


The Reformation caused serious violence in France between the Catholic majority and the Protestant ______________ minority.


How were individual merchants, wandering Muslim holy men, and scholars able to spread Islam further throughout Africa, Asia, and even the Americas during the early modern era?

. They were not threatening to local rulers and were often quite useful. These people set up informal schools, taught locals Arabic, and offered links to the prosperous and powerful Islamic world.

Kaozheng was a Chinese movement that was intended to "seek truth from __________."

. facts


1517 Luther 95 Theses, theological political indep from church social resent clerical hierarchy women no role-saints, convenets, official printing press Conflict 30+ yrs Huguenots and Catholics in France Edict of Nantes tolerate French Protestants 30 yrs war between catholic protestant in holy roman empire, germans died peace of westphalia catholic counter reformation council of trent reaffirm beliefs, correct, Jesuits renew relig and material empire support puritans not convert but push out of north ameri natives missionaries, Catholic spread chri span am and phillipines ---European presence, no literate world religion

Which of the following best describes the state created by Abd al-Wahhab and Muhammad Ibn Saud in the 1740s?

A state based on a pure and strict interpretation of Islam Wahhabism, as al-Wahhab's movement became known, and the Saudi family, descended from Ibn Saud, sought to create a state that would exactly mirror the Quran and its law, known as the sharia.

Which of the following best describes the Enlightenment-era philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau?

Children should be educated in nature, not in society. Rousseau saw society as having a corrupting influence and thought children would be better educated in nature, not in a classroom.

Which of the following was a major difference between Protestants and Catholics in European colonies?

Catholics sought to convert native peoples; Protestants did not. Catholic empires such as those of the Portuguese, Spanish, and French sent missionaries to convert as many native peoples as possible; settlers in Protestant colonies, such as those belonging to Britain or Holland, focused on their own religious communities.

Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, said, "There is no Hindu; there is no Muslim; only ________."


. ____________ were deities who, many Andean peoples believed, would fight back against Christianity and Spanish rule.


Copernicus's "discovery" of a sun-centered universe almost certainly drew from discoveries made 200 to 300 years earlier in present-day _________.


Why was the legal concept of a "corporation" so important to the development of the European Scientific Revolution?

It allowed universities to have a measure of educational and intellectual freedom from church or state authorities. The legal concept of a corporation was unique to Europe and allowed specific institutions, especially universities, to retain the rights of an individual person, meaning they could pursue their own research and teaching without interference from the state.

How did Martin Luther's belief in the Bible as the source of religious truth threaten the power of the Church?

It freed individuals to disagree with the Church's interpretation of Christianity. Luther believed people should read the Bible themselves and did not need priests or other church clergy to help them get to heaven.

What was the radical implication of Sir Isaac Newton's law of mutual gravitation?

It implied that the heavens and the earth obeyed the same laws. An apple falls to the ground under the same force and in the exact same way as a planet orbits the sun, which means that there is nothing fundamentally different about objects in the "heavens."

How might the Hindu practice of bhakti have threatened the social order in India?

It set aside caste distinctions. Bhakti involved direct spiritual union with Hindu deities, making caste distinctions less important than in traditional Hinduism.

What role did science play in the educational systems of Islamic and Chinese societies?

It was marginal. Though some in the Islamic and Chinese worlds were interested in scientific questions, and though both societies earlier led humanity in scientific discovery, such knowledge was no longer seen as relevant to either Islam or Confucianism.

Confucianism enriched by insights from Buddhism and Daoism was called ____________.


Eu Science beyond

Qing like astron and math from Jesuit, math grown out of Chinese ideas so adopt Dutch Japan like anatomical, Ottoman chose not to translate muslim astronomy

______________ means the blending of two or more religions, usually the blending of a dominant religion such as Christianity and native religions involving magic, spirits, sacrifices, and other rituals.


Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, and Sigmund Freud, all inspired by the Enlightenment, cast doubt upon the core Enlightenment idea of human __________.


How does the Enlightenment compare to the Scientific Revolution?

The Enlightenment applied the scientific approach to knowledge to human affairs. The main figures of the Enlightenment believed that certain exact laws governing human society could be discovered, as had happened with areas of natural science, and then a more perfect form of human society could be constructed based on these laws.

Islam expand renew

assimilate islam ritual into local relig system not conquering, using wandering holy men, scholars, traders, which no threat to rulers syncretism offensive to orthodox Muslim, local vs blend wahhab + Saud no like idolatry, think dilution of monotheism of authentic islam

Which of the following best describes the response of Chinese, Japanese, and Ottoman scholars to the Scientific Revolution?

They adopted some of the more practical aspects, such as mapmaking and the study of anatomy, but little beyond that. In China, Japan, and the Ottoman Empire, small groups of elite scholars knew of the advances in European science, but for the most part they did not adopt the major philosophical and social shifts implied by these discoveries and which were at work in Europe.

How was Wang Yangming's Confucianism MOST similar to Martin Luther's Christianity?

They both saw truth as innately accessible for every human being. Wang Yangming believed that one need not always listen to the more educated or to society's elites, but rather that truth and morality could be found through introspection, an argument similar to Luther's idea of salvation through "faith alone."

How did Europeans commonly react to African slaves' syncretic religions, such as Santeria and Vodou?

They considered these religions to be satanic witchcraft and tried to suppress them. Syncretic, or blended, religions—formed from elements of Christianity and elements of West African religious practices, such as animal sacrifice and ritual dancing—appeared to Europeans as sorcery or even devil worship, and they strictly forbade their slaves to participate in them.

Why did certain princes and kings embrace Luther's ideas?

They had long resented the pope's political power over them. For many central and northern European rulers, breaking away from the Catholic Church also meant gaining political and economic control over their own territories.

