Chapter 17 Civil Liberties

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The First Amendment protects which of the following liberties?

freedom of religion

What was the first provision of the Bill of Rights that the supreme Court applied to the states?

freedom of speech

Civil liberties can be described as which of the following?

freedoms that protect citizens from the government

What year was support for the death penalty at its highest?


The Second Amendment is central to which contemporary political issues?

gun control

The Fourth Amendment protects citizens from which of the following

illegal examination and confiscation of property


incorporation - The process by which the Supreme Court applies the civil liberty provisions of the Bill of Rights to the states.

According to the relevant Supreme Court standard, less- protected forms of speech are those that do which of the following?

lack ideas that hold artistic or social value

The Miller test is used as a standard to evaluate which form of speech?


What percentage of criminal suspects decline to ask for an attorney during questioning?

over 80 percent

According to the text, which form of freedom of assembly has the Supreme Court consistently fund to be worthy of protection?

peaceful demonstrations in public spaces

The Citizens United decision expanded the Supreme Court's protection of free speech into which of the following arenas?

political speech by corporations

An attempt by the government to block material before publication is known as which of the following?

prior restraint

If a criminal defendant decides to represent himself during his trial, we say that he is doing which of the following?

proceeding pro se

The Fifth Amendment includes which of the following under its protections?

protection against self-incrimination

Which civil liberty was the most recent to be incorporated (applied to the states) by the Supreme Court?

protection from excessive fines

Which of the following represents an accurate statement regarding the death penalty?

several states have placed a moratorium on the death penalty.

The Fourth Amendment protects us from what kind of searches and seizures


Even guilty criminal defendants are presumed innocent when their trial begins.


Which of the following is among the most important mid-20th- century limitations on the freedom of political speech?

direct incitement

sunset provision

sunset provision - A clause in a piece of legislation that sets a specific date when the entire law (or sections of the law) will be nullified.

The supreme Court's ruling on the right to die tend toward which of the following?

supporting the autonomy of states in the area of physician- assisted suicide.

What did Justice Alito argue in the majority decision he wrote for the Supreme Court's ruling in the case of McDonalds v. City of Chicago?

that the Second Amendment should be applied to the states.

The National Cathedral does not violate the First Amendment because it does not violate which of the following?

the Establishment clause

Which of the following clauses in the First Amendment pertains to the freedom of religion?

the Free Exercise Clause

Prior to the passage of the Bill of Rights, how many amendments were approved by Congress?


The idea of dual citizenship in the context of civil liberties refers to which of the following?

Americans being subjected to both state and national protections.

Due Process Clause

Due Process Clause - A provision found in both the Fifth and 14th Amendments that guarantees the basic rights of citizenship (protection of life, liberty, and property) and mandates equal treatment in legal proceedings.

Establishment Clause

Establishment Clause - The portion of the First Amendment that prohibits the government from establishing a state religion or favoring one religion over another.

Why might the Supreme Court prohibit a religious practice?

It may endanger human safety.

Which of the following reflects a change in the interpretation of the Sixth Amendment from the past 50 years?

Poor defendants in felony cases are now provided counsel by the state.

In which case did the Supreme Court rule that a person who commits a murder when under the age of 18 cannot be executed for the crime?

Roper v. Simmons

Which of the following laws has had the greatest implications for Fourth Amendment rights?

the Patriot Act

Which of the following is considered a well- protected form of speech?

political speech

The 14th amendment did which of the following?

reverse dual citizenship.

Which amendment protects' rights?

the Tenth Amendment

How many criteria make up the Lemon test?


For the first half of the nation's history, the Bill of Rights protected citizens from which of the following?

the national government

Which of the following rights has not yet been incorporated?

the right to a jury trial in a civil case

Which of the following are considered rights guaranteed to the criminally accused by the sixth amendment?

the right to an impartial jury

Among other things, the fifth amendment protects which right?

the right to remain silent

When did the U.S. Supreme Court first begin to require appointment of counsel to indigent criminal defendants in some cases?


