Chapter 17

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34. About what percent of incidents of sexual harassment are never reported? A) 20 percent. B) 40 percent. C) 65 percent. D) 90 percent.

65 percent.

1. The term diversity refers to variation in the important human characteristics that distinguish people from one another. A) True B) False


6. Beginning on a major scale in the 1960s, U.S. presidents issued executive orders and Congress enacted laws intended to promote equal treatment of employees. A) True B) False


24. The first African American to lead a major US company was A) Beyonce Knowles B) Ursula Burns C) Sandra Franklin D) Kelly Washington

Ursula Burns

20. Women working outside the home rose dramatically just after: A) World War I. B) World War II. C) The Korean War. D) The Vietnam War.

World War II.

32. In a 2009 case involving Frank Rizzo, the Supreme Court held that: A) Affirmative Action is Constitutional. B) Reverse discrimination is Constitutional. C) A city can discard test scores if they lead to a discriminatory result. D) You cannot discriminate against a person solely because he is white.

You cannot discriminate against a person solely because he is white.

27. How many people are employed by female headed businesses? A) 11 million B) 13 million C) 16 million D) 19 million

13 million

29. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission was created in: A) 1932. B) 1964. C) 1972. D) 1990.


16. The growing diversity in the U.S. workforce is due to: A) More women working than ever before. B) Immigration has reshaped the workplace. C) An aging workforce. D) All of the above.

All of the above.

39. Which of the following is (are) true about child care programs? A) They help reduce employee absenteeism and tardiness. B) They aid in recruiting by improving the company's image. C) They help retain talented employees. D) All of the above.

All of the above.

40. What did General Mills do to integrate family considerations into its operations? A) Established an on-site infant care center. B) Established on-site health care services. C) Offered exercise classes at the company's health and fitness center. D) All of the above.

All of the above.

31. Which of the following is true about the ADA: A) It was passed in 1992. B) Discrimination against someone with AIDs Is prohibited. C) Despite its passage, the percentage of disabled Americans has not changed. D) Businesses have complained about the cost of compliance.

Businesses have complained about the cost of compliance.

17. The variation in the important human characteristics that distinguish people from one another is called: A) Workforce. B) Diversity. C) Difference. D) Affirmative action.


26. How do "glass walls" differ from "glass ceilings?" A) They don't; they are the same thing. B) Glass walls do not exist, only glass ceilings are real. C) Glass walls apply to mid- and lower-level women managers. D) Glass walls focus on sideways promotions in the organization.

Glass walls focus on sideways promotions in the organization.

36. Which of the following is an action that companies should take to manage diversity effectively? A) Only recruit at primarily minority colleges. B) Set up a diversity council to monitor the company's goals. C) Replace existing workers with ethnically diverse workers. D) All of the above.

Set up a diversity council to monitor the company's goals.

35. Which of the following is not a benefit of managing diversity effectively? A) These businesses get tax breaks from the federal government. B) These businesses can often more effectively serve customers. C) These businesses are better able to attract and retain workers from a variety of backgrounds. D) None of the above. Each of these is a benefit of managing diversity effectively.

These businesses get tax breaks from the federal government.

3. The pay gap refers to the inequitable concentration of a group, such as minorities or women, in a particular job category. A) True B) False


18. Age, ethnicity, gender, mental or physical abilities, race, and sexual orientation are what dimensions of diversity? A) Primary. B) Secondary. C) Tertiary. D) None of the above.


10. It is believed that 40 to 70 percent of working women have told researchers that they have been sexually harassed on the job. A) True B) False


15. Under the Family Medical Leave Act, companies that employ 50 or more people must grant unpaid, job-protected leaves for up to 12 weeks to employees with serious family needs, including the birth or adoption of a baby. A) True B) False


2. Today the U.S. workforce is as diverse as it has ever been. A) True B) False


4. The pay gap for Hispanic women declined by almost five percent since 2000. A) True B) False


5. Slightly more than 9 million U.S. women were working as managers by the late 2000s. A) True B) False


28. Which of the following government rules on equal treatment of employees does not apply to businesses? A) Discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or age is prohibited in all employment practices. B) Government contractors must have written positive affirmative action plans to overcome the past and present effects of discrimination in their work force. C) Women and men must receive equal pay for performing equal work. D) Affirmative action plans must be permanent.

Affirmative action plans must be permanent.

38. According to one study, approximately how many businesses run some sort of flexed schedule: A) Twenty percent B) Fifty percent C) Sixty percent D) Eighty percent

Eighty percent

7. The agency charged with enforcing equal opportunity laws and executive orders in the United States is the ADC. A) True B) False


8. Affirmative action occurs when one group is unintentionally discriminated against in an effort to help another group. A) True B) False


9. Under the 1996 McGruff Act, sexual harassment is limited to overt acts of individual coworkers or supervisors. A) True B) False


25. "Glass walls" refers to: A) Fewer opportunities for upward advancement. B) Fewer opportunities to move sideways into jobs that lead to the top. C) Reliance on word of mouth by recruiters for top positions -- "the old boys' network" from which women are excluded. D) A company's lack of commitment to diversity.

Fewer opportunities to move sideways into jobs that lead to the top.

37. What percentage of Fortune 500 companies have diversity programs to promote sensitivity and awareness? A) 25 percent. B) 50 percent. C) 75 percent. D) 90 percent.

75 percent.

22. Women have entered the workforce: A) For income to support their families. B) Due to the inadequacies of retirement plans and health care programs. C) To sustain an accustomed standard of living. D) All of the above.

All of the above.

33. Sexual harassment applies to: A) Only men who are being harassed. B) Only women who are being harassed. C) Either men or women who are being harassed. D) Only attractive employees who are being harassed.

Either men or women who are being harassed.

11. Racial Discrimination is illegal under Title 11 of The Civil Rights Compact. A) True B) False


14. Roughly half of all mothers hold jobs in the United States. A) True B) False


30. Which of the following is not true about the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)? A) It is charged with enforcing federal equal employment opportunity laws and executive orders. B) It was created in 1964. C) It monitors foreign governments' employment practices. D) It was given added enforcement powers in 1972 and 1990.

It monitors foreign governments' employment practices.

23. Which of the following is not true about occupational segregation? A) It concentrates women in traditionally female-dominated jobs. B) The pay gap in American businesses persists, in part, because of it. C) White men have traditionally help most of the high paying jobs in a position. D) The large pay gap for Hispanic workers partly reflects their concentration in several high-paying occupations.

The large pay gap for Hispanic workers partly reflects their concentration in several high-paying occupations.

12. More sexual harassment complaints are filed than sexual harassment cases. A) True B) False


13. A diversity council is a group of managers and employees responsible for developing and implementing specific action plans to meet an organization's diversity goals. A) True B) False


21. Which of the following is NOT an adjective used to describe Millenials? A) Collaborative B) Pragmatic C) Technologically Savvy D) Globally Networked


19. By 2016, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that what percentage of all workers will be women? A) 25 percent. B) 36 percent. C) 47 percent. D) 58 percent.

47 percent.

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