Why did Sikhism evolve from a peaceful religion into a militant community?

They had to defend themselves against both Mughal and Hindu hostility. Though the Sikhs intended to blend Hinduism and Islam into a religion of peace, they found themselves under attack from both Hindus and Muslims for their attempt to build a new religion, and eventually had to learn to fight to survive.

In what way did most Native American peoples in the Andes and Mexico respond to the imposition of Christianity on their culture?

They incorporated their older religious beliefs into Christian doctrine and practice. Though some movements in the Andes and in Mexico urged natives to remain loyal to their old religious beliefs, most native peoples fused their old beliefs with Christianity, for example by replacing traditional gods with Christian saints, but performing largely the same rituals as earlier.

Which of the following best describes the behavior of the Jesuits in China?

They learned about and adopted much Chinese culture and learning. Jesuit missionaries, who were highly educated, were of interest to Confucian Chinese leaders, who also were highly educated, and the Jesuits found that exchanging ideas and learning from the Chinese was a more useful strategy for getting a foothold in China than outright conquest.

What did many Enlightenment thinkers, such as Voltaire, think about established religion?

They saw most religions as superstitious and intolerant. Like Voltaire, many Enlightenment thinkers saw religion as based on irrational belief, and thus there could be no reasonable dialogue between religions, which often led to senseless conflict.

The ___________ War was the devastating culmination of Protestant-Catholic violence.

Thirty Years'

Which of the following was NOT a result of the Thirty Years' War?

a. Catholic forces regained control over most of Europe. B. About 15 to 30 percent of the German population was exterminated. c. Individual states gained the power to choose Protestantism or Catholicism. d. Europe was permanently divided between Protestant and Catholic lands. Catholic forces regained some territory, but many states became permanently Protestant as a result of the Treaty of Westphalia (1648), which finally ended the Thirty Years' War. (

All of the following explain why Christianity did not catch on in China EXCEPT:

a. Christianity offered little not already offered by Chinese religions. b. Conversion to Christianity was an all-or-nothing proposition and ruled out much Chinese culture. C. Jesuits were viewed as superstitious and uneducated by Chinese intellectuals. d. Western military gains in Asia made many Chinese suspicious of missionaries. The Jesuits and other missionaries continued working under the Qing dynasty after their takeover, which did not help the missionaries' standing in the eyes of many Chinese, who saw the Qing as being foreign and uncultured, just like Christians.

India--hindu and muslim

bhakti Hindu women like, no caste, direct contact with divine, like Sufi Mirabai poet offend caste, sati funeral pyre Sikhism in Punjabs region Guru Nanak say only god hostility from mughal and hindu equal militant

Christi China

china Ming and Qing strong need permit of authorities Jesuits aim at elite Jesuit and Chinese trade-confuc texts, exchange ideas, secular map tech, parallels all or nothing faith, abandon culture offfered none, had dao spirutal papacy oppose Jesuit niceness, ancestors is idolatry, so then missionaries expelled discredit Qing-work for them, foreign miracles superstitious cannibal holy communion missionaries subversive, relig sects peasant rebellion missionaries spies? warshipis on IO

16. In the view of Johannes Kepler, the universe was not so much like a "divine animated being" but more like a ___________.


The Spanish and Portuguese saw their expansion of Christianity to their colonies as part of a tradition of ____________.


Voltaire, like many other Enlightenment thinkers, was a proponent of __________.


The Scottish professor Adam Smith formulated a set of laws that govern the operation of ___________.


Martin Luther believed that ___________ alone would bring salvation.


Europe Origin

fragmented, reinvigorate legal system that give independence--idea of coprotation collective group as unit, with regulate control member autonomy of unis EURstudy of natural order without dicate of church or state, separate from phi, theo ISLAMsciene patronized by local authorities, madrassas colleges Quran and relig important phil and natural science suspicion ChHIN no permit indipendednt unis, civil service, moral classic Confuc Europe draw upon Islam Aab text astronomy, trasnlation of Greeks, Copernicus take from Maragha Muslim observ

Science and Enlightnemtnet

human affairs with human reason enlightnement is long term oucome dare to know! Kant Locke offer constinutional govt without divine rule Voltaire believe deism Deism--abstract Deity like clockmaker, but not personal god intervering Pantheists--god and nature is equal, god shaped by science voltaire idealize china as secular select for talent progress unending Ccondorcet perfection too much reliance Rousseau like immerse in nature, not vic ROmantic emoition passion relig awakenings intense

Abd al-Wahhab called for the elimination of all ___________ from the faith of Islam.


China-new direction old tradition

neo confucianism wang yingming argue truth and moral knowledge innate to person, by introspection, some say too individual, undermine Ming ppl at home practice same as monk in outside kaozheng-research and evidence--study of past popular culture-fiction, paintings

Cultural Rev

sci rev challenge universe of divine purpose, we are center fro god to dote on copernicus say sun is center some more say telescope, change and imperfect heavenly body, other beings, Pascal silecne of infinite space Newton heavenly body and earth same byt gravity law Kepler view is clock, no supernatural force human body opposiiton of church but galigelo and newton were religious

The ideas of the Reformation spread quickly thanks to the invention of _____________.

the printing press

The most important institutions in creating Europe's Scientific Revolution were its __________.


Christi Span Am--distinct, not copy

weak, so religion took hold eur all destroy, exclusive span missionar patient, but sometimes idolatry cause violence resistance in peru taki onqoy--dancing sickness in peru huacas local gods--deities overcome, spirit influence andean christian blend mexico culture blend with local cofridas-church layppl community past rituals with spiritual assistance--some christian candle saint

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