When did the U.S. Supreme Court conclude that indigent criminal defendants are entitled to court-appointed counsel in all cases?


Katz v. US was decided in what year?


What year was support for the death penalty at its lowest?


Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the freedom of religion?

Americans were not always protected from state infringement of freedom of religion

While the original purpose of the privilege against self-incrimination was to allow criminal defendants to remain silent during their actual trial, now the concern is primarily with the possibility of coercing a confession. Why is that a concern?

Coerced confessions undermine the legitimacy of the courts and are sometimes false.

What happened in the aftermath of the shooting that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School in late 2012?

Congress did not renew the federal assault weapons ban.

Which of the following falls into Stage 1 of the Sherbert Test?

Does the government action pose a substantial burden to the person's ability to act on that belief.

Free Exercise Clause

Free Exercise Clause - The portion of the First Amendment that protects the right of citizens to follow or practice the religious belief of their choice.

What was the Court's ruling in Lawrence v. Texas?

It extended the right to privacy to sexual conduct between consenting homosexual adults.

Which of the following contemporary issues relates to the Fourth Amendment?

NSA surveillance



When did the Court establish the trimester system to structure a woman's rights during pregnancy?

Roe. v. Wade (1973)

What was the Obama administration's ultimate decision regarding the U.S facilities in Guantanamo Bay?

to relocate prisoners to facilities inside the US and turn detainees over to civilian courts

What happened in the aftermath of the February 14, 2018, school shooting in Parkland, Florida

Several states enacted laws or executive orders to reform gun control in their states?

Which of the following criteria was violated in Lemon v. Kurtzman?

The government action may not result in excessive government entanglement in religion

The Norfolk Four were accused of rape and murder. Why did the police keep looking for additional accomplices?

They failed to get a DNA match with any of the suspects who confessed.

In which case did the U.S Supreme Court first state that the requirements of the Eight Amendment would change with "evolving standards of decency"?

Trop. V Dulles

In which of the following cases did the Supreme Court clarify the restrictions that states may impose on abortion.

Webster v. Reproductive Health Services

Why is it okay for police to search the trash you leave on the curb, even if it's in sealed, opaque bags?

You have abandoned those items and no longer have an expectation of privacy regarding them

What does it mean to say that the Fifth Amendment protects citizens against double jeopardy?

a citizen cannot be tried twice for the same crime.

Which of the following refers to the situation in which an otherwise invalid warrant is considered valid if the officer believed he was acting within the boundaries of the law?

a good-faith exception

If a court of appeals determines that a criminal defendant did not have effective assistance of counsel at his trial, that defendant is entitled to which of the following?

a new trial

Which of the following might be considered an "exigent circumstance"

a threat to an individuals safety

The 1993 Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act would prohibit which of the following people from buying a gun?

a woman who has been hospitalized with schizophrenia

Oregon's Death with Dignity Act does which of the following?

allows physicians to prescribe lethal medication to terminally ill patients.

A search occurs when the police invade a space in which you have which of the following?

both a subjective and an objective expectation of privacy

Which of the following forms of speech has the Supreme Court protected under the First Amendment?

burning the American flag

civil liberties

civil liberties - Restraints on the government to protect individual freedoms, derived from the Bill of Rights and the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment.

The Bill of Rights does which of the following?

describes what the federal government cannot do

Some people argue that the death penalty makes people less likely to commit murder. What is this called?


Recent changes in our understanding and approval of the death penalty may lead the Supreme Court to do which of the following?

eliminate the death penalty

The Eight Amendment and the court's interpretation of it protect the criminally accused from which of the following?

excessive bail

Which type of speech "inflicts injury or tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace"?

fighting words

The Supreme Court's ruling in Bowers v. Hardwick did which of the following?

found that states could restrict sexual activity unrelated to procreation

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