Chapter 17 Bio

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MC: Quercus Rubra : Quercus phellos ::

Aphis pomi : Aphis gossypii

MC: Which of the following was not a consideration for Carolus Linnaeus when he developed his system of nomenclature of organisms?

It should include detailed descriptions of an organism in its name.

MC: Which of the following scientists developed the system of classifying organisms by assigning them a genus and species name?


_________ devised the two-name system of naming organisms.


MC: The organism Quercus Phellos is a member of the genus


MC: The red maple is also known as Acer rubrum. Its scientific name is

acer rubrum

MC: Scientists don't use the common names of organisms because

an organism may have more than one common name, an organism rarely has the same name in different languages, common names are too ambiguous. All of the Above

Corals, spiders,and rodents all belong to the kingdom ____________


Biologists of Linnaeus's time classified every living thing as either plants or ___________


MC: Simple, non-nucleated organisms that use hydrogen to produce methane are in the domain


MC: Two organisms in the same class but different orders

are in the same phylum

MC: The DNA sequences of two species of sharks would

be more similar than the DNA sequences of a shark and a dolphin

MC: As we move through the biological hierarchy from the kingdom to species level, organisms

become more similar in appearance

Each kind of organism on Earth is assigned a unique two-word ____________________

binomial nomenclature

The variety of organisms are all taxonomic levels is called ___________


MC: Refer to the illustration above. A branching diagram like the one shown is called a


MC: Kingdoms are divided into phyla, and each phylum is divided into


Cladistics uses shared and ________ characters to group taxa.


MC: Refer to the illustration above. Each particular feature, such as dry skin, that is used to assign an organism to a group is called a(n)

derived character

A kingdom is divided into phyla when animals being classified or into __________ when plants are being classified.


The domain of the three-domain system of classification are Archaea, Bacteria, and ___________


MC: An organism that breaks down organic matter, which it then absorbs, is in the kingdom


MC: Multicellular, nucleated heterotrophs that always obtain food by absorbing nutrients from the environment belong to the kingdom


Refer to the illustration above. Organisms 4 belongs to the kingdom ________


The first word of a scientific name indicates the ______ to which the organism belongs.


MC: Taxonomy is defined as the science of

grouping organisms according to their characteristics and evolutionary history

MC: Today, biologists classify organisms by their

physical similarities, chemical similarities, behavioral similarities, All of the Above

MC: Most multicellular, nucleated autotrophs that carry on photosynthesis belong to the kingdom


MC: Phylogenetic trees depict

presumed evolutionary relationships based on variety of types of evidence

Eukaryotic organisms the lack specialized tissue systems are member of the kingdom _______


MC: Nearly all single-celled eukaryotes that are either heterotrophic or photosynthetic belong to the kingdom


MC: The kingdom defined as including any eukaryotes that are not plants, animals, or fungi is the kingdom


MC: Carl Woese proposed the three-domain system of classification based on the examination of

ribosomal RNA

MC: The three domain system of classification is based on similarities and differences in ___, which the six kingdom system is based on similarities and differences in ___.

ribosomal RNA; embryological development, fossils, physical feature, and various molecular structures.

A genus is subdivided into smaller groups called _________


MC: The lowest hierarchy level in biological classification in the


MC: Which of the following is the least inclusive classification group?


Aristotle classified plants on the basis of difference in their __________


The science of naming and classifying organisms is called _______________


MC: Poison ivy is also known as Rhus toxicodendron. It species identifier is


MC: The scientific name of an organism

is the same for all scientist all over the world

MC: A mushroom is difficult to classify in Linnaeus's two-kingdom classification system because

it doesn't seem to fit into either kingdom

MC: The correct order of the biological hierarchy from the kingdom to species is

kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species

All scientific names are made up of two words that are often derived from the __________ language


MC: Organisms in different genera

mat share the second world of their scientific names, may be in the same family, may be in different orders. All of the Above

MC: Two organisms in the same order but different families may

may be similar than two organisms in different classes, have the same species identifier, be in the same class. All of the Above

MC: An organisms can have

one genus name and one species identifier

MC: Which of the following is (are) used in systematic taxonomy to classify organisms?

patterns of embryological development, homologous features, amino acid sequences of proteins, All of the Above

The evolutionary history of a species is called its _________


MC: Class : family ::

phylum : order

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