Chapter 16: Splinting Extremities

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Explain how to stabilize a forearm fracture.

1. An option is to place splints on both sides to keep the forearm from twisting or rotating. 2. To apply a rigid splint on a forearm: a. Place a rigid splint on the forearm. b. Secure the splint onto the arm by using either a roller bandage or folded triangular bandages. c. Place the arm in a sling. d. A binder or swathe around the body is recommended. e. Keep the thumb in the upright position. 3. To apply a soft splint on a forearm: a. Wrap a pillow or folded blanket around the forearm. b. Secure with folded triangular bandages (cravat bandages) or cloth bands. c. Place the arm in a sling with a binder.

How do you apply a splint?

1. Cover open wounds with sterile dressing. 2. Check circulation, sensation, and movement in extremity. a. gently line up fracture or dislocaiton b. support the limb c. move gently to line up the parts d. line up the limb above and below the joint e. do NOT force anything into position f. warn the person that any movement of the fracture will cause pain. g. the fracture does not need to be aligned perfectly. 3. Determine what to splint by using rule of thirds. If the injury is located in the upper or lower third of a bone: a. Assume the nearest joint is injured. Extend the splint above and below the joint. b. If the injury is located in the middle third of a bone: Stabilize the joints above and below the fracture. c. Place an injured arm in a sling and swathe (binder). 4. If two first aid providers are present: a. one should support the injury site. b. minimize movement of extremity. 5. When possible, place splint materials on both sides of injured part. a. prevents rotating, keeps 2 bones from touching. b. with rigid splints: use extra padding. 6. Apply splints firmly, but do not restrict blood flow. Check CSM. If pulse disappears, loosen splint and leave fingers and toes exposed. 7. Use RICE procedure. Elevate injured extremity. Do not apply ice packs if a pulse is absent.

How do you splint the humerus?

1. Extend the splint along the outside of the humerus. 2. Apply a sling and swathe over the rigid splint. a. gently place the injured arm across the chest. b. tie a rigid splint to the outside of the arm. c. loop a cravat bandage or strap around the wrist and neck. d. secure the arm to the chest with a swathe.

Uses of a triangular bandage.

1. Open triangular bandage, can be used as a sling. 2. Folded triangular bandage, known as a cravat can be used as a swathe in conjunction with a sling.

How do you splint an elbow in the straight position?

1. Place a rigid splint along the inside of the arm from the hand to the armpit. 2. Secure with a roller bandage or several cravat bandages. 3. Check CSM.

How to you splint an elbow in the bent position?

1. Place a rigid splint from the upper arm to the wrist. 2. Tie a rigid splint onto the arm with cravat bandages. 3. Place the arm in a sling, and check CSM.

Splint the leg using a rigid splint.

1. Place one right splint on the outside and another inside. 2. Push the cravat bandages under the leg and splints with a thin board. 3. Tie both splints and leg together with cravat bandages. 4. Tie knots on top of the splint.

Splint the lower leg using the self-splint method.

1. Place padding between the legs. 2. Push the cravat bandages under the leg with a thin board. 3. Tie the legs together. 4. Tie knots between the legs, over the padding.

Improvise a sling.

1. Place the hand inside a buttoned jacket. 2. Use a belt, necktie, or other clothing item looped around the neck and the injured arm. 3. Pin the sleeve of the shirt or jacket to the clothing. 4. Turn up the lower edge of the person's jacket or shirt over the injured arm.

What are the three methods of stabilizing the wrist, hand, and fingers?

1. Place the injured hand in the position of function by placing a rolled pair of socks or a roller bandage in the palm. attach a rigid splint that extends past the tips of the fingers along the forearm. 2. Place the hand in the position of function and mold a pillow around the hand and forearm. a. tie the pillow in place with cravats or a roller bandage. b. place the arm in a sling and swathe with the thumb in a upright position. 3. Splint fingers by buddy taping them. a. Use gauze to separate the fingers.

Describe the types of splints.

1. Rigid splint: inflexible device used to maintain stability. a padded board, a piece of heavy cardboard, a SAM splint. 2. Soft splint: pillow, useful for lower leg and forearm. 3. Self-splint or anatomic splint: Uses the body as a splint, injured extremity is tied to an uninjured part.

How do you care for a fracture?

1. Seek medical care for: a. any open fracture. b. any dislocation. c. any joint injury with moderate or severe swelling d. any injury in which there is deformity, tenderness, or swelling over the bone e. if the person is unable to walk or bear weight after a lower extremity injury f. if a snap, crackle, or pop was heard at the time of injury g. hot, tender, swollen, or painful injured areas, especially a joint h. uncertainty whether a bone was broken i. if the injury does not improve rapidly, especially over the first few days

How do you splint a shoulder injury?

1. Support the injured arm, slightly away from chest. Wrist and hand should be higher than elbow. 2. Place an open triangular bandage between the forearm and chest. 3. Pull upper end of the bandage over the shoulder on the uninjured side. 4. Bring lower end of the bandage over the forearm and around the neck to the uninjured side. 5. Tie the end to the other end at the hollow above the clavicle on the uninjured side. 6. Check the pulse and fingernail color. 7. The hand should be in a thumb-up position in the sling and slightly above the level of the elbow. To further stabilize the arm, tie one of two swathes around the upper arm and chest. For anterior shoulder dislocations: place a pillow or rolled blanket between involved arm and chest. Use cravats or a roller bandage to secure arm against chest.

What can you do for a fractured femur?

A fractured femur is best splinted with a traction splint, which requires special training to use. 1. Call 9-1-1 immediately. 2. Tell the person not to move, keep him or her lying down. Do not move or attempt to straighten the leg. 3. Apply an ice pack while waiting for EMS. Treat for shock but do not raise the injured leg. 3. Apply an ice pack while waiting for EMS. Treat for shock but do not raise the injured leg.

How do you treat an ankle or foot injury using RICE?

After using RICE, further stabilize an ankle by wrapping a pillow or folded blanket around the ankle and foot and tie with cravats.

How do you stabilize an injured knee?

Stabilize in the position you found it. 1. Options for a straight knee. a. Tie a long, padded board that extends from hip to ankle underneath the leg. b. Tie two boards along the sides of the leg. i. One between the person's legs ii. One on the outer side of the legs c. Tie injured leg to uninjured leg. 2. There are two options for a bent knee. a. Tie a long board extending from below the hip to above the ankle. b. Place a pillow or a rolled blanket beneath the knee. Tie injured leg to uninjured leg. 3. In order to splint the knee in the straight position: a. Lift the injured leg and place a rigid splint under the leg that extends from the buttocks to beyond the foot. b. Place cravat bandages under the rigid splint. c. Place soft padding under the knee and ankle. d. Tie the cravat bandages. e. Do not tie the knots over the injured area. 4. To splint a knee in the bent position: a. Place a rigid splint against the injured leg. b. Do not place the splint against the knee. c. Tie a cravat bandage around the splint and lower leg. d. Tie a cravat bandage around the splint and thigh. e. Tie knots over the splint, not over the leg.

Treat a pelvis or hip fracture.

Stabilize the person as you found him or her. 1. Treat the person for shock. 2. Do NOT lift the legs. 3. Wait for EMS. 4. A long backboard is required.

How do you apply an arm sling? To an upper arm, forearm, or had/wrist injuries.

a. Hold the person's arm slightly away from the chest with the wrist and hand slightly higher than the tip of the elbow. i. Place a triangular bandage between the forearm and chest with the point of the triangle toward the elbow. ii. Pull the upper end of the bandage over the uninjured shoulder. b. Bring the lower end of the bandage over the forearm. c. Bring the end of the bandage around the neck to the uninjured side. i. Tie the other end at the hollow above the clavicle on the uninjured side. d. If possible, secure the point of the bandage at the elbow with a safety pin or twist it into a pigtail. e. Place a swathe around the upper arm and body. i. Hand should be in the thumb-up position, slightly above elbow level. ii. Place padding underneath both knots.iii. Adjust the sling. iv. Only the fingers should be exposed.

When should fractures and dislocations be stabilized?

before the person is moved

In what position of should you splint an extremity?

in the position it was found

How should a forearm fracture be splinted?

in the position of function

What does stabilize mean?

to minimize further injury by holding a body part to prevent movement. All fractures should be stabilized before a person is moved.

What are the reasons for splinting?

to reduce pain, prevent damage to muscles, nerves, and blood vessels, prevent a closed fracture from becoming an open fracture, and reduce bleeding and swelling

How should fractures of the humerus be stabilized?

with a rigid splint